Cover Survey!

Good morning, everyone!  I’ve been writing this week–tackling the copy edits for The Good Wife as well as writing some new scenes to add in here and there–as well as working on a partial for the new adult novel project which I’m simply calling Delilah…or maybe it should be Temptation.  🙂

I am also at work on my December novel which will be my first book in the Montana Born series that I’m participating in along with my brilliant writer friends, CJ Carmichael, Lilian Darcy, and Megan Crane.  CJ, Lilian and Megan will all have novellas out this Fall, and then my book will follow in late November.  We’re the first books with new small press, Tule Publishing Group, and while we’re focusing on ebook first, and print second, I can assure my readers that there will be a gorgeous print edition of Away in Montana, my 2013 holiday release.

My question for you is:  what do you like in a cover?  I’m working with the cover artist in just a few weeks for the cover of Away in Montana, my December book, and I’m curious—which of the three covers below do you like best?

The first is a more traditional women’s fiction type cover.

The second is a winter scene, featuring a rustic Montana cabin.

And the third is a couple.  (They are not the couple that would be on my book.  Its just an example for discussion sake.)

Do you tend to gravitate to one type of cover?  Do you have a preference when it comes to cover art?  Which of these would you find most compelling for a Jane Porter novel in December?

I’ve got eleven very fun prize boxes to give away that include signed copies of She’s Gone Country, a link for a free download of my Valentine’s cowboy novella, Cowboy, Be Mine, more great cowboy romances from several of my author friends, a $5 Starbucks drink card, plus lots of JP reader goodies.   Everyone that answers the cover question(s) will be entered into the drawing, with the contest running through Sunday, and the 11 winners announced on Monday morning.  The contest is an incentive, because its important I hear from you about how covers influence you, and what you find most appealing.

So once again:  What do you like when you’re buying a book?  What kind of cover speaks to you?  A sexy cover?  A pretty cover?  You tell me and you’re entered to win!

Now I’m back to work on the copy-edits.  It’s been very fun focusing on The Good Wife this week as I’d forgotten what a great story it is and I’m loving doing these edits and tweaks that will make the story even better!  Can’t wait for September to come to hear what you think.  I am so happy writing again.  It makes my heart sing!


  1. Covers are a big deal to me. I hate to admit it but sometimes I won’t read a book if I don’t like the cover. I really love the first cover shown here with the girl with the braid. It’s beautiful! I’m very drawn to pretty covers though. Lots of color and cursive writing. I’m a sucker for beautiful covers. Sexy covers don’t really do anything for me but I also don’t like books that are entirely focused on romance. I like books with a little friendship and tragedy mixed in too. =]

  2. I like the first cover. The ones that grab my attention generally have a modern or artsy look.

    Landscapes and couples and “sexy” don’t do much for me. You know what? It really doesn’t get any better than the cover for Flirting with 40. The idea of being carried on a surfboard by handsome men in Hawaii… okay, that IS pretty sexy, so maybe I DO like sexy covers!

    Have a great weekend, Jane!

  3. I like the 2nd cover. I like the coziness of the snow and cabin.

    I’m looking forward to your new books!

  4. I like the first cover the best.
    I don’t like scenery pictures or being able to see the models faces in the picture too much.
    When you read a book you have a mental picture of what the character looks like to you, if the model looks different from what I imagine, it really bothers me.

  5. I like #1. I like covers with people and bright colors. Seems like a lot of authors now use the same cover. I’ve seen the same cover on five different author’s books.

  6. I’m so excited for you, Jane! I rally like the first cover the best; it’s what I would gravitate towards.

    (Please don’t enter me in the contest; I’d much rather one of your other readers have more of a chance. I just wanted to comment on the cover.)

  7. I really like a combination of 2 and 3, with the couple superimposed over the cabin, or in front of the cabin. It makes the winter scene a little more “humanized”!

  8. For me a cover has to fix to the story. It doesn’t matter if it is sexy or pretty as long as it goes with the content of the story. If there is a book about Paris e.g. then I don’t want to have the London Bridge on its cover. It needs to attract me.
    Here the first and second cover are very pretty and I like them. The first one because it is very simple and meaningful. The second cover attracts me because I love such sceneries.

  9. I like cover 1. I like the mystery of who that person is. A cover has to set the stage of what the story is going to be about.

  10. I absolutely like the first cover best. It is very pretty and is definitely a cover that would catch my eye and make me want to pick up the book. I tend to gravitate towards the more “pretty” books.

  11. I like cover #2 the best and then #1. Pretty covers grab my attention, the sexy ones never do unless I know and love the author and then I don’t care.

  12. I like #1 best; the soft muted colors. Just the female character only. Covers often draw me in or repel me. One reason is that I can’t leave an overly sexy cover lying around for the family to see (or even on my e-reader as we share the account).
    You know I’m protective of what the peeps are exposed to!

