Sarah Pekkanen Joins Me in Alexandria!

I might be in Hawaii for the week with my boys, but I’m really excited about my reader dinner in Alexandria two weeks from now!  I’ll be hosting the dinner on Sunday, April 21st with bestselling author, Sarah Pekkanen, as my guest.  Some of you already know Sarah, but in case you don’t,  I thought I ought to introduce you to someone that is touted by Library Journal as a “rising star in women’s fiction”.

Sarah’s brand new novel, The Best of Us, is out today and sometime in the night, Amazon downloaded my copy of The Best of Us onto my Kindle so that’s what I’m reading next…ust as soon as I finish Anne Gracie’s The Autumn Bride

Sarah Pekkanen is the mother of three young boys, which explains why she wrote part of her novel at Chuck E. Cheese. Seriously. Sarah penned her first book, Miscellaneous Tales and Poems, at the age of 10. When publishers failed to jump upon this literary masterpiece (hey, all the poems rhymed!) Sarah followed up by sending them a sternly-worded letter on Raggedy Ann stationery. Sarah still has that letter, and carries it to New York every time she has meetings with her publisher, as a reminder that dreams do come true. At least some dreams – Brad Pitt has yet to show up on her doorstep wearing nothing but a toolbelt and asking if she needs anything fixed. So maybe it’s only G-rated dreams that come true.

Sarah, please tell my readers and friends a little bit about THE BEST OF US.

Of course – here’s the quick scoop:
An all-expense paid week at a luxury villa in Jamaica—it’s the invitation of a lifetime for a group of old college friends. All four women are desperate not just for a reunion, but for an escape: Tina is drowning under the demands of mothering four young children. Allie is shattered by the news that a genetic illness runs in her family. Savannah is carrying the secret of her husband’s infidelity. And finally, there’s Pauline, who spares no expense to throw her wealthy husband an unforgettable thirty-fifth birthday celebration, hoping it will gloss over the cracks already splitting apart their new marriage. Languid hours on a private beach, gourmet dinners, and late nights of drinking kick off an idyllic week for the women and their husbands. But as a powerful hurricane bears down on the island, turmoil swirls inside the villa, forcing each of the women to re-evaluate everything they know about their friends—and themselves.

You’ve also written three linked 99 cent e-stories. How does that process compare with writing longer books?

Right now, I’m writing one novel every year and one short e-story every year, and I enjoy both processes (well, when I’m not wanting to toss my computer out the window). The challenge with my e-stories is that they are all linked, whereas my novels are stand alones, with a group of fresh characters coming in for each new book. My e-stories need to fit together, and enhance each other, yet also be a satisfying read if you end up buying just one. But it’s much easier to hold the plot of a short story or novella in my mind, compared to a novel, so in that way they’re easier.

How did you become a published author?
The real trick is having the faith and commitment to actually write a book, because agents won’t take you seriously unless you have a polished manuscript in hand. As I’ve learned, it’s much harder to finish a manuscript than to start one! I wrote my first book, The Opposite of Me, then showed it to a few folks, and rewrote it more than once. When I felt as though it was in good shape, I started submitting query letters to agents. I heard back fairly quickly from a bunch of agents who requested a sample of my novel – and that was surprising to me, but I’ve since learned many good agents are constantly on the lookout for new talent. Agents aren’t in hiding – they all have websites that list ways to contact them. I went to New York to meet the agents who’d expressed interest in The Opposite of Me and ended up signing with Victoria Sanders.

What’s the biggest myth about being a novelist?
That writers get visited by a tempermental muse, and have little control over their work or productivity. Writing is hard sometimes – and frustrating, agonizing, exhilarating, joyful and tedious at other times. I always compare it to training for a marathon. But you need to carve away time to write, and get words down on paper even when you’re not inspired. If you wait for the muses to sing and dance, you might never write your book.

