Featured Author: Maisey Yates

IMG_7155I met Maisey Yates three years ago at the Rose City Reader’s Luncheon in Portland, OR.  She’d just sold her first book to Harlequin Presents – at the very young age of 23.   Today Maisey is one of the biggest, brightest voices in the Presents line and I think she’s simply awesome.  I adore her and am so happy to introduce her to you on my Jane Blog.  Maisey has recently branched out from writing her deeply passionate alpha stories to also writing light and sexy contemporary romances set practically in her back yard.  Here’s Maisey!

Is there anything that has surprised you about writing or publishing your books?

I think what’s surprised me most about publishing is how much there is to learn. I learn something new all the time!

What’s your typical day like when you’re between writing projects?

I’m rarely between projects! But when I’m taking time off, I usually just hang out around the house. Sometimes I feel adventurous and take a day trip with my husband and kids.

Was there anyone or anything that helped inspire you to be a writer?

Books. I loved to read books, I loved to be surrounded by books. I wanted to help create what I loved.

Do you have a writing schedule or any writing rituals to help you achieve your daily writing quota?

I have a playlist for every book, and I have scented candles that I light while I work. It helps me get in a good frame of mind!

Tell us about your new release in 2 – 3 sentences.  What do you personally love about this story?

Unexpected, as told by Carly Rae Jepson: “I just met you, and this is crazy, but there was a clinic mix-up and you’re having my baby!” (Now it’s stuck in your head!) What I really like about this book is that Cole and Kelsey, the main characters, have something crazy happen to them, through no fault of their own, and it’s up to them to try and make it work, not just for them, but for their baby!

After spending another family wedding fielding questions about her non-existent love life, Kelsey Noble decides she’s tired of waiting around for things she could go out and get herself. What Kelsey wants is a baby, and she doesn’t see any point waiting for a husband she’s not even sure she wants. But a mix-up at the fertility clinic lands her with a hassle she didn’t count on. A big, muscular hassle in a Stetson and cowboy boots.
Cole Mitchell is shocked to discover that a grand gesture from years past has come back to haunt him. Now, thanks to a clerical error, a woman he’s never met is having his baby—and there’s no way he’s going to walk away and forget he has a child.
Trying to make nice with the unexpected father of her baby lands Kelsey in Silver Creek, Oregon, dealing with the kind of small town life she left behind years ago. Even worse is dealing with the burning attraction she feels for Cole. She knows adding sex to the mix is a very bad idea, but she’s not sure how long she can resist falling for the last man she ever expected…

What are you working on now?

I’m working on Unbroken, the third book in the Silver Creek series.

What do you love most about being a writer?  What do you hate?

I love writing. The act of sitting down and creating a new story. I hate the politics. People can be hard to navigate, and I would rather not have to worry about that!

Name five items sitting on your desk right now.

A candle, an iPhone, a coffee mug, a laptop and a lamp!

Name 3 books you hope to read soon.

A Royal Without Rules by Caitlin Crews
Man Drought by Rachael Johns
Ink by Amanda Sun

Title and author of the latest book you read?

To Sin With a Viking by Michelle Willingham. (LOVED it!)

What’s your astrological sign?


Are you superstitious?

I would like to say no, but I think I really am. I tend to believe my thinking is magical…

If you could meet one person who has died, who would it be?  What would you want to discuss with him/her?

LM Montgomery. We would have to discuss Anne. Because her character meant the world to me. 😉

Five favorite things to do on a weekend?

Read, road trip, watch TV, sit on the deck, sleep in.

What’s the one thing you couldn’t live without if you were stuck on a deserted island?

There are so many things. I’m a high maintenance creature. But if  I could only pick one? My husband would have to come with me. I love that man.

Best advice you’ve ever received?

It’s actually marriage advice from a friends mom. In a fight, don’t say ‘you always or you never’. Because neither is true, and it will only make things escalate. I always think of that, just before I’m about to say BUT YOU NEVER and then I think better of it!

Five things every writer should know?

1. You have to do the work. After you get published there’s only more work, and you have to keep doing it.
2. Working hard pays off.
3. Being a diva doesn’t.
4. It’s okay to love what you write.
5. If you love what you write, you need to be willing to revise it to make it better.

Your favorite dessert or snack?

Hmm….a hard question. Dessert is cake. Snacks are chips. I don’t like one more than the other, it just depends on if I want sweet or salty!

What do you do in your spare time?

Trick question. I have three kids. I don’t have spare time.

What does success mean to you?

Success to me is measured in a few ways. I have a lot of ambition, but I also feel I’m successful now. I’m happy doing what I do, and my family is taken care of. That’s success to me.

