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Featured Author: Megan Crane

You  know I love my Megan.  She’s not only a fantastic writer friend, she’s one of my ‘real life’ best friends and I adore her.  We met in NYC at the launch party for Grand Central’s 5 Spot line in the Fall of ’05, had dinner with our mutual editor, Karen K, and over time became friends.  I started in romance, and ventured into chick lit/women’s fiction, while Megan started in chick lit/women’s fiction, and ventured into romance.  We both now write  romance and WF, with Megan’s romance alter-ego being Caitlin Crews.

Caitlin has lots of fantastic Harlequin Presents out again this year.  She’s truly one of Harlequin’s rising stars and I’m a huge fan.  I’m also a huge fan of her book, I Love The 80swhich is now available in the US and I’ve asked her to join us today to tell us more about her new North American release.

Megan, how did you get the idea for I Love The 80s?

A while back, while procrastinating, I ended up watching a bunch of 80s videos on YouTube.

It was so much fun. I still know all the words to “Club Tropicana” and “Wham! Rap.” I still get chills when “Save A Prayer” starts playing. How could you not? I wallowed in my long-dormant crushes on singers like Simon LeBon, Sting (circa Dream of the Blue Turtles), and George Michael (well, who knew he was on the Other Team?  I sure didn’t.)

And I thought, what if one of them had died way back in the day, at the height of their glory? And what if one of the teenage girls who were So In Love With Them They Owned The Six Foot Poster and All the B-Sides grew up still loving them that much? And what if one fine night, that obsessed fan girl (now, say, in her 30s) found herself transported through time to New York in 1987 and got to meet this man of her dreams–who only she knew was destined to die horribly in just over a month?  How would she save him–could she save him–from his fate?

So, obviously, I had to write that book.  I Love The 80s is the result–and it’s finally available as an e-book in the US!


What is your favorite thing about your book?

I can’t lie: I’d love to go back in time and have a Grand Romance with one of my teen crushes!  I loved writing about it.

What do you like to read?

EVERYTHING.  Nothing I like more than being carried off by a good book.  If you’ve read one recently, let me know!  I want to read it too!

What has writing taught you?

Writing has taught me everything.  How to be patient, how to be determined.  How to fight, how to bend.  How to table expectations and seek the magic in ordinary things.  How to grow.  How to love.  How to dig deeper.  How to do more than I think I can.

But I think the same is true of any hard thing you love.  The loving it, the doing it, gives back to you exactly what you put in—and then more than you can hold.

Why do you write?

I don’t know how not to write.  Stories don’t leave me alone.  And there’s nothing I love more than the telling of them.

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Chocolate, forever and ever amen.

 Mountains or Ocean?

I live on the West Coast so I don’t have to choose—which is great, because I love BOTH mountains and the ocean.  And I really love the combination.  It makes my heart glad.

Cat person or dog person?

I’d have to say I’m a dog person.  I have two.  But you should know that I also have three cats…

Sweet or salty?

Both!  Salted caramels, for example, thrill me.  As does kettle corn.


See why I love her?  Megan has the best listening ear, the most loyal heart, and an incredible mind.  She’s a leader, not a follower.  She thinks out of the box.  She’s passionate about her family and friends.  And she’s been my rock these past 8 years, and I want everyone to know her, so please check out Megan’s website and her Facebook page and like it, so you can learn more about her, her zest for life, and her wonderful books.  (Side note -One of my favorite interviews with Megan was here with Teena Hackett here: and I am absolutely crazy about her honest, touching, real, and powerful blogs on Project Joy.)

I have 2 awesome prize boxes that include signed copies of Megan’s No More Sweet Surrender (Harlequin Presents by Megan’s alter-ego Caitlin Crews), coffee, chocolate, JP swag, and an ebook copy of I Love The 80s.  Cool, huh?  But that’s not all!  Megan is a generous gal and she’s giving away an additional 5 ebook copies of I Love The 80s so we will have a total of 7 lucky winners. 

