Introducing Judy Mollen Walters!

Happy April 1st everyone!!  It’s such a gorgeous morning here in San Clemente…the bluest of blue skies, warm weather, flowers blooming…I couldn’t be happier today despite my cold.  I’ve had a week straight with my family and its been heaven.  I missed the kids so much during my traveling and it feels good to be mom again.  I’m not leaving them until mid April when I head to the East Coast for four days of events so I can just relax a bit and focus on the house, the kids, and getting Jake organized for graduation and then off this summer to college.  It looks like he’s going to be an Aggie…watch out Texas A&M…he’s all yours soon!

I should be writing but I’m being a bit lazy and reading, and one of the authors I’m reading now is Judy Mollen Walters, who has her debut book out now, titled Child of Mine.  I love supporting new authors and wanted to introduce Judy to you.

Welcome, Judy, to the Janeblog, and to my amazing readers and friends.  You couldn’t be joining a more lovely, loving group of women.  I love my readers, and I know you will, too!

Judy, can you tell us how you came up with the idea for Child of Mine?

Twenty years ago, my husband and I desperately wanted children.  We went through infertility treatment twice to conceive our two daughters, and the experience has always stayed with me – the shots, the blood tests, the ultrasounds.  The negative pregnancy tests. The pregnancy loss.  I wanted to write a fictional account of someone suffering with infertility.  Then I upped the ante. What if my main character was a midwife? She was helping other people deliver babies all day but couldn’t have her own.  How devastating that would be. I’m also fascinated by the experiences of pregnancy, birth, and delivery, so I loved being able to write about those.

Is your main character, Katie, based on anyone you know?

I get this question a lot, and no, she is just a figment of my imagination!  Some of her experiences with infertility treatment are based on mine, but her problem is completely different than the problem my husband and I suffered with, I am not a midwife, and unlike her, I’m not athletic or energetic!

How long did it take you to write Child of Mine?

My first draft only took a few months, but with the help of an editor and many friends reading and providing feedback, it actually took about two years altogether to get through revisions. That sounds like a long time, but I learned a lot and am so glad I took the time to learn how to write a novel properly.

What do you like to do outside of write?

I love to bake – in fact, as soon as I finish this interview, I’m going to bake some chocolate chip muffins.  I also love to spend time with my family – my husband and my two daughters who are 18 and 15.

What are you working on now?

I’m writing a book about a Rabbi and his family torn apart by their wife and mother’s death from cancer, the struggle of his two teenage children to grow up without their beloved mother, and his struggle to be a good single parent to his kids.

My friend is experiencing infertility. What should or shouldn’t I say to her?

You can say, “I’m here for you.  I am happy to listen to you.  Feel free to call me if you need to talk.”  Things not to say, “Don’t worry, just relax, it will happen soon!” or “You could just adopt.”

Where can I get Child of Mine?

Child of Mine is available on Amazon, Nook, iTunes, or anywhere you would normally download your books from.

Thank you, Jane, for allowing me to share about my book on your blog. I love to hear from readers. You can find me @judymwalters on Twitter, on my author Facebook page, or email me at

Judy Mollen Walters worked in nonfiction publishing for many years before she became a Stay-at-Home Mother to her two daughters. She lives in New Jersey with her family where she is currently at work on her next novel.

Thanks for sharing with us, Judy!  Readers and friends, you can learn more about Judy, at and if you do read Child Of Mine, be sure to post a review.  Those reviews matter so much.

To celebrate the first day of April I’m giving away a special Frog Prince prize box!  This is my very hard to find book—its no longer in print and when I do find a copy I snatch it up and love to give it away to my die-hard readers.  I’ve got the book bundled with lots of fun spring treats and Frog Prince surprises.  The April 1st contest is just a two day contest, running til Wednesday night midnight PST, with the winner announced Thursday morning, so comment below, and you could be the winner!


  1. I would love to read Frog Prince again! I read it several years ago when I first discovered your books and gobbled them up one after another!

