Meet Robin Bielman and her Bachelor!

Robin2-287x3001I’m so delighted to have the extremely talented Robin Bielman on my blog today!  I was thrilled when she agreed to write a story for Montana Born’s Bachelor Auction and I can’t wait to introduce her to all my readers….although I know a number of you are already a fan.

For those who may not be as familiar with her, Robin is a USA Today author and a RITA finalist who loves to read, take hikes with her hubby and loves to frequent coffee shops.  A California girl, the beach is Robin’s favorite place for fun, relaxation and inspiration.  Here’s Robin now to tell us more about her new book, Falling For Her Bachelor!


Thanks so much for inviting me to be on your blog, Jane! (You guys, before I even met Jane, I read her blog. This goes back years and I’m a total fan girl so this is kind of surreal – and wonderful.)

I’m also wonderfully happy to be a part of the Tule Publishing family now! My first book with them, Falling for Her Bachelor, is part of the Bachelor Auction Returns series! My story is book two and it’s been such a pleasure and honor to be in a series with Charlene Sands, Sinclair Jayne and Jeannie Moon. As with the first bachelor auction series, our books take place in the small town of Marietta, but this time they bring together four high school football friends on the auction block to help their coach raise money for a worthy cause.

I can remember vividly several months ago when Charlene emailed me asking if I’d like to participate in this series with her. You see, Charlene isn’t just a writer friend; she’s also my mentor. We were paired together years ago during a mentoring program with our local RWA chapter, and we immediately became fast friends. So much so, that we’re friends outside of writing, too. She’s answered countless questions of mine, plotted with me, listened to me, shared advice on publishing, and always been just a phone call or email away. So getting the chance to be a part of something with her has been a dream come true. Add in the awesomeness that is Tule Publishing, and this experience has been really special.


Writing Falling for Her Bachelor was really fun, too. Nick and Cassidy came to me pretty quickly and their story flowed easily. That doesn’t always happen when writing! I had an especially good time learning about Marietta and adding characters to the already established town. And okay, writing about a hot Navy firefighter in a bachelor auction also made for lots of happy writing days.

Charlene’s book, Bachelor for Hire is live now along with mine. Sinclair’s, Seducing the Bachelor is releasing on April 19th. And Jeannie’s Weekend with Her Bachelor is releasing on April 26th. Four sexy bachelors and I’m thrilled I got to be part of it!

About Falling for Her Bachelor

When Navy firefighter Nick Palotay returns to Marietta to go on the bachelor auction block for a good cause, he expects it to be risk free. But when he needs someone safe to bid on him and his sister’s best friend is coaxed into stepping up, Nick isn’t prepared for the effect Cassidy has on him. She sends his mind to all kinds of dirty places…places his battered heart can’t afford.

Freelance photographer Cassidy Ware is in waaay over her head. She’s always been Nick’s other little sister, but she’s all grown up now and just a glance from him leaves her hot and bothered. Still, she can stay immune to his charms and keep him at an emotional distance because she’s got an agenda, too. She’ll help the too-handsome Nick with his charitable deed, and, in return, he’ll help her keep an unwelcome suitor at bay.
A deal’s a deal, but when their “business transaction” turns into more pleasure than duty, can they walk away from each other without losing what matters most?

Look for Falling For Her Bachelor at these online retailers:
Amazon Kindle | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play


Thank you for sharing with us today, Robin!  Readers, be sure to download a copy of Robin’s new release – and do check out the other books in the series too.  You’re in for some good Bachelor fun!  And to keep the fun going, I’ve got a box of fantastic Montana Born reads and reader treats for one of you.  🙂  For a chance to win, just leave a comment for Robin and you’ll be entered!  Contest ends Tuesday with winner announced Wednesday.


  1. Hi Robin, It is always great to meet one of Jane’s writer recommendations/friends and I am so happy for you to have a relationship with Tule Publishing. Hope you write many more books for them.

  2. I love this series and I enjoyed reading this book. Glad to see you as a part of the Tule family now. Love the authors there.

    1. Hi Elisabeth! Thank you so much for reading the book!! And I love the Tule authors, too. Not only have I read several of the books, but I’m lucky enough to know a few in person, too.

  3. I love the sound of the Bachelor series and I’m looking forward to reading them. I enjoyed reading the post about Robin’s Falling For The Bachelor. Thank you for sharing and the giveaway chance.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  4. This sounds like another great collection and series. I love all the Marietta books, adding this to the list.

    1. Hi Sharon! Thanks for the add! It’s been awesome being a part of something with Charlene, Jeannie and Sinclair! (And I love the Marietta books, too! So many wonderful characters!)

  5. Hi Robin and Jane ! So happy to have a book in a
    series with Robin. We enjoyed working together in Marietta Montana at the Bachelor Auction. Robin, thank you for the kind words. I am loving Falling for her Bachelor. Congrats on a wonderful story!

    1. Hey, Mary! Bachelor auctions are super fun, right? Charlene has a blog post up on the Tule blog that’s a fun read. Bachelor auctions are a real thing, you guys!

  6. Another very enjoyable interview. Haven’t read any of your books yet, sounds like I’m missing out….big time.

  7. Hi Robin and welcome to the world of Tule!! I’m so excited to read your story as well as the other books in this series. These Bachelor Auctions always seems to be a lot of fun!! Especially in Marietta!!

  8. Robin!!! *waving to you & Jane* 🙂 So excited the release week is finally here! Congratulations to you and to all of the Bachelor Auction Returns series authors!

  9. Congratulations, #17 Ora Dee Rocks! Your name was picked as the winner for this blog. 🙂 Shoot me an email with your mailing details and I’ll get prize in the mail soon.
    Happy Reading, all!

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