Fun in South Africa

I’m so excited to be back in colorful South Africa with husband Ty. Combining some business and fun, we’ve been having a great time exploring beautiful places like the Cape Peninsula, walking with elephants at the Kariega Game Reserve, taking a road trip on the N2 to Mossel Bay and indulging in the local cuisine at The Africa Cafe.

And there’s still so much to do, so much to see! I’m also speaking at ROSA’s Annual National Conference in Melrose, Johannesburg this weekend and so looking forward to the gala dinner on Saturday night. If you’re from Johannesburg, check my events page for details – I’d love to see you there!

I must sign off as Ty’s waiting for me but I wanted to check in with you all. I miss hearing from you! What are you up to this week and or weekend? Talk to me, tell me what’s going on with you. I have a special South African themed prize for one lucky winner so leave a comment and you’ll be entered to win. Sending much love to all!


  1. Love the pictures! Thanks for sharing. I have a half-day conference tomorrow followed by the youngest’s soccer game. Nothing special.

  2. Your pictures are fantastic. You have really captured the essence of Africa through them. It’s almost like being right there. I have always dreamed of going there one day. Did y’all see any lions? Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Nothing going on around here this weekend. We are back to our regular routines now that my mom has finally gotten married again and my mother-in-law is home recovering from her stroke. I’ve been spending as much time as I can getting caught up on reading, reviews and my blog.

  3. I’m loving looking at your pictures. Thank you so much for sharing them. Looking forward to seeing more pictures. Today I felt was stressful trying to find out if a few different tests I have to get are covered and trying to find a place to have them done that they go in as a copay rather than deductible. Ended up got nowhere after dealing with phone calls most of day I’m only getting the one I do every year and saving the others until the new year because of the big deductible. I have no weekend plans so far just reading. Reading His Christmas Bride which I’m loving so far and The right time by Danielle Steel. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

  4. I love the pictures you’ve been sharing. I hope the rest of this journey is as fun for you. Not sure what I’m doing this weekend other than getting ready for surgery on my arm and finger on Monday.

  5. Love seeing all of your pics and it looks like such an amazing place, will have to add to my someday list. I am hoping for a low key weekend after having tons of out of town guests for the last few weeks.

  6. Fabulous pictures! I always get travel wanderlust looking at images like this . . . but that’s a good thing! Until I can take my next international trip, I love hearing about others’ experiences. Enjoy the adventure!

  7. Not a lot of going on…I am gearing up for December when I get to travel to Ohio to see my family for Christmas. It’s been over 2 years since I’ve seen them.

  8. Great pictures!
    I hope you will keep having a great time
    I started taking personal training at my gym and I really feel that I’m in a better shape.
    Today I run for the first time after 5 months break so I feel great.

  9. Amazing pictures!!! We are actually thinking about going to South Africa next summer…this post makes me even more excited! Enjoy your adventure!!

  10. Beautiful pictures!!! Thank you for sharing! I’m attending the “Buns and Roses” event tomorrow. Really looking forward to that time with friends!

  11. Beautiful pics. Hope your headache goes away soon so you can enjoy the rest of your trip. I’m enjoying a quiet weekend at home.

  12. Love sharing your trip. Sorry about the migraine. Not allowed when away from home, but preferably never.

  13. Hi, great pics from your trip to SA, hope to see more pictures and post from you. I just returned from South Korea from a conference, and I got to experience some woondetful culture, food, and met people from around the world, I’ll have many memories to cherish. Leaving tomorrow for Baltimore for a trade show till Wednesday. Have to go pack!!!

  14. thank you for sharing your trip with us.
    been helping get 2 kids moved. did take a break today and go to a fall festival in a local small town. had a great time. tomorrow is for relaxing.

  15. Looks like such a great trip and your pictures are beautiful. Yesterday, some my high school classmates of 1967 rode on a float in our annual Homecoming parade. 50 years, has it really been that long?!? I don’t feel that old. Tomorrow I will go to a birthday party for my 6 and 10 year old great nieces.

  16. Your photos are captivating and very beautiful. What a memorable trip. Spending time with grandchildren all weekend which is wonderful.

  17. Love the pictures. Having the best week since John broke his neck. He has graduated from using a walker to using a cane. Life is good

  18. Weather is blustery in southern Colorado and I can disolve into the covers of an Elizabeth Buchan book this weekend. An adventure in London the next few days. No elephants to pet and admire, but some good cups of tea to enjoy!

  19. Loving the photos! Just returned from a week long writing retreat in Colorado. Happy to be back in Texas. Catching up on some reading this weekend while fighting off a week long bug.

  20. OMG, what HAVEN’T I been up to?
    Visited with my sister and her family at their place for 5 weeks, travelled home with them in their motor home for 1 week, and they left on Friday after 2 weeks here.
    Walked park trails that morning, lunch with friends, a quick nap, then a haunted barn and hayride with daughter and girlfriend over an hour away. (It was AWESOME!)
    Saturday was grocery shopping and visiting with my brother.
    Sunday had company over to fix their car and provide supper and cards. They left at 7:30 and I hit badminton courts at 7:45.
    Today we are driving 1.5 hours away to visit (and walk trails with) neighbours at their cottage for the day.
    It never stops!

  21. What a fun trip for you and Ty…praying Traveling Mercies for you both. We have been having cool mornings here and highs in the low to mid 80’s. My cell phone died, so had to drive to the big city south of us and talk to customer service. They had us send it to CA and we will get a new one….battery issues. Otherwise we have been attending birthday parties for our Grands this month and doing some fly fishing. No elephants, but some pretty birds, raccoons and deer near the river! 😉

  22. What a dream trip!! I had no idea South Africa was so beautiful! Here in New England, we’re enjoying the crisp autumn days and looking forward to some fun Halloween activities this weekend! Enjoy, and safe travels to you and Ty!

  23. South Africa looks beautiful, I love elephants!
    How lovely that your hubby is with you on this trip, I wonder if Ty will pick the best wave of the day, surfing anyone!

  24. What a exciting trip. I looks like you and Ty have been having a good time. Today both my husband and I and went to visit his mother and take her her birthday presents. Her birthday is Halloween and she will be 91. I made he up a trick-or-treat gift bags with lots of stuff.

  25. Thank you everyone for sharing in my fun safari photos. I’m back home and catching up on everything but wanted to pop in first and give a shout out to #20 Roberta Conty Emby for being the winner of my South African themed prize! Roberta, if you can drop me an email with your mailing info, I will get package in the mail to you soon.
    much love to all – more fun coming soon!

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