Want to win?  Tell me if you loved the 80’s.  Do you remember the 80’s?  I do.  I had seriously big (really big, hot roller big) hair, and I was fiercely devoted to shoulder pads and had huge shoulder pads in everything…sweaters, blazers, blouses.  Skinny, acid-washed jeans.  High heels. Short skirts.  Glorious.

Talk to me…and Megan!…and on Saturday we will announce the 7 winners.

I love Megan.

I Love The 80s.

And I love you.  🙂

105 Comments on “Featured Author: Megan Crane

  1. Of course I loved the ’80’s! I married and had three beautiful little girls. I miss those days!

  2. I adore you both! I happen to think you are both 2 of the most amazing and inspiring women and writers I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know!

    Everyone, if you have not checked out Megan/Caitlin’s books you are in for a real treat! I wanted to read I love the 80’s so badly, I ordered it from the UK. I loved it so much I ordered 4 more copies for friends and gave them out! I read it last year when I went back to Indiana for my HS reunion, I graduated in 1987, and since the girl in the book was originally from Indiana and went back to 1987, I felt like Megan was transporting me back there.

    I still love rocking out to the 80’s music. The 80’s were a great time of my life.

    Megan’s Project Joy has touched my life in many ways, and I have shared it with a couple of friends that are going through some very difficult things right now, and they found comfort in Megan’s words. Check it out.

    Hugs to you both! You both are my Rock Stars!!!!!!

  3. The ’80’s were some of the best years of my life. Graduated high school and university and married my best friend during that decade!! Love the big hair and rock & roll music. Can’t wait to read this new book by Megan Crane. Would LOVE to win this give away!!

  4. I went to college in the fall of 1980, so my memories of the 80’s are monogrammed sweaters, khaki pants and the Official Preppy Handbook. I met my handsome hunk of a husband in college, got married and had 2 girls by the time the 80’s were done. So yeah, that was a good decade for me!

  5. I loved the 80’s. Spent my junior and high school years in the 80’s and I think it was a great time period to grow up in. Music was a big part of my life then, watched MTV when it actually played music videos, and I still love the music from that time. And of course Sixteen Candles and the Breakfast Club. 🙂

  6. I do LOVE the 80’s! I’ve been trying to convince the director at my daughter’s dance studio to do an 80’s recital … neon & big hair! Maybe one day! 😀

  7. I loved the 80’s. I graduated high school, and later had 2 of my beautiful children; my oldest son and my only daughter.

  8. OH my! How I Loved the 80’s! I still love much of it, and (shamefully) wish some of that time, back! Getting this book for sure! Thank you for introducing readers to this author and her book!
    Lisa Lange

  9. Even though I was born in the late ’80s, my mama made sure I was raised right.. on ’80s rock!! And as soon as I saw the cover of this book I knew this giveaway was for me!!

  10. OH the 80’s!!!! First love, first keg party 🙂 well, lots of firsts we wont go in to. Graduated, joined the Navy, met my hubby, first kiddo..they 80’s were great! Miss the music and thats when I started reading MUSH BOOKS!!! I love reading books by both of ya! Keep the mush coming 🙂

  11. I loved the 80’s. Given my choice (that doesn’t happen very often) I would rather listen to 80’s rock and roll. It just has that get up and dance type of beat. And it seems like the clothes were so much better back then. Course I was pretty young in the 80’s but still.

  12. I sooooo remember the 80s. I was the only Asian in my school that had huge Aqua Net hair. I loved listening to heavey metal music (LOVED Motley Crue when I was younger) and had the spandex, half shirt outfits with the pound of make up and bracelets all up my arm. Oh, can’t forget the lace Madonna fingerless gloves too. Oh boy, how dreadful we all looked … yet we thought we were so hot!

  13. I loved the 80’s! I graduated from high school in ’89 and I am guilty of all of the fashion faux pas listed above. I have to read this book and bring back old memories and laugh.

