Travel Junkie

HDDQ-Porter-March2015My readers know I’m a travel junkie.  It’s my parents fault.  They loved to travel and they would take us, their four kids, on as many adventures as they could.  Thanks to my parents influence, I knew when I was in high school that I wanted to be a writer, and a traveler.  I couldn’t imagine being tied to a desk job without any freedom.  Fortunately, one of my first jobs out of college was working for a small regional airline (later bought by American Airlines) and my job was to sell these commuter planes, introducing them to travel agents and the public in the San Joaquin Valley.  Metroliners were small, narrow, just 19 seats with no flight attendant or bathroom.  I was 23 and loved the challenge and adventure.  It was all exciting to me:  having an office in the Fresno airport, daily hopping on and off planes, climbing into rental cars at sweltering airports, and driving all over the big valley to talk to travel agents and corporate agents about flying, and seats, and even lost luggage.

Even after I gave up working in travel for teaching and writing full-time, I continued to hunger for travel opportunities.  Every year I try to go somewhere new and so Ty and I have made late Sept/early October ‘our’ travel time since his busy summer season is over and the kids are back in school and we can pretend we’re celebrating our anniversary when in reality, we’re just looking for a good time.  🙂

Travel is a guilty pleasure, though, as I miss the kids and feel as if I should be writing, not playing, but I also love these Fall getaways as I get to have Ty to myself, and I love what a great travel companion he is.  He’s up for anything…well, almost anything.  He doesn’t like big cities and isn’t into traffic and noise, but he loves out of the way spots, small towns, as well as mountains, deserts, islands, and the sea.

This past September we went to one of the places I’ve long wanted to go, which is Morocco–particularly as Morocco has inspired a dozen different sheikh stories for Harlequin Presents including this month’s release, His Defiant Desert Queen–and so using our anniversary as an excuse to jet to Morocco, we spent three nights in Marakkesh and then another three nights in the Atlas mountains at Sir Richard Branson’s Kasbah Tamadot in a little village called Asni inhabited by Berbers in the foothills of the mountains.  The Kasbah, once a private desert palace, has been turned into a small, luxurious hotel with very special touches, including an authentic Berber dinner one night, while another evening we watched the classic film, Casablanca, on Berber blankets on the Kasbah lawn.

The black and white film was projected onto a screen in front of the swimming pool, and it was such a beautiful warm night, with countless stars twinkling overhead and a warm desert wind rippling the movie screen.  It was an incredible experience to be able to watch Casablanca beneath the stars with Ty at my side, all while I was writing a story that also took place during WWII during the day in the Kasbah’s library.

While I wrote during the mornings, Ty would hike, and then in the afternoon we’d swim, and play ping pong (I was the clear ping pong champion.  I had no idea I was so good!) and then dress for dinner up on the rooftop with its stunning views of the Atlas mountains.

Morocco was everything I’d hoped it would be, and if you haven’t yet read my new desert romance, His Defiant Desert Queen, the latest book in my Copeland mini-series do pick up your copy now before its gone from stores.  It is also available for your e-reader, and I’ve a good excerpt on my website too if you’d like to read more.

I will not marry you. I will not!

When Sheikh Mikael catches notorious model Jemma Copeland flaunting Saidia’s laws—and her body—in his desert, he knows one thing: revenge against his family’s destruction is within his reach! To achieve it he makes Jemma an offer: imprisonment or marriage.

With her life shattered by the scandal that rocked her family, Jemma needed that modeling job. She didn’t know that she was breaking the law! But Mikael’s outrageous proposal pushes her beyond shock…to utter fury. If he expects her to be a meek, pliable bride, this arrogant sheikh has another think coming!


I’ve a special Morocco giveaway to celebrate my new release.  Tell me about what you’re reading now, and/or how you’ve been these past few weeks.  I know I haven’t been very good at keeping up my blog.  I apologize.  I promise to be better this Spring!

His Defiant Desert Queen giveaway closes Friday March 27th with the winner announced Saturday the 28th.

