The Return of The Frog Prince!

After years of being out of print– and totally unavailable because it wasn’t even an ebook– my first chick-lit/women’s fiction novel, The Frog Prince, is back…now…. at Amazon.  It’s the same story my readers loved in 2005 but now, with a brand new cover.  Even better is that for this weekend, The Frog Prince is just .99 instead of $4.99.

This is a favorite story with a twenty-five year old heroine from my hometown of Visalia, California, learning to make her way in ‘the big city’.  It was my first book for Warner Books, and I sold it ten years ago Monday.  It’s amazing to think I’m able to re-release it on it’s ten year anniversary.

For my readers who love print, next week you can order a print copy of The Frog Prince from Amazon.  In the meantime, here’s the brand new ebook version:


Once upon a time, a lovely maiden from Fresno married the man of her dreams. After the honeymoon, she waited for the “happily ever after” part…until her Prince Charming turned out to be a toad.
Now Holly Bishop is about to write a new chapter in her life. She moves to San Francisco to become an event planner—only to find she is dealing with a gorgeous fairy godmother for a boss and corporate witches wicked enough to sabotage her future. Not to mention the egomaniacal frogs Holly finds lurking at the bottom of the dating pool. With no one to save her, will Holly slay the dragons herself and stand on her own for the very first time? Will the man behind the mask at her costume ball make her believe in love again? And will she risk giving up her dreams to become the heroine of her own story?

And before I leave you to get back to writing (I’m wrapping up a Harlequin Presents and I’ve just signed a new contract with Penguin for another Berkley Trade novel), I think we need to celebrate this re-release with a great giveaway!   Since the story is set in San Francisco, I’m making the prize be a San Francisco-Frog Prince terrific one, with a Starbucks San Francisco mug, a Starbucks City by the Bay gift card, a $10 Amazon gift card, Frog Prince reader treats and much more!  For a chance to win, just let me know if you read ever The Frog Prince, and if so, how did you find it, and if you haven’t yet read it, just tell me that, too!

Contest ends Monday night so check back Tuesday morning to see if you won!

Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. I haven’t read The Frog Prince yet but I did buy a copy today and I hope to read it soon.

    Thanks for another great giveaway and good luck with finishing your book 🙂

  2. I enjoy turning the pages myself, so I will buy the print version on Amazon. I’m excited that the main character is from my area of the Valley!

  3. I bought it on Amazon because the library only had 2 of your books and I was dying to get my hands on more and …it’s a signed copy! It’s never leaving the house!

  4. Yes, I have read Frog Prince and every other one of your books!! I get all of your books at our local library.

  5. Just downloaded it yesterday!! Going to read it when I’m done with the book I’m reading. Thank you, as always! Best wishes on your writing! Hugs

  6. Nice prize tie-in with the theme of the book. I would use the Amazon card to purchase the Frog Prince Returns.

  7. The first book of yours that I read was Flirting with Forty. I loved it and that led me to many more of your books including The Frog Prince.

  8. Yes, I read it and I absolutely loved it. In fact, it is one of my all time favorite books. I would love to see it made into a movie for the booster seat scene alone. So funny! I hope the new Berkley Trade novel is a fourth in the Brennan series. Whatever it is, I am excited to find out about it. Your books rock! Thanks for doing what you do.

  9. I have not read it but I am buying it today! I have been trying to win it for quite a while! Congrats on the re-release, Jane!

  10. Just bought it! Looking forward to the read, Jane, thanks! Congratulations on your 10-year anniversary! That’s wonderful!

  11. Oooooo…Jane! I downloaded it last night and I cant wait to start it. Thanks for the release! I have had my eye on it for awhile too…

  12. 🙁 I’m disappointed I could not get your e-book for my Nook. B&N didn’t even have it to sell. So it would be wonderful to win the prize package. It would make my day. Good luck to all that enters!

  13. The Frog Prince is the first Jane Porter book I bought, read & loved. I found it while scanning the aisles of B&N looking at cover art. Loved the cover, got it and have been hooked ever since. Got my e-copy this morning!

  14. I haven’t read this book yet, but I just popped over to Amazon and bought it. Now I have a treat for this weekend! Thanks.

  15. I have the original book, which I bought and read it after Mrs Perfect. Found one at Goodwill and picked it up because it was out of print, so now am glad to find out “every thing old is new again!”

  16. The Frog Prince was my first Jane Porter book, and I loved it and every other book I’ve read! I’m ordering it today so I can reread it whenever I want!

  17. I saw the cover of The Frog Prince on a cart of books to be shelved at the library and picked it up. It was my first of many great Jane Porter books to read. Next up was Flirting With Forty (then I had to see the movie) and the Odd Mom Out friends books…and all the rest. This is a great new cover…hope it sells lots of books and catches the eyes of any other first time JP readers that might be out there. Congrats on it being reissued.

  18. Frog Prince was my first Jane Porter book, and I’ve been hooked ever since! Congrats on the re-release.

  19. First, let me say Congratulations
    on your book being released in e book format. And, also Congratulations on it being re-released in print, and it falling on it’s anniversary. I think you well deserve it. Now, to your contest, no I have not read it, but only because I could not find it. I even wrote to you asking about it. So first thing this morning I bought it from Amazon. And, I am so looking forward to reading this one. I have wanted to read it since I discovered your books. So, my plans for this Sunday morning is to sit down with my big reading pillow and read it. I am just excited for the chance to get to read it. Thank you Jane I have loved every one of your books I have read so far, and I know I will love this one just as much…. So very happy for you! Again, Congratulations! Well Done!

  20. Sorry to say that I haven’t read The Frog Prince. I’ll look out for it. I love San Francisco; so, glad this giveaway has some goodies from this great city.

  21. I have read The Frog Prince and LOVED it. I’m so glad the book is being released again so much women can enjoy it too.

  22. Congratulations on the re-release, Jane. Read it when it first came out and have bought it for a few friends over the years. Have a great writing weekend.

  23. That is great. I read and enjoyed it years ago. Holly was a wonderful character who dealt with some tough times but came out stronger.

  24. Gosh Jane – I can’t believe its been out for 10 years. Of course I read it and it was very good – thinking maybe I’ll go back and read it again. Congrats to you!

  25. Yes I have read The Frog Prince. I read it back in 2008 when I meet you for the first time. You actually brought books to our book club so that I could buy it there.
    Great memories. And a great story. Love the new cover.
    And bought the ebook. Need both types of books at that great price 🙂

  26. I read it and loved it! How could I not? My favorite author writes about a cool chick who’s living in my favorite city in the world!

  27. My sister in law started it all for me with Mrs. Perfect. Right after, and I mean right after, reading that book, I went and got the rest of your books.
    The Frog Prince ended up being one of my favorites!

  28. I read The Frog Prince a couple of years ago and enjoyed it. Love reading about California and Washington in your books, have only spent time briefly in those states but would love to go back!!

  29. Yes, I read the Frog Prince and loved it. I have been thinking about reading it again. With a price of 99 cents it will definitely happen! I love the new cover.

  30. I haven’t read it yet, I kept trying to win it, or find it, but have now got it on my Kindle, ready to read!! 🙂 I am so excited! Thanks, Jane!

  31. This was my first introduction to you as a writer. Loved it, especially living in the East Bay, could relate. So glad to see it available again.

    Congrats on the 10th year!

  32. Thank you for all the love and comments! I love all the support you give me and my books. It’s truly priceless.

    And now, our winner is –

    #33 Michelle Rice

    Michelle, please email me with your mailing info and I’ll get goodies on their way to you!

    much love to all,
    Jane xoxoxo

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