Meet Me in Fresno Saturday!

The traveling has begun!  Seattle and Spokane last weekend, and Central California this weekend.

Ty Gurney, Mac and I are packing overnight bags as we’re heading to the San Joaquin Valley, with a 2 pm book signing Saturday afternoon at the Barnes & Noble, then a quick drive to my hometown, Visalia, for my 30th class high school reunion Saturday night at the airport Holiday Inn.

I love going home and I’m so looking forward to seeing readers, family and friends in Fresno, and then all  friends from high school Saturday night.

The book signing at Barnes & Noble will be very mellow–I’ll pretty much be hanging out at a card table–so drop by if you can.  No pressure.  No huge crowd.  No waiting for me to speak.  Just come say hello or give me a hug and pick up a signed copy of one of my Brennan sister books if you’d like.

Details for the signing – Saturday, September 21st, 2013, 2:00pm   Barnes & Noble 7849 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno, CA 93720

And just because Saturday night is my Redwood High Reunion, I’ve taken a trip down memory lane and am sharing a few pics from Spring of my senior year at Redwood.  My hair was definitely a lot darker back then…


Jane and Thom
With my brother, Thom.

I’ve got a great contest to help me celebrate my weekend at home for one lucky reader:  If you’ve read The Good Wife by now, can you tell me which Brennan sister do you like best?  Is there a sister you like least?  Did reading The Good Wife change your opinion about the sisters at all?

Share your thoughts in the comment section below for a chance to win a $15 Amazon or B&N gift cerfticate, (winner’s choice), a $5 Starbucks drink cars, a signed copy of The Frog Prince, my hard to find book about a girl from Visalia, and lots of fun JP reader goodies and treats!!  Contest ends Sunday night with the winner announced Monday morning.

Do check back on Monday to see if you won and in the meantime, have a fantastic weekend.  With my Gurney boys in tow, I know I will!


  1. I haven’t read “The Good Wife” yet but am anxious to read it. I loved the other books about the Brennan sisters. Have fun at your reunion! I would never go to mine!!

  2. Hi Jane, I have not read The Good Wife yet but I love the old photos!
    (I just started Easy on the Eyes and it`s great so far)

  3. I’ve read all three and throughout the series I fell in love with each of them…eventually. For a while, I didn’t like Sarah. I found her self-absorbed and immature. I love how she grew through her experiences and turned into a lovable, caring woman. I’ve always loved Kit–and duh, Jude! I enjoyed her story and loved that she found her joy.
    Meg will always be special to me too. I appreciate how she took responsibility for her actions while maintaining her dignity.

  4. hope you have a great weekend! btw, our surf video came in the mail the other day and it is awesome. love the TGSS staff!!!

  5. I’ve read them all. I think Meg is still my favorite, but who changed my mind the most was Sarah. When she was first introducted I thought she needed serious help for her co-dependency with Boone. It wasn’t until I read The Good Wife did I get to see another side of her, and Boone for that matter-loved him!

  6. I think Kit is my favorite. I thought about Sarah differently until I read her story. Have a fantastic weekend; thanks for sharing your pics!

  7. I don’t have a favorite yet, needing to get to the final book.. But I have 2 older sisters…
    Hoping to see more fun photos!! Enjoy your reunion!! At my 20th, we photocopied the senior pictures from our annual and used them as nametags…

  8. Hi Jane!!! Have a fantastic weekend!! I LOVED Kit (and Jude!!)! I just could not warm up to Sarah, lol! I come from a family of 4 sisters so know it’s always a mix of diverse personalities even with the same parents!!

  9. That’s a hard one for me. I loved Meg but I didn’t respect her for not standing true to what she needed as a woman and instead held tight to her sense of obligation. I would love to see more of Brianna. I guess for sake of a decision I think I will have to say Kit. She is a faithful woman that took a leap of faith for her own happiness. She expanded her beliefs to include more and opened her life to more living. I hope you will continue writing about the sisters. Meg’s journey cannot be ended with the strong sense of guilt and regret that came with the loss of Jack. One of my favorite parts of the Good Wife had to be when Meg confides to Sarah that she wished she had asked Jack for a divorce. Ultimately it will be Meg I will continue to root for.

  10. I have not read The Good Wife yet! I have read Meg’s story but not sure I have a favorite sister yet. I need to read more of the stories to make up my mind. Although I really liked Meg, so I guess she is my favorite right now.

  11. I have to say Kit. She is independent seems to know what she wants and found Jude. Want to know what is next in their story

  12. Just 1/4 of the book read, had to quit reading to go back to work! Haven’t formed a definite opinion about which is my favorite yet. Great book!

  13. I really enjoyed The Good Wife. My favorite sister would be Meg. I would love to have a book for Brianna. I think there’s a lot of story for her that could be told. Have a good time this weekend. My 30th reunion is this weekend too. I have never gone to any of them because I really didn’t have any friends in school. Plus, I became exactly what everyone in school thought I would be, no one special.

  14. I’m torn. I really can’t pick! When I read each book, that sister was my favorite! As for poor Briana, she has her moments, good & bad.

    Love the photos! Have fun at the reunion!