    Anyway, #1 is my fave…
    have a great weekend, Jane. Hope you can enjoy the beach 🙂

    (no contest)

  13. I guess most of your comments come from females, but I like to read so I get to say things to. I like the simple covers like the cabin pic, if that means anything to you. I can see the characters in my mind so I do not need the image. Thanks for your efforts.

  14. I like the first cover simply because it most personalizes it. The second picture is lovely but also poised, neutral. The smooch is a bit juvenile. I’d go with the first. The top one. And no matter what you go with, hope it sells smashingly. Brava.

  15. I like the 3rd cover. It depicts love & happiness to me. In contemporary fiction or romance, I am usually drawn to couples. The scenic ones are OK, too, as long as they aren’t too old fashioned looking.

  16. A cover is what draws me to the book (besides the author of course!!). I love the 2nd photo you’ve shown (the winter scene)it leaves a lot to the imagination and looks like a place I’d love to be!…Seems like too many books right now have the same kind of covers, (people half naked, kissing, etc.)…my last favorite cover I almost wanted to frame was a scene too 🙂

  17. I think the first photo would look great as a cover. When I’m browsing books without an idea of what I’m wanting to read, a great cover will definitely have me picking it up to check out the back cover copy…and maybe the first chapter. And I love it when I’m reading and hit that moment where the cover fits into the story, whatever it is that is featured on the cover…couple, scene, item.

  18. For me, the cover of the book is sometimes the reason I buy a book. I also love reading a “trade” size paperback, it just feels good. As I am reading a book, I always look back at the cover to see if the person/s on it looks like the main character/s. It helps me visualize them better. For your choices here, I prefer cover number 1, it is eye catching, simple and beautiful. Thanks for asking our opinion and I am excited to maybe win some of your goodies!!

  19. I love the 1st cover! Looks like she is deep in thought about the world! Where is she going next?

  20. Covers are important since they are supposed to reflect the story. Cover # 1 is lovely and natural. Cover #2 is beautiful for the scene of the locale. Both are different but great. Best wishes on your writing and the new endeavor.

  21. I like the second cover best it suggests a snowy romantic evening together in a cabin so romantic.

  22. To me the things that catches my eyes are the spines. Since most book stores/libraries have only the spin showing. I like to have colors and bold print on the spins. For cover art work I think it really depends on the type of book it is. Sometimes romance covers are a little to much. Lately soft cover colors with pops of bright colors have been catching my eye. Much like your The Good Daughter cover.

  23. Cover #1. It’s interesting enough for me to pick up the book and see what it is about. For some reason, a full face on a cover bothers me – I like to get an image of character on my own.
    Someone else mentioned the spine cover, and I agree – I think that is VERY important…since that’s how they are in bookstores!

  24. I like the first one. The face turned away lets me imagine how she looks instead of forcing the model’s looks on me. The cabin is nice, too, but then I start thinking about architecture and how I would have built it and then pretty soon I put the book down. I like covers that leave something to my imagination.

  25. The first cover definitely. I can’t say why but perhaps because it is so simple yet striking?

  26. I personally like the first cover. It might be “traditional” women’s fiction, but I felt the most drawn to it. The little pops of color (like the bow at the end of her braid) are probably what caught my attention against the pretty neutral/cool colors of her hat and the snowy background.

  27. I love the first cover! That way I can envision what the person looks like on my own. I don’t care for scenery covers, or necessarily people’s faces. It has to be a picture that is a little bit different to grab my attention; clean lines, no fuss, nice colors, soft focus. The cover influences me a lot more if it is a new author that I haven’t read; it may make me buy/not buy a book. I bought your book The Frog Prince because the cover grabbed my attention on the shelf at B&N. It was the first book of yours that I had read. Good luck on deciding; can’t wait to see it when it is decided!

  28. I’m going with the first one because it leaves me a bit intrigued about how she is feeling, what she is thinking and how the story will unfold. I would pick this book up before the others. Plus, it’s an absolutely beautiful picture. The second one doesn’t do much at all and the third is so typical (like you would find on any average romance, and your books are far from average). 🙂 🙂 🙂

  29. Covers are a big deal for me. I just love a beautiful cover. I love the cozy cabin, I am very drawn to it, especially if you do a launch in the fall/winter. I also love the first cover of the girl with the braid.

  30. Covers are very important to me. They definitely do influence my book choice. I pick cover 2. It is such a beautiful winter scene. This cover conveys peace and serenity. The colors are warm and inviting. It welcomes you to read, relax and enjoy.

  31. Covers are probably the second most important thing about a book to me (second after the plot of course). If I don’t like the cover, chances are I’m not going to bother to pick it up to see what the book is about. For the three covers above, I absolutely LOVE #1, so much so that I’d probably buy the book just based off of that alone. I know that those covers are the books I like based on previous experience. I can’t say I’m fond of #2 or #3 though. They just don’t catch my eye. I’d think #2 was a holiday story and I don’t usually read those. I can’t wait to see what your cover comes out looking like 🙂

  32. I like cute covers. And pretty. I like the cabin cover. It’s the one I would pick up first if I didn’t know an author. If I know an author, the cover is secondary.

