Featured Author: Stephanie McAfee


I met Southern women’s fiction writer, Stephanie McAfee, at Cat Blanco’s Book Exchange in Marietta, GA in July when I joined Stephanie McAfee and Beth Albright for an event.  I’ve introduced you to Beth Albright, and now it’s time to meet Stephanie.  And let me tell you, Stephanie is one fun–and funny–girl, too.

I’ve been impatiently waiting for a chance to introduce you to Stephanie, wanting you to hear first hand about her journey to getting published.  So without further ado, help me welcome the witty, engaging and extremely talented, Stephanie McAfee, to the JaneBlog!

Is there anything that has surprised you about writing or publishing your books?

Of all the things that surprised me, the response to the character of Ace Jones and the town of Bugtussle would have to be at the top of the list. People from all over the country have written things like, “This is so me and/or my best friend/sister/cousin!” or “Did you base these characters on people from my hometown?” And since Ace Jones is a little on the chunky side, many people have expressed appreciation for a character they can relate to on a personal level. So that’s all been really nice.

Was there anyone or anything that helped inspire you to be a writer?

That credit goes to my eleventh grade English teacher, Mrs. Carolyn Jackson. She ran her classroom like an army boot camp and we were all scared to death of her. To make matters worse, she was in my parents’ Sunday school class and never hesitated to let them know how I was doing. So after getting grounded a few times, I went to work in her class and soon discovered a love for literature that I might have otherwise missed. Toward the end of the school year, she read one of my essays to all of her classes as an example of great descriptive writing. I almost passed out. I’ve loved reading and writing ever since.

Do you have a writing schedule or any writing rituals to help you achieve your daily writing quota?

Well, I have a four year old and we’ve just moved from Florida to Colorado so I’m at a point where I can only dream of a regular writing schedule. But when I do sit down to work, Pringles and Diet Mountain Dew always help me get where I want to go.

Tell us about your new release in 2 – 3 sentences.  What do you personally love about this story? 

In Down & Out in Bugtussle, Ace Jones has just moved back to Mississippi from Pelican Cove, Florida, where her biggest dreams went up in smoke. She’s trying to put her life back together with the help of her friends, her trusty chiweenie dog, and her grandmother’s gardening book. I love this story so much because it’s all about finding peace after discovering the cracks in the crystal ball. I very much enjoyed writing it.


What do you love most about being a writer?  What do you hate?

What I love most about being a writer is getting to do what I love every day. And I love going to book events and meeting fabulous and interesting people. What I don’t love so much is the editing process because I’m terrible when it comes to that. I’m one of those people who can read jumbled letter and word paragraphs like a champ, which isn’t great for proofing and revising.

Title and author of the latest book you read? 

Stephen King On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. I’m not so much a fan of horror, but he is a master of the craft in every sense of the word. It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. Ever. I love it.

What’s your astrological sign?


If you could meet one person who has died, who would it be?  What would you want to discuss with him/her?

Oh, that would be my literary crush, Ernest Hemingway. And I would want to discuss him taking me out on a hot date for a Jack Rose. Shallow, I know. But that’s the truth. He was so handsome and intriguing.

Rock or country music?

I’m all about some rock-n-roll. I also have a crush on Kid Rock.

Last song you listened to? 

The Truth About Love by Pink. I think she’s the greatest.



Stephanie, thanks so much for stopping by today and sharing with us!  Readers, please help me in making Stephanie feel welcome and do check her website to learn more about her books!  In celebration of Stephanie’s visit today, I’m giving away a book from Stephanie’s book list, a Starbucks drink card and more fun reader goodies.  Leave a comment for a chance to win.  Contest runs through Monday night and I’ll announce a winner on Tuesday.  Remember to check back next week to see who won!


  1. Great interview! Southern Womens Fiction sound like a interesting read since I love anything writen about the south. I will have to check out your work. Thanks for sharing with us!

