Books, Fans & Friends

Crazy writing going on right now.  I am bouncing back and forth between chapters 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 as I often write out of order, and then weave scenes together.  Sometimes its useful and sometimes I just confuse the heck out of myself.  Monday I was horribly confused.  Yesterday, after writing until 8:30 pm, I went to bed, feeling a bit more clear.  Today will be about smoothing scenes that are good, adding in connecting scenes, and deleting scenes that don’t move the story forward (which is harder than it sounds because I foolishly get attached to the words I’ve written!).

But I can’t ignore the rest of the world just because I’m lost in my head and book.  The Good Daughter will be out really soon–in just 3 weeks–as is my very sweet, romantic cowboy reunion story, Be Mine, Cowboy, a Harlequin American Romance that is being released the same day as The Good Daughter, on February 5th.  Just a couple weeks after that, my intense, passionate Harlequin Presents, The Fallen Greek Bride, will be out so its exciting right now as I look ahead.

However, I wouldn’t be anywhere without my readers.  My readers are the reason I have three books out next month.  My readers are the reason I’m writing and publishing even when this industry is changing so fast it makes my head spin.

But the ups and downs of being a traditionally published author (meaning published by one of the big NY houses) have been significant, and the uncomfortable, disorienting roller coaster ride has made me question everything, including my desire to write.  But as you know from my blog a month ago, I’ve realized I still want to write…I just need to do it differently in the near future.  I don’t want to give up where I’ve been….I just want new opportunities, too, and a little more control.

So, I will be trying new publishing options this year.  I’ll be writing some shorter stories, like novellas, and I’ll also be writing more single title romance that is heavy on story, but not necessarily overly explicit.  I enjoy erotica and hot love scenes, but I don’t need to write them.  I need to write about women and their lives and their hearts and their dreams.  So that’s what I’ll be doing, and I’ll be self-publishing some, and others might go to an indie publishers, others to my current publishers, and others will be ebooks only.

Which makes me wonder, how many of you read on a Kindle, or a Kobo, or the Nook  (or even your iPad)?  If I had a story out in ebook format only, how many of you wouldn’t be able to read it?

If you can tell me in the comment section below, you’ll be entered to win prize package that includes a $30 gift certificate  (your choice from either B&N, Amazon, or Kobo) AND an advanced reading copy of The Good Daughter AND a copy of Cowboy Be Mine (yes, two sneak peeks at my books early!!) plus lots of fun JP reader goodies.  So this is a serious prize as I truly value your opinion.   The contest runs through Saturday night, January 12th, and I’ll announce the winner Sunday morning, Jan 13th.

So do be sure to let me know if you read on a device, what that device is, and if you don’t…

And before I get back to my book, I’d love to invite my die-hard readers who enjoy being active in the JP blog and reader community, to  join my new yahoo group Jane Porter Fans & Friends.  Be forewarned, it’s a combination of street team–meaning, I’m going to ask you to help me out, and promote me– and chit chat as a group, so we can build community.  I used to have a yahoo group from 2004-2007 and loved it, but closed it for a bulletin board that I didn’t enjoy half so much.  So after much soul searching, I’m starting up a new yahoo group, but its really about coming together with like-minded women, and giving me help so I don’t get lost as I strike out in new directions.  My JP yahoo group is going to be my foundation and my sounding board…I’ll want your advice, I’ll want your expertise, but most of all, I’ll want your friendship, because its no fun being alone.  I love being an author because I have you.

If you’re interested in the group, the link to join is:

Street teams aren’t for everyone, so please don’t feel obligated.  I will continue to have my blog, my contests here, my FB pages, and events, so you will never not have access to me!




  1. I read on my Kindle. I’ve had a Kindle for about 4 years now and actually the first book I bought was Easy On The Eyes. All your previous books I have the actual books. Any format that you choose to publish I will follow.
    As long as you tell us how to find your books, I will buy.
    Good luck!

