The Kidnapped Christmas Bride

The last couple of weeks have been intense with lots of gorgeous changes here at and tons of late night writing but it’s finally time for the reward!  I am beyond thrilled to share that The Kidnapped Christmas Bride, Trey Sheenan’s story is finally available for download.

I started the Taming of the Sheenans series with Brock Sheenan’s story in Christmas at Copper Mountain and followed it with Troy’s story in The Tycoon’s Kiss and now it’s Trey Sheenan’s turn.  I loved writing his character and I hope you’ll love him too!

The Kidnapped Christmas Bride
All he wants is a Christmas memory…

Trey Sheenan has cultivated his reputation as Marietta’s resident bad boy, until one day he lets things go too far and he loses everything—his freedom, his fiance McKenna Douglas, and his infant son.
McKenna has loved Trey since they were kids, but she’s had enough. When Trey is sent away for five years, McKenna is determined to do what’s right for her and baby TJ, which means putting her mistakes—namely Trey—behind her, and move on.
When Trey is released early, he returns to Marietta determined to beg McKenna’s forgiveness and become the father TJ needs him to be, only to discover that he’s too late. McKenna’s marrying local insurance agent Lawrence Joplin in a candlelight Christmas wedding.
Or is she?
Once again, Trey risks everything, but this time it’s for love… and the memory of one perfect Christmas together as a family.

Read an excerpt for The Kidnapped Christmas Bride and if you love it, download the story right away for the special ‘loyal reader’ price of just .99 cents! It’s only going to be .99 cents for a short time so do grab your download soon. I’m so excited about this book and I really want to hear what you think.  I hope you’ll take a moment to share your thoughts with me!  I’d love to hear from you.

Since I’m in the mood to celebrate, I’ve also got a fun giveaway for you too!


For a chance to win, leave a comment and tell me what you think of the Sheenans so far.  Is there a Sheenan Brother you’ve loved better than the others?  Or tell me what you think of my new website.  It’s so gorgeous and shiny and I simply love the fabulous job my web team did for me.  Share your feedback and you’ll be entered to win!  I’ll pick a winner on Saturday!


  1. Ok, i’m hooked. I’ve been wondering how you were going to get Trey and McKenna together. Excerpt made me smile and I can’t wait to read their story 😀

    And yes, I’m liking your new “home”- easier to browse (info is easier to get to especially for lazy ones like me), love the soft blues (reminds me of the oceanscapes),

  2. Again I will say how much I like your new blog home. It is so much easier to read now with the seems to me larger type and the background color. Thank you for making the changes. And, thank you Jane for all you do…praying you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  3. I’m loving the new website. I’m usually on my phone and when I checked in the other day it was so much easier to navigate. Love it and as always another fantastic giveaway. Fingers crossed.

  4. I liked your previous web site/blogs and I like your new one too. This one is … um … crisper and very easy to read (which is nice for these old eyes that constantly change glasses, depending on what I’m doing)….
    Take care and thanks for being you!

  5. I love your new website. It is very user friendly. Everything is easy to find and it is displayed in a visually appealing manner. I also love the soft colors used. Congrats on your new release!

  6. Congrats on the new site, Jane. I do like the cleaner look and am always excited to see what’s up on the Coming Soon page.

  7. I love your new site Jane. I haven’t read the Sheenan brothers yet but will be soon. I have been so busy lately that I haven’t had much time for reading. Holidays keep you very busy.

  8. Just finished the boo loved it. Right now I love Trey but I love all the brothers. Congrats on the new website. Awesome giveaway thanks for the chance

  9. The new website looks awesome. Very easy to navigate and the colors are nice…not overwhelming like some websites can be. Congrats! And congrats on the new release. I am ordering it after I post this! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  10. I really enjoy reading about the Sheenan brothers and I can`t wait to read this one. I love the new site, it`s pretty and easy to use.
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  11. Love the new site! The color scheme is lovely and it’s very easy to navigate! I am anxious to read how this one turns out! Hoping to see you back in the PNW soon!


  12. Love the new site!! The new book is already downloaded & on my kindle. Now it’s finding time to read it. I love the way these brothers are there for each other. I enjoyed Troy’s story.

