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Alissa Callen: Rodeo Up!

Surfer Ty and I are in Morocco and the UK for the next week but while I’m away, I’ve invited some of my Tule author friends to stop by my blog and share some cowgirl fun with you all as Tule returns to the Copper Mountain Rodeo!

Alissa Callen - smallI’ve been super excited about Alissa Callen‘s new release, Cherish Me, Cowboy.  It definitely made an impact on the Tule staff when they read it for the first time and fell in love with the characters and I have no doubt you’ll love it too!  Alissa has a strong voice and such fabulous flair for beautifully written, fast paced stories.  So here’s Alissa to tell us more about Cherish Me, Cowboy!  Please help her feel welcome!!


Thanks, Jane!  Rodeos were a part of my childhood and now thanks to Montana Born Books, are again part of my life.

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I grew up on a farm in Australia and we’d often attend local small town rodeos. It was at such a rodeo where, I was around twelve, I saw a runaway horse kick over a baby’s pram. It just so happens it was my brother’s pram. But thankfully he was asleep in the car. I’d forgotten such a memory until I was writing Cherish, Me Cowboy. But in my Copper Mountain Rodeo story it isn’t so much the horse kicking over the pram that is significant but the unforeseen events that such a kick triggers.




I still live on a farm and last summer I took my children to the small town rodeo not far from where we live. Miss Mini Farmer loved the barrel racing, the cowgirl-bling and the rodeo clown whose humorous lines belied a quick-thinking mind. Little Farmer liked the popcorn, silver belt buckles and the ground-pawing bulls. I only hope as he gets older he sticks to riding motor bikes that weigh less than 2000 pounds.


Thanks to Montana Born Books you don’t have to sit ringside on a bleacher to enjoy the sounds, color and action of a rodeo. Each book of the 76th Copper Mountain Rodeo series brings the Marietta fairground to rich and vivid life. Happy reading and rodeoing!  🙂

Here’s a quick excerpt from Cherish Me, Cowboy :

“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Trinity said, her words ending in a drawn-out sigh.

Payton didn’t have to look up from scanning the rodeo program to know her friend salivated over a man. Trinity had only come to the 76th Copper Mountain Rodeo for one thing – cowboys. Luckily Payton had come for the events. She read the list once again. She’d run late helping a cow calve and if Trinity and Mandy didn’t stop dawdling to look at the masculine scenery they’d never make it to the main arena to catch the tie-down roping.

“I hear you,” Mandy replied from Payton’s left, a dreamy note in her voice. “Come on Pay, take a look. You can’t be all work and no play. The view will make your day.”

Payton sighed. She’d have no peace until she threw a token glance toward the cowboy. She looked up from the program. “You guys, the only thing that will make –” Her jaw dropped.

The cowboy, dressed in jeans, chaps and a blue western shirt, who tied a black horse to the side of a trailer was the last person she’d expected to see.

Mandy giggled. “Trinity, mark this day. Payton’s mouth is hanging open and she isn’t checking out a nice piece of horseflesh.”


Thank you, Alissa!  Readers, if you haven’t already downloaded your copy of Alissa’s book, do it today and once you’ve read it, let us know what you think!  Meanwhile, I’ve got a fun mystery prize pack for you!  For a chance to win, leave a comment and tell me about your experience if you’ve ever been to a rodeo or if  you haven’t, and you had the chance, would you want to attend one?  You’ll automatically be entered to win some fabulous books, reader goodies, gift cards and more!

127 Comments on “Alissa Callen: Rodeo Up!

  1. When I was yong they had a place in NJ called Wild west city I think the name was and I know we tried when we took a ride one to go and it was closed probably out of season or something. don’t remember if I ever tried again. I think if I had a catch I would love to go to a real one.

    1. Donna-Wild West City is still here in NJ. Located in Netcong. One of my favorite places to visit. Real cowboys, can-can girls, stagecoaches, train, & ponies.

      I would love to go to a real Dude Ranch! My dream vacation with my kids. They’re expensive! We’ll have to save up for a long time! 😉

  2. Jane, I hope you and Ty are having a fabulous time in Morocco.

    Alissa, I really enjoyed this story.

    I’ve only been to one rodeo and it was a field trip to a prison when I was a teenager. They had inmates participating in it. I guess there are so many cowboys in Texas and when they get in trouble, at least they can still do what they love even while doing time. I live about 5 minutes from the rodeo in my town. But I have never been because I don’t have anyone to go with.

    1. That’s the Huntsville Prison Rodeo (once somewhat famous, at least in these parts) and its not so much about doing what they love but more about learning to care for the animals (prison is supposed to be about rehabilitation, right?)