  2. I read via the Kindle App on my iPhone. There are many authors I have discovered via free downloads from Amazon that I have subsequently bought more because they are ebooks only. If you wrote stories via eBooks; I would buy those too!

  3. I have a Kindle but my daughter uses it the most. I read from my Kindle app on my iPad. I truly hate reading regularly books. With carpal tunnel in both hands it’s hard to hold a book for as long as I like to read. So I put a pillow on my lap, sit my iPad on it and read away!

    I look forward to all the new ways you will be publishing! Good luck!

  4. I read on my kindle. I don’t read print books anymore. The kindle is so much easier to read on. There is no bookstore close to me so I would have to wait for the print books to arrive from Amazon. With the kindle, I can get them instantly. I don’t have to wait on shipping. Before I had my kindle, I had the ebookwise.

  5. I have a first gen Nook, a Kindle Touch, and an iPad. I pretty much read everything off my iPad, using the iBooks, Nook, and Kindle apps. I have the Kobo app, but I’ve only used it once–for one of your books, Jane! :o)

  6. The feeling of paper in my hands and the sound of turning the page makes hardcover or paperback books my preferred choice for reading.

    Being able to enlarge the text and read from the kindle app on my computer during slow times at work without people knowing makes the ebook format very versatile.

    If you enjoy the author’s writings, you will find a way to read their books in any format.

    Keep writing, Jane and we will keep reading!

  7. I read print books because I love the feel and the beauty of books and cherish the memorable and special stories. Occasionally I read on my kindle but love and always will enjoy print. Jane, your dedication and love of writing is wonderful. Best wishes.

  8. Hi Jane, I am still a hardcore book buyer but I also have a ereader and an Playbook tablet that I download books on and they all suit me fine…ereader is great for travelling not as heavy as a book to carry around and if you finish that book you can chose another!!! Love it!

  9. Wow Jane, you are stepping out in faith with a sound plan that I hope and pray will work better for you. Good for you!!!

    I am old school and still read words on paper in book form, but my husband and I just gave ourselves iPhones for Christmas, our birthdays, our anniversary, Mother’s and Father’s Dad and all other holidays for the next year. We have heard that we can download an app that will allow us to read books on the iPhone. It would be most convenient if it works out. We would like to get an iPad, but that may not happen soon. Like others have said here, books with their pages to turn and go back to and reread will probably always have a place in my life…front and center. Please feel encouraged Jane. I believe all of us here want you to happily succeed and keep on writing!

  10. I have a Kindle, and I read “The Good Wife” that way, but still read paper books as well, usually from the library. Looking forward to reading “The Good Daughter”!

  11. I have a Kindle, and the Kindle app on my iPad (that way my husband and I can both read Kindle books at the same time 🙂 ). I would definitely read your books on my Kindle!

  12. I’m excited for you with your plans for new ways to publish your stories. I’m a dinosaur…no ereader and no computer actually at home…but I do have my webtv so I can see websites (like yours) and check email. But, I think it is fabulous for you to branch out with your career and write what you want to write.

  13. I still read dead tree books, but most of my purchases these days are Kindle e-books. I enjoy the ability to access my e-books on my actual Kindle, as well as on my phone with the Kindle app and on my computer through the Cloud Reader. It’s also nice to be able to take my entire library on vacation (no tough decisions about what to read in advance!), though annoying when they make me turn off my device on the plane.

    The only time I’m rather sad about not having a physical book is when I meet an author and don’t have anything for them to sign. If the author is at a retail establishment for the book signing, I always purchase a physical book to get signed as it would feel wrong not to do so even if purchasing is not a requirement.

    If the author is at a reader’s convention or some other event, I am often at a loss about what to do. I know some people get their device covers signed, but mine isn’t made of a material conducive to that. I usually tell the author that I love their work, that I own (x number) of their books in electronic format, and then ask them to sign a bookmark or some other bit of their swag.

