You’re Invited to a Facebook Party!

This Thursday, July 17th, we’ll be hosting another Facebook party to celebrate the Big Marietta Fair series from Montana Born Books!


In the past, our Tule parties have been in the evenings but this time, because we’ll have quite a few overseas authors in attendance, the party will begin at 9:00 AM Pacific, (12:00 Noon Eastern), and we really hope you can join us for some great fun!

Some of my readers have emailed to ask what exactly a Facebook party consists of so I thought I’d explain it here on my blog in case there are others who have questions too.

A Facebook party is an online event; a fast and fun way to host a ‘party’ in order to socialize with friends – without the hassle of cleaning up your house or worrying about drinks or food!  It’s scheduled as an event on Facebook, and we invite our friends to join us at a specific time (9am PST / 12 Noon EST) on a specific date (Thursday, July 17th) and once you’re on the page, the fun begins!

All you need to do is show up and be ready to chat!  The guest authors and the host of the party takes care of the rest.  Here’s the link to the party page – .

Once you get there, click the Join button and you then be able to invite any of your friends to attend too.  Show up at the designated time and start chatting, just like you’d comment on any status on Facebook.  There will be lots of posts/content to browse and comment on from many of our guest authors.  And keep an eye out for the giveaways too!  There will be many many prizes for you all!

If you come in late, don’t worry.  It’s an event wall so all the conversations will still be there and you’ll also be able to catch up on the giveaways.

If the page jumps too quickly, just take your time and scroll up and down.

If the page doesn’t seem to be jumping at all, hit the refresh button on your browser and you should see new content!

If you have any questions or trouble figuring something out, feel free to email Lee ( or send her an FB message and she’ll help you out!  I hope we’ll see many of you there!


Before I sign off, tell me, have you ever been to or participated in a Facebook Party?  Everyone who comments here will be entered to win a fun summer prize pacakge with the winner being announced Friday!  Good luck!



  1. I love the facebook parties, I have been able to get to know new authors and books that I might not have otherwise.

  2. I went to your last Facebook party that was held in June, but could only stay for the first third due to the time difference. I am very glad that this party is being held during the day. I intend to be there for the whole thing.

  3. Yes, I have a few times for other groups I’m in. I think I mention on our grp to try it out in the beginning they are fun. The only thing that sometimes is a pain is having to refresh I find on the Mac it only works we’ll is by back out to regular FBI then come in again I thought it worked one other time a easier way but forgot how I did it the next time I went to one.

  4. Yes I have been on a couple of facebook parties before. It goes fast because there are so many people chiming in at the same time.

  5. Yes, I have and think they are pretty cool. Also, enjoy Twitter chats. Joined Twitter just to be able to participate in the chat and have now joined several.

  6. We don’t do Facebook at our house….don’t do twitter either, but we do read loads of books!

  7. I have been to a few Facebook parties. They are always fun and give me a chance to add authors to my must-read list!

  8. I have been to two parties… 🙂 it is so much fine interacting with all the authors and other readers!

  9. I’ve been to a few FB parties that authors have, they are fun but most of time I have to work so I’m not on it all the time but its nice to hear other readers and the authors for they give-out prizes and its a good way to know more about the author and to meet other fans of yours and other authors too!

  10. Yes I have only a couple though! It’s a lot of fun reading all the posts and hoping to win a giveaway! I look forward to this one!!

  11. This is the first time I have heard of one of these parties. Sounds like fun. I will try to be there with bells on! 🙂

  12. I never have but it sounds fun!
    I live in the middle if nowhere so any party sounds line a change!

  13. I have been to a couple of FB parties. Not sure if I will be able to make the Big Marietta Fair series party until possibly the end (Eastern time/other time commitment).

  14. Since I’m on the other side of the world (in Europe) FB party is the only way to be at the release party and chat with all my favorite authors. Love them, frequently attend them and they’re always fun!

  15. No, I have never tried a FaceBook party. Have only been on FB for some months, and I don’t know how to do a lot of things yet. But, you can teach old dogs new tricks.

  16. I have, but I always seem to arrive late to the party. Keepin up with conversations can be tough, especially if your Facebook didn’t update quickly.

  17. I have been to one before & it was fun interacting with the authors & other readers. Sadly I’ll be at work tomorrow!

  18. I have, and it was loads of fun! Wish this one were a little later, but I completely understand why it’ll be when it is. It’s a great way to bring in the overseas readers!! Enjoy!

  19. I did, but it got confusing with so many tagents jumping around that I felt I didn’t keep up.
    Still, it was fun to read other comments and “listen in” to all the authors and their fans.

  20. Quite a few and love them. I get to meet some wonderful people and authors. We have great conversations and banter. As a matter of fact, on a recent blog there were quite a few of us named Ginger, so a blog was started of Gingers. I will go to link, sign up and see everyone tomorrow.

  21. I have participated in a few Facebook parties. They are so much fun. Sometimes things get moving so fast that it is easy to get lost.

  22. I’ve been to a couple of FB parties. It’s always hard to keep up with all the posts, but it’s a lot of fun.

  23. Yes I’ve been to many Facebook parties … No need to do your hair and make up and you get all the fun!

    Worth the effort to join in should you be invited
    A fun back and forth between authors and readers old and new
    (I’m big on reshare and tagging)
    Anyway, In summary, RECOMMENDED!!!

    Also .. Marietta …. The quotient of shirtless cowboys e sites interest held until story revealed (sigh!) lol x

  24. Like you your sites but mostly your books. Never fb party before either. Hope to win. Very unlucky in life

  25. I’ve been to a couple of them, and they are fun, but it can be hard to keep up w/everything! This one is while I’m at work, unfortunately-I’d really like to go.

  26. So sad I missed the Fair, still in the hospital and having trouble reading clearly from the pain medication . Have loved all of the Montana series, each time you start a story it’s like a small vacation starting

  27. I have attended several but I sometimes have trouble because of internet speedy. I have, however, enjoyed the interaction!

  28. Yes, I’ve participated in several Facebook parties. Some have been easier to keep up with than others, and some I have had to cut out on or come in on late. But I’ve enjoyed them all. And, yes, I did take part in the Big Marietta Fair party. Fun.

  29. My apologies! I forgot to announce a winner earlier!

    Thank you to everyone who attended the party and helped spread the word. 🙂 We all had such a fabulous time and can’t wait to do it again! If you couldn’t join us for this one, I hope to see you next time!

    So I put everyone’s names in a hat and we have #39 Amanda Gardner as our winner!

    Amanda, please drop me an email with your mailing info and we’ll get prize in the mail!

    much love to all,

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