  33. I like cover 3. But I really like the cover to actually match the couple in the book in some types of similarities. For example, if the author says blond hair person with short hair then the cover should reflect it. Cover is important but the description is more important to me on the back cover.

  34. A sexy cover grabs my attention every time, especially of a hot guy. A cute couple is okay, too, but not a landscape. So, for me, it’d be #3, #1, and #2.

  35. Covers are a big draw to me. I really like the first one. The second is cozy, but ok. The third one, eh. There are rare occasions that I will get a book that the cover isn’t the greatest, but that is only if I like what the overview of the book says.

  36. Cover #1 caught my attention. Also, I like cover #3. I like pretty and colorful covers. One of the best marketing campaigns I have seen is the one for the movie, The Vow, which came out around Valentine’s Day….a series of gorgeous postcard-like pictures! Just gorgeous! I saved them all.

  37. Really definitely not the third cover. Don’t like kissy couple covers and if they’re couple covers where the models end up not looking like the characters that’s even more disappointing. First cover makes me want to know who the woman is and what’s going on in her life. Second cover would depend on the blurb that went with it. I like it but that’s not enough to draw me in. I’d need something more.

  38. Of the three pictures, I think I would vote for the first one. The cover is the first thing that attracts me to a book, so it’s key. The other two are fine, just don’t say “Jane Porter” to me

  39. I love the first cover – it’s intriguing. We don’t see the woman’s face so we can still use our imagination as to what the main character would be like. I hope that makes sense.

    If I had to put them in order of my preference, I’d say #1, #3, #2.

    I will say that oftentimes when just browsing in a bookstore, with no agenda in mind, it is often the cover that attracts me to a book.

    Looking forward to reading The Good Wife!

  40. Covers are what grabs my attention, then the blurb on the back. I love the first and third photos. They seem to go along with your title and the type of books you write. {The second photo doesn’t look like a book photo to me]

    Oh man, I can not wait for September!

  41. I prefer #1 and then #2. I am drawn to artsy photographs that don’t reveal too much and make you want to learn more. I don’t care for “romantic” couple covers at all … they seem too cheesy most of the time. 🙂

  42. I like both the artsy cover and the winter scene , the couple wouldn’t grab my attention, it’s too “romancy” for my taste. I love your books and don’t view them as romance novels but rather life stories. As a man i shy away from romance novels and i’m sure more men would read a book with a more neutral cover.

  43. I liking the winter scene.. But when your name’s on the cover.. who cares, I know I’m buying the book!

  44. The first one caught my eye the best. Even after seeing the other two the first one was the keeper.

  45. Hi Jane,

    Ooooh, adding more to The Good Wife!!! Squealing with desire to read it all 🙂 I like the first cover. I’m drawn to more of the chick lit/women’s fiction covers. My second choice would be the could and the third the outdoors scene.


  46. I don’t like seeing faces on covers as I like to imagine what the characters look like through the authors descriptions. I do like #1 but #2 is my favorite. I really like the snowy scene with the lights.

  47. I like a cover that is bright and grabs my interest before I ever pick it up…Big Bold Lettering with the name of book…With a eye catching background…I like the winter background….hmmm maybe with a couple or a single person….running thru the snow…I guess What I am saying is combine the 3 together…Depending on the story Plot…I will buy it…any way you do it… 🙂 Yes that is what true readers do…they buy it if they love the author. So Love you!! Keep writing them…I will keep reading them!

  48. To be honest, a cover may catch my attention but ultimately I look at the author and the blurb.
    However, that being said, I do like the first example best!

  49. The cover of a book tends to draw me to look at the book further and check it out. That being said, I also take into account, the author and the general story line. I like the first cover the best–it gives the reader the opportunity to imagine what the character will look like. I also like the second cover, although it is a more romancy type of cover and reminds me of a Christmas type story. The third cover has no appeal to me whatsoever and I probably would not even give it a second glance.

  50. I like the first cover the best . I also like the cabin though and wonder if that couldn’t be combined with the first. I very seldom pick up a book with a couple on the front as I think it is going to too much romance for me,if that makes sense!

  51. I like the first cover the best… It is a nice cover for a women’s fiction novel. However if the book is a romance then I think the third cover is great!

  52. I like the 1st cover, it leaves alot open to the imagination, you can’t see her face, you can tell its cold out, covers sometimes sell or don’t sell a book…they have to strike you in just the right way ,,great contest…:)

  53. I like the first two covers. The first cover reminds me of a Jane Porter women’s fiction book. I would pick up the book to see what it is about, and having the woman on it, makes me already know it is going to be a story focusing on her life. But, I do love the second cover too. I have always loved covers with cabins, rivers, trees, snowy scenes, etc. Covers that remind me of a Thomas Kinkade painting definitely work for me because they make me want to go to that place. And setting is very important to me when it comes to novels. Even though I do want to meet the characters, I also really, really want to visit the place of the story.