    Do you, as an author, have a preference or an expectation of how those who primarily read e-books should act in such situations?

  14. I have an iPad. I have the Nook and Kindle apps and read books on all. I would definitely read your ebooks.
    Sounds like you have a busy year ahead. Don’t forget to schedule some down time.

  15. I don’t have an ereader, but I have the Kindle app on my laptop. I read more print books than digital books.

  16. I don’t have a Kindle, Kobo, Nook, or iPad. So sorry, Jane.

    I prefer printed books so that I can pass them on to my girlfriends’ moms in their retirement residences. If I travelled more often, I might invest in something, but I doubt that will happen any time soon….

  17. I have a kindle and I read on my iphone and imac. My husband bought the kindle for me a couple of years ago in hopes of seeing the # of books TBR on my bookshelves go down. That hasn’t been the case and he has no idea how many are on my kindle waiting to be read!! I prefer to read the most economical way…if a book costs about the same print/eformat, I tend to go with print because I like to hold a book and I like to pass good reads along to others.

  18. Lots of exciting changes for you this year! I have an iPad, but have rarely used it for reading. I still can’t make the jump away from actual print books! There is nothing like getting lost in a bookstore picking up book after book to find your next great read!

  19. I have an iPhone and I will read short stories on it but I don’t like reading full books on it because the screen is so small. My mom has asked me if I want a Kindle but I don’t think I do. I really prefer reading books in print and not on a screen. I’m old fashioned, I guess.

  20. I have a “NOOK”…One of the nice things about it is being able to change the Font to Large! The only negative is some E-Books are too expensive to download. If there isn’t much of a price difference between this and the real thing, then I prefer to buy the book. Hope this helps! I just finished reading the Kitchen Help by Kathleen Grissom-wonderful read! Take care and I will check out your Yahoo site!

  21. I have a Sony ereader. I love it. I’m also considering getting a kobo reader.. but we’ll see. I can read books that are in epud and pdf format.

    So when you consider putting books on digital, just make sure they have several formas! 🙂

  22. I have a Kindle e-reader. I got it as a present to myself for finishing paralegal school last May. I really like it. I took it on a trip with us recently and it was easy to read on the plane and nice to have to not carry several books with me. I still love regular books, and I know I always will, but I do like the new technology which makes it easier to bring books with you places. And the instant read you get when you buy them. Fun!!!!

  23. I do book reviews and have a blog so a ereader is a necessity really. I have a Kindle Keyboard and a Kindle Fire. Since i got a Fire my kindle keyboard has become what i take to the beach when i go because of the anti glare. I have bought and read quite a few ebook only releases. This doesn’t mean i don’t read a heck of a lot of print books though too. Most review books though are in ebook format that i read though.

    A lot of authors are switching up the way they publish and trying new things. I think it’s a good idea and you won’t know how you’ll like it or not unless you take a chance and give it a try. If your not happy where you are and with what your doing it’s worth a change i think.

    Good luck.

    Lisa B

  24. I’ve always loved printed books, but I have a Kindle Fire now, and that’s the only way I read, if at all possible. I live out in the middle of nowhere, so there are no bookstores to browse through, though I still love doing that when I get the chance. I really don’t know what a street team is like, and I don’t blog or have a website, but I do Facebook, so I’m willing to give it a go! Good luck!

  25. I have a tablet that has both the Kindle and Kobo aps on it for reading ebooks…it comes in very handy with all the traveling I do. That being said, I still also do purchase and read traditional books; it all just depends on the book and how/where I plan on reading it as to which format I purchase it in. Hope this helps you out, and best of luck to you in deciding which route to go! 🙂

  26. I don’t have any kind of ereader. So, that wouldn’t work for me. Maybe, one day I will get one. But, for now, I enjoy having the book in my hands. I’m very excited about your new books coming out next month. I wish you the best of luck in your new publishing options. I know you can do it, if anyone can, you can. thanks again for the invite for your new yahoo group too! 🙂

  27. I don’t have any kind of E-readers..Sorry Jane.

    i have bunch of e-copy that i won from various authors but sadly they just sat there on my pc. with two toddlers, i dont’ have much time to sit in front of my computer nicely to read those c-copies.