What is the hardest part of the writing process for you?
Book titles! I’m not kidding – I am horrible at coming up with titles for my novels. I turned in my latest one and actually called it “Book 4.” My editor usually spends hours coming up with titles for my books – she picked them for my first three novels – because I seem to have a mental block about it! But I never get blocked when I write. Sometimes it’s overwhelming to think that I need to fill 300 pages, and I get a little scared about whether I’ll pull it off, but putting down words on the page has never been a problem for me. Maybe that’s because I worked as a journalist for almost a decade, and I learned to write on deadline.

How do you balance being an author and being a mother?
Now that I’m writing a book a year, and have firm deadlines, I realize that I need a few chunks of time to really concentrate when I’m writing pivotal scenes. I tend to write on the fly – I snatch an hour before all my kids wake up, or when my youngest is at preschool. But I also need a few big swaths of time to read through my manuscript and make sure it’s anchored securely. That’s the biggest challenge for me as a mother – writing through endless distractions and interruptions and requests for juice or extra Wii time. So during the writing of THE BEST OF US, I checked into a hotel for one night and didn’t leave my room, other than to grab coffee. I wrote and wrote and wrote, and it was so helpful!

When you aren’t writing, what hobbies do you enjoy?
Mostly spending time with my family and friends. I also have the world’s sweetest dog, a rescue lab named Bella, and we love going for long walks together (sometimes I work out the kinks in scenes on those walks, too!) I adore reading and can go through three or four books in a good week. And I’ve been known to watch a little reality TV. I’m addicted to The Voice right now, and having trouble deciding if Blake or Adam is hotter!

Thank you so much for having me, Jane, and if any of your readers would like to connect on Facebook or Twitter to continue the conversation. please come find me there!

To celebrate the release of The Best of Us, and my dinner with Sarah on the 21st, I’m giving away three copies of The Opposite of Me, by Sarah Pekkanen, tucked in a box with a $10 Starbuck drink card, my new JP tote bag, and lots of wonderful treats.  The contest will run through Saturday the 13th, with the three winners announced on Sunday, the 14th.  Tell me if you’ve ever read Sarah, and fill me in on your April so far!





  1. I have read Sarah’s book “The Opposite of Me”. It was a gift from my husband and we both loved it. I can’t wait to read this new one.
    I wish I could be there at the dinner with both of you, it would be such a treat, but I won’t give up hope that one day you will come North of the border.
    Have fun in Hawaii.

  2. Jane,
    Hope you enjoy your week with your kids in beautiful Hawaii!
    I have never read any of Sarah’s books, but would love too.
    April has been all about family so far. I have a 15 month old grand baby, and my world definitely revolves around her as it should.

    Have a great week.

  3. Hi Jane,
    I’ve never read any of her writings but would love to start.
    Haven’t been doing much this month but work and yardwork. Hope you continue to have fun with your family in Hawaii.


  4. Hi Jane,

    I have not ready Sarah´s books jet, but I´ll put some of them in my TBR pile. As of now, I actually have a TBR pile on Kindle too. I did not see that coming 🙂 I love books in print so much, but sometime you introduce us to a great writer and then I need to read it on the Kindle.
    But I´m glad to see that Sarah also has some books for Kindle so I might grab “Beginning Again” and see what I think.
    Thanks for introducing us to another author.
    And on another note, Jane´s new JP tote is just so great. I use mine almost every day.

  5. I have read Sarah in the past and love her books.

    Right now it’s snowy, cold. ready for Spring!

  6. Hi Jane!
    Hope you have an amazing week in Hawaii, I am a little jealous! 🙂

    I have never read any of Sarah’s books….but am looking forward to!

  7. I love, love, love Sarah’s books. I’ve read all of her novels and novellas (on Kindle). AND…her newest book was on my Kindle about 10pm yesterday! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee

    I’m in the middle of a JD Robb book, but Sarah’s newest is next on my list. I crazy wish I could be at the dinner with you two–what a little slice of heaven! 🙂

    Thanks for introducing your readers to great new authors, Jane. Much love to you and aloha!

