For Love of a Cowboy: Yvonne Lindsay

yvonne 10 copyIt’s no secret I love my author friends and the very talented Yvonne Lindsay is one of these people. She’s one of the nicest and sweetest women I know and an extremely talented writer too.  I’m beyond thrilled to have her on board as a Tule author as she’s such a pleasure to work with and thrilled to call her a friend!

Yvonne’s latest release, For Love of a Cowboy, is book three in the Marietta Fair series from Montana Born Books and one I enjoyed reading so very much.  I had to invite her to come chat with us.  Please help me welcome Yvonne Lindsay!

What happens when a superstitious hippie chick from New Zealand meets up with a taciturn Montana cowboy? Sparks fly, that’s what! I had so much fun writing Willow and Booth’s story for Montana Born’s “the Big Marietta Fair” series but I have to admit to a little anxiety when I accepted Jane’s offer to do a novella set in Montana. Getting the New Zealander abroad part of the novella was easy, I was exactly that when I wrote the novella, and I love me a cowboy just as much as the next woman (fans self for a moment.) But while I’d read all the Marietta-based novellas to date and loved every one, what do I know about Montana?

FOR LOVE OF A COWBOY is really a story born out of the love and support of friends and the amazing sense of community we share amongst the Tule authors. I soon found out that my anxieties were unfounded as questions were asked and information was shared amongst authors, and as the husband of one of my very good friends in Seattle pointed me in the direction of the PBS Backroads of Montana tv show. Since I was in the US for six and a half weeks at the time, it gave me ample opportunity to watch and learn about the state that is so beloved by so many. I now have a very strong desire to visit Montana, to inhale the scents, to feel the air and to look up and to see that great Montana sky–and maybe surreptitiously check out a cowboy or two! It’s something to aim for in the future, that’s for sure.

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Life is simple for Booth Lange–work hard, save hard, stay out of trouble–until Willow Phillips arrives in Marietta and turns his entire world upside down. The superstitious hippie is everything he can’t stand—transient, careless, and trouble with a capital T. He wants her out of town before she can upset more than his equilibrium, and yet, he can’t seem to stay away or keep his hands off her. Willow, retracing her late mother’s journey through Montana twenty-seven years ago, has one goal. To meet Willow’s father. Maybe then she can face the life-altering decision that awaits her. But meeting her father proves more elusive than she anticipated, and just why is Booth Lange so determined to drive her out of town?
Writing can be an isolated business and I am very much inclined to a hermit like existence when I’m working on a book. Deadlines tend to line up one after the other and I very quickly lose touch with the reality of the real world as I delve into the worlds of my characters. With FOR LOVE OF A COWBOY though, I have to say that I never felt like I was a lone author working on a book, stuck away in my garret (or, in actual fact, my 2nd floor hotel apartment!) Every time I had a question there was an answer just waiting for me from any one, or several, of the other Tule authors who were always there at the end of an email.

I consider myself extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to work with these wonderful women and the fabulous team at Tule, all of whom made working on this project so rewarding on so many levels. I really look forward to doing more stories with them in the future. I hope you’ll love FOR LOVE OF A COWBOY just as much as I loved writing it!

A typical Piscean, USA Today! best-selling author, Yvonne Lindsay, has always preferred the stories in her head to the real world. It makes perfect sense that she was born and bred in Middle Earth, um, New Zealand. Yvonne has published over twenty-five titles with Harlequin and is a two-time Romance Writers of Australia R*BY nominee. A former law office manager she now spends her days crafting the stories of her heart and in her spare time she can be found with her nose firmly in a book, reliving the power of love in all walks of life, or knitting socks and daydreaming.


Thank you, Yvonne, for sharing with us today! I’m so excited about your release! Readers be sure to download your copy of Yvonne’s book soon.  I know you’re going to love it!  And to help Yvonne celebrate, I’ve got a box of goodies for one of you which includes books by Yvonne, special Montana treats and more fun reader goodies.  For a chance to win, just leave a comment and you’ll be entered in the contest.  Winner will be announced on Friday.  Good luck!


  1. I picked up this book the moment it became available and can’t wait to read it, Yvonne. I also love the cover on this and the whole ‘The Big Marietta Fair’ series!

  2. Hi, Yvonne!
    I’m so glad you’ve made it to Jane’s Blog today!
    Hope all is going well for you these days, as I haven’t “talked to you” in the blogs lately!

    1. Hi Laney! Long time no “talk” indeed! Hmm, have you liked my facebook page? Usually when I’m guest blogging somewhere I put it up on there, and on Twitter, too. Lovely to “see” you here!

      1. Alas, I am not on FB. The blogs take all my personal time (after reading, of course)….

  3. I really enjoyed Willow and Booth’s story. And I thought Willow working at Superstich’n’s was a perfect for. 🙂

  4. Glad you joined the Tule Publishing family! Hope you get to visit Montana one day. Glacier National Park is gorgeous, the people friendly and you can find the best fried chicken at a little bar in Hardin, MT. I’m a fan of your Presents books too.

    I’d love to visit New Zealand. The scenery looks so impressive!

    Congrats to Jane too on her RITA!

    1. Hi Laurie, Montana just looks so beautiful in pictures and on screen. I really look forward to visiting there one day. And I would totally love to try that fried chicken!! Make sure you come on down to NZ one day, you won’t regret it.