  2. Child of Mine sounds awesome! I’ve never read Frog Princes! I hope I win. 🙂 Happy April Fools!

  3. Dear Jane, We are so happy for you that you are having some ‘Mom Time” with your boys. My husband graduated from Texas A&M and still has some classmates there at the university as professors. If Jake wants an introduction, let us know. Also, there are lots of welcoming places around the campus…one is the Canterbury House Coffee House which is a fun place for students and is associated with the Episcopal Church. Sending a child to college is a leap of faith on everyone’s part. We will keep you all in our prayers.

    1. I forgot to say that the book is on a subject close to my heart. We had to go to a fertility Dr. to have our two sons and feel so blessed. Judy, you are a sweetheart to write about a subject that is based in real life for a lot of us. My best wishes for continued success. And, thanks Jane for another introduction to a fine writer.

  4. The topic of the book Child of Mine is close to my heart since a good friend of mine got married 2 years ago and she and her husband are trying to have a baby and so far it’s not going too well.

    After a few treatment she was able to get pregnant but so far she had 2 miscarriages.
    I try to support her as much as I can but since I don’t really know what she is going through it’s hard to know what to say and what not to say on order to be a good and supportive friend.
    I’m not sure if telling her about the book is a good idea or not especially since it’s in English and we live outside of the US and English is not our first language.

    1. I would just be a good friend and give support and hugs. Ask her if she wants to talk about it and listen to what she says. At one point I was in such a mess from trying for six years that I didn’t want to talk about it anymore.
      And pregnant women and moms with beautiful babies are EVERYWHERE when you can’t conceive. Take her somewhere child-free so she can relax.
      Good luck and thanks for being a good friend to her.

      1. Robin, Thank you so much for taking the time and responding to my post.

        I do try to be supportive and I try not to ask questions unless she brings him the subject and tells me what’s new.

        I think I’ll give her a call tomorrow and try to see if we can meet soon to catch up and talk, not just about getting pregnant and babies but every day things that will take her mind off from bad things.

  5. Happy April 1st! I would love a copy of the Frog Prince. Thank you for introducing me to another new-to-me author. Today is my Aunt’s birthday. Her name is April Faye, I suppose my grandparents had a sense of humor. It’s rumored that my grandfather wanted to name her April Fool and my grandmother settled on Faye! Knowing the prankster that my grandfather was, I tend to believe he actually suggested the middle name “Fool” to see my grandmother’s reaction!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. I definitely have to read this book. It sounds wonderful. Coming from an adoptive parent, I know the lengths people go to have a baby. Although my story isn’t about infertility issues, I know the deep desire to have a baby and all that one will go through to make that happen.

  7. Child of Mine sounds very interesting and very heartbreaking! I’ll definitely have to check it out; will it be in paperback?

    And, I would LOVE to get my hands on the Frog Prince!!

  8. I’ve never heard of her before so thanks for introducing me to her new book. =] I can’t wait to read it!

  9. Happy April! Where does the time go? Sorry you have a cold, but glad that you are getting to spend some much needed time with your boys.

    I will check out this book, I have known others to go through this and it will be interesting to read this take on it.

  10. I’m glad your treatments went well and that your book will help people understand the trauma gone through. We have friends who spent years and tons of money [went overseas twice for treatment] and now have two lovely daughters that were born in China.

  11. What an exciting time for your son! I know that you will miss him when he goes off to school down in TX.

    I have never read Frog Prince and would love a chance to have that book.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  12. It’s a beautiful April 1st here too. I even have my windows open today. it doesn’t last long though and the heat will soon arrive. Judy’s book sounds very inspirational for a lot of women and know a few who would love to read it too. I’m glad to hear Jake will be going to A&M. That’s a great school. I hope your week is a great one and you’ll have lots of fun mom time with your boys.

