Another Sexy Sheenan!

Last week in between book events for my new women’s fiction release, It’s You, I was also thrilled that my newest romance was out, too.

Book 4 in my Taming of the Sheenans series, The Taming of the Bachelor, is available everywhere for those of you with e-readers, and will be a print book in early July.  I’m so excited to take you back to Marietta to meet another smart, sexy Sheenan brother.  Have you met the youngest Sheenan yet?


Dillon Sheenan refuses to be tamed…

After three years running the family ranch, sexy thirty-year-old Dillon Sheenan has a one way plane ticket out of Montana. He’s eager to put small town life, with its emphasis on brides, babies, and families, behind him as he’s certainly not interested in being a dad, or even ready to settle down.

Beautiful single mom, Paige Joffe, juggles a lot, between running Main Street Diner and coping with her money-pit of a Victorian on Bramble Lane.  She doesn’t have time for anything but taking care of the loves of her life, Addison and Tyler, and working to pay down bills. But one date–and an incredibly hot kiss–with Dillon Sheenan wakes her up and makes her dream again.

Until she finds out Dillon’s already bought his ticket out of town…

Is Dillon about to break the heart of the only woman he’s ever loved?

The Taming of the Bachelor is available now at – AMAZON | BARNES & NOBLE | iBOOKS

I loved writing this book and can’t wait to hear what you think!  It’s got a bit of everything that made me fall in love with the Sheenan brothers – plenty of emotion, sexual tension, angst and humor too.  You can read an excerpt on my website.  Drop me a line if you read it and reviews are always very welcome too!

In upcoming news, Cormac’s story will be out close to Christmas so keep an eye out for that.  Meanwhile, I’m staying busy writing another Harlequin for my Presents fans and also looking forward to meeting some of you on my book tour for It’s You.  Check my website for upcoming events.  If you’re close of any of the venues I’ll be visiting, come say hello.  I’d love to see you!

And what’s a new Taming of the Sheenan release without a fun Montana Born giveaway?


Contest ends Wednesday with winner announced on Thursday.  Let me know if you’ve read Dillon’s story yet and if he’s your favorite Sheenan, or if you prefer one of his older brothers?



  1. I have enjoyed reading all of the stories about the Sheenan brothers. Don’t think I have a favorite yet. I did really like the Kidnapped Christmas Bride, and especially the cover. That was a great story. But they are all 4 wonderful stories. And what a prize pack. You can bake and read 🙂 Love it.

  2. I love the Sheenan boys and am looking forward to reading Dillon’s story! And I look forward to spending the holidays with Cormac! Congrats on your new releases Jane. I am a happy reader right now.

  3. I have the first two books waiting for me to read on my reader… have not gotten to the Sheenans yet to pick a fav… Congrats on your release!

  4. Will read them together. When I love a book in a series I hate having to wait for the next one 🙂 I know I’m going to love these brothers. Thanks Jane.
    Carol L

  5. I read one of the Sheeran books in the last month or two, but can’t remember a name since I’ve read quite a few books since then.

  6. I haven’t read it yet but I loved Troy & Trey’s stories. I will be reading Dillion’s story soon because I love these Sheenan brothers!! Thanks Jane for a chance at your giveaway!!

  7. I was lucky to read an ARC of The Taming of the Bachelor and I really enjoyed reading it. I hope to write my review later this week.

  8. Love Dylan and Paige! It was so fun to see them get together! Can’t wait for Cormac’s story…

  9. Didn’t realise I hadn’t read this one Downloaded straight away lol Love all your books especially the ones set in Montana 🙂
    and cant wait to read this one 🙂

  10. #1 Brock and Harleya story (which is a perfect name for someone who rides Harley’s to have in the family and what Autumn had spent 13 years telling me she was naming her first child (boy or girl) and her second would be Hayden) she hasn’t wavered in 13 years

  11. I have read them all, each one gets better. Dillon has a special place in my heart. Loved this story!

  12. I have read the other Sheenan’s stories. Dillan’s story is waiting on my Kindle, can’t wait to start.

  13. My MS brain won’t let me remember his name to tell you which Sheenan brother I like most from the three that I have read (He’s the really rich one who owns the hotel in town who fell in love with the librarian)! But that is so far. Looking forward to reading all about the rest of them too! Love the family dynamic! Have safe travels on your book tour! Happy Summer! Thanks for the giveaway chance too!

  14. I haven’t read Dillon’s book as yet but will definitely be getting around to it. My favourite is Christmas at Copper Mountain. Brock and Harley’s sorrows are so tangible it breaks my heart. Their emotional healing, growing into love is just beautiful.

  15. Jane,
    Another excellent read! I stayed up all night reading Dillon’s story. Worth the bags I had under my eyes the next day.

  16. Another winning story, Jane! I loved Dillon’s story. But, I can’t pick a favorite brother, they are all great.

  17. Don’t think I could pick my favorite. Loved Brock’s story (it’s one I’ve read 3 times) just drawn to it; and who can fault Troy for falling for a librarian. Then there’s the bad boy Trey who I’m so happy he and McKenna got their 2nd chance. They just belong together. I’m going to reread these three before starting on Dillon’s. (it’s just what I do lol )Congrats on your new releases.

  18. Brock is still my favorite brother! Congrats on both of your new releases. Plenty of Jane Porter stories for your faithful fans! Thank you!! xoxo

  19. So far Troy is my favorite, although I really liked Trey’s and Brick’s stories, too. I haven’t read Dillon’s yet, but it will be next on my list!

  20. Still have to get Dillon’s “Taming of the Bachelor”, but so far I’ve LOVED Trey & McKenna’s story best! Close second would be Brock & Harley! Course they’re all ‘Fantabulous’ so you sorta gotta sure thing whenever you crack one open! Looking forward to reading Dillon’s story…and Christmas with Cormac! Yay! A surfeit of Sheehan Love!!!! ❤️

  21. have always loved reading your books so am glad you are still coming up with new books all the time….but honestly don’t know how you do it…..

  22. I live all the books but I think my favorite brother is Brock I loved that story thanks for the chance to win

  23. I downloaded and read Dillon’s story the day it released. I enjoyed it and fell for another Sheenan, but he hasn’t been my fav of the brothers…I really loved Troy and then Trey. To me, Dillon was much like Brock in his story~not as open.

  24. I’m so far behind and drowning in wood smoke now from the major fires up here that I can scarcely think. Also just returned from an out of state wedding and haven’t slept properly yet! Had to get up at 0200 today to close all the windows from the fires’ smoke: one 80 miles to the North close to 10k acres, one 100+ miles to the South 2-3k acres. When they say Anchorage AK is a bowl, it is…mountains on one side, water on the other. Can’t remember which I’ve read and which I haven’t but CAN remember I loved them!!!

  25. I just loved Dillon’s story! Angst is right. Nothing like having things all mapped out and find a heart shaped cog in the wheel.

  26. I loved this book it might be one of my favorites but I love them all. I look forward to reading more with this family. Also getting your new book It’s you. Love the cover on that one.

  27. my favorite is typically the last one read! Just finished Christmas Bride…am l Looking forward to your latest!

  28. I loved Trey’s story in the Father’s Day collection I finished recently. Looking forward to reading about all the other brothers. Such great characters!

  29. I haven’t read Dillon’s story yet, but I love all of his brothers!!! I can’t pick a favorite, that’s just not nice to ask! 😀

  30. Congratulations, #50 Kathleen Bylsma! You’re the winner for this fun Montana Born giveaway! Shoot me an email with your mailing info and I’ll get prize in the mail to you.

    love to all,
    Jane xoxo

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