    I love the smell of papers when i read a book. so this is the only way right now, to read a book, printed books 😀

  28. While I prefer real books, I do have a Kindle and I use it a lot too. I also have the app on my computer and read a lot of them there. So an e-book only would not bother me.

  29. I have an I Pad but do prefer print books still. Your adaptability is admirable as is your strength of character. Good luck in your writing and many more happy times.

  30. Wow, Jane you are VERY busy! I know you have 3 events coming up too to promote The Good Daughter. I am just so excited to see you live and in person at the event in MA…I can’t wait:-) It has been a long time coming!

    I love to read on my Nook:-) I do also use paperbacks, but prefer my Nook as I can always keep it in my purse and read on it anywhere.

    Looking forward to reading the new book and seeing you soon!

  31. PS- I forgot to add how excited I am that you are doing a Yahoo group…I already signed up! I missed the discussion board you had. it was a great way to connect with you and other readers.

  32. HI Jane,

    Thanks for asking…I read on my Kindle…and print books, too.

    Looking forward to reading your latest novels 🙂

  33. I read ebooks on my iphone which is nice because I always have my phone with me. Good luck with all your new endeavors.

  34. I have an iPad, a Kindle and a Nook! But I still like books the best. I try to rotate between books, Kindle and Nook (which I usually read on my iPad).

  35. Hi Jane! I read e-books in all formats, on my kindle app for pc and phone, as pdfs, and even on the nook app for pc.

    I prefer both paperback and e-book formats, so I’m prepared for which ever direction you choose is best to go in.

    I’d love an opportunity to read The Good Daughter before everyone else does, so thank you for that and i will keep my fingers crossed!

  36. I have an iPad for my e reader. I would definitely get your books if they were solely ebooks.

    I love how you are following your heart when it comes to the future of your writing. Good for you for taking a risk and doing what is right for you! Not everyone has the confidence to do that.

  37. I don’t have a Kindle or an iPad, so I am still reading the good old normal books! I would hate to miss out on your work because of that!!

  38. Hi Jane,
    I recently got an I Pad, but I have not read any books on it yet. These sound like great prizes!! I have The Good Woman but I am waiting to read it until the next one comes out. I know that I will want to keep reading so I have made myself set it aside and wait. Plus I have been getting a lot of books from the library lately and they have time limits on them.

  39. I got my daughters Kindle WiFi when she bought a Kindle Fire back when they came out last year.
    I love reading on the Kindle with aging eyes I love that you can enlarge the font size and don’t have to use reading glasses.
    I still buy and read paper books for stories I know I want to keep and read over and over again. I love actual book covers. I find myself deleting books after I read them for lack of a cover to look at.
    Yes, I would buy your books that were only available in e-form.

  40. Hey Jane! I like the fact that you are willing to go on your own and make those harsh decisions. I know that it was not an easy choice and I love the fact that you want to do a more modern romance stories. I am a loyal fan of yours and I will always be. I have a kindle fire that I enjoy to read on and yes, I would buy your books. I have a few already. I also have tons of books that I am trying to catch up on. I wish you the greatest of luck this year and I look forward to The Good Daughter.

  41. Jane,
    I got a kindle awhile ago. It’s really hard to get used to not having a book in my hand but I’m getting more used to it. I’m reading The Good Woman on my kindle now.

  42. I don’t have an ereader of any shape at this time. I only read in paper copy. I always feel a little sad when I see a book is in ebook only since I don’t own anyway to read it.

  43. I have a Nook, and I use it sporadically. I have noticed some advanced copies of books that are entirely on PDF and I have read them on my computer, but after awhile that hurts my eyes.
    I’m glad that authors have these options these days to take more control! It’s really cool to think about the self publishing world and how easy it is to publish your work for others to read!
    I hope things work out for you, I am positive they will!