  14. Yes, I loved the 80’s and George Michael and Simon LeBon too!!

    I was in my teens then and my daughter is in her teens now so I feel like I am revisiting the 80’s often in my head:-). Asking “was life like this for me when I was 13?” Trials and tribulations with friends. First boyfriends, first kisses … A-smile and Guess jeans and permed hair. Yeah, there are parts that I don’t miss!

  15. The 80’s were full of adventure. Being a wife and mother of two, listening to great music, reading romance novels…loved it!

  16. I loved this book. I downloaded when she posted it on her page. It was such a fun book. I totally loved the 80s (what I remember, most was a blur), but late 80s/early 90s was more my time. I enjoyed the fashion and music and of course I had the big permed bleached blond hair. I hung out at a different rock n’ roll club each night. When I think of how I looked back then, I consider myself a walking disaster. But, I sure had fun with everything I did. Those days, I didn’t have a care in the world. It’s no fun growing up. Megan’s Project Joy blogs have really opened me up to thinking differently and facing the facts of my past and learning from my mistakes. They are very inspirational.

  17. Loved the 80’s! Married and had two children. I used to dress for work with the pumped up hair which I had continously permed! LOL!!! Loved the music as well:)

  18. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the 80’s- its on my pandora playlist all the time and my family loves to make fun of me especially when I bust out the dance moves!

    Hmmm…. The Wild Boys- awesome Duran Duran song : D

  19. Loved the eighties the clothes were great like the shoulder pad made the clothes really look good. The movies were great also.

  20. I remember the 80! I was 4-14 years old in the 80s. The 80s were when I learned to love pop/rock. I didn’t have to like country like my parents. 🙂 Oh and the neon clothes and big bangs…. what fun!

  21. I lived the 80’s! I had the big hair, shoulder pads, jackets, and shoes (boat shoes!). I fell in love with Duran Duran and still love them. I listen to an assortment of their music on my 2.5 hour a day commute. I cannot wait to read this book!

  22. Did I love the 80s? I met my husband and married him in the ’80s and we bought our first house in the 80s as well, so yeah, pretty good decade for me, all things considered!

  23. I was born in ’88 so I wasn’t really around in the 80’s but I do love 80’s music!


  24. While I did enjoy the 80’s at the time, I wouldn’ t want to go back. Being a teenager was tough for me. I do, however, love everything 80’s now, music, movies, videos, all of it!

  25. I graduated in the 80’s. My favorite thing has to be the music. I was/am a huge Rick Springfield fan. I just hear that music and I am 16 again, singing along with my best friend shelley.

  26. I like 80s music(Madonna, U2) and 80s teen comedies like Better Off Dead, Revenge of the Nerds and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

  27. I love being a teen of the 80’s! The music, tv, movies, MTV, everything–except the big hair. However I still can’t wear my hair stick straight–someone told me that’s because of the 80’s. 🙂

  28. I LOVE the 80’s! I was a teenager then and have so many fun memories. I am anxious to read this book!!

  29. Jane & Megan,

    You know I LOVE this book. When you blogged about it last year, I had to hunt it down on ebay! I featured it in my first blog post, earlier this year, which was about the best books that I’d read last year. LOVED the book, so glad it’s available now in the states.

    I did love the 80’s! I had a perm, but still used hot rollers and a curling iron and a can of Aqua Net rarely lasted a week. Loved the music and the bright colors, too. Honestly, I miss what a gentler time it was.

  30. I was young in the 80’s but I do remember them. I guess I wasn’t THAT young. LOL I did have the big hair and all once I started high school in the late 80’s. I think my favorite part of the 80’s though had to be the early part with all the great cartoons!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway and salted caramels are my favorites also!

    Best wishes,

  31. I love the 80s! But sadly I didn’t live through too much of it, lol I was born in ’88 so I grew up in the 90s. Too bad, I love the influences of the 80’s+ beginning of the 90s. After ’99 it was just, change and change and nothing good. When I listen to music from the 80s I feel as if I’ve been there all along.