      1. Thanks for filling me in Robyn. It was so long ago, I don’t remember if we were told why they were doing it or not. We also had a tour of the prison that day too. It was a very interesting experience that day.

  3. As a matter of fact Jane, I have been to a rodeo. My first time was with my daughter actually. She and her husband use to go because my son in law had been riding bulls since he was just a little boy. They wanted me to see first hand what it was like. I must say that I was absolutely terrified, I really didn’t want to be there. But I went because it meant so much to the both of them. It was nerve racking to sit in the bleachers and wait. When he was announced I thought I would explode from nerves and fear. But when he hit that ring with that massive bull underneath him. Well let me just say that it makes your pulse just jump for the ultimate high. I found myself up on my feet, screaming out his name, cheering him on. It was the longest 8 seconds of my life. I can only imagine what it did to my son in law. He took 2nd place, I’ve seen almost all of his rides up until he basically retired. He’s an awesome bull rider. If you haven’t ever seen a rodeo, I think all of your fans should, it’s nothing like anything else they’ve ever seen. I hope you and Ty are having a wonderful time on your trip. Thanks so much Jane Porter for all you do for us. I am looking forward to reading your new books that I’m sure you will be writing. Thanks and be safe. B

  4. Have never been to a rodeo, but after reading the Copper Mountain series, I am curious to go! Have a wonderful and safe trip!

  5. I can remember as a child going to a rodeo at the fair. I really enjoyed it and would love to go to another one. There just isn’t any rodeos around where I live.

  6. Wow. Let me say first, I love the cowboy series that you and your new wonderful publishing group is partnering to develop for all of us hungry readers. Saying that, my only experience with the rodeo is sneaking into the local rodeo after riding a small 16 inch bike 2 miles on country dirt roads. After which; only to shimmy on my back, sucking in my belly,hoping to avoid the bite of the barbwire, to gain the free access to an event my friends coveted more than me. I identified with the struggle of the calves being roped more than the cowboy. Although now as a 41 yr old women, I think I definitely revere the sexy cowboy more.

  7. I’ve never been to a rodeo as I am a big city girl who loves to read small town stories. My first teaching job was in a farming community so I learned a lot about farming, horses, & other farm animals.

  8. When I was young I went to one. Actually me and all my siblings had this dance trio going on before they started. We did tap and we’d go to different events. I remember going to one and we did our routine before the rodeo started. I was so young I don’t rmemeber it but we have pictures of it lol

    1. ha ha, it should! Minus the manure smell! I rode the bull at Gilley’s (of Urban Cowboy fame) I used to have a shirt that said so!

  9. Have gone to our rodeos during the state fair here in NM. I love to watch the events and to sit at the end of the seat during the bullriding. I enjoy the events and cowboy watching.

  10. I love going to rodeo 🙂 I first competed when I was 12, rode barrels. It was so amazing, wonderful and freeing 🙂 I also rode a mechanical bull in Tijuana once too 😉 after a few tequilas though…lol

  11. One of my grandma’s husbands, Buck, was a rodeo cowboy. He even bought me red cowboy boots when I was a little girl. I confess to not having been to one in years but I will always have fond memories of Grandpa Buck and those cowboy boots.

  12. I go To the rodeo every year 4th of July week long celebration ! I live In Prescott Arizona we have the worlds oldest rodeo! Love when the cowboys come to town! All are cute eye candy for sure!

  13. I have indeed been to the rodeo and our fair many times. I have to say I very much enjoy checking out all the different animals and the pig races. I am also a horse lover and love the barrel racing.

  14. Always went to our local fall fair growing up and had the luck once to go to the Calgary Stampede which was awesome!! On a side note my mum is from Australia so family is there and several used to be on stations in NSW 🙂

  15. Rodeos showcase some really cute cowboys. I would certainly enjoy one of my own. But, I would also enjoy winning. :))

  16. There is an annual rodeo every July where I grew up. My husband and I actually got married during that weekend and annoyed some friends. When I was 15 I got to meet an up and coming Country singer who performed that year. His name was Kenny Chesney, and he accidentally stained my favorite shirt giving me a hug with a popsicle in his hand. Ah the memories.

  17. I have been to rodeos before — not often, but several over the years. We are not real big rodeo fans obviously, but we do know some rodeo people. I enjoy watching the people & just being in the excitement rather than the actual events

  18. I have never been to a rodeo. I think if I did go to one, it would be for the cowboys and the vendors. I am a big crafter and I always enjoy checking out, and sometimes purchasing, fellow crafters work.

  19. I haven’t been to a rodeo but I love reading the romances set around that theme. I would go to one and have watched a few on tv.

  20. Growing up I lived about a block from the rodeo arena and loved to go the hamburgers smelled so good and I couldn’t afford one.As young marrieds we would drive miles to go to rodeos and could afford the hamburgers.