    (no contest)

  8. ¡Ay, caramba! I lived in the DC area for forty years and now that I don’t live there, my two favorite authors are hosting a dinner! Just my luck! I’ve read all of Sarah’s books; they are wonderful. I can’t wait to get my hands on The Best of Us!

  9. Honestly, I have never read any of Sarah’s books. but, this one really peaks my curiosity. I want to read it too. Since, I never get to take vacations, I enjoy a good book that will take me away with it. Enjoy your time in Hawaii.

    1. My April is going good so far. I finally started doing some volunteer work (something I have been thinking about for a while). I am helping a cat rescue.

  10. Hi Jane,

    I haven’t read Sarah…yet. But this book looks fabulous!

    April (in New Hampshire) for me has been filled with some spring cleaning (but only in the children’s rooms–the main rooms still look like winter has stayed overlong and needs to still be kicked out!). But April has also brought with it swim lessons and tennis lessons and a few days back on the three season porch–woohoo!


  11. I really need to check that book out! Not much going on here just work, school and kids. I can day dream being in Hawaii with you Jane. Have a great week!

  12. No I haven’t read any of your books..Your a new Author for me..Thanks for sharing this great interview..My April so far is getting my Yard Sale ready so I can go on my trip with my sisters in May..My very first trip that I’ve taken with all my sisters together..

  13. I have not yet read any of Sarah’s book, but I am thrilled to have a new author to add to my list!! We are still waiting for the snow to melt here in Winnipeg and looking forward to Spring like weather which hopefully will be arriving soon!!

  14. I have not read Sarah yet, but the books sound awesome and I’ve just added them to my goodreads to-read list. Can’t wait to read them!
    April has been a wonderful and exciting month so far! This past Saturday my husband threw me a surprise 30th birthday party with all my family and friends. It was wonderfully thoughtful and made me feel so special. Today we found out we are going to be foster parents and I’m very excited. It’ll be our first time parenting and I’m happy to help some children who need a good home. It’s been quite the month despite only being about 1 week into April so far!

  15. I have read all of Sarah’s books. I’m anxiously waiting to read her newest. April is going well so far. I’ve been doing a lot of bonding with my father while my mom is away. I would love to win a copy if The best of us and a few interesting prizes! 🙂

  16. I’ve read her books, and LOVE THEM! I can’t wait to read her latest!
    Hope you’re having fun in Hawaii! 🙂

  17. I have never read anything from Sarah but I’m always looking for new authors! I can’t to read her books!

    As for my month…. I’m still waiting for spring break!!!!

  18. No, I have not read Sarah’s book. April is going all right. Our rental town home needed some plumbing work over the weekened and my daughter had asthma attack. On the bright side, got to take a day off and watched Oz with girls.

  19. I have never read any of Sarah’s books, but am always looking for a new author to become hooked on! So far April has been hectic. Celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary, the birth of a new cousin, the start of t-ball season, and a new batch of ice skating for my princess, and trout fishing has begun again!

  20. Sarah is a new author for me. I love to read and always looking for new authors to check out. This book looks great.
    So far this April I have finished some great books. Got my yard cleaned and getting ready for green grass and flowers. I live in Iowa and have crazy weather. Today we are having crazy rain showers with lots of lighting and 65-degrees and by thursday we are going to have snow and 47-degrees.

  21. I wish I could attend the event you and Sarah will be at 🙁 I know someone who will be there and she is so excited. I can’t wait to read this book. It sounds wonderful and I loved the interview!!!

  22. I have not read one of Sarah’s works, but I absolutely plan on doing so after meeting her on April 21st in VA. That is my most anticipated day of April and I can hardly contain myself thinking about this opportunity to meet Jane and Sarah in person! I plan to snatch up every book they bring to dinner. Hoping this warm, sunny weather is still around to greet you both. Can’t wait!