  15. By and far, I like Kit the best. Kit seems like my kind of gal. Her story resonated with me on several levels. It’s really a toss up between Meg and Sarah as to which one I like the least. Meg made poor choices that affected her entire family, then it seemed like she felt entitled to those poor choices. Sarah really needed to learn and embrace the meaning of forgiveness. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people in the world walking around with a big chain of unforgiveness weighing them down.

  16. Jane,

    Hi, Have a blast at your reunion, I went to my 25th last year and it was great, I think mostly because most people had gotten past all the HS drama and were comfortable just being themselves, and it was nice to meet up with people that I had reconnected with on fb.

    Asking us to pick a favorite is a hard one, I have loved and seen myself in all of the sisters. I think I probably relate to Kit the most though for many reasons.

  17. Kit is my favorite too. She has the best heart and is a lot of fun. I like Brianna the least, but I think my feelings towards her might change if I heard from her point of view.

  18. Kit has always been my favorite, maybe because she reminds me of myself 🙂
    While reading The Good Woman, I really disliked Brianna, but after reading The Good Daughter, she became a bit more likeable. I think if you wrote a book about Brianna, more people might like her if they understood her more (hint, hint 🙂 ).

  19. I haven’t read The Good Wife yet but I plan to read it soon. I need to reserve it at the library. =] I don’t really have a favorite sister. I love them all! I don’t think there’s one that I like the least. =]

  20. I have read The Good Wife but my favorite character in that book is Lauren. I just like everything about her.
    Otherwise all four sisters are great characters.
    And The Frog Prince is such a great book. I can highly recommend it.

  21. I have not read The Good Wife yet
    but have read the first two. I am anxious to get started on The Good Wife. So far Kit is my favorite.

  22. I loved The Good Wife. I would love for the story to continue. Meg is my favorite. What a strong woman. You captured such raw emotion.

  23. Hi Jane!

    I’ve read all three of the books in the series and I think I have to say that Sarah is my favorite because she’s so real- her hopes and fears, her insecurities and her love for her kids…very real. My least favorite was probably Brianna but that could be because her story wasn’t really told in the series. I mean, she was there and the character was very well developed but we didn’t get to see into her heart and head much so her actions at times seemed really selfish.

    I loved all 3 books and all 4 sisters and can’t wait to see what you have for us next!

    Hugs from Kentucky!

  24. Hi Jane,
    I ❤️ all the Brennan sisters and all for different reasons. Each book brought out things from each sister I liked.
    Have fun at your reunion.


  25. I learned of you just recently so I have not read any of your books. They are now on my wish list/to-read list. Cannot wait to get started.

    so, no fave sister… yet!

  26. I haven’t read The Good Wife yet-I believe Kim’s bringing it from CA when she visits next week. So, far, I think I like Kit the best, and I KNOW that I like Brianna the least.

  27. I just finished The Good Wife tonight. I also read the other two books in this series in the last week and a half. I like Meg the best because I understand the uber responsible thing as I am also the oldest. I want her to get back with Chad. Oh well. How about some more Brennan sister stories and having Meg meet someone new and explore a new career? Kit is an interesting sister also. I guess I am already missing these three books. I will be sending them on to my daughter soon. Thank you so much. I had so much enjoyment reading these books and thanks to Amazon for delivering them to my door.

  28. Oh my goodness- in your photo I saw your oldest but a girl version : )

    I can’t say who my favorite is- I need to know Brianna’s story. I have a feeling I might like her best because of her free spirit.

  29. love the pictures….I am almost done w.the good wife. I like all the sisters the same. all have unique, interesting lives. I wish there was 4th book 🙂

  30. You want me to choose? Really? I loved them all, but I still think I like Kit the best. I think she took the biggest chance to have her life on her own terms. I had a hard time with Sarah, until she finally figured out who she wanted to be. Have a great weekend!

  31. I haven’t read ‘The Good Wife’ yet and I don’t have a sister – maybe that’s why I like stories about sisters – especially when they support each other.
    Have a fun trip!

  32. honestly I love all of the sisters don’t like one more then the other I think that I relate more to Sarah and her struggles as a wife and as someone coming to terms with a cheating spouse. tho I do like Kits free spirit a little too all of Jane’s characters r awesome and I cant find one that I don’t like

  33. I haven’t had a chance to read The Good Wife yet so I can’t say which is my favorite yet. I hope to get it in the next couple of weeks.

  34. The entire Brennan series was awesome however The Good Woman was my favorite! I really liked Meg and what she went through. As for a least favorite it was Brianna at first but by the end of the good wife i just wanted to know more about her. I really hope there is another book at some point!

  35. Loved hearing everyone’s thoughts on sisters! Thanks for sharing! Our winner for this contest is –

    #14 Louise O.

    Louise, shoot me an email with your full name, address, comment number and title of this blog – and please also include your preference for gift card! I’ll get the prize in the mail asap.

    love to all!

  36. Hi Jane

    So enjoyed talking about your books with you in Alexandria last spring. I have read all three books now and have to say I like Kit the best but relate to Meg the most. As a retired military wife I had a hard time relating to Sarah’s dependency on Boone and him being gone a lot but for short trips, versus long deployments. But that’s just me. I still enjoyed her story and I loved Lauren. One of my favorite parts was Lauren’s definition of “fine.” Loved it!! SO true. Fine is not fine. 🙂 Enjoy your book tour. I hope there’s a book 4 so we can get to know Brianna and tie up the loose ends with the other sisters. And more of Jude. 🙂

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