  13. I love the new site! It’s so easy to use and phone friendly. Congrats on the new book! I really like these Sheehan boys. I want to see how this story plays out! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Lisa

  14. I loved this story, simply devoured it! I love it when a character surprises you and you think you know them, but you really don’t!

    Website is awesome!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. I LOVE the cover. I have not caught up with the Taming of the Sheenans series yet. Shame on me.

    Well done on the website.

  16. I love the new website. It’s bright and cheery. I also love that cup! It looks just the right size to put on my coffee warmer in the morning. 🙂

  17. What an easy shiny new site you created for us…it is fantastic. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and many thanks for all the fun over the years….Ruth

  18. Love the feel of the freshly redone website. The choice of blue makes if soft and inviting. Layout makes it easy to locate exactly what you’re looking for. As soon as my holiday visitors are cleared out, I plan to relax with some tea and a good book. Hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family and friends.

  19. I love the new website! The blue is gorgeous, really an inviting look. I just downloaded the new book, haven’t had a chance to read it, but I really love the Sheenan stories so far. Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy the weekend!

  20. I love your new website. I only just discovered your books and also Tule books a few weeks ago, so I have a lot of catching up to do. I fell in love with Marietta and ordered nearly every single book, I even treated myself to a Kindle as I can’t read these books on my Kobo. Can’t wait to start Trey’s story.

    1. I just finished Trey’s story. I loved it, you had me laughing and crying. I don’t know much about Cormac yet, but for some reason, I think he is going to be my favorite brother. Looking forward to his and Daisy’s story.

  21. Loving the new website. Will come back to look around some more. I agree with the others, the colors are warm and inviting. Looking forward to your new book. Congrats on the new release!

  22. Your website is nice and crisp looking. Does make sense? Easy to use also. Hope you had a nice holiday. And I would love to win your giveaway. I could use and enjoy everything shown.

  23. I am leaving you a comment now because I am waiting for my daughter to come home from work. She worked a black Friday schedule and doesn’t get off until 3am which is sort of frightening for me since she is only 17. Just waiting and trusting God to get her here safe. I love all your writing and your writing is what keeps this brain from overloading. Thanks for all your good work and writing books I connect with in personality. Btw, the website is definitely nice.

  24. I love your new site. It’s cleaner and straightforward. Since I had my twins I haven’t had the chance to read much. I will definitely download The Kidnapped Christmas Bride and the rest of the Sheenan’s story. Thank you for your generosity and wonderful writing.

  25. Love the new website Jane! Just downloaded the book-can’t wait to read it! I realized I hadn’t read the second one yet so I got that as well 🙂

  26. Love the new website. The soft blue is beautiful and love the picture of you by the water. Very excited to read Troy’s story! And thanks for the chance for another great giveaway!

  27. Hi Jane !

    Happy thanksgiving and I’m glad your feeling better !!

    Just love the new website 🙂 very classy and elegent looking …


  28. I have hooked on all the books about Marietta, and the Sheehan stories are a wonderful addition. I can’t wait for the other two. I really enjoyed “The Kidnapped Christmas Bride”

  29. Excellent writing. Great stories. Enjoying your creativity while doing chemo. I usually alternate authors but keep coming back to you. Excellent website, very easy to manoeuvre through the postings.

  30. Great job with the new site!
    I love that it’s “Easy On The Eye’s” when you’re past “Flirting With Forty” and need reader glasses to see!

  31. I love your new look; the colors, the book cover and excerpt! I can’t wait to read Trey’s story! Congratulations!

  32. I love the new web site. It is so much brighter. Easier to find items as well. I just started reading this book and cannot wait to get it finished!!

  33. I really loved the new book, and your website looks beautiful! I hope you get some time to relax now that the book is done, the site is up, and the Turkey is cooked…:-)

  34. I was wondering what was going to happen for TJ’s parents… and your new ‘home’ is very nice and easy to get around! Kudos to your ‘people’ for these changes!