  54. Cover art is very important, as it helps to convey something of what your book is about. Be it a landscape, or a sexy man, it’s all in the presentation. Plus, it helps us zero in on out favorite authors a wee bit faster. (p.s. I love the cabin photo….speaks more of what the title is saying to me.)

  55. For Women’s Fiction, I would gravitate to the first cover most. A Romance or Romantic Comedy, the third. Since I’m really moving into Women’s Fiction more, covers with something different now tend to catch my eye – something left to the imagination. Like your first cover choice – we can’t see her face, so we have no idea how she feels or what see’s thinking.

  56. I like the second cover. I prefer scenery to people on the covers because the people pictured sometimes don’t match what I imagined them to be like. They also sometimes don’t match what the author describes them as. That really annoys me when in the book they say the heroine has long blond hair and the cover shows a woman with black hair. There must be a way to get that info to the cover artist on time.

  57. I like the first cover – 2nd choice is the 3rd. I like the Modern Lit covers and yes – I do tend to gravitate towards certain covers. But, if it is written by Jane Porter, it doesn’t matter what the cover looks like! I always READ JANE PORTER! 🙂

  58. I would prefer the 1st cover, then the 3rd with the 2nd one last.

    I do like to have a nice cover, even though it’s not a deal breaker for me. If I am raoming the shelves at a book store, then yes.. the cover is a huge selling point.

  59. I would pick #3, IF the people reflect the characters in the book. A visual of the what the characters look like.

  60. I love the simplicity and the mystery, if you will, of the first cover. The scene in #2 is beautiful, and the kissing couple in #3 is adorable, but I am drawn to #1. For me, the cover is pretty important … it’s not everything, but it IS important. 🙂

  61. If it’s a journey of a woman, then I would go with #1. If it’s a love story, then a smaller couple in the foreground with the cabin in the background would grab me.

  62. The first cover. What does she look like? What is she thinking? What is see looking at? Let me read the book and find out the answers!!

  63. I like the first cover the best. It’s consistent with what I expect your covers, and similar woman authors, to look like. It would attract my eye on the shelf as something I might enjoy reading. The second cover reminds me of a Nicholas Sparks cover – not that that is bad – just not what I expect! Can’t wait to read it!

  64. I seem to lean more towards a seasonal cover. Something colorful and grabs my attention. I like the first cover picture best. I think since you can’t see the face it kinda gives you a sense of mystery. Anticipation. What kind of suprises will I get. Hope this helps and good luck! 🙂

  65. I don’t like covers that are sexy and landscapes don’t do anything for me either. I like a simple picture, like your cover #1. Cover #2 looks like a Christmas card to me.

  66. I love the first cover! I like stories that are about women and that looks like a story about a woman. It’s a little mysterious too—a book that the cover would entice me to pick the book up and find out what it’s about.

    I can’t wait for the Good Wife to come out!!!

  67. Covers need to say “read me”, especially on books of authors I have never read. I like the first one. I can feel the view, and that something is going on in the woman’s head, that she is looking for/at something. It would make me want to buy it, and read it.

  68. I like the first cover. It draws me in and makes me wonder what the book is about, which would make me pick it up and read the back cover. The cover tells me it’s a story about a woman. I’d be attracted to that.And the cold climate suggests there is something unsettled in her life.

    The second picture is pretty, but doesn’t suggest anything about the story.

    Not sure why I don’t like the third one. Maybe I think it is giving away too much of the story?

  69. I like the first cover, but I’ll admit, it’s not the front cover that entices me, it’s the storyline that’s on the back. I’ll read the back cover without even looking at the front, if the storyline is catchy or grabs my attention, I’ll open the book and read the first few pages before I buy it. I can usually get a feel for the book that way. You have great covers on your books all the time, so I trust you in making the cover decision. Besides, it’s what you’ve written that I like, not necessarily the cover 🙂 Can’t wait to read The Good Wife!

  70. I like the first cover – simple, casual intrigue and good colors. The braided hair is great with the red tie. I don’t need a cover to tell me the whole story. Too much detail – I don’t stop and check it out. The kissing couple – nice, but I might be in a different mood and not taken in by that, at the moment. The brevity of the first one intrigues, but doesn’t over state and it is SIMPLE with good color contrast. How’s that? 😀

  71. I like the middle one. It lets me know sort of what the book will be about before I read the blurb. It gives more detail to the storyline.

  72. I like #1 and # 2. I think it might be nice if you have the back of the woman on cover # 1 looking at the cabin in cover # 2. A smaller version of the back of her, standing to the side and looking at the cabin. That way you have a woman on the cover who is someone readers can identify with, and still have the pretty snow cabin too. #3 is cute, but it is not something that would draw my attention to the book.