  23. No, I have not read Sarah’s books but I will now. My April has been good so far. Hubby was away on a short trip, so I spent quality time with our sweet senior dog….and ate terribly with fast food and hot dogs. Now it’s time to get back to more healthy eating. Enjoy your time in Hawaii, Jane.

  24. I have not read any of Sarah Pekkanen’s books I would so love to win them. For now they will be added to my TBR list if I spot them in the bookstore. Have a great time in Hawaii Jane I wish I could be there

  25. I haven’t read any of Sarah’s novels, yet, but would like to.

    My April has been a funny one. My partner had his shoulder replaced, and is struggling with some serious complications. He is improving, so we are headed in the right direction, but each day goes slowly.

  26. I haven’t yet read Sarah’s books, but I’m definitely going to change that soon!! I’m so excited to be attending the Alexandria dinner too!!! Definitely one of the highlights of my April.

  27. I have never read any of Sarah’s books. This one sounds very good!

    Our weather in Oklahoma has been very crazy, really chilly, then very warm days. This has kept me from getting out and working in my flower beds, which is my antidote for spending most of my time at my two jobs!

  28. Jane, you will have a great time in Alexandria I just know it. Sarah’s answers to the questions indicate that she is a writer I want to read. We have a couple of her books at the library, so I will start there. Wish I could buy every book I want to read, but that being out of the question the library helps supplement. I read my first Jane Porter book The Frog Prince from the library and that is how I found your blog. We are having warmer weather here today, but a cold front expected tomorrow. I am so ready for Spring! Enjoy your guys & Hawaii!

  29. No, I have never read Sarah. So far, I have been in the final throes of preparing for my son’s wedding next month. I think I’ve purchased five pairs of shoes, four dresses..& have yet to decide on the final ensemble. In addition, we are squeezing in a 2-week trip to Sanibel right before the wedding. ..leaving on April 28th. Whew!

  30. Hi Jane! I love Sarah Pekkanen. I have read all her books except the lastest one! April has been good so far but busy. Mike graduates next month and I am also getting ready for the CCFA charity walk!

  31. Hi Jane,
    I have not read any of Sarah’s books yet. I have read a sample of this one and it is a good one! I AM enjoying reading your books I won through Bookreporter. So many good books, so little time! Haha!

  32. Sarah’s new book sounds very good! Thanks for sharing. My April has been really good. I was on spring break for the first week of it. It was the first time in many years that I actually got to go somewhere for spring break. I went down to LA and San Diego, and it was wonderful!

  33. I haven’t read any of sarah’s books yet, I don’t think, but am looking forward to ‘The Best of us’.

    Hawaii. Went in 2001, can’t wait to get back! Was in Alexandria last year for a wedding and was surprised at how it’d changed since I lived there in the late 70s [I’m dating myself…] So far In April I’m waiting for all of the snow to melt and the ground to get a bit dryer so that I can start spring planting. Spent 90 minutes sitting in the sun yesterday – so nice! but today’s a work day so no playing 🙁

  34. I have not read any of Sarah’s books yet but with a recommendation from you, I will now. Just saw Wendy at a book signing in East Cobb last week. Now reading WWWWDA. Loving it!

  35. Oh,, I have not read any of Sarah’s books. Am now looking forward to adding Sarah to my list of ‘ Must Reads Authors.. Sounds like a perfect ‘ GetAway’ story..

    My April is in the Midwest..not quite Paris. but spring time anywhere blossoms..

  36. I haven’t read Sarah, YET. Looks like I need to put her on my list. My April so far is packing and moving boxes. It seems like it will go on forever. 🙂

  37. 🙂

    I’ve yet to read Sarah but am excited to start!

    April has been busy with college prep for my son and dance competition prep for my daughter!


  38. I have not read any of her books. This one though sounds really good. It finally warmed up enough with some sun so I took advantage and laid out for the first time. Gotta love the sunshine. 🙂

  39. I have never read Sarah but she sounds like a great author. So far April has been great with sunny spring weather here in the South.