  2. Thanks Jane!
    Stephanie, you are my kind of writer since I love humorous banter between characters. And having lived in the deep South for four years, I do appreciate reading about those fun characters. I dearly love all my SC friends and my husband’s Georgia relatives. I look forward to reading your books with a smile on my face. 😉

  3. I love any author who thinks Ernest Hemingway would be a hot date,;) !! Welcome Stephanie, I look forward to reading Down & Out in Bugtussle very soon.

  4. I’m from the south (Arkansas) originally, and this book sounds great! I look forward to reading it, and it’s going on my list now! I love books!

  5. I do love a funny Southern story.
    Being that I am from the deep south and all.
    Thanks Jane for the heads up to Stephanie’s writing.

  6. Love the name “Bugtussle”. It just sounds southern (and I mean that complimentary) and down to earth.
    Enjoy your four year old! They grow up so fast.
    Have the floods in Colorado been a problem for you?

  7. Great interview. Sounds like a good book. I’m busy with a new grandbaby right now but, when I get my reading time back (soon) my first read is The Good Wife then I’ll check this one out. Can’t wait to read both.

  8. Great interview! I will check out Stephanie’s website. I see the cover of the book and wish there was a cupcake waiting for me right now in my mailbox.

  9. I never thought about “southern women’s fiction” as a genre, but I like it. I’m always excited to find a new series, and I love characters that have some real life issues. Thanks for the interview, can’t wait to start the books.

  10. Thank you for introducing me to another “new” author. I love the cover of the book and the name “Bugtussle” really caught my eye. The interview was wonderful. Southern Women’s Fiction is something new to me but it sounds like so much fun and I look forward to the adventure! 🙂

  11. Stephanie that was an awesome interview. I read Diary of a Mad Fat Girl and LOVED it! I knew I recognized your name! I look forward to reading about Ace Jones!

  12. Holy cow, I’m just realizing this is a series…I’m two books behind! I’m so glad Jane interviewed you so I can add to my already toppling TBR list.

  13. Jane,

    Hey Sugar Butt! You are so good about sharing the love of other authors with your readers. I’m so glad our paths crossed 3 times this year!! And I hope to host you, Beth and Steffie Mac again!! Hugs to you & all your readers!

    Cat Blanco/Book Exchange-Marietta, GA

  14. I really enjoyed reading about you and what made you start writing, I also like to find new authors for I love to read because of a 4th grade teacher and my mom for she was the one that figured out that I was dyslexia, and it the late60’s they had no idea to how to correct the problem and she helped me, and to overcome from being called stupid. I’d love to win your book for it sounds like a fun book to read and I’m part southern,too!

  15. I was there that night at the Book Exchange and saw y’all! Had a blast! It was great meeting you and have enjoyed reading everyone’s books!!

  16. Hi Stephanie
    Welcome to Jane’s blog. Thank you for sharing of yourself as we get to know you better. I sure liked the name of the town, Bugtussle. Also, Ace as a girls name is intriguing. My question to you is, does Ace have a sweetie? I don’t recall one mentioned in the above info that was shared.

    Many thanks for your time.

  17. Sounds like you had a great time at the book signing. I will definitely look for Stephanie and Beth’s books.

    I love humor in a book.

  18. this sounds like a great read! I have a love for all things down south this sounds right up my ally and whata fun cover ty for introducing me to another author id enjoy

  19. Stephanie’s books look like something I would love to read. I just went over to amazon and found all of her books. I added some of them to my wish list.

    Thanks for introducing me to jet another author. I just love blogs like this.

  20. I’m so happy I met you here on Jane’s blog. I’ll be reading you and I’m with you all the way with Ernest Hemingway. Great interview.
    Carol L

  21. Thanks, everyone, for making Stephanie feel welcome! I’m glad you’re excited about her books and know you’ll enjoy them.

    Our winner for this contest is –

    #44 Sheena

    Sheena, send me an email with your full name, mailing address and the title of this blog – and please also include your comment #. I’ll get the prize in the mail asap.

    love to all!!
    Jane xoxoxo

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