I Heart CJ Carmichael

CJCarmichaelDear Readers,

CJ Carmichael has been one of my best friends for almost twenty years.  We met before we sold, and CJ was the first author to agree to launch Tule Publishing with me.  Her Carrigans of Circle C have been a big reader favorite and now she launches a brand new series, not romance, but mystery.  And CJ does mystery so very good.

Welcome back to my blog, CJ.  And readers, I hope you’ll love hearing all about her new series, Twisted Cedars.

C.J. Carmichael on writing her new mystery series…

While I’ve written over 45 romance novels, my first love as a reader and aspiring author (if you can call a twelve-year-old that!) was mystery. I devoured the Trixie Belden series as a kid, then went on to enjoy Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys and pretty much everything Agatha Christie wrote. Nowadays, my favorite mystery authors run to the like of Liane Moriarty, Kate Atkinson and Laura Lippman.

What appeals to me most as a reader, is what I’m trying to do now as a writer. I’m not into gory details, or clinical forensics. It’s the people—characters—who fascinate me. Their motivations and secrets, their past and hopes for the future. I also love the psychology of small towns, the idea that every knows one another’s business—or at least they think they do!


In writing Buried, the first of my Twisted Cedar mysteries, I wanted to create a town and characters that felt real and interesting to both me and my readers. And I wanted multiple mysteries, some that are solved in each new book of the series, but others that carry on until the final novel. When I hear from readers who say they couldn’t stop reading and that the ending shocked them—that makes me feel I’ve achieved my goal.

Buried is the first novel in C.J. Carmichael’s Twisted Cedars Mysteries.  Here’s more about the book –

Justice is overdue in the coastal town of Twisted Cedars where two unsolved mysteries lay buried in the past.
Over thirty years ago a series of murders targeting Oregon librarians was never solved. Now someone with inside knowledge is feeding clues to true crime writer Dougal Lachlan, promising him the best story of his career. Pursuing the leads means returning to Twisted Cedars, where his sister Jamie, is about to marry a man he deeply dislikes.
Local Twisted Cedars librarian Charlotte Hammond prefers her mysteries—and her romances—between the covers of a good book, especially since the disappearance of her older sister, Daisy, eight years ago. But then the dark and tortured soul who is Dougal Lachlan walks into the Twisted Cedars Library asking for her help.
Before long Charlotte realizes there is no safe zone. Not even in libraries…and especially not in Twisted Cedars.

Forgotten (book 2) will be available May 21

Exposed (book 3) will be coming Fall of 2015


Thank you, CJ, for sharing with us!  Readers, do download and order a copy of Buried.  It’s available in print and ebook and such a gripping mystery for your keeper shelf!

To help celebrate this wonderful release, I’ve got a I Heart CJ Carmichael  prize that includes a $15 Canadian Starbucks drink card, $10 Amazon gift card, CJ Carmichael books and much more.  For a chance to win, leave a comment and tell me if you’re a mystery fan and what you love most about reading them.  Or just talk to me and share what you’re reading right now.  Contest ends Tuesday, April 14th with winner announced on Wednesday!


  1. I am a mystery fan since mysteries are captivating, compelling and grab you and never let you go. C.J. has written such memorable books which I adore. Thanks for this feature and giveaway.

  2. I just read mysteries every now and then for a change of pace and to be doing something different and I do enjoy them Thanks for the great giveaway!

  3. I can’t wait to read this. I live all kinds of mysteries, an CJ Carmichael’s books, so it is a win-win!

  4. I loved CJ’s Carrigans of Circle and I am sure I will love this new series as well. Now, I am not sure if I will start reading Buried (which I purchased on the release date) or if I can be strong enough to wait to have the series complete so I can read all three books one after another…

  5. love mysteries.they add another dimension to the story..it can bring about secrets, history, other aspects of the characters.

  6. Love mysteries and am always willing to read a new author’s work. Love the cover – very intriguing.

    It’s always interesting to note that early reading passions carry forward into our adult lives.

  7. I love Mysteries the not knowing and the who done its never knowing till the last moment and I love CJ’s books and Jane is awesome!

  8. I LOVE MYSTERY!! I read many genres but mystery is one of my favorites. I enjoy trying to figure out who the killer is and enjoy it even more when I can’t. Twists and turns….I just love them! As I quite enjoyed the Carrigan Circle C series, I can’t wait to read (and own) this new series. Seriously doing the happy dance over here. LOL

  9. I love mysteries as well as romantic suspense. I really enjoy trying to figure out what is going to happen before it does. This book looks like it will be full of twists. Looking forward to reading it.

  10. I enjoy mysteries, romantic suspense, and contemporary romances. The Carrigan’s have been a favorite and a reread for me. This new series sounds wonderful and I’m trying to hold off on Buried until end of month when I fly across the country. Sounds like I will be totally involved in it and will forget about the flying 🙂

  11. I love mystery!!! I too read Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, and the Hardy Boys. I love figuring out the “why” as much as the “who” when reading a mystery. xo to both CJ and Jane for being awesome!

  12. I am a long-time mystery fan and Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew started me on this path. I love being able to figure out the plot but I also enjoy being stumped. Thank you for this giveaway.

