Roxanne Snopek: Girlfriends, Rock Stars and Romance Novels

81gs8ZPvcNL._UY200_I am so very happy to have talented Canadian author, Roxanne Snopek, join us today as a guest on my blog.  I’ve been a fan of Roxanne’s for awhile and was thrilled when she agreed to write a story for Tule.  Readers were thrilled with Roxanne’s story, too, and the one story became an entire series for Tule Publishing.

Roxanne, thank you so much for taking time to join us today and talk about Cinderalla’s Cowboy, the fourth story in your popular This Old House series.

Roxanne Snopek:

So, full disclosure: my recent release, Cinderella’s Cowboy, isn’t a girlfriend story. Nor is it about rock stars. It’s about a shy hardworking graphic designer who falls for a wealthy but secretly insecure playboy rancher. She’s got a nervous stammer. He’s got a “toothpaste ad” grin. There are mustangs. And a lost kitten.

Those are the broad strokes.

But under the pesky plot points, the story is about letting other people in, letting yourself be the star of your own story, breaking free of past mistakes and embracing hope despite the chance of heartbreak. As for girlfriends, my heroine, Cynthia, doesn’t have a lot of time for socializing. Her main “girlfriends” are her two stepsisters and they’re a mixed bag of good and evil.


I identify a little with all my characters, and I certainly identify with Cynthia. I don’t have stepsisters, but I do have my most beloved sister, mother and daughters, two treasured sisters-in-law and a precious but few real-life sisters-of-the-heart-girlfriends.

But in addition to those flesh-and-blood relationships, I have an ever-widening circle of virtual friends, a gift I’d never imagined a mere decade ago. Many of these on-line friends are other writers, mostly romance writers, and I will tell you now, these novelists are the rock stars of the book world.  Some I’ve never met in person, though I hope to one day. Others I’ve met once or twice, but consider them as dear as my “real life” friends.

And some of these friends are connected to my world of words in other ways: as readers, reviewers, bloggers, publicists, editors….

You’re in here somewhere and can I just give you a virtual hug? You mean more to me than you know.

We romance readers don’t shy away from reality, as we are sometimes criticized wrongly as doing. (What do these people know anyway?) We’re all about facing and overcoming the things that hold us back, finding the good around us and allowing ourselves to look past fear and find love. We’re all working towards being the the heroines of our own journeys and the stories we love affirm this ambition.

Girlfriends, you’re all rock stars who deserve the spotlight and I, for one, am cheering for you all the way.

As Cynthia says:

Take risks, reach for the stars!



Roxanne, thanks so much for stopping by today!  Readers, Cinderella Cowboy is a must read so be sure to download your copy soon if you haven’t already done it.

To help Roxanne celebrate her new release, I’ve got a cute Canadian giveaway for one luck winner!  Leave a comment and you’ll automatically be entered to win!  Contest ends Thursday with winner announced on Friday.



  1. I didn’t realize Roxanne was a fellow Canadian! I loved Cinderella’s cowboy. I have many virtual friends from around the world thanks to the various online communities I’ve participated in.

  2. I really enjoyed this book. Thank you for the great giveaway! I could identify with the part of this post about having great online friends. I pretty much only have online friends. I only have one in real life that is a good friend and I can depend on her. My online friends have also proven to go above and beyond to be friendly to me too and I would do the same for them as well. I know it’s crazy to say I hope to get to meet them all one day, but it would be a really nice dream. The book community has brought some real winners to my life.

  3. Cinderella’s Cowboy is a fabulous story! And Roxanne is an amazing girlfriend. Writers would never survive without each other.

  4. I’ve read the first 3 books of this series & look forward to reading Cinderella’s Cowboy.

  5. I love series reading. This Old House series is going on my TRL. Roxanne ia another new Author I’ve met herre. The book sounds like a wonderful read. Thank you for the chance.
    Carol L

  6. I have enjoyed all the books in this series. Love CC! (Hugs) the online friends I have met through books have become my most treasured friends.

  7. Roxanne Snopek is a new author for me. I like the cover for Cinderella’s Cowboy! I will put this book along with the rest of the books from This Old House on my TBR list.
    Thank you for the chance to be in the contest.

  8. I have enjoyed all the books I’ve read of hers and I can’t wait to read this one. Tule has some great authors and great books.

  9. This is such a fabulous title–and I love all things Canadian!! We even honeymooned there (Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island).

  10. Thanks for the giveaway. I read an ARC of Cinderella’s Cowboy and I enjoyed it. I really love all the books in the series.

  11. I haven’t had a chance to read this series, sounds great! I love how romance writers support each other.

  12. you are a new to me author and I need to investigate further.
    I love the prize today as I’m addicted to notepads/pens and any author goodies.
    Thanks both of you.

  13. #36 Rosemary K, Congratulations! You are the winner of this cute Canadian giveaway. Prize should be in the mail soon. 🙂

    Happy Mother’s Day, everyone!


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