  44. I read on my nook and my kindle. I am going to be working on some novellas, as well. It’s my desire to have a long and lengthy career which is why I am writing two genres under two names. It’s just smart. And the Yahoogroup is a great idea.

  45. I have a Kindle and have read one book on it but I didn’t enjoy it as much as reading a “real” book; however, I would buy an ebook of yours. It is a changing world and I will follow you wherever it takes you.

  46. Jane, I am looking forward to the two new releases. I read e books on my iPhone and iPad. I use both the apple iBooks and the nook app. I would read your books if the the only came in eformat.

    I also am trying to figure out how to use the library e books.


  47. Jane,

    Counting down the days until Feb 5! Can’t wait for the new books!

    I have a Nookcolor that I have had a few years now and I love it, I get to carry all of my favorite books with me. I still love “real” books to and it is nice to be able to touch them every now and then. I now have a tablet and have the Kindle App on there. Before I did that I would get frustrated if a book was only available on the Kindle and not any other way. It is always wierd to me when a book costs vary so much between Kindle and Nook. I don’t know if you have any control of that if you self-publish, but I think the prices need to be consistant.

    Since you are my favorite, I will buy your books no matter what media they are in.

    Very excited about the yahoo group!

  48. although I much prefer the “real deal” I do have an Ipad that I used to read ebooks after having shoulder surgery.

  49. I have a Kindle for PC, but rarely read anything on it. I spend so mych time on the computer that I do not was to read books on it, too. I still love the feel and odor of books that I can hold in my hands. Dee

  50. Kindle fire and real paper books. If you ever want to “tease” a book for a day for free, see ereadergirl dot com to get the word out.

  51. I was a hold out on ereaders for a long time. Still don’t like them, but look at them as a necessary evil, since some books are only published that way and I’ve won some on-line-etc. My daughter downloaded the Kindle app to my iPad, so that’s how I do it:). Still not my favorite way to read (I miss page numbers!), and have to keep my emotions in check while reading, so I don’t’ hurt the iPad.

  52. Jane,
    I have a Kindle and love it,(have almost a thousand books on it!) and I have and continue to buy zillions of books!!
    I’ll read *you* any which way!

    Hugs, Debora

  53. We have a Kindle which my husband enjoys and I am old school with the print books. I like holding them and turning pages and especially appreciate and admire the covers. Sometimes I pass on my books to my friends and relatives who don’t have any other means of reading but the print, so it works for me. I can adapt to anything though and really love audio books while driving/traveling. How in the world do you keep everything straight with your books, your blogs, your groups, travel, family and us??? You are one amazing girl, truly. Thanks for the fun, Jane! Love the cover of The Good Daughter….Ruth

  54. I’m old-fashioned and still prefer to read a book. I like to hold it, write in it, and turn the pages. I work with computers all day, and much prefer reading a book to viewing a screen.

  55. I am a Kindle reader. I will read a “real” book, but I much prefer the convenience of an eReader. Looking forward to The Good Daughter!

  56. I have a Nook and I LOVE it. It’s not even a touch screen version, it’s one of the first generation models and it makes buying books and reading them so easy. I have stacks of books and overstuffed bookshelves at home, too, so I haven’t completely moved over to digital. I just enjoy both for different reasons. Bonus, steamy romance novels are easier to read on the go if you’re using an e-reader and the whole doctor’s office waiting room doesn’t see the cover of your book!
    I’m excited to see what comes in the new year, Jane. Thank you, as always, for your enthusiasm, dedication, and service to readers!

  57. Hey Jane!! I myself prefer reading the old fashioned paper books. I like being able to flip through the pages. I do have a few e-books on my laptop, but they get read few and far between. I think it is awesome that you are branching out and trying new things. You will do great! 🙂

  58. I read on my Kindle and print books and enjoy them both differently! There is nothing like a book in print but I do like the convenience of being able to download one instantly, and start reading immediately. So I am game to whatever avenue you choose to publish!