Have a wonderful week and do be sure to bring me up to speed.  I’ve missed being in touch with you!



  1. Reading Lucy Gordon’s THE FINAL FALCON SAYS I DO (and loving it).
    Been busy getting our house fixed up, and my husband and my clothes all organized, for our daughter’s wedding in May.

  2. I am reading, finally, The Long Walk Home… I was so looking forward to it, until I found out it would be Lilian Darcy’s last, so I put it off, and put it off, because I didn’t want it to end. When I am done, I really need to take the time to read Stephen King’s last novel that I got for Christmas. I have been reading so many wonderful stories, that it has been gathering dust on my nightstand.

  3. I’m currently reading Until You by Jeannie Moon. I’m loving it so far.

    I love hearing about your travels! xo

  4. I got to experience some traveling when I was with my ex and sure did love it. there are so many places I wish I could see, but I know I never will. Now I get my travel fix through books. It’s really not the same, but it’s the best I can do. I actually just finished reading a book (about 10 minutes ago) that a friend gave me. Cupid & Diana by Christina Bartholomeo.

  5. Oh Jane Porter, how I envy you and your travels. I have always dreamed of traveling the world. And Morocco sounds like a wondrous place. I haven’t had a chance to read your new book. I would so love to win this giveaway, so I could read about your sheikh and the beautiful place that it takes place in.

    P.S. Have you ever thought about writing a book that includes your travels, with photos??

  6. I also love to travel but haven’t been able to do as much as I would like. Let’s see, I just finished Double Fudge Brownie Murder by Joanne Fluke, before reading that book I read Madaeline Ash’s The Playboy & Marquita Valentine’s Seducing the Billionaire’s Wife.

    I would love to see pictures of your travels.

  7. How wonderful–all my traveling was to visit relatives. Except for Spain.

    Reading lots of books about Bachelors.

  8. I love to travel too, but I have not done any far away places in a long time. I need to remedy that. I just finished Until You by Jeannie Moon. Loved it! I am trying to catch up some other books in my TBR pile, before I go on another one click frenzy.

  9. I haven’t been doing much reading lately. I had bronchitis and lost 2 1/2 weeks where nothing got done. As a result, I am playing catchup with all the meetings and projects that need to be done. Looking ahead for the next 2 month, I am going to have to keep a few Harlequins and anthologies on hand. Short, quick reads are about I am going to be able to manage to squeeze in.

  10. I never traveled much until after my divorce 7 years ago. Now I’ve been places I never dreamed I would go. Just finished reading Jodi Picoult’s Leaving Time for my book group.

  11. I love to travel too. I am currently reading Divine Evil by Nora Roberts. I originally read it about 20 years ago. While cleaning out a closet last weekend I ran across it and thought I would re-read it before donating it to Goodwill.

  12. Weekends have been bouncing between volleyball tournaments and selling Girl Scout cookies.

    I have fell behind in my reading and just had a lazy day reading Julia London’s a Devil Takes a Bride as it is due back to the library and can’t wait to start In His Keeping by Maya banks.

    Plus I have been enjoying the bachelor action in Marrietta. so far Jett Casey is my favorite bachelor.

    Enjoy your travels and family. Life is so very short!! I will hit the story tomorrow for the Sheik book!

  13. I’m currently reading His Outback Cowgirl by Alissa Callen. Before that I read all 3 books in J. Daniels’ Alabama Summer Series. I would love to see pics of your travels. I have never been out of the states.

  14. I am currently reading Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. I just started it but I already love it! 🙂

  15. Well, I am hoping this will be a better week for me. Last week my car was acting up on me, and I found out that squirrels had eaten my wiring harness! Luckily insurance covers it, but I haven’t had my car in almost a week, and we have to pay the deductible. So now I hate squirrels and don’t care if they’re cute! Anyway, I’d really LOVE to win this gift package! It would make me so happy!!