  13. I love mysteries. One of my favorite new mystery series is Anna Lee Huber’s historical mystery series set in Scotland. “Buried” sounds very good. I am going to order it now!

  14. I’ve got this! I love mysteries as well as romance. Mysteries are all very different and can really make you think!

  15. I love CJ’s books. I alternate between romance & mystery books. This one sounds good & it will be added to my must read list. Thank you for sharing Jane.

  16. Congrats on the new series, CJ. I’m a huge Agatha Christie fan, so I’m a mystery lover. I try to see if I can figure out who the villain is before the big reveal.

  17. I used to read mysteries alot but its been years, Im a huge romance fan now. I do love CJ`s books though so Im definately willing to jump back on the mystery wahon with her new series.

  18. This sounds really interesting read. I have been reading romantic suspense, but not necessarily mysteries. I loved Nancy Drew as a kid! I will be checking this series out.

  19. I love a good mystery. I like to try & solve the crime or mystery before it is revealed. I don’t think I ever have.

  20. I do read Mysteries. I always find myself on the edge of my seat throughout the story. Thank you for the giveaway.
    Carol L

  21. Yes I do love a good mystery, especially when halfway through the book you think you have it all figured out and then come to find out at the end you were wrong. Love that.

  22. Love mysteries especially sitting on the edge not wanting to ever put the book down. The twists and turns keep me on that edge and I love it!

  23. yes. I love mysteries…especially those mysteries that are sprinkled with romance like Janet Evanovich or Mary Kay Andrews or Lisa Lutz. I also love John Grisham type books…mysteries that are good even thrillers but not too scary to make me stay up all night.

  24. I love CJ Carmichael and can’t wait to read her new series I grew up on Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy Mysteries! Following the twists and turns to discover the who-done-it is really exciting

  25. I love mysteries and have since I started reading Nancy Drew as a kid( and that was a long time ago) I am 68 now and still love reading a good mystery. I try to figure out myself who did it. Love jane books and your books . Always waiting on a new one.

  26. i’ve never read anything by C.J.Carmichael, but this mystery sounds very intriguing. I read Agatha Christie years ago and have read most of Sue Grafton’s books, as well as several of Kathy Hogan Trocheck’s books. I started reading cozy mysteries about 6 months ago and find them to be great fun. Thank you, Jane and CJ for this wonderful giveaway.

  27. Yes, I’m a mystery fan! I just love the thrill and suspense that comes with mysteries. You’re just about aching to find out who’s done the deed or what happened, and then…bam! You’re caught off-guard with the mystery! Speaking of mysteries, I’m currently reading the Craig Crime novel series by Catriona King. It’s very good so far.

  28. I do love a mystery that keeps me guessing & on the edge of my seat… When I have to turn the pages faster.. it’s a good one 🙂
    dkstevensne AToutlookDoTCoM

  29. I am a fan of mysteries. I belong to two mystery book club and read lots of mysteries. I like that I can try t solve the mystery as I am reading th book.

  30. C.J. Michael is a new author to me, but I am a fan of mysteries. I started writ Nero Wolfe years ago, moved on to Agatha Christie, Sue Grafton and am now reading Patricia Cornwell. It would be great to read C.J.’s book. Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway.

  31. I love murder/mystery/suspense books. My Mom got me hooked on them when I was a teen. I also enjoy romantic books too. This is why I love C.J., she has it all covered. Congratulations on your new release!!!

  32. I love mysteries!! How the story keeps you on edge and guessing, just love it!. I’m reading Killing Weed by Joyce and Jim Lavene and it’s a mystery as well and am enjoying it!

  33. I love mysteries. I’ve been reading them for years. I have Buried from the Twisted Cedars mysteries.

  34. I love mysteries. I also agree that people in small towns “think” they know everyone’s business. Thanks for the chance at this great prize!

  35. Thanks Jane for having C.J. here again. Yes, mysteries are favorites of mine. Right now I am reading Brenda Novak’s book This Heart of Mine which has a bit of a mystery in it…why did a friend lie about an accident. 😉

  36. How exciting CJ! I love mysteries, too, and can’t wait to read yours. Congrats!!


    *I just finished Girl on a Train, too! So good!

  37. I´m normally not a mystery fan. But I have come to like the romance mystery once that I have read a couple of in the last year or so. And somehow I have see them in movies a lot more too.

  38. I love a good mystery as long as there’s some romance thrown in as well 🙂 I love being able to pretend I’m a detective for awhile and try and figure out “who done it” before its revealed.

  39. I do enjoy mysteries and suspense… that bit of intrigue and touch of danger! Congrats on the new series CJ! 😀

  40. Thank you, everyone, for sharing your thoughts on mysteries! Do look for CJ’s Twisted Cedar Mysteries when you’re book shopping next time.

    Our winner is #47 Sabrina Joy! Shoot me an email with your details, Sabrina!

    Hope everyone’s having a great week!


  41. I am a huge fan of mysteries! I started with Nancy Drew and quickly moved on to Agatha Christie as a girl… now love Michael Connelly, Sue Grafton, Janet Evanovich, Ken Follett, Arthur Conan Doyle….

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