    Looking forward to joining you in the Yahoo group. I’ve only been on one before and it was a lot of fun.

  59. Hi, Jane!

    I prefer the tangible feel of a printed book, and I read as many as I can. I have an iPad and have downloaded just a few books, mostly for when I’ve traveled.

    Hope you are having a great day!

  60. Hi Jane,

    My husband does have a Kindle and I borrow it sometimes.
    I do prefer to read in a normal paper book but I have read some of your books on the Kindle.
    It takes me a little longer to read on the Kindle but I’m slowly learning.
    I’ll read your books even if you did not get the published in a paper form.

  61. I have kindle on my smart phone (Samsung Galazy). I have a kindle account and download the books to my phone. I didn’t think I’d ever want a reader…I LOVE to hold a book in my hands. But I’ve found the kindle not only convenient when on the go…on the plane…but also late at night when I can’t sleep. I tuck myself deep in my covers and I read till I’m sleepy. I think you’re venture into ebooks and self-pub is great!! I’ll support you all the way.

  62. I don’t have a Kindle, but I do download Amazon Kindle books onto my Blackberry frequently. I still read mostly paperbacks, though.

  63. Download Amazon Kindle books on my Iphone – use this alot! So glad you’re continuing writing especially about women and their hearts and their dreams. My favorite is still “She’s gone Country” (I live in Montana) but I love all your women and dreams books…thanks!!

  64. Jane,

    I recently purchased a kindle fire around September of this year. I never thought I would like it as I do love the feel, look, idea of a good book in front of me. But I have to say, I absolutely love my kindle. However, I still buy the paperback of my favorite authors…Really, how pretty is a bookshelf with all your favorites??? I won’t give up on all my paperbacks completely. I just borrow the ones to read from my library on my kindle and enjoy a little less weight in my My kindle is always with me as was a book but now it’s just lighter and I can carry more books with me!

    Can’t wait to read all your new books!! And to see you soon!!


  65. I read on my iPad. But I also still buy books, too. No matter what form you go… I’ll still be purchasing your work either way! 🙂

  66. I have a kindle. I like the feel of a real book but the convenience of downloading a book in seconds. I’m Looking forward to reading “The Good Daughter.”

  67. I haven’t come into the 21st century and only read books (form). So if you do go with the ebook format I’ll not be able to read it!

  68. Even though I see some real benefits to reading on a slim, light device, I still only read paper books. I don’t think I could part with them. 🙂

  69. I have an original Kindle but would LOVE to have a Kindle Fire. I used my daughter’s over the holidays and fell in love!

    I’s also love to win the books! I’m keeping my fingers crossed since you’re announcing the winner on my birthday…the 13th which is wierdly enough my lucky number lol

  70. I have a Kindle Touch and I love it. I still read print books but I like the Kindle when I’m waiting in an doctor’s office or on vacation. It weighs practically nothing.

  71. I really like the tangible feel of an actual book in hand. A Kindle or such would be nice-particularly for when I don’t have any more books on hand, and can’t get out to get more. I’m a true reading junkie. They are too much for my budget though, so definitely need to be able to read your books the old fashioned way.

  72. No, I don’t have any e-readers. I think that I don’t like the idea, but, I haven’t really tried one. I do like books, how they feel in your hand and sound when you open a new one.

  73. I’m thrilled that you’ll have novellas out this year! One of my favorite Christmas novellas last year was by a traditionally pubbed author who I believe self pubbed it in ecopy only. I love reading on my Kindle. IMHO, if you don’t do something on your own, you’ll probably regret it.

  74. I can’t seem to break away from the feel and smell of a newly purchased book. So, I’ll continue to do my part to prevent bookstores from becoming obsolete.