  21. I live in Wayne county, here in Northeast Ohio. We do have a local rodeo in the summertime. One year I went with my sister to the rodeo, because she was showing her horse. She nearly upset the horse trailer driving around a corner a little too fast. But she was only around 17 at the time.
    My family liked to take summer vacations. One year we went to the big show in Montana. I still remember it.

  22. I live in Texas, so of course I’ve been to rodeos! The first one I went to was the Houston Rodeo and it was a blast. My favorite things are the Mutton Bustin – little kids riding on sheep and holding on for dear life – and the Calf Scramble – teenagers trying to catch a calf that they will then raise for the year and bring back to the rodeo the next year to show and acution off for college scholarships.

  23. I have been to many rodeos and I love them. Just don’t like to see anyone get hurt. My favorite part is the barrel racing. The girls are always so pretty on their horses too!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  24. I LOVE rodeo! I used to belong to a rodeo club who sponsored a PBR rodeo every year, it was awesome!!!
    I’ve done some barrel racing. More gymkhana than rodeo but I love it ALL and miss it bunches!

  25. Never been to a rodeo, but I enjoyed the book tremendously. And the whole series are just great. Love your stories from Marietta.
    Have fun in Europe.

  26. I bet you guys are having a fabulous time! Yes, we love rodeos!! We usually go to them at our local fairs. My kids love the barrel races. Always exciting and fun!!

  27. I can’t remember much about the rodeo I saw, it was so long ago. Would love to check one out and take the kiddos, I think they would love it. Thanks for such a great story, I loved Payton!

  28. Hi Alissa.

    I enjoyed reading the excerpt for Cherish Me, Cowboy. I will definitely look forward to reading the entire story.

    I’ve never been to a rodeo but would keep an open mind to attending one.

    Thank you for your time.

  29. I grew up going to rodeos. I love them! It is such an adrenaline rush watching the riders. Now my youngest daughter loves going to rodeos with me and wants to be a barrel racer! I think she will do a great job too!

  30. I have never been to a rodeo. However, I did have a boss once that participated in one from time to time. He would tell me stories of his adventures. IE: Him and a few buddies were competing in a rodeo once. They had to team rope a cow. The cow ended up jumping the fence and running away. They were told that they were lucky because it was a pretty mean cow and would have hurt them pretty bad. That’s what he did for fun on the weekends.

  31. I have never been to one but would love to go experience it at least once. Alissa is a new tome will be going and getting her book asap

  32. I’ve never been to an actual rodeo, but have only seen them on television. I love watching the barrel racing and roping skills! My maternal grandfather and uncles were good with catching horses, training and riding them. Although I enjoyed watching them, I never wanted to be that high up off of the ground! Each oft daughters however had the opportunity every summer of horseback riding at camp!

  33. Never been to a rodeo. I’ve been reading a lot of books lately that have them in their theme. Very intriguing, I’ve searched the internet for one close by but haven’t found one near Maryland yet.

  34. I attended a rodeo at the MN State Fair 37 years ago. It was hot, dirty, and smelly. I loved it because my Aunt hated it! I was a typical teenager who loved everything that the adults around them didn’t like. As an adult I have never lived in an area that had rodeos. I would like to go again to see if it was as fun as I remember.

  35. I went to a few rodeos when I was a teenager and I took my oldest daughter to see one when she was four years old. She is twenty-eight now so it has been a while. I do like to watch the PBR competitions when it on the television.
    I read and loved Cherish Me, Cowboy it is one of my favorites in the Copper Mountain rodeo series.

  36. I’ve been to one of the largest rodeos in the world, maybe not as famous as the Calgary Stampede, but huge in fact. Every February in Houston, Texas look out for the trailrides converging on the city. Quite a sight in the 3rd most populous city in the US. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is three weeks of cowboys, cowgirls, cows and horses. The prize money from the sale of cattle goes to a huge scholarship fund. Food, fun, history and philosophy rolled into one. PS There is nothing like a nice snug bum in a pair of tight Wranglers…. oooh yeah!

  37. When we were kids our parents took us to the rodeo to meet HopaLong Cassidy – the most famous TV cowboy of the 50’s.

  38. I live out in the country ( in southern Indiana/USA ) so there is alot of fairs and such that include animals of all types. But I have yet to go to a rodeo. Would love the chance, although I am sure I will be the one watching between my fingers.

  39. I have never been to a rodeo but think it would be fun! I really enjoyed this story Alissa! Great addition to the series!

  40. I’ve never been to the rodeo, but there’s one by my house every summer. It always falls on the weekend of my kids’ birthdays.