  32. Anyone who loves chocolate is a fan of mine. Yes, I loved and quite remember the 80’s. I also had the bug hair, which my husband referred to as “the jersey poof.” I again wore the shoulder pads in everything since I was a skinny girl. Legwarmers in the winter. And of course lots of makeup. Who could forget the awesome music..I dance in the car to the 80’s station on Sirius and my daughter thinks I’ve lost my mind. Too bad we can’t bring those days back…I believe we may get shunned! Lol! Good luck with your book. 🙂 Oh, by the way, pick me! 🙂

  33. I love Megan’s books and have been friends with her on FB since you always talk about her (she is the sweetest). Her stories are great and I LOVE the 80’s too so I can’t wait to read this one! One of my favorite songs is “Jessie’s Girl”…it always puts a smile on my face:-)

  34. I loved the 80’s. I was in junior high and high school during the 80’s. I had the typical big 80’s hair in which being from Texas it was even bigger. In junior high I even went through a phase of dressing similar to John Taylor from Duran Duran. Tight parachute pants and all. Who didn’t love the 80’s???? What great fashions we had. All the bright bright floresent colors (which are the hot fashion trend this spring as well), jellie shoes, twister bend necklaces, long jam shorts, the list could go on and on. Just thinking about all these things from the 80’s brings a smile to my face and great memories growing up. Can’t wait to read the book now!!!

  35. I did love the 80s. I was a huge fan of Duran Duran, Madonna, all that good stuff. I wore a lace headband, had jelly shoes, double polos, etc., etc.

  36. I was born in the early 80s and have very find memories of tight rolling my jeans, wearing multiple scrunchie socks and side ponytails!

    Oh and can’t forget the great music! 80s music is the best!

  37. I remember the 80’s ~ all the blouses had huge bows! Swatch watches first came out….everyone clamored for one! My son was born and who didn’t have to have an Aprica stroller?

  38. I love reading Megan/Caitlin’s books! This sounds like a great read.

    I was born in the early 80’s.. so I remember some stuff. Everytime I see pics from the 80 ‘s I giggle… 😉

  39. Loved the 80’s!! Especially the music – Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, lots of others. I’m going to have to check Megan’s book out; it sounds wonderful.

  40. ’84 and ’87 are when I had my daughters! I also quit working after 15 years so quite a change but I’d do it all over again.

  41. I really enjoyed the 80’s. I got married in 84 and had my son in 89 so it was a great time. Sometimes I would like to go back to the 70’s and 80’s and do them all over again. At least I was younger then.

  42. Loved Simon, too! Saw Duran Duran in concert 3X! Had a poster in my bedroom. Every album, even Power Station, a DD bandana and trading pins.

    Shoulder pads, leg warmers, wearing collars up on polos & oxfords, prairie skirts, LA Gear hi tops, hair mousse & gel! Big Hair! John Hughes movies. Harem pants. Shaker knit sweaters worn backwards so the V was in the back. New Wave and Heavy Metal. I could go on, and on, and on.

    Yes, I loved the 80’s! Graduated college and high school during the 80’s. Now you know how old I am. lol.

  43. I love the 80’s! i was working as a waitress and met the man of my dreams who rode bronco’s and bulls-a cowboy from Texas. I spent all summer riding to and from rodeo’s and wrote a paper on it for a college class i was taking. I was from the city but was alittle country-loved the 80’s music but started liking country music too! we both went our seperate ways, but we got together a fews ago and since were both single again, we’ve started seeing each other, should say he’s been coming to see me alot here in fla. Not sure where it headed but having fun!

    1. I don’t have a kindle but would like to read this book if its in hardcover or paperback! That is if I’m picked! thanks for this giveaway~!

  44. I loved the 80’s. Those were my teen years. I hade huge, permed hair. Looking back on the pics is hilarous.

  45. I loved the 80’s too! The music, the movies, the hair…
    Good times.
    I better go watch that CNN special on the 80’s that’s sitting on the DVR.
    (No contest, I just went through Megan’s site and bought the book. Really looking forward to reading it!)