  13. I love all the introduction to authors on your blog, Jane. Judy’s book sounds like another good women’s fiction book dealing with issues that women face. I look forward to reading it. (I already have a copy of the Frog Prince, so please don’t consider me for the giveaway. I want another one of your die hard readers who does not have it to have it arrive in their mailbox. 🙂 )

  14. Thanks for the “heads up” on Child of Mine. I think everyone of us knows someone or has experienced infertility up close and personal so it is a topic that evokes varying degrees of emotion depending on who is struggling with it and how close we are to them. I’m adding it to my list to read. Glad you’re having some family time, Jane. Texas A & M, huh? No fooling?!

  15. Hi Jane,
    Thanks for introducing me to yet another interesting book. I love getting my hands on new books.
    Happy April!


  16. Congrats Judy on your first books and I love,love the cover, sounds really good.

    Happy April, this month has not started out good for our family. My mother in law fell and broke her hip yesterday morning and had surgery. We have been at the hospital for the past two days. Maybe things will get better now.

  17. Congratulations on “Child of mine”. It sounds like a very painful but passionate story.

    I just love “the frog prince”. It’s the first book of Jane’s that I ever read. The one book that got me hooked on Jane 🙂

    1. I have now read 3 chapters of “Child of Mine” and it’s easy to read, a page turner, but it’s dealing with some heavy stuff to. I like it though 🙂

  18. I just read the good daughter this weekend. My friend loaned it to me. Love-love-loved it! I didn’t want it to end. Would love to read the frog prince!

  19. Judy’s book sounds great and I really like the cover and the interview. Bet your kids are enjoying every moment with you, enjoy your family time…Ruth

  20. Ah the frog prince was my favorite…looks like I have a new book to purchase..Just in time I am fresh out of books.

  21. Congratulations to Judy on her new book! I have known some people who have dealt with infertility and it is amazing what some people will say to them. Thanks Jane for the giveaway!

  22. Congratulations on your debut book, Judy. It sounds very emotional and engaging . . . I will be checking it out.

  23. Congratulations on your book. It sounds like a must read to me. Thank you, Jane, for introducing us to such great books and authors.

  24. Congratulations on Child of Mine.This book sounds compelling and wonderful. Best wishes for success and happiness.

  25. Happy April everyone! This sounds like an amazing book…and Jane, an Aggie? How did he get so big?

  26. First of all, a HUGE thank you to Jane’s wonderful readers for commenting! I hope you enjoy Child of Mine, and whether you like it or not, that you will tell me. I LOVE hearing from readers and promise to respond.

    But also, Jane, thank YOU for the support you have given me and all authors. Ladies, Jane is a bright light with a huge heart. We are lucky to have her in our lives, writing such wonderful stories.

  27. This books sounds great! I will add to to my reading list:-) LOVE the Frog Prince and am so bummed I lent my copy out and it hasn’t returned:-( Would love to win!

  28. I read Child of Mine and thought it was great… I recommend it to everyone to read and I can’t wait to read more from this talented lady!!

  29. Glad you’re enjoying your family time Jane and good luck to your Jake with graduation and starting college. Exciting times for him!

    Happy April!

  30. I waited six years until I finally got pregnant via invitro and the last hopeful frozen cycle. I love my little prince. 😀

  31. I definitely need to check this book out! I can relate with infertility, but in my case, my husband and I went the adoption route. And it was the best thing we’ve done!
    BTW, Frog Prince was the first book of yours that I read, and I loved it! I’d love to win a copy 🙂

  32. Good luck with the book Judy! That’s great advice for what to say to someone struggling with infertility. My very good friend went through it for several years and often she just wanted someone to listen.

  33. LOVE your books, Jane! They just “work” for me … always a great read that leaves me smiling! 🙂

  34. So glad you are enjoying your time home! I would love to win a copy of Frog Prince…I love reading your books… 🙂

  35. Congrats on your new book Judy! Jane I love how supportive you are towards other authors! I would love to win the Frog Prince since it is the only book of yours I do not own and you’re right it is really hard to find 🙁

  36. The Frog Prince is my most favorite book of yours; the first one I ever read of yours! Happy April to you! “Child of Mine” sounds like it will be good.