  40. Hi Jane and Sarah! I have not read any of Sarah’s books yet. I will be adding this one to my ever growing TBR pile. I think I might need to take some time off so that all I can do is read! Sarah, I LOVE The Voice!!! I know that you will have a fabulous dinner, wish I could be a fly on the wall.

  41. Jane,
    Hope your having fun in Hawaii,that is where I wish I was! Thanks again for introducing us to new authors, can’t wait to read Sarah’s newest book! Sounds good

  42. I’ve read Sarah’s books and I LOVE them! So far my April has been cold and rainy…but I have a trip to the Bahamas a month away that’s keeping my spirits up. Thank you!

  43. I have not read any of her books either thats why I love these blog posts!

    I am celebrating my bday this week. I told my husband that going to the Hawaii Book and Music Festival would be an awesome present. He just laughed at me :/

  44. I have not read Sarah yet but she’s on my list . At 66 I started a part time job at a Fresh Produce (clothing) store and I love it. I already had my week at the beach planned with my grand kids but I’ll be back to work next week!

  45. I have not read any Of Sarah’s books but I am always looking for new authors to read. So far this month of April has been spent on yardwork and decorating our bedroom after painting it last month.

  46. I loveee all of Sarah’s books! =] I’ve had a good April so far. Not much has happened but it’s been good. =]

  47. Can’t wait to see you both in Alexandria. Such a great author combo! 🙂
    April is better now that it’s getting nice out. Trying to get out of my post-Passover slump and annoyed that my laptop is almost officially dead. I’ve been productive though! Reading “The Night Circus” at the moment and loving it!

  48. I love Sarrah’s books. She is one of my favorite authors. I will wait to buy her book until after the contest ends. I’m feeling lucky 😉

    Have a wonderful time in Hawaii. You deserve the R&R!

  49. I have read Sarah and enjoy her (and you) immensely!

    My April has been strange. I have a two month old so I have difficult days and great days. Plus my father is fighting cancer and we are waiting to see if the chemo is working…
    All in all, though life is good.

  50. I have NOT read Sarah before, but I am looking forward to getting acquainted with her work. My April so far, is a most lovely and beautiful Holy Week and Easter and finishing That Night on Thistle Lane by Carla Neggers and reading The Trouble With Love by Beth Ciotta. I’ve been watching the weather from my French (door) windows at work try to turn sunny – with rain and thunderstorms and cooler temps moving in later this week. 🙂

  51. I have never read Sarah but now I want to!
    So far April is getting ready for end of year testing…ugh!!!

  52. I have never read any of Sarah’s books but this one looks intriguing since we dealt with a hurricane last year and it’s scary when it is coming your way. Right now in April we are getting our house ready for our daughter’s college graduation party.

  53. The month of April has been good. Weather has been great, and we’ve had a few nice family get togethers that I have enjoyed. Sarah is another author I will look into now that you’ve introduced us to her. I don’t think I’d want to experience a hurricane in person, but reading about one would be interesting.

  54. Sarah’s books are memorable and very special. I enjoyed them all and haven’t yet read this new one. April is busy with my grandson’s first birthday next weekend.

  55. I have read “The opposite of me” and loved it! Amazon magically downloaded The Best of Us to my Kindle overnight (Isn’t that awesome?) and I am going to wait to read it on our family cruise April 20-27! We will be celebrating my parents 50th wedding anniversary with my hubby, myself, my 2 sisters and their hubby’s and of course– my parents! Going to be a fun fun week down in Mexico on the Princess Sapphire!! Hope you are enjoying Hawaii and wish I was able to be at the dinner in Alexandria too! xoxo

  56. I’m new to Sarah. I love Alexandria–used to go there a lot many years ago when my husband had huge project there. Have fun!

    April is LAX and baseball in our house.

  57. Hi! Quick question that’s completely off topic. Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly? My website looks weird when viewing from my iphone. I’m trying
    to find a theme or plugin that might be able to fix this problem.
    If you have any recommendations, please share. Thank you!