  16. I am reading Dark Curse by Isaiyan Morrison, which is a paranormal romance read. And you know, I could be better. I just hope that things do get better. So far, it’s like having extremely bad Mondays for more than a week.

  17. Hi Jane

    I too love to travel but I tend to do that from my arm chair while I read and I am reading Annie West’s The Sheikh’s Princess Bride I do love my Sheikhs 🙂

    Have Fun

  18. I read lots of Tule books the last few weeks but now I’m reading Kisses Sweeter Than Wine by Jess dee and it’s very good.
    I love to travle and next week I’m flying to Berlin for 6 days.

  19. I’ve been rereading some of Jean Johnson’s Sons of Destiny books on Kindle app, but since today’s my birthday, I’m on the lookout for something new to read!

  20. Reading The Fairy Tale Bride. I’m not much of a traveler, I get motion sickness so we do road trips, and even then I would rather only travel three hours. When we were younger we went to Vegas a lot. good thing reading entertains me.

  21. I’d love to travel but my health isn’t up to it right now. And when it is I don’t have anyone to travel with. Sigh.
    Book: BAD BOYS IN KILTS by Donna Kauffman.

  22. Our weather is turning better so it’s garden prep time…just finished one of your books….would love to travel, but just can’t…

  23. White Gardenia by Belinda Alexandra is the book I am starting right now as I prepare to go back on the road – it’s the time for our semi-annual relocation.

  24. I’m currently recovering from surgery and have plenty of time to read..Anita Shreve eden close brilliant story.the third wife Lisa Jewell.spare brides by Adele Parks is an absolutely gorgeous story..thanks for the chance to enter i would love to win this prize as i’ve a long recovery and the more books the better for me

  25. I’m fantastic!!! Been reading Tule’s Bachelor Auction series and LOVING them all! 🙂 Have a great week, Jane!!

  26. Hello from a sister travel junkie. So many places are still on my list such as the Canary Islands. I just finished the March Harlequin Presents. Unbroken is next. I haven’t seen the movie yet because I want to read the book first. the book is always better!

  27. I love traveling vicariously through books and stories like your travels…one day I’ll get my turn…right now I’m reading Susan Mallory Girls of Mischief Bay.

  28. Had accident last week. Still have that trauma to ride the car. I’m okay and my kid too. I guess, I do really need some treats right now

  29. I’m reading Christine Rimmer’s Special Edition HOW TO MARRY A PRINCESS. I like her Bravo series!

    My future daughter-in-law, Stephanie, has ancestral ties to Morocco. She’s gorgeous with an exotic flair. She speaks fluent French too. She makes interesting, delicious dishes with couscous.

  30. What a wondervul time you must have had. I haven’t had the chance to travel in a long time. Thanks for sharing your travels with us.I look forward to reading your latest. I’m just starting The Ruin of A Rogue by Miranda Neville.
    Carol L

  31. I’m reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. I read the great reviews but to be honest, I’m having a difficult time with it.

  32. I’ve had a fever, Spring fever! My “baby” left the nest a week ago. Big change for me, trying to readjust to life in the empty nest.

  33. Getting ready for spring, planning a little road trip for next month ~ reading Kat Martin, Against The Sky

  34. I am reading Christopher’s Diary: Echoes of Dollanganger by V.C. Andrews. Looking at a busy summer. I usually am home all the time. But this year, in May going to meet my brother and his wife in Las Vegas 🙂 They live in Germany so don’t get to see them as much as I would like. Then the 1st of Aug. my youngest is getting married. In Sturgis, S.D. Thank you for the chance to win 🙂

  35. I’m reading a book I found in my daughters room! Alex Berenson, Night Ranger. It’s not something I would pick out but has been very good, so a nice surprise. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.