  73. It is a hard choice. I love the picture of the cabin but for a romance I like having people on the cover. I would love to see the couple but with a background that is suggestive of Montana. Maybe snow capped mountains or snow frosted trees. They could be subtle but I think would be better than the colored lights.

  74. Since it’s Montana, I would choose the cabin/scenic cover. However, a couple or the woman against a Montana background would be primo!

  75. Covers are what draws me to books by authors I haven’t yet read, as well as favorite authors. A lot of times I won’t read a book if I don’t like the cover. I really like the first cover. It is pretty & makes you think of what the book may be about. The 2nd one is too “cutesy” like some authors’ books, where after the first paragraph, you already know everything will end “happily ever after”. Why even bother to waste the time reading the book then, you know? As for the 3rd, it looks like a romance novel….I hate romance novel covers & am not a fan of romance novels at all (sorry!). I like a good story line that isn’t only sex and/or love…I like a “real” story. The first cover is definitely the best!

  76. I like the first cover the best. I think it gets the reader thinking. You wonder what the woman is looking at or what she’s thinking about or why she’s out in the snow. Also, I think we talked about this a little at the DC dinner, but there’s something to be said for the faceless woman too. It still leaves room for your imagination to fill in the rest of her image or to picture yourself in her place. I think that’s a big thing for me when I’m choosing a book. I want to be able to put myself in the character’s shoes and see things through their eyes.

  77. I like a sexy cover, but I also like scenic covers like the 2nd one you have posted. I don’t care for contemporary people on the covers.

  78. I like the first cover because it’s pretty and bright. I like colors that pop out at you. The 3rd is my least favorite.

  79. Truthfully covers have no influence on whether I buy a book or not. In fact the main things that influences me to buy a book is the blurb on the back of a book and the author.

  80. For me it is a tie between first and second cover… I would buy a book with either of them on it…
    Cannot wait for your new book!!!

  81. Covers aren’t my big draw. It’s a blurb for me. I think a combination of two and three would be best for a cover set in wintertime.

  82. Cover #1 ~ it’s fresh and intriguing. My eye is drawn to the braid… it’s different because most covers show the front side of the person. I like that we only see the backside.
    Have Fun:)

  83. I like the cabin in the snowy woods. Love cabins and the big firs and the solitude and peace it represents. I am a sucker for books that have things like this on the cover. However, I also buy according to the author!

  84. I like the first one because you can imagine the woman’s face and the snow coming down makes it look like she’s in Montana. Cover #2 would be my second choice. I don’t go for the sexy covers because they’re not child-friendly.

    Have fun with your copy edits!

  85. I love the beautiful scenic covers. The cabin in the woods, snow and a warm looking window is great. Spring with the whole rebirth thing going. 🙂

  86. #3 is out for me, it is too young. Number 1 and 2 are almost a draw for me, but I think I have to go with 1. Great covers:)

  87. Sometimes I bought book because its cover, could not resist myself with gorgeous cover. For me if the cover attract me, don’t mind what position or what the cover show it, I will buy it 🙂

  88. Honestly I would be tempted by a book with any of the 3 covers. The middle one is more of a cozy winter Holiday feel to me. I like the first one I agree looks like a Woman’s Fiction book that I would pick up. And the last one looks like a sweet Romance I would want to read. That’s what I would see in them. I have to admit that I have been drawn to a book by it’s cover. If it is by someone I already enjoy reading a bad cover is not going to turn me off though. I’m going to pick it up anyway.

  89. Hi Jane,
    Another new book – I can’t wait.
    I personally like the 1st picture. It looks most intriguing and almost mysterious.


  90. I love the first picture – the girl with the braid.
    I will admit to choosing a book by its cover, especially if I am overwhelmed by choices. I look for bright, modern colors and a cover photo/design that is pretty or fun/cute depending on the story. I also like photos over graphic design.
    Thanks for the contest! 🙂

  91. hi dear, i love cover no.1
    its really move me to grab the book with just look at the cover.
    its really diferent from other because you just can see the back of that girl. but dont know the face. its fun to read the book without know the face of the charather. you just can imagine the face look like. i hope the author can consider to use pic no.1 for the cover. happy readings all. best wisheh!

  92. I definitely like cover #1. I think it leaves mystery and makes you really want to read the book to discover the story behind the cover … behind the girl/woman … behind it all. I LOVE IT!!!

  93. A photo of some kind usually appeals to me. I’m not a fan of cartoonish covers. The first cover you posted got me interested most. I found myself wondering… What is she looking at? Is she young or old? I love covers that get me asking questions right away!

  94. I like cover #1 the best. If I’ve never read an author, the cover is what draws me to pick it up and read the back to find out what it is about. I would pick up a book with cover #1 first.