  75. I have a Kindle and I also read ebooks on my laptop. I do still enjoy holding an actual book in my hands on occasion though. I guess I’m old fashioned like that. lol

  76. I have a Nook color, a Kindle Fire, an iPad, and my smartphone. I read on all of them I primarily read on my iPad, but if I’m waiting in line somewhere or at a dr. Appt I have a tendency to pull out my phone and read on there. I do still like the classic paperbacks though. I have bookshelves filled of books I still want to read. No matter what form they are in I will read your books! I’m starting the Good Woman as soon as I finish the book I’m currently reading.

  77. There is nothing like curling up with a good book in hand, however, I do own a Kindle and I read on it as much as I do a book. I would definitely read anything you published as an e-book only.

  78. I read on a Nook as my primary source for reading. I like the flexiblity and always having the next book to read handy. I like print books and still get them from time to time.

  79. Hi Jane,
    Congrats on the 3 books next month! I have a kindle that I have not quite started using. For now, I love paperbacks! Not sure why. But I am ready for the digital world although E-books are harder for me to get lost in. Not sure what causes that.

  80. I read ebook via computer, I don’t have e-reader but I think I will buy it soon. I prefer epub format 🙂

  81. Hi Jane! You really do have a lot going on this year. Much success to you as always. I don’t read on an electronic device. I prefer to hold a book in my hand. Perhaps old-fashioned, but that’s me. Have a great day.

  82. I have an iPad, but usually prefer the old fashioned book over a digital copy. That being said, if I couldn’t get your book any other way, I’d definitely buy an e-copy of yours 🙂

  83. Hola Jane!
    Hope your New Year is going as planned. Love the smell of old pages, but I have to say all by reading is on Kindle.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  84. Jane, I’m dying to have a Kindle, but alas, I wouldn’t be able to read your e-book right now.
    Saw Kari A. today and she sure fired me up about your up and coming books! I’m chomping at the bit, as we say in MT. 😀
    Thanks for making this all so much fun and exciting!

  85. An iPad is in my very near future (I just bought 4 as Christmas gifts for my kids) and I will be reading on it… that being said, I love the feel of a real book in my hands, turning the pages, the cover art. I don’t know if reading on a device will ever replace physical books for me, but I do see the convenience, especially as I use commuter trains to get to work.

  86. Hi pretty lady!

    I am totally late for the contest which is totally fine. BUT I love my Kindle touch so much! It’s easy to hold, easy to tote around, easy to get the books. The only thing I don’t like is it’s hard to share books and if you do loan to another Kindle reader-friend, it’s only for 14 days.

    Needless to say, I will continue to read your books no matter what. And honestly, if you have a book that is published in print form, I’ll want you to sign it; and that means I’ll get two! 😀

    see you soon (like saying that)

  87. Hi everyone,
    My apologies for being late in announcing the winner but the injury I sustained yesterday threw things off schedule a bit. I’m catching up today and the winner is –

    #50 Kathy Gee

    Shoot me an email, Kathy, with your address and choice of gift card (B&N, Amazon or Kobo) and I’ll get the prize in the mail.
    Hope all of you have had a great start to your week!
    much love,

  88. I travel for work a lot, and I only buy books on Kindle now. It’s so convenient on the planes (other than that wretched time until you’re over 10,000 feet).

  89. Congrats Kathy! Jane, I hope you are feeling better.

    I have a Kindle. But anyone with a smart phone or computer can download a free e-reader and will be able to read an e-book. Some e-pub sites also allow you to put it out in multiple formats such as .pdf which only takes Adobe. While there won’t be a secondary market for an e-book, they should still be readily available to most people. So excited to see where you go next with your writing (and congrats on 3 books out at once! That sounds exhausting!).

  90. Wow, Jane,
    Thanks so much! I have been ‘hibernating” and hadn’t checked back until tonight. Hope your injuries are healed! I can’t wait to read your new books.

  91. wish i knew where the heck the other site page is we are supposed to leave a note on the facebook contest…lmao hugs anyway

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