  36. I’m currently reading an ARC of Gemi by Solease M. Barner. I have been okay, just ready for warm weather!

  37. thats awesome that you get to travel so much. I am reading Bentley Square by Carol Ann Kauffman

  38. just finished James Pattersons latest cross book ,been really sick the past 2 weeks with bronticits,,so having done much of anything

  39. I just finished The Girls of Mischief Bay by Susan Mallery and now I am reading Only You by Deborah Grace Staley.

  40. I read A Faith of Her Own by: Kathleen Fuller yesterday. Haven’t decided what I will read today yet. Keep up the wonderful writing.

  41. I’m reading a sweet southern romance called Sweet Talk Me. Just finished Susan Mallery’s new one called The Girls of Mischief Bay and it was fantastic!

  42. Very into the Harlequin Manga at the moment. Something to pick up in between decorating. Also re-reading the 100th Anniversary Mills And Boon novella’s.

  43. I just finished reading Julie Miller’s new book on my way home from South Carolina where I attended a Weekend with Writers and a quick trip to Virginia to see two of our grandchildren.

  44. Marie Force’s “A Season for Love” part of the ‘McCarthys of Gansett Island Series. And I don’t think you should feel the least guilty about travelling with Ty and not the kids. I think everyone need to recharge and reconnect.

  45. I Jane! I’m reading The Ogre Apprentice by Trevor H. Cooley. I finished The Girls of Mischief Bay and needed a real emotional break. As for the other question. I’ve been ok… the last few years have been really hard ones. And in far to many ways. So, I’m trying to read anything fun, mysterious, or faced passed. I want to be taken far away. Just not in a direction that tears my heart out & make me cry along the trip. I’ll read anything that wont leave me sad & melancholy. Thank you for this chance!

  46. Just finished Devil’s Moon by Amanda Scott. It was really good. I love hearing about your travels. I’ve been a few places, Hawaii was one of the ones I was not ready to leave.

  47. I am currently participating in a blog tour for Barbara Freethy and her Callaway series so am trying to finish reading those in the next week or two.

  48. Just finished The President’s Daughter from the Sean Dillon series by Jack Higgins.
    A mental trip to Morocco sounds lovely!

  49. I’m so behind on all the popular books so I’m reading the 50 shades trilogy. And yes, I know I’m way behind everyone else in reading that one

  50. While I do like it, nothing really fun – it’s been that kind of semester. 10 journal articles for a evolution paper were the really last ones I had to do last week. Half way there… 🙂

  51. I am a mother to three, with the fourth on the way! Other than my children, by favorite thing to do is read! I don’t get to cozy up to read, but I do try to snatch a minute here and there… I am currently reading, The Tycoon’s Convenient Bride….and Baby. It is a good quick read! I would LOVE to win this giveaway!!! XOXO

  52. Right now I’m reading “Shelter in a Soldier’s Arms”, an oldie by Susan Mallery. Recently, I’ve been rereading some favorites by Jennifer Cruisie, Lori Foster and Jill Shalvis.

  53. I’m reading a John Sanford novel right now Buried Prey. I switch around all the time from romance to mysteries to historicals. I just love to read good books!! I have begun to start working in my flower beds getting ready for spring. Thank you for the fun giveaway 🙂

  54. I too am a huge travel junkie fan! I don’t get to travel as much as I like, but I will always have “itchy feet!”

  55. I too am a travel junkie I don’t get to travel as much as I would like, But I will always have “itche feet!”

  56. I do love to travel, but only get to about once a year. We do the family vacation in the summer. I would love to go to London & Scotland, those are my two places I would love to visit before I die.
    What a cool giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

  57. Sounds like you’ve had a wonderful time. I’m reading Vengeful in Love by Nadia Lee right now. Spring has arrived and been doing yard work and getting ready for our garden.

  58. I’m reading Linda Francis Lee’s The Glass Kitchen.
    I’m still in recovery from a very bad cold-had to have a course of antibiotics, I think I almost had Strep Throat. Started with Laryngitis, went downhill from there.

  59. finished & loved His Defiant Desert Queen! ***** reviews left! i am currently reading The Doctor’s Cowboy by Trish Milburn. thanks for always sharing the adventures of your travels. your descriptions leave me feeling as if i were there, too!