  35. I’ve been coming to your old website for so long it’s taking a bit getting used to. But it’s great. It’s still you. 🙂

  36. Hi Jane! The facelift is very fresh and cheery. I like it mucho!
    I have been waiting for Trey’s story ever since I read read Brock’s. So far Brock is my favorite. Probably because I adore a good Christmas romance.
    However, I have Trey queued up next to read on my Kindle. We will see if he displaces Brock as my fave!

  37. Love the new look Jane. Fabulous colours, and the design is very modern, love it. I’ve only yesterday downloaded The Kidnapped Bride – at the moment, I’m cleaning Windows and glass cabinets, trying to get a little prepared for Christmas. Oh, and I’m steaming my christmas puddings. But, I’m going to start it this afternoon. I love all your men, it’s like that with every book you write. But, let’s see what Trey has to say for himself – don’t you love a bad boy? X

  38. Started The Kidnapped Christmas Bride late last night. Only got to the part where Trey gets McKenna outside the church then hubby took the kindle away for the night lol. I’m sure I will finish it today. Love the new website. Easy to maneuver.

  39. Hi Jane.

    I absolutely love the new look of your website. It is so fresh. I just bought “The Kidnapped Christmas Bride” yesterday and cannot wait to read it on Kindle. Thank you so much for the opportunity to get to read such a wonderful series. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  40. WOW I AM BLOWN AWAY BY YOUR WEBSITE FACELIFT!! Oh My Gosh!! So easy to navigate..easier to read go directly to information I look for to read!! How did you do that??? Simply incredible & cool!!! I am also partial Trey 🙂 GOTTA KEEP READING HAVE TO KNOW WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT!

  41. The website makeover looks fantastic … clean, crisp & easy to navigate! Haven’t read any of the Sheenans’ stories yet, but I am certainly looking forward to jumping right in and getting to know them all!

  42. Love the new look!!!! The book sounds intriguing – love the premise! Happy writing and as always, thanks for being you! Lisa McManus Lange

  43. Oh how do I pick my fave brother? So far each have their own specialness that I love! I am currently reading Trey and McKenna’s story and loving it! I can’t wait to finish it today!!

  44. I love your new website Jane! It’s so pretty. I love your new book. I fell in love with Trey. He’s a rugged bad boy with a big heart.

  45. Beautifully done!The new site looks awesome! Easy maneuverability and gets you to where you want to go quickly.

  46. I can’t decide on a favorite, but I was so excited to buy this book the other day! I’m going to have fun exploring the new format here to see all the changes. I will say that typing a little slow. I’m 3 words ahead of the txt showing up. Of course, that could very well be my phone! LOL. But it’s all so nice, Jane! I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving! And thanks for this, too!

  47. I love your new website! The Kidnapped Christmas Bride cover is beautiful! The prize package looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing with us!

  48. I love the website facelift! I already purchased The Kidnapped Christmas Bride and am looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  49. Jane – Trey is my favorite. I also like Troy. But there is something about a bad boy who is always in trouble for trying to be the good guy and uphold his believes that just grabs my heart. Happy Thanksgiving!

  50. I love your new page. It is easily navigated and looks very nice. Brock is my favorite. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

  51. Congratulations on your new site. I am up late, but will visit it again tomorrow.

    Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Since some of my family had to work on Thanksgiving, we are celebrating Thanksgiving again tomorrow.

  52. I love those Sheehan men! Each different, but all so similar. They all stand up for what they believe in and for those they love. What more can you ask for? And I loved Trey and McKenna’s story!

  53. This web site is awesome i love love the look and honestly i love all of them its hard to pick which brother i like the most so i pick them all

  54. I love Trey. He’s a bad boy with a true heart and fighs for what he wants. Love the new web page too!


  55. Thank you, everyone, for the wonderful feedback on my new website and for The Kidnapped Christmas Bride. I’m beyond thrilled so many of you have written here and in private email to let me know how much you’ve enjoyed Trey’s story!

    Our winner for this giveaway is –

    #30 Mirjam

    Mirjam, please email me with your mailing address and full name so I can get goodies to you soon.

    Stay tuned for more festivities and fun, coming soon!!

    Happy Reading!

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