  46. I loved the 80’s. I loved the music, the hair bands, and MTV! I had an asymmetrical hair cut in the 6th grade (1987) with one side long and the other side cut very close. I thought I was a cool kid! The 80s rocked!

  47. I loved the 80’s. I graduated high School in ’81 went to college, married in ’84 had my first daughter in ’86.
    All I gotta say in Bon Jovi, Van Halen and Madonna just to name a few. 🙂

  48. Of course I loved the 80’s. Graduated from high school in 1983, college in 1987 and married by 1989 to my high school sweetheart.

    I had the feathered hair, shoulder pads, long sweaters with stirrup pants and either high heels or flats and let’s not forget the fluorescent colors!

    My kids even love 1980’s music! It was such a fun time.

  49. I loved the 80s when I thought big hair, parachute pants, and Bon Jovi was the best!! I still love JBJ but I’ve given up the big hair & retired the parachute pants!!

  50. I graduated high school and college in the 80s, so I remember it well! Some of the best movies and music were from the 80s, and my daughters like that era now. It seems like a more innocent time for everyone. Would love to read Megan’s book!

  51. Hi Jane,
    I so love the 80’s. I fondly remember my big hair, leg warmers, and shoulder pads.


  52. I loved the 80s. It’s the decade I was born in. Fortunately for me, while I missed out on all the fashions of the era, I still look like a fashion disaster. None of my clothes match in most of my photographs and my pigtails are uneven in most of them too. :/

    But being a kid was great. I can’t help but wish for simpler times.

  53. I loved the ’80s and still do. OK, not the clothes or the hair, but the music. My iPod is entirely made up of ’80s bands and my car radio is stuck on Sirius 1st Wave, which is KROQ from the ’80s. Still seeing ’80s bands in concert. Duran Duran last two years, Depeche Mode and Adam Ant this year. See what I mean?

  54. I LOVED the 80’s! Big bangs (tons of hairspray!), pegged pants, high-top converse, neon, shoulder pads…loved it all! Hideous to admit! I can’t wait to read this book!


  55. Did I love the 80’s? Yes, and I still do! It’s funny that you would be having this contest the same day I FINALLY gave up my black, fringy leather “Bon Jovi” jacket to Goodwill! It was hard to part with. So many good memories were had in that jacket. Looking at it today, I can’t believe I actually wore that thing in public! 🙂 I know that reading Megan’s book will be a fun trip down memory lane.

  56. Ohmygosh, the 80’s! Big Hair, tons of bangles, big earrings, and an undying devotion to Duran Duran. I was just thinking today, when Simple Minds came on the radio, that it was time to watch ‘The Breakfast Club’ again. 🙂

  57. 1981 we were married
    1982 I was laid off
    1982 My husband broke his ankle for our first anniversary he had a cast from his toes to his hip, he had to teach me how to drive a stick, a Ford Escort so he could drive my car-it was all I could do not to laugh when I was rocking, stalling and squealing the car/tires.
    1984 & 1987 had our childrend.
    Times got better.
    I actually loved the 80’s good times and bad-great memories! ps. I had the same fashion woes as you! I still hate shoulder pads!

  58. Hi Jane and Megan!

    I loved the 80’s the music, the hairstyles, the clothes it just all totally rocked! I had a blast with it all and if it could make a full comeback I would be truly happy! Thank you for the awesome giveaway and congrats on your books Megan/Caitlin they are the best!

  59. The 80’s were exciting for me since I graduated high school, went to college, got married and then had my daughter in the 80’s. I never had the big hair because I just couldn’t get my hair to do that.

  60. I LOVED the 80s. I was in junior high, at the height of crushes, diaries, lockers, libraries, tape players, rebellion… and still have the hair to support the biggest of styles. Banana clips were my best friends. I also wanted (but never got) my MTV!