  60. I’m reading Fisher ‘s light by Tara Sivec.
    I would love to win this prize. Thanks for the chance.

  61. Just finished Debbie Macomber’s “A Season of Angels” I go to school full time for Acupuncture (midlife career change) and reading is a way to de stress. Doing the GoodReads 2015 Reading challenge of 150 books for the Year. With Debbie’s book…just completed 36 books

  62. I am currently reading Sue Ann Jaffarian’s cozy mysteries Granny Apples series. They are well written and very fun.

  63. I finished Sweet Dreams by Carla Stewart and started Venice In the Moonlight by Elizabeth McKenna.
    Today is my birthday, I hope I’m lucky.

  64. I have a few things going: Hope Ignites by Jaci Burton, Fever by Maya Banks and Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green. The last couple of weeks have been good and bad, but I now have a new bed (heaven!) and internet. We moved in Dec and my box springs would not fit to go up my staircase. I was able to purchase a split boxspring for a Queen size bed and it fit! Who thinks of things like this when purchasing a home?!

    Today, we are celebrating my daughter’s 5th birthday. She is all diva and thinks she is 21.

  65. im not reading anything right this second, been busy with appts for hubby and daughter, taking care of a 3 yr old and doing stuff for sons sr yr.

  66. I’m reading The Surgeon’s Special Delivery right now, love Harlequin Medical Romances.My niece and nephews are on spring break, and are at our house right now, enjoying time with them. We had a new cousin born this morning, but it’s really like a new niece to me. So many great things happening at once

  67. Sounds like you had a wonderful time… One of my to go places is Greece… One day I will get there. I have been catching up on my Con Reading… I just finished a book by Julie Morgan and about to start Gena Showalter’s latest. Thanks for sharing your travel story 🙂

  68. I am reading The Reluctant Midwife. Your post was beautiful and amazing. Best wishes and enjoy your travels.

  69. My parents used to throw the 6 of us in the station wagon and we’d be off camping — all over the US and Canada! Now I do it through books. 🙂

  70. The only things that are traveling this season are germs. We are on our third round of chest colds as we pass it from person to person.

  71. I’ve been very busy doing spring cleaning and getting ready for a short visit from our son and family at Easter. They, my husband and our other son are then heading out on a cruise. Would love to go too but three people in a room is rather tight. No problem. Dad and his sons will be a special remembrance. I’ll be here with the kitties and some wonderful books to read. I’m looking forward to “my vacation” too. 🙂

  72. My upcoming travel will be less than fifty miles from home. Celebrating anniversary with a wine country tour.

  73. I love this blog post as I am a travel junkie too. Right now I am reading a women’s fiction book by Rachael Herron called Splinters of Light.

  74. I am currently reading Hunted by K.F Breene. A lot of my travels happens in my head with the books i read. I time travel all the time. lol

  75. The book I’m reading is Cowgirl up and Ride by Lorelie James. Since going to University for the past four years I can only dream of travelling but when I graduate I intend to.

  76. Unfortunately, the only reading I’ve been doing lately is hospital contracts!
    Morocco sounds so exotic and romantic. What a beautiful adventure to share with the person you love!

  77. I’ve read Midnight Shadows by Ella Grace(Christy Reece) & And I Love Her by Marie Force. Love both of these authors. I’m impatiently waiting for Spring to start and have been busy revisiting colleges for my daughter to choose from.

  78. I am reading Amy Poehler’s Yes, Please. Well, I am supposed to be reading it. I started it weeks ago, and I swear as soon as I sit down to read, the baby is demanding my attention, or the stew is boiling over on the stove, or I spill my lovingly poured and carefully balanced cup of tea all over myself and my poor, abused Kindle. I love to read so very, very much, and I have not done a good job of prioritizing it during the precious free time I have. Jane, I would LOVE to read His Defiant Desert Queen and imagine that my tired old bedspread is a luxurious Berber blanket. I could use a bit of fantasy and romance in my life right now! No offense to Amy Poehler – I enjoy her writing, and I will finish the book. Eventually!