  58. I have not read Sarah’s work before but I must check it out. Maybe I will get lucky here fingers crossed!

  59. I have not read any of Sarah’s work before, but I will check it out on Amazon.
    Busy April with kids having spring break on different weeks, one kid having a birthday, husband fighting acute bronchitis and trying to finish my WIP. Excited that husband has vacation next week and will stop trolling FB to finish book!

  60. Hi! I’ve never read her books, love to read The Best of Me. Thank -you for introducing me to a new author. Glad your having fun in Hawaii with your birthday is on April 17th so going to the beach for a few days,wish I could met you but will one of these days.

  61. I have not read any of Sarah’s books yet, but have THESE GIRLS and SKIPPING A BEAT on my Kindle TBR. I have heard so much about her books, and I can’t wait to get into them.
    My April has been busy. We’ve had a lot of projects around the house (new hardwood floors, new tile, new carpet)and a lot of mess to clean up. I had a wonderful birthday last week. Of course, I always make time for books!

  62. I have read The Opposite of Me and loved it and also a couple of the e stories. Excited to see she has another book out. The Northwest rain has kept me mostly indoors in April, reading as much as I can.

  63. Hi Jane!

    I have not read Sarah’s books yet but they are definitely on my to-read pile (which grows exponentially by the day!)

    Thanks for the chance to win an awesome prize!

    My April so far…it’s been great! Reading, blogging, spending time with my kids and husband (who actually took a day off from work – a very very rare occurence!).


  64. LOVE LOVE LOVE everything that Sarah writes! She is just amazing…and is always so lovely to her fans! A true gem! This book is on my must read list- winner or not :-} PS Hawaii! Oh I am jealous…enjoy!!!

  65. I haven’t read anything by Sarah..yet. My April has been amazing. My husband has been hired…he was working as a temp for years, since he lost his job and we lost our house. Him getting hired, our getting benefits..soon…is amazing. I hope everyone else is having a good month, too.

  66. Happy Release Day to Sarah. Her books are on my TBR list. Wish I was in Hawaii, too! Enjoy your vacation, Jane.

  67. I have never read Sarah’s books so I would love to win “The Opposite of Me”. April has been full of birthdays – mine and my sister’s; and we received news that my brother & sister-in-law are expecting their 2nd child. Yeah!!! Have a great spring

  68. I have not read any of Sarah’s books, yet, but this sounds like a great place to start. My April has gotten fun. The kiddos are on Spring Break this week, and I broke down and got cheap passes to Disney, so we are taking full advantage this week!!

  69. A book title “Book 4” would certainly get my attention if nothing else. That’s funny. I look forward to reading THE BEST OF US.

  70. I have not read Sarah ‘s books yet, but I hope to soon.

    April has been okay so far, but I am waiting for nicer weather to brighten my Spring.

  71. I don’t know what I enjoy most from your blog Jane.Besides being an inspiration with your candid honesty you have introduced some of the best books on here that I have had the pleasure of reading. I will for sure check out the new book of Sarah’s it sounds very interesting!

  72. I’ve read all of Sarah’s books, she is absolutely AMAZING. Seriously, for those of you who haven’t yet read her books, rush out and get one. So far my April isn’t going great, I’ve been sick. Hopefully it will get better though!

  73. I have never read Sarah’s books before. The plot of The Best of Us, sounds very interesting and easy to relate to everyday life. As woman we struggle with balance all the time.

    April seems to be one of those months. Basketball and Volleyball wrapping up. Track and Baseball starting. Travel for work. Getting ready for Spring and hopefully sunshine soon.

  74. I will add Sarah to my reading list. I haven’t had much time to read lately. It’s been too crazy busy at work. I am going on a vacation soon and will take lots of books!!

  75. Hi, Jane. I haven’t read Sarah’s books yet, but they are on my to-read list.

    This week has been cold. Glad you’re in Hawaii, and I hope you’re enjoying the weather. We’ve been forecast to have freezing rain and flurries over the next few days in Toronto. Sigh.