  41. When I was 12 or so, I spent the summer with my favorite aunt, uncle and cousins who live in Kansas. My aunt was always looking for new things to show me and, of course, there were no rodeos in PA. We attended a rodeo, I remember it being fun. Now, since I’ve read so many Tule rodeo stories, I would like to see one again!

  42. I have never been to a rodeo, but would definitely like to check one out! I’ve read about them in a few books & they sound exciting!

  43. I’ve never been to a rodeo, but they sound like so much fun! I would definitely go in the future if I getan opportunity 🙂

  44. I forgot to mention once we were at a rodeo and two hires had a head on collision one the had to take out of the arena on flat carrier wagon and later we heard a gun shot that was probably 45 years ago it was horrible. Another time they had a clown riding in a big tub strapped tu the horse’s back and somehow the horse reared up and went clear over and it broke its back I can’t remember if the clown was in the tub when it happened but he was ok.

  45. I have never been to the rodeo, but I have watched it several times on TV.. As I live in a city, we don’t have rodeos, but I will get to it one day.

  46. we like Rodeos and live in Rodeo country. I grew up on a farm also.
    We have taken in the Calgary Stampede and enjoyed it very much.
    So cowboys are a part of my life and I like reading about them.

  47. I’ve been to a small time rodeo at a local county fair. It was okay, it didn’t seem like the real thing! I live in Michigan, so that could be why. I would love to go to a “real” rodeo and watch the cowboys and cowgirls do their thing! xo

  48. I’ve been around Cowboys and rodeos all my life. I married a bull rider 42 years ago. Still love a much to day as i did back then.

  49. I haven’t, but I don’t know if I would. I’m worried something bad will happen to someone and that person’s injury/death will forever be etched into my brain.

  50. I haven’t been to a rodeo…I would love to see one, though. I think I need to add it to my bucket list.
    Love the book!

  51. When our daughter was in her teens she would compete in barrel racing, pole bending and goat roping. She won buckles, trophies, money and many other items too. She loved riding and we enjoyed watching her ride.

  52. I love a book about a cowboy!! Have never been to the rodeo but I love following a few of my friends kids on Facebook that are in the Jr rodeo!! They all look like they are having so much fun!

  53. I would love to attend a rodeo one day but since I live in Israel it’s going to be hard LOL

    I was lucky to read an ARC of Cherish Me, Cowboy and I rerally enjoyed the book. It was so funny and full of emotions.

  54. I have this book and can not wait to read it!!

    Being from Wisconsin, we rarely have a rodeo take place unless it has to do with bikes (unfortunately no cowboys are present…ever!). However, if and when I have the chance, I will certainly go! I do watch it on tv when I have the chance though! Not the same but still fun to watch!

  55. Have not been to a rodeo, and given the chance I would go. There are alot of very enjoyable books around the rodeo, so it makes me want to go.

  56. I have never been to a rodeo physically, but if I hd the opportunity to go I surely would! I have read so many good books with rodeos being described and being big part of the books, ome of my favorite authors, like Diana Palmer, have had several books about rodeos! I would love to read your book as well!! Thank you fr the opportunity!

  57. I went on the rodeo circuit when I s in my 20’s- love watching them ride and my son and his friends are team ropers so I go whenever I’m off of work. I have a good friend who teaches barrel racing and I love watching that event. I love cowboys I have a lot of good friends that are ranchers and they are so trust worthy and when they say they will help you they keep their word. I can’t wait to read your story! Have fun with Ty on your vacation!

  58. I would attend a live rodeo in heartbeat if given the chance. I have watched plenty on television throughout my life, though never in person.

  59. I have never been to a Rodeo. I would love to go to one. It looks like I would have a whole bunch of fun, plus some sexy men.

  60. Welcome Alissa and Traveling Mercies Jane and Ty!

    I grew up going to rodeos and Fat Stock Shows in my hometown and in the tiny town where my grandparents lived. I had aunts and uncles who rode horses in the barrel races. In my memories I can still hear the sounds and see the sights and smell the smells…good times!

  61. I went to the rodeo when I was a child. The highlight of the night was bull riding and the country music singer who closed out the night. Great memories!

  62. Hi everyone, I’m checking in from Morocco! Thank you so much for making my friend Alissa Callen feel so welcome! 🙂

    Our winner for the mystery prize is:

    #40 Tamara Dillard

    Tamara, drop me an email with your mailing address and we’ll get awesome prize on the way to you soon!

    Hope you’re all having a fabulous week. More fun coming soon so stay tuned!

    much love,

  63. I have never been to a rodeo and before reading these books I never even thought about attending one. Now, I really want to go just to see what it is like.

  64. I have been to a rodeo, The Western Stock Show held in Denver, Colorado. I lived there for 8 years and loved it.

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