My new story Take Me, Cowboy is out now!

I have been traveling a lot.

A lot, a lot, a lot.  I’ve been on the road for the past 4 out of 5 weekends, and the one weekend I was home, I had a house guest and threw a girls night out book party.

I’m a little of tired of traveling, and am very ready to stay put and  focus on my family, and Halloween, and doing fun things with my littlest guy who loves this time of year.  Because of him, I really love this time of year, too.  🙂

But there is something cool happening, and it’s this:   I have a new story out…TODAY!

Take Me, Cowboy wasn’t supposed to be officially on sale until tomorrow, but Amazon has it available–and at a very special intro price of .99.  It’s a great deal, a great price and it’s only temporary, so if you’re looking for a sexy, sweet, emotional story for less than a buck….this is it!

When Jenny Wright’s fiancé leaves her standing at the altar in a Vera Wang bridal gown she can’t afford, she’s humiliated and heartbroken. To have Marietta hero bull riding champ Colton Thorpe witness her shame – makes the rejection even more devastating.
Jenny and Colton grew up in the same rough neighborhood and they both left home right after school to pursue big dreams. Now they’re both back, with Colton as the celebrity chair for the 75th Copper Mountain Rodeo, and Jenny in disgrace.
Sexy, rugged Colton didn’t get to be a national champion by chance. He’s a man that takes risks and goes after what he wants. During the rodeo weekend, Colton makes it clear he wants Jenny. Flustered but flattered, Jenny finds it difficult to resist his charm. But what happens when the rodeo ends and Colton leaves town? Will she dare to dream again?

If you’re interested in downloading a copy, you can get one at Amazon.

Not an ebook reader yet?  Good news!  In a couple weeks there will be print anthologies of all four cowboy novellas for sale, too.  I promise to let you know when that happens.  But the cover is gorgeous and it includes all the great Copper Mountain novellas in it by my amazing author friends Megan Crane, Lilian Darcy, and CJ Carmichael.

And to celebrate the release of Take Me, Cowboy I’m giving away a special Halloween treat book filled with books, sweets, and awesome treats.  Comment by midnight PST Oct 30th for a chance to win, and the winner will be announced on the 31st sometime Thursday morning.  To enter you can tell me anything…I just want to hear from you!

Happy Monday, enjoy all your fun Harvest and Halloween activities this week, and I do hope you’ll enjoy my Colton and Jenny’s love story!


  1. I’m sure I WILL enjoy Colton and Jenny’s love story. Thanks so much for writing such endearing stories.
    Looking forward to dressing up this year. Hope not to scar the kids at the door (too much, LOL) before heading out in my costume. (Playing badminton in it!)

  2. Happy Monday Jane! I’m not normally an ebook reader but will definitely be getting yours. Can’t wait to read it!

  3. Wow, you’ve been busy!! Glad you are finally home and are able to enjoy Halloween with your little one! 🙂 I love this time of year, as well!! So excited to head over to Amazon and get this amazing bargain!! Happy Halloween!

  4. Kind of a sad Halloween here-my best friend will be saying goodbye to her amazing grandmother for the last time. I do, however, think that she would have gotten a kick out of getting everyone into a cemetery on Halloween-she had the best sense of humour.

  5. Congratulations Jane on the new book. I just downloaded it and can’t wait to read it. I hope you enjoy Halloween with your family.

  6. Congrats on the new release! Yay, another Jane Porter story. 🙂 I just finished reading The Good Wife. Loved it, love the entire series. And I hope you have the time now to settle in at home and spend some Halloween time with the family. Happy Halloween!

  7. I’m glad you’re finally back home with your family. I can’t wait to see what little Mac will dress as for Halloween. Congratulations on your newest book. I loved the story. The entire series was really good. but, this book was my favorite. I look forward to purchasing the collection in print to add to my collection.

  8. The book sounds great. Just in time to have a new book and cuddle up with it and a hot chocolate. Happy Halloween.

  9. I am so glad you made it back home so you can have Halloween with your family. I spent the afternoon bagging up 94 bags of candy. Make that 93 because son just got in it. I hope that is enough you never know for sure here. Will head to Amazon and check out your new book, sounds really good.

  10. So glad you are home to enjoy the Halloween stuff with your family! Congrats on the book release; it is SO good! Will be looking forward to the print anthologies of all four cowboy novellas. Enjoy!

  11. I can’t wait to read your latest! I’m not an e-reader yet but hopefully one day, I’ll catch up to the rest of the technological folks. 🙂

  12. Just downloaded the book and am on my way to read it! Thanks so much for the heads-up on the Amazon special. 🙂 Have a wonderful Halloween!

  13. Hi Jane,
    I ❤️ this time of year too. Can’t wait to see pics of your little guy dressed for Halloween!


  14. I am so happy to know that there will be print copies available. Yay for old school…real books are still my favorite.

    So happy for you to be home with your family for a while now and especially for Mac’s Halloween.