  95. I started to read what other people said and some were making me wonder about my choice, but then I quit looking at them.

    I like the first one because there is a mystery about not seeing her face – it could be any woman, it could be a friend or it could be me.
    I don’t like the 2nd one at all, it looks like a cheap greeting card, and the 3rd couple one is too cutesy.
    Well, that is what I think and now I will read the other 110 and wonder with so many possible answers/readers, how do you decide?
    PS: I would buy your books no matter what the covers look like because I love your writing, but for a new reader, the cover is more important.

  96. I think you’ll discover after reading all of the comments, that one person’s favorite type of cover is another person’s least favorite.

    Cover Cafe sponsors an annual cover contest and also a Holiday Favorites contest. You can check the previous contest results at Cover Cafe to see what voters said about the covers they voted for each year.

    My advice is to make sure the cover matches the content of the story and make sure the author’s name & title stand out in the thumbnail size as well as in the cover size.

    Personally, I like the first cover because it will satisfy readers who do not want to see faces on their covers and also those who despise covers with chopped off heads. A little mystery is always great on a cover, too. Plus, it signals that the story is a Contemporary. Good luck on choosing the cover!

  97. I actually like scenic covers, so number 2 is my fave. I also like the silhouetted covers seen on many romantic suspense novels.

  98. A cover needs to be intriguing and “clean”.
    The first cover on your blog makes me think about your recent trilogy. A modern lit book with deeper meaning. The one with the couple is more youthful and romantic. Could be great for a lighter romantic story.
    The one with the cabin would be great for a post card but otherwise a little boring.

    I manly buy books because of the author and not the cover, but like a cover with people on it.
    Makes it look more real.

    Good luck with choosing a cover for your next book.

  99. The first cover appeals to me. It’s mysterious but is obviously about life and someone’s journey. The cover of the couple is the second most appealing because I like a little romance in life. I think a cover is important as it what’s draws a person in. Happy writing Jane.

  100. I like the first one. I’m thinking I must be drawn to characters more than scenery- maybe? I do look at covers in relation to desire to read a book- I think I like the simple over the more involved.

  101. Cover 2 looks like a Christmas card or a seasonal book. Cover 3 doesn’t look like the relationship will be explored in depth (like you do). Cover 1 wins.

  102. Call me traditional, but I love the first one.

    I also love when covers in series match so when you have the whole set on your shelf they look like they belong together!

  103. I like the first cover. I like the little bit of mystery to it. I like covers that are bold and eye catching. But I don’t like the more artsy covers. I’m not a big fan of landscapes as the cover either. I tend to think that the people on the covers are sort of what they characters in the books might look like. Just my opinion. Good luck choosing. 🙂

  104. I like the second one. I think it is very appropriate for a December release, however I love to see on the cover a picture of the hero and heroine. I like to put a face to the characters.
    I find the first one also intriguing. Maybe it would be great to have a man sitting next to her.

  105. Covers are important, I love the first and second one . The first is more contemporary, and makes me want to know what adventure she is going to have. The second looks like a over of a book I would want to read hole getting comfy and having some tea and covered with a nice throw !
    Can’t wait to read some new Jane Porter books !!

  106. I like the second cover. It’s a bit more ambiguous, and therefore a bit more mysterious. Its sparks the reader’s curiosity more than the other two. Your other novels such as “The Good Wife” or “The Good Daughter” display images of women depicted in the title. I believe that a cover of Montana draws the reader back to the title. I am much more drawn to it because of that. I currently live in Montana, and its scenes like that that initially drew me to the state in the first place. Montana is an alluring and beautiful place. I believe there is a lot to be said for that. Good luck on choosing the new cover!

  107. I love a good Holiday romance. As for my choice of book cover, would be #3 I always prefer having ther heroine and hero on the cover.

  108. Covers are very important and I also admit that sometimes I won’t buy a book (or even pick it up) if the cover doesn’t hit me right. For your 3 selections I like #1. I don’t like to see faces on covers because often they don’t match the mental image I form in my head of the characters. And yes, I’ll also admit, I’m still a little bit in the closet about my reading selections…I hate advertising that I’m reading one of “those” books! lol

  109. I like cover #3. I like covers that are a little, sexy, flirty, fun.

    Cover #1 doesn’t tell me anything about the book and it probably wouldn’t even capture my attention.

    Cover #2 might capture my attention but I would think the story revolves around this location and is maybe part of a series about that location.

    Overall, covers are important to me. It is what usually first draws me to a book.

  110. I love the 2nd photo, there is nothing like a cozy cabin with the warm amber lights inside. When I was in college and living in a dorm (loud and cold, with too much physics and calculus), I kept a Christmas card on my night stand that looked similar to your photo. I imagined myself inside that house and all was well for another cold night.

  111. I love the 1st cover! I hate to admit it but I may or may not read a book because of a cover. Kissing shouldn’t be on the cover leave it to the readers mind(almost kissing ok)I look forward to your new books!