  79. I am reading the Divergent series after seeing the movie Insurgent. I am preparing for Easter with my family. I love that the weather is warming up and I plan to do lots of spring cleaning over the weekend.

  80. Oh I am in awe of your work! I ham home recovering from life saving emergency brain aneurysm surgery! I just hopevsince i am out of novels to read i win your contest

  81. I am currently reading Bring Me Home For Christmas one of Robyn Carrs’ books in the Virgin River series.

  82. Oddly enough the book I am reading takes place in Morocco. It is Mrs. Pollifax and the Whirling Dervish. I enjoyed your travel article.

  83. I’m reading ‘Otherwise Engaged’ by Amanda Quick. Good read but I took a break to read you blog….love your books! Thanks!

  84. We traveled when first married and since we didn’t have our kids for 15 yrs. we were lucky to see as much as we did since we couldn’t really afford to do too much afterwards – how nice your parents took you to so many places.
    I’m reading Open Season by Linda Howard!

  85. I just saw Insurgent so I had to re-read some of it. I’m in the process of deciding what to read next.

    Pollen has been horrid in south Texas and I’m just now able to breathe again, but the weather has been beautiful, otherwise.

  86. Thanks Jane for a review of Morocco and your fun visit. I enjoyed reading all the comments so far and getting book ideas. I hope all of the commenters who have been ill get well soon. Right now I am reading The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy by Julia Quinn. We are getting ready for a visit from our eldest son and his wife who live three states away from us. They will be here Easter Sunday!

  87. My last couple of weeks have been sad and unfortunately, not too much reading being done. I lost my sweet grandfather and the kids are keeping me too busy. But soon it will be Spring Break and I’m hoping for a break from the schedules so I can catch up on my reading. But let’s be honest, I am NEVER caught up on my reading…lol Hope you are well, Jane! The temperature is slowly climbing past freezing here in NJ and looking forward to less snow and more sun!

  88. My father was a teacher, so every summer my parents, four siblings and I would get in the car and camp across the US. I’ve been to every state except for Alaska and Hawaii that way and have many fond memories.

  89. I just now finished The Rosie Effect, the sequel to The Rosie Project. I love traveling and flying when I can. You should try Israel-it is full of historical sites that have been unearthed and is amazing.

  90. Currently reading a paperback copy of The Sixth Man by David Balducci. We’re expecting family to come this weekend so that will lift my spirits. Not a traveler, though. Quite the homebody who enjoys reading. Grateful for authors like you who take me away from reality for a span of time!

  91. Just got done reading an ARC of Driftwood Cowboy. My last two weeks had a trip to the Emergency room thrown into it. Else everything pretty much like always.

  92. Enjoyed reading your ‘comeback to us blog’ and I think we all know how very busy you are. Glad your trip was wonderful and beautiful memories made. Thanks for sharing…Ruth

  93. Hi Jane,
    I just finished reading something different Neanderthal Seeking Human by Penny Reid. It was a change from what I was used to reading, but I enjoyed it. It is the only book I have been able to complete this year

    This has been a tough year as of today my mother has been in the hospital 45 days. Of that 2 weeks were spent at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville.

    If I had not hurt my back yesterday I would be at the hospital today.

    I love reading about your travels. Hopefully one day my husband and I will get to see a bit more of the world.

  94. Always enjoy your posts! I just finished reading Beth Kendrick’s new book after reading about it here. I love to see what everyone is reading and get ideas for different books. Looking forward to some time off to go camping with the family over spring break.

  95. Loved all the comments!

    Our winner is #37 Becky Mansfield Wedberg! Becky, shoot me an email with your mailing details and I’ll get this package in the mail ASAP.

    Love to all,

  96. I’m reading Her Secret Prince by Madeline Ash it’s real good. I’m fighting an infection and with doctor visits and just being so sleepy all the time I’m behind on everything even reading.

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