  76. Hi Jane!
    I read Sarah’s “The Opposite of Me” awhile back based on a recommendation from one of the “comments” in your blog. And, I’m also currently reading “These Girls”, and my copy of her newest book arrived in the mail yesterday…so I thought it was a fun coincidence that you are introducing her on your blog this week! Sarah’s books are great!

  77. I just read the Kindle preview of The Best of Us and I can’t wait to get the book to find out what happens.

  78. I have yet to read one of Sarah’s books but had one on my TBR list.
    So far, I have had a lot of company in April so am behind in my reading. The weather here in Arizona is really nice now so am enjoying that a lot.

  79. I have not read any of Sarah’s books yet but they sound like ones I would enjoy reading. So far I”m doing well in April and my taxes are sent off. Yeah.

  80. this book sounds awesome! I hope you have an awesome time with your sons and at the dinner sounds like a lot of fun

    I haven’t read anything from Sarah but would love to read this am adding it to my wish list to read

  81. I read “The Opposite of Me” and JUST finished it. I have never laughed so hard and the humor is so effortless! Some authors have a humor that can be funny but also seems like they’re trying to hard, but this book has been magnificent. Pekkanen writes emotions so accurately and effortlessly that just leaves me in amazement. This is the first book I have read of hers and now want to get my hands on every single one!

  82. No, never read anything from Sarah yet and she sounds so totally delightful. Busy week for me getting my family together and all the cooking…O my…take care Jane…Ruth

  83. I haven’t read any of her books yet but I’ll definitely be looking for her books. It’s been a pretty lousy month so far but I’m hoping things start looking up for my family.

  84. I haven’t read any of Sarah’s books but love finding new to me authors, so thanks!!! I’ll definitely check this one out!

    April here is wet…mostly cold…nothing too exciting 🙁

  85. I haven’t had the chance to read Sarah`s books yet, but they look good! April has been a deceiving mix of weather here, so I`m looking forward to more warmth and sun to stay longer soon!

  86. I LOVE Sarah’s books and can’t wait to read this one! I keep reading great reviews online and in the magazines about this book. It is next on my list to read! Hopefully I can win a copy:)

  87. Never read any of Sarah’s books, but am looking forward to doing so!

    April has been one stressful and hectic month for me so far. Looking forward to having a mini vacation in a couple weeks, to start my b day off on the right note! Planning on catching up on some overdue R&R!

    Have a great weekend!

  88. Haven’t read Sarah before, but will be sure to find this book! April is wet and dreary these days in my part of British Columbia, with a freak hailstorm that covered the ground like snow today! So much for my pansies!

    Take care, and yet again another great book review/interview. Thank you!

    Lisa Lange

  89. I have never read anything by Sarah, but your recommendations have never steered me wrong so I’m definitely going to be checking out her work. As for what I’ve accomplished this month so far…. a lot of spring cleaning because of the dreary, cold, snowy weather in the Midwest which has forced me to stay locked up indoors. Praying for some warmer weather soon. On the plus side I’ve had more time to read.

  90. I have read all of Sarah’s books and can’t wait to read the newest!!! They are all so good! I don’t own The Opposite of Me so it would be nice to have it!

    April has been busy but good so far. I have four weeks left of student teaching and am currently going through the brutal job search hoping to find the right full time teaching gig!

  91. It’s been gorgeous here in Hawaii but today we return home to San Clemente. The boys will be getting back to school and I’m exited about my upcoming East Coast events. I’m so looking forward to dinner with Sarah and thrilled that some of you will be joining us!

    And speaking of Sarah, here are the winners for this contest –

    #18 Hailey Fish
    #94 Beverly Gordon
    #24 Aida Alberto

    Drop me an email girls, and I’ll get prizes in the mail asap and do mention the title of this blog in your email so I know what prize to send you.

    Hope you’re all enjoying a beautiful Sunday!
    Jane xoxo

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