  112. Covers are sometimes the only thing that draws me to a book. If I am just browsing the cover is most often what gets me to pick up the book. Titles are great but if the cover does not capture the essence of the book, I may not give it a second look. I like #1 but sometimes they seem so lonely when it just a single person and no scenery . I like #2 but maybe a little less Thomas Kincaideish add a little more rustic. #3 not really a fan of the kissing couples on covers. As always, I am sure it will be fabulous.

  113. I like the second one best. With scenic covers, I can imagine the hero (and heroine) as anything I like….

  114. I prefer interesting covers. I do like women’s fiction covers but also a cover of photography or something scenic. My favorite one is the one with the cabin and the snow. 🙂

  115. The cover of a book is what makes me take a second look. I will not lie! 😉 If the cover catches my eye then I’ll grab it to read the description to help me decide whether or not I want to read it. So, the cover has to be pretty awesome for me to grab it and read about it. Sad but true! I prefer picture number 1 as my first preference. #2 is okay. #3 any covers like that to me are a “dime a dozen” and don’t necessarily hook me to take a second look.

  116. I like the first and third covers.

    The scenic covers don’t grab me that much.

    The first one doesn’t put a picture of the main character in my mind but gives me something to see.

    The third one is cute.

  117. Hi Jane,
    I liked the first cover the best. If the book is by an author I like then it really doesn’t matter to me about the cover. I would read it anyway! However, I understand you want to attract new readers.
    If there is a person on the cover I like it better if the face is obscured. That way if what I picture from reading the book is differrent then the picture then I am not disappointed!!

  118. Covers are very important to me, love pretty covers. I love the ones with scenes on them. Also love the with couples on them. I will admit that if a book has a bad or ugly cover I want buy it. I will read them if someone loans me the book. I have bought books just because I love the covers.

  119. Hi Jane,

    I hate the cabin. It reminds me of the Christmas cards I purposely don’t buy.

    I don’t like the couple–it’s just a little too blatant with the kissing, and I rather visualize how the kisses will be. :o)

    I like the girl with the red bow–it’s like young at heart meets “what’s to come.” It also feels the most professional.

    Good luck with deciding!

  120. i like the First cover. it’s ‘there’.

    as for your Question : What do you like when you’re buying a book ?
    Actually i usually read the Blurb first than see the cover, and the cover should ‘speak’ according to the Tittle and the Blurb, don’t you think ? 😉

  121. The cover and the title of your book The Frog Prince is what introduced me to you, so yes, covers are very important to me. I like the first cover, because it makes me want to know what is going to happen in the life of that woman with the hat, the hair, the bow, the scarf….and I like the second cover just because I am a sucker for winter in the Rockies. I don’t know why, but I would probably not pick up the book if it had cover three without your name on it. The Jane Porter on the book is most important of all. 😉

  122. I really like cover #2 for it just fits your book winter in Montana, it reminds me of cabin my brother’s best friend and his wife got married in and they were married in Montana. Sometimes a cover draws me to a book that I want to read but its the story thats important to me.

  123. The first one would be my favorite…has a little bit more mystery I guess. And yes, I am definitely guilty of “judging a book by its cover”!

    You are a busy girl Jane, I’m really looking forward to your new projects!

  124. I think covers do influence me. Is the new series more Woman’s Fiction or Romance? If it is WF, I love #1, and Romance #3.

  125. Number 1. It makes me wonder about that girl enough to pick up the book and see what it is about. I know I would not pick up number 2 or 3.

  126. hum I guess the net gremlins ate my comment

    I have to say honestly I like the first one the best because it gives off a mysterious flare and not knowing what is to come next. I don’t really like couples covers either no one portrays what the books about so it never ends well I love covers tho a good cover will get me to by the book . I like the cottage one too that’s really pretty. I hate covers of just bare chested guys and that’s it so most of the time I steer clear of those. But honestly a good cover always portrays what the books about with out given too much away. I love all of ur book covers for that reason they are always simple and elegant

  127. I like cover one. It suggests that there is more to come without giving the story away. It has a bit of mystery to it.

    Cover two looks like a Christmas card, but scenes don’t usually attract me to a book.

    Book cover three didn’t do anything for me at all. It is too suggestive of the story but lakes depth.

    Definitely cover one for me.

  128. Usually I like the pretty covers.

    The second cover you showed is my favorite then the first and then the third.

  129. I like simple, pretty with soft colors. My favorite is the traditional woman with braided hair. It strikes me and I’m inclined to and drawn to read what’s inside. I think this cover is so you. It’s simple yet elegant and sexy in a way that more is less. The other two are just not JP quality material for your books…not that anything is wrong with them, but they just don’t fit.

  130. I like the second cover better but it would be better with a couple in it too. I do like a good cover on a book, I have been known to buy a book for it’s cover. I’m not as thrilled with the new style covers that are coming out now, I actually liked the older styles better. Yes the new ones look more modern, but I just like the old styles better.