Rock or country music?


Last song you listened to?

The One That Got Away by The Civil Wars.

Sweet or savory?

That’s HARD. I like food. Can we leave it at that?

Favorite ice cream flavor?

I make a chai ice cream that is pretty darn good if I say so myself!


Maisey, I’ve loved having you join us today.  I’ll have to try the Chai ice cream soon.  🙂  Thanks for sharing with us!   Friends, be sure to stop by Maisey’s website and learn more about her books.  To add more fun to today’s post, I’m giving away, to one lucky winner, an ebook download of one backlist book by Maisey Yates, an ebook download of  one backlist book by Jane Porter (anything up to The Good Daughter) and some fun JP goodies.  For a chance to win, leave a comment and you’ll be entered.  Contest ends Monday – Good luck!


  1. Great giveaway! I will have to check out some of her books since I’ve already read all of yours! Can’t wait to read The Good Wife!

  2. Haha…now I do have that song stuck in my head, Maisey. 😀 I have Unexpected in my e-reader (and also the prequel novella) but now have to read them. It sounds so good.


  3. I just love the cover of the book. It’s so young and fresh looking.
    Thanks for introducing me to Maisey.

  4. I haven’t read Maisey’s books but I will have to look for them. The story in Unexpected looks like a good one.

  5. Fun giveaway! I’ll check out Maisey’s website. I love the cover of her book and the story sounds like a good read.

  6. AWESOME blog – questions and answers. Jane – I adore Maisey too!! Unexpected is right on the top of my TBR pile and I can’t wait to dive in. Love your marriage advice too – thanks for that 🙂 Oh and also for the lovely mention of MAN DROUGHT – hopefully it’ll be available in your part of the world one day too!

  7. Love getting to know new authors, excited to check out some of Maisey’s books. Thanks Jane for the giveaway!!

  8. Hi Maisey and Jane

    Unexpected sounds really good and I like your play on the Carly Rae Jepson song, Maisey.

  9. My comment is for Maisy, I was just curious, do you have a special candle scent for each book? If do, does that scent remind you of those characters?

    1. Kristen, I have to say, I didn’t break it down quite that way until I started writing Unbroken. I had a Lemon Meringue candle and a salt water orchid candle. Very summery and fresh and it was sort of ALL THE THINGS for the book. Then today I started a new, sexier project and lit a spiced candle…so I may be headed in that direction!

      1. Thanks for the answer 🙂 I have a lemon verbena lotion that makes me think Cabo every time I smell it. I wondered if you’d done the same with your characters. It’s sort of a fun thought 🙂

  10. Great interview! I have not read your work before but will have to check it out. Your books sound really good. Jane is one of my favorited authors so it she recomends your books they have to be good.

  11. You DO realize I now have to add another author to my TBR pile–which consists of eBooks AND paperbacks–too numerous to count! 😉

  12. I haven’t read any of your books yet BUT you are on my list (a very long list). This book sounds wonderful!

  13. I really like the best advice you’ve ever received…will have to check out your books. Thanks Jane for a new author.

  14. I am new to Maisy’s books, but they sound like a wonderful read. I love finding new authors.
    And we are fellow Pisceans. Good sign to be born under..

  15. Maisey, love your books! I’m looking forward to this series…have the first 2 just not started yet! 🙂

  16. Yum! I will have to try Chai ice cream, too. Another author to check out…YAY! There aren’t enough hours in the day!

  17. Kudos to you, Jane, for introducing us to yet another fresh new voice! I have picked up so many good reads on your recommendation and am looking forward to reading Maisey’s Silver Creek series.

  18. well i have to say I just finished a book by Maisey and im now hooked!! I love strong heroines ad sexy but flawed heros ty for your books both of you are awesome and now in my auto buys!

  19. Maisey’s books sound like ones I would enjoy, so thanks again Jane for introducing us to another great author. Good luck Maisey now and for future writing.

  20. Aww, thanks again! You have such nice things to say! It’s the first day of school here…my oldest child isn’t in the house. It’s SO quiet! I might get good writing done…

  21. Thanks, everyone, for making Maisey feel welcome! Our winner for this contest is

    #27 Kathy P.

    Kathy, shoot me an email with your ebook format preference and your mailing address – and please be sure to mention this blog and your comment number in your email! I’ll get the prize organized for you asap!

    Love to all,
    Jane xoxo

  22. I love Maisey’s books! She always makes me giggle in every book and I like that. I just finished Unexpected and I loved it! Can’t wait for more in the series.

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