  61. Hi Jane/Megan – I was most definitely an 80’s teen and spent my school years obsessed with Duran Duran (where I was secretly married to John Taylor, swoon), Dexy’s Midnight Runners and US rock music like Pat Benatar, The Cars and the desire to go live in New York (and still do). It was the decade where I first read my first Mills & Boon books which weren’t really hip with my school friends but I didn’t care. It was the time I put too much cochinel food colouring in my hair (as I couldn’t afford the real stuff & my mam would have killed me anyhow), disastrous perms & body waves towards the end which I though were seriously cool but only made me look like Cleo Laine in drag – oh god and the clothes (where would I start with that one). It was definitely a wonderful decade and the only thing was I didn’t meet my prince but I enjoyed the frog-kissing along the way with the hope that would turn into said prince.

    I would love to win the book but even if I don’t it will still be bought – congrats

  62. I loved the 80’s. Clothes had more color and a lot more presence. The term power suit had real meaningl

  63. The 80s. Those were my middle/high school years. It was Madonna, Cyndi Lauper and Michael Jackson. Total age of confusion, women weren’t sure what they wanted but they sure wanted it DANG IT! LOL

  64. You and Megan sound like true soul sisters…how very refreshing and you resemble each other as well. Loved the 80’s, especially the clothes and music. You did a super interview, enjoyed it…Ruth

  65. Oh Jane, I think it is pretty obvious that we love you, too! In the 80’s I was mothering two sons and seemed to always be in the car taking them to some lesson or sports event. Those were the good old days even though at the time I thought I would so love to have a day off to just sleep or read all day. I will look for Megan’s books, what a fun interview…bet the two of you giggle a lot when you are together.

  66. Yay! I’ve been waiting for this book to get to the US ever since it first came out. My Nook is going to be so happy. It’s anxiously awaiting the next Brennan sisters installment to be ready for download. Now I can feed it I Love the 80s while we both wait.

  67. Not particularly. However, my first born was born in 1985. So the times spent with her were special, but it was a decade spent with an abusive man so no, not nostalgic for the 80’s. 🙂

  68. Hi Jane

    I really can’t remember so much from the 80s. I was not that old jet:-).
    But shoulder pads where a big hit in the 90s in Denmark so I do remember that.
    I should pick up a book my Megan very soon. Don’t know why I haven’t jet.

  69. My memories of the 80s would be the crazy way my daughter dressed. I hated the tight clothes and really big hair. That’s one look I hope that stays in the past!

  70. I loved the 80’s! The 90’s seemed so boring in comparison. One of my favorite things about the 80’s was the great dance music. How could you not get up and dance to, It’s Raining Men! I have terrific memories from the 80’s.

  71. Yes, I loved the 80’s. I graduated in 82, so Ithe 80’s were high school and college – fun times, and some really good music. I preferred the 80’s rock music – Journey, The Cars, Sammy Hagar, Night Ranger, Styx, etc.
    I need to get Megan’s book about the 80’s. it sounds like one I’d enjoy.

  72. I loved the 80s too! I have read a couple of Megan’s books and I’m really looking forward to this new release!

  73. I have to admit, I love the ’80s…although I went more for JT than SLB. Duran Duran was my first concert, followed by Rick Springfield… I think I still know all the words to most of the songs.. I would love to check out Megan’s book…in fact, if I don’t win, I will have to find it…love the what ifs!!

  74. Of course I love the 80’s!! I was young, but there are so many great memories. The music, neon shirts, big hair! Mainly the MUSIC!! Still my guilty pleasure 🙂
    I love Megan Crane as well! What a talented author! Can’t wait to read this book!!

  75. Hi everyone,
    It’s time to announce the winners and here they are:

    2 winners for prize boxes:
    #82 Bridie
    #34 Mary Ward

    5 winners for ebook copies:
    #29 Ondrea Leikvoll
    #61 Missi
    #43 Jessica A. Nuesca
    #93 Natalie
    #38 Marlena Fein

    Winners, please shoot me an email as soon as possible and be sure to mention – your full name and mailing address, the title of this blog and your comment # so I can get your prize to you without delay.

    Hope you’re all having a fabulous weekend!
    Jane xoxo

    1. Yay! Thanks Jane and Megan, really looking forward to reading this one. Congrats to all the other winners too!

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