  131. I love the first cover. I really like getting a glimpse of the character but still being able to fill in the rest with my imagination. I am not a big fan of the third cover because sometimes the picture doesn’t fit with what the characters are telling me they look like (if that even makes sense!). Either way I am excited to read your next book.

  132. I usually like covers with couples on them if it is a romance. I also like them to be a little blurred, not such sharp images. I also like pretty covers. Of the above covers I would pick the third one as my favorite and the second one as my second favorite. I don’t buy a book because of the cover but I do look at the blurb when a cover catches my eye.

  133. To me the cover should relate to the story. I can see the second cover relating to your current story slated for December.

    Also, when picking a book by the cover, which is rare anymore it depends on what I a m looking for in the book. The third cover with the couple feels like it would be a more upbeat fun book,the first cover gives me a feeling for more women’s fiction, more serious and reflective.

    Hope his helps!

  134. I like the first cover. I don’t have to see the characters face. It leaves more to the imagination. I don’t care for the second cover. I don’t know anything about book from this. Covers are very important to me, especially for ebooks.

  135. I’m torn between the first and second covers but I think I’d have to say Cover #1 wins out for me.

  136. While I like thev1st one as does most every one else I think theb3 rid would be my choice.

  137. I really like the first cover. I tend to read books that have pretty covers rather than sexy ones!

  138. Hi Jane!
    Covers do make an impression on me. I like simple (your first one above), but I also gravitate to colorful (like Easy on the Eyes). I am sure you’ll make the right decision!

  139. It has to be cover number 2.The scene is just breathtaking.I am more likely to be put off reading a book if I didnt like the blurb on the back or inside of a book.You know that old saying”Never judge a book by its cover”.

  140. #1. It’s more appealing than the couple. I am not drawn to couples on covers. Not sure why but I’m not. The middle picture is beautiful but still..the woman on cover #1 makes me want to find out more about her. I relate to her as a woman and I am intrigued. Plus it’s more modern, up-to-date.

  141. Loving all the new books coming out Jane!!! I really like the first cover…it would definitely grab my attention on a shelf in the store. Can’t wait to read it:-)

  142. The first cover definitely looks like it would fit for one of your books and its really pretty. The second one is a cool winter scene for sure but it doesn’t make me fall in love with it. The third cover is cute and would be for a happily ever after story. Covers I think are absolutely the most important thing for new and not so well known authors. I am a bit of a cover snob and sometimes won’t even give a book a chance based on the cover. Of course my favorite authors, I might not love the cover, but I buy their books anyway. I love pretty covers and ones that intrigue me from afar when I’m in a bookstore. If it can draw my attention. Well definitely pick up the book. Also the script canbe super important. If there is too much writing or if the writing is illegible, that frustrates me. Lastly, I think color plays a huge part in the success of a cover. I like when it’s a pretty cover and then there is a bright shock of color somewhere on it. I do sometimes wonder what on Earth an author or designer is thinking when they do choose a particularly boring or ugly cover.

  143. The first is my favorite. Most natural and beautiful in my opinion. I tend to buy books with covers like this!

  144. Hi Jane! Out of the three covers above, I like the first one the best. I think covers are very important as long as they reflect some aspect of the story. I’ve seen covers where they didn’t even match character descriptions, much less the actual story (wrong color hair on the hero, pregnant heroine when no pregnancy appears in the story, etc). I’m also not too fond of the cartoon looking covers, but that’s a personal thing. 🙂

  145. I will put my hand up & say ‘Yes, I do judge a book by it’s cover’.

    I love all sorts of covers, but the books I pick up to explore further usually have something to make them stand out. It could be the color or font or image.

    Of the three shown, I’m drawn to the scene. It’s just so beautiful.

  146. Answering late. I don’t wish to enter contest, just give my two cents. I am drawn in most to cover #2. It makes me want to open the book and jump into the story. It promises escape for me.

  147. Hi all,

    Thanks so much for the incredibly useful input. You’re awesome and I so greatly appreciate all of you!

    Here are the 11 winners for this contest –

    #29 Roswita
    #56 Debra Ashwood
    #83 Angela Cottingham
    #12 Ganine M
    #122 Linnae
    #73 Anna Marie
    #165 Rosemary Huelsebusch
    #102 Andrea Mutschler
    #43 Karlene Barger
    #37 Marla Martenson
    #70 Gail Sorum

    Ladies, please email me with your full name and mailing address and be sure to include your comment # and the title of this blog. It really helps speed things up at my end if I know which prize to send you!

    Thanks again to everyone who left a comment and have a wonderful week!

    Jane xoxoxo

  148. I really like the cabin in the woods. I prefer nature covers to pictures, but maybe that’s because I also prefer historicals, so more modern pictures tend to put me off a little.

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