  15. I am on my way to download take me cowboy,…enjoy your family time…just finished shes gone country…love, love, love it…….

  16. Glad to hear you are back home with your family 🙂
    I download my copy of Take Me,Cowboy from Amazon but since I like to read books in a series in the right order , I need to buy and read books 2&3 before I’ll be able to read your story.

  17. Downloaded it this afternoon while waiting in the orthodontists office with my boy child. Will start reading shortly! It rained in Fresno today. Yay! Kids are getting ready for Halloween, decor is up, cake pops will be baked on Wednesday, class treats will be done and ready to Ariana’s party and away we go!

  18. Jane,

    Love this story! Have a Happy Halloween! Enjoy your time with family, can’t wait to see what Mac’s costume looks like this year.

    You know it will a difficult day for me, but I have some of the best people helping me through it.

  19. Finally, Jenny’s story! So great! Happy Halloween, everyone! I also have to try the pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe I just saw…YUM! Cookies and pumpkin!

  20. Just downloaded my copy and looking forward to getting started on it!

    Enjoy the Halloween festivities with your family (I’m going to try those pumpkin chocolate chip cookies with my kids this weekend too, they love all things pumpkin!)

  21. I had a friend from HS who was jilted at the alter. It’s a humiliating situation! Emotionally devastating. Luckily she met a wonderful guy and later had 3 fine sons.

    I’m looking forward to reading how Jenny over comes her fears takes a chance with Colton.

    Is Max dressing up this year? My granddaughter is going as her favorite zoo animal, a giraffe. So cute to see Halloween through the eyes of a 2 year old!

  22. Thanks Jane for another delicious story. I started reading your book at 10:45 last night waiting for my son to get home from work. I couldn’t put the book down. I fell asleep and the IPad fell off the bed startling me. Of course, I woke up and chuckled. I silently cursed you as I know I’ll be doing the same thing tonight! 🙂 I am hooked! What a wonderful story.

    Have a wonderful Halloween! Do they make Halloween Peeps?
    Take care,
    Michelle F. in Denver

  23. Happy Halloween, Jane! Enjoy some time with your family.

    I just bought the novella, after reading the sample. It pulled me in right away.

  24. Fantastic news on the new release. can’t wait to read it. I can’t believe oct is almost over. I am sure not ready for the holidays!

  25. Bought it last night for my beloved Kindle! Is it wrong to love an object so much? 😉

    Yay…happy release day!

  26. Happy Halloween to you and your famly! Going to start reading your new story right now! I already know that I’m going to love it! I enjoyed reading all three of the Brennan sister’s, couldn’t put them down and gave them to 2 of my girlfriends that love reading your books! I can’t wait to read the Christmas books that you all have written! I love the new publishing company’s website!

  27. I love Halloween too, but it’s not as much fun without the little ones to celebrate with. I just finished Take Me Cowboy and I loved it! It was a great way to start my week and with a cowboy to boot. Happy Halloween.

  28. I have missed your blog so much. I haven’t participated in a while but here I am! So happy to see you have a new book out. I hope you get some down time this holiday season.

  29. Hi Jane

    Absolutely loved Take Me,Cowboy!
    Such a good book and great addition to the Copper Mountain Rodeo Series. Can’t wait for more!!

  30. I can’t wait to read this one, I love your books! 🙂

    I hope you have a great Halloween with your family. My daughter can’t wait to trick or treat in her costume (Izzy from Jake and the Neverland Pirates). She loves dressing up!

  31. HI Jane,
    So glad to see a new book of yours out.
    I have been busy and having trouble sleeping for the past 6 weeks. A new book to read in those lonely hours will be nice.

    Enjoy your Halloween with Mac. 🙂

  32. Sounds like another great Jane book read! So happy you get to spend time with Mac at his favorite time too. Leaves are falling, time is changing and we all look forward to time we can spend with family and all our blessings during the upcoming holidays.

  33. Hi Jane,

    I only have two of your books, bought it when I was in America about 8 years ago. And I still have them. I love romance, now that I am married I can try out some of the stuff I read 🙂 in your books.

    A book hamper from America would be awesome.

  34. it’s been one year since my last winning on your blog. i know i’m international..maye it’s to expensive to send out to your international readers, like me 🙂

    but still, i keep my fingers crossing to receive something for the halloween this year 🙂

    thanks !

  35. Congrats #27 Susan R….you are the winner!!

    I have a big box of books and goodies and treats with your name on it. Please shoot me your address so I can send the great books and treats to you.


  36. Hi Jane!
    I loved Take Me Cowboy! Ripped through it! Please keep the suggestions coming! Hope all is well with you and your family!!!

  37. Hi Jane,
    I just downloaded Take Me Cowboy on my iphone – Can’t wait to read it. We used to “talk” back when you wrote She’s Gone Country – my favorite book (along with Flirting with Forty). My photo with your book and truck is what comes up when people google me…Thanks for the Montana story…

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