  5. Hi Yvonne! Your story was so much fun to read. I enjoyed getting to learn a little more about you here on Jane’s blog today.

  6. I was excited to read this blog post. Welcome, Yvonne! I look forward to reading For Love Of A Cowboy! xo

  7. This is a fantastic book and the series is so very good.
    I loved reading Willow’s story. She was so courageous.

  8. Welcome Yvonne!! I can’t wait to find the time to read all of these books. My tbr pile is way too high.

  9. Hi Yvonne. I really enjoyed For Love Of A Cowboy and I look forward to reading more from you in the future.

    1. I’m thrilled you enjoyed the story, Kimberly, and I hope to do more stories with Tule Publishing in the future. In the meantime, I have quite a backlist with Harlequin Desire, if you’re interested ;-).

  10. I really enjoyed For Love of a Cowboy. I will definitely be checking out more of your books now. Keep up the fantastic writing!

  11. I love the cover of this book (yes, sometimes I judge books by covers) and the book sounds sooo good-one I would enjoy! Happy Thursday! 🙂

  12. I love the cover on this book as well as the other Fair Books in the series… so glad to meet Yvonne Lindsay on your blog Jane!

  13. I was lucky to read an ARC of For Love of a Cowboy and I really enjoyed it.

    i love all the books in the Fair series and I can’t wait to read more books!

  14. For Love of a Cowboy by Yvonne Lindsay is a wonderful book.Thank you for the opportunity to win.I enjoy reading your books.Have a wonderful week.

  15. I agree, Yvonne. The community of Tule is amazing. The support and friendship makes all the difference–and I love it that everyone looks out for each other.

    Can’t wait to start reading your story.


  16. Years ago I had the pleasure of a brief trip to Montana. This makes me want to go back. There was far too much to see and not nearly enough time.

  17. It is so awesome to hear that you guys support each other so much with these projects. I think it would be so much fun to collaborate like that. Best of luck with the release. Actually reading it right now!

    1. I hope you enjoy it, Christina! And romance writers are a very supportive and nurturing bunch. I guess that’s what you get when you always write happy endings 😀

  18. Looks another great one! On my way to download it now..thanks Jane. I so enjoyed the pica from Montana too.

  19. the book..started reading it the other night around and 10:30 p.m. and couldn’t put it down. Finished reading it in the wee hours of the morning. Loved the story of Willow and Booth. Can’t wait to read more of your books.

  20. Can’t wait to read this book! Have been trying to load it from Tule (Amazon) and nothing is happening. I guess it is not ready yet.

  21. Love the Montana series. Also love beautiful pictures of Montana that you post. Definetly want to visit.

  22. For Love of a Cowboy was an emotional story. Willow’s hopes and dreams touched me. I’m looking forward to more stories.

    1. Rosemary, I’m so glad to hear the story touched you. Sometimes it’s hard to give the character’s feelings enough weight in a novella so I’m very glad that came across for you.

  23. I’ve not read your book, but I’ve enjoyed the others out of the Tule group.. So I’ll be looking for yours next time I’m out for a stash of books!1

  24. I can’t wait to read your book; I’m really enjoying the Marietta Fair series. New Zealand is near the top of my places to go list!

  25. For Love of a Cowboy sounds so good! I can’t believe I haven’t read any of the Fair series yet! Love the cover too 🙂

  26. This sounds like a great book. i love anything that has to do with Montana. when i was a young girl i dreamed of one day i would marry a cowboy from Montana. Ever chance I get I grab a book that has to do with cowboys in Montana. i finally found my montana man and went to montana last septemer. The state is where I want my home to be. hopefully soon it will be.

    i’m looking forward to reading this new book of yours. its sounds like something i would really enjoy. i’m adding it to my wish list. My Montana guy buys me new things form that list from time to time just because. Long distance relationships are tough and this is one ways he feels closer to me.

  27. Loved the book! I hope you do revisit Ness someday. I would like her to get her HEA.

    I love all the Tule books I have read and I love that all the authors support each other.

    Can’t wait to read more from you Yvonne!

  28. For Love of a cowboy was a great story. I enjoyed it very much. Should really remember to write a review 🙂
    I just enjoy reading Tule’s stories from Marietta. I’m a big fan of that city and I so wish at times it was real and, I could go see it for myself.
    Can’t wait to read the whole series.
    It was my first book by Yvonne but I want to read more of her stories 🙂

  29. I have started reading the books from Marietta and I love them, but time is tight right now and I have all of them ready to go. Hopefully I can have some more time in the fall and I hope to be able to read Yvonne’s book as well.

  30. Hi Yvonne
    Welcome and good evening! I enjoyed reading your blurb for For Love of A Cowboy, the story of Willow and Booth. I will definitely look forward to a great read.

    Thank you for your time.

  31. Looking forward to reading your book! Congrats! And how nice to be from Middle Earth! I got to visit the Hobbiton set a few years ago. I loved it!

  32. Congrats on your new release! You would be a new author to me but I do love me some cowboys so I must check out your books. Thanks for sharing with us!

  33. Giddy Up Cowboy! give me some book to read and I’m happy.

    You are a new to me author. thanks for sharing.

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