Release Day! Miracle on Chance Avenue is here!

YES.  I am excited.

Miracle on Chance Avenue is out today.  It’s a big deal to me, and I’m really looking forward to hearing what my readers think so get your copy (available in print and as an ebook from Amazon, and as an ebook from iBooks, B&N Nook, Kobo, and Google Play).  This story wasn’t an easy one to write as Rory Douglas has had a very hard past and he wasn’t looking for a happy-ever-after but life had different plans for him!

Today is also fun because it’s Tule Publishing‘s Ugly Sweater Breakfast at iHOP here in San Clemente and I love pancakes, especially iHOP’s buttermilk pancakes, and now I have a new ugly sweater for the occasion.

At home the boys call the kitchen “Jane’s Kitchen”, turning me into a short order cook.  On any given morning I’m making French Toast, egg sandwich, scrambled eggs and diced ham, and possibly oatmeal.  No one in my family ever wants the same breakfast and so you can usually find me at the stove from 6:30-9:30 a.m. turning on a burner and cracking some eggs.  (I try to do it with a smile but it doesn’t always work out that way….).

On Monday I told everyone that I was only making one breakfast so I could do some holiday baking and I tasted tested three different scone recipes to see which deserved to be Sadie’s Scones (Sadie makes scones in Miracle on Chance Avenue) and the recipe below was the clear winner.  Sadie’s Scones are delicious right out of the oven, but also good the next day warmed a little and then served with clotted cream and some lemon curd or your favorite jam.

Sadie’s Holiday Scones

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 8 tablespoons unsalted butter, frozen
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1 large egg


  1. Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. In a medium bowl, mix flour, 1/3 cup sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Grate butter into flour mixture on the large holes of a box grater; use your fingers to work in butter (mixture should resemble coarse meal), then stir in raisins.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk sour cream and egg until smooth.
  4. Using a fork, stir sour cream mixture into flour mixture until large dough clumps form. Use your hands to press the dough against the bowl into a ball. (The dough will be sticky in places, and there may not seem to be enough liquid at first, but as you press, the dough will come together.)
  5. Place on a lightly floured surface and pat into a 7- to 8-inch circle about 3/4-inch thick. Sprinkle with remaining 1 tsp. of sugar. Use a sharp knife to cut into 8 triangles; place on a cookie sheet (preferably lined with parchment paper), about 1 inch apart. Bake until golden, about 15 to 17 minutes. Cool for 5 minutes and serve warm or at room temperature.

Sadie’s Notes: I shaped the dough right on the cookie sheet, cut it into wedges and then gently separated to save a myself a step but feel free to follow the steps exactly if you like! Also, this recipe really does need a lot of mixing – no extra liquid is required even though you will think it does! I hope you enjoy!

And yes, of course, I also have a giveaway to help celebrate the release of Miracle on Chance Avenue. The giveaway is packed with books, a gorgeous glazed mug, Montana coffee, Peppermint Bark and so much more. How to enter the giveaway? Tell me your plans for this weekend and that’s it!

Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the new Christmas release.


  1. This weekend I plan on getting some holiday baking done: graham cracker pound cake for the neighbors and lots of cookies! It’s supposed to snow tonight (in middle Georgia – rare)so that makes it perfect for staying home. The snow won’t stick though and will be melted away by the end of the day. Perhaps I’ll try your scone recipe – looks tasty!

  2. Congratulations on the new book! My plans for the weekend is to finish decorating my apartment and put up my tree.

  3. I have to work a basketball game tonight and a swim meet tomorrow, but I’d like to get some Christmas wrapping done and download some Christmas books onto my ipad, including Miracle on Chance Avenue!

  4. Happy release day! I know you struggled with this book, but I found it FANTASTIC. Enjoy your celebration day and pancake breakfast. I really wish I knew someone who did the ugly Christmas sweater parties but I have been seeing some really cute ones lately. One at Kohl’s had a huge cat face and it would have been perfect for me. No real plans for the weekend for us. My husband is supposed to be off work tomorrow (unless he gets called in) and it will probably be a long time from now that he gets another free weekend. So we will try to enjoy the time together. They had a second guy put in notice at his job and his boss doesn’t seem to be in a rush to hire anyone else. This will leave him as the only mechanic at the shop. He was supposed to be off Christmas weekend too, but he was told he has to work now. He was really looking forward to that 3 day weekend too. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

  5. My plan is to finish Miracle on Chance Avenue (started last night when my pre-order came through