  37. Frog Prince was one of my FAVORITES of Jane’s books. Whoever receives it will be love it!

    And fyi to Bridget: There is a lot of adoption stuff in Child of Mine. 🙂

  38. You fill me with intrigue as always and I would love to peek into the Frog surprise box! Hoping you will pull my name….

  39. I have just recently discovered your books and now my 88 year old mother is also hooked on you. I would love to read and share the Frog Prince with her.

  40. Infertility wouldn’t seem to be a subject matter for a fiction book, but this description for Child of Mine makes me believe it is might just be very interesting.

    Years ago, one of the new AF Chaplains to the base delivered his introductory sermon on “Kissing Frogs”. Ever since, I’m reminded of him when I hear or read ‘frog’.. I would love to win the “Frog Prince”, and frog surprises.

  41. Congratulations, Judy, on your book. It sounds like a great read!

    Would love to win “Frog Prince” – I’ve never read it! Thanks for the giveaway!

  42. I am currently in San Diego for spring break and am loving it!
    I read Frog Prince awhile ago and loved it.
    Enjoy your time at home, Jane.

  43. I am going to admit that I have never read any of your books. This one sounds interesting and would like to win it and read it. I am always looking for new authors to read but have a fixed income and it can makes limiting. Thanks for the chance.

  44. I love when you post what your reading.I like when you promoted other authors,I have read some you have reccommended.Keep up the great work.

  45. Judy, Your book sounds like an interesting read.

    Would love a chance to win “Frog Prince”…thanks!!!

  46. Jane, you are so wonderful to your readers! I think Frog Prince is the only one of your books that I don’t have, except for the Harlequins, which I would love to read one day. BTW…Frog Prince was the book that got me hooked on your writing. 🙂

  47. Whenever I’m at the Friends of the Public Library book stores, I always look for Frog Prince. One day it will be mine. lol

  48. Hi Jane, My mom, Marion, would love to win & read the Frog Prince. Hope you & your family are well & had a wonderful Easter. Judy Mollen Walters is courageous by telling her story.

  49. April is finally here! I love April! It’s my favorite month of the year! Hope you get over your cold soon!

    Take care!


  50. Hey Jane,
    Sorry to hear about your cold, but glad you got to spend time with your family. By the way, you are a great mom! I am amazed how you juggle everything.

    Wishing you all the best this spring!


  51. sounds like such an awesome book Judy! will have to add to my wish list. Im also glad you got mom time jane thats always an awesome thing for a busy parent hope all had an awesome easter and monday! Ive been searchingf or the frog prince for ever now and still havent found it

  52. Child of Mine has a compelling plot! It’s now on my list. And a copy of Frog Prince, that would be a treat.

  53. Thanks so much for introducing me to a new author…I have another book to add to my list of books to read 🙂

  54. This is one of my favorite books. I have them all and loved every one of them! Have a great weekend. 🙂

  55. My oldest daughter had all kinds of fertility problems then when she finally managed to get pregnant she couldn’t carry it to term. Her daughter was born at 23 weeks and spent 4 months in the NICU. She’s 4 now. I’ll look forward to reading your book. And I always love your books Jane.

  56. Hi everyone,
    Hope you’re all having a great week. The winner today is –

    #17 Lola2four

    I also decided to pick a couple of bonus winners –

    #23 Kbran
    #46 Cassie Polla

    Girls, send me an email with your mailing addresses and I’ll get prizes in the mail soon! (Please be sure to mention the title of the blog post in your emails. It makes it easier at my end!)
    Love to all,
    Jane xoxoxo

    1. Congratulations to the winners! I am terrible at contests. I couldn’t win if I was the only one entering. Lol! Hope you enjoy your gifts. Keep writing your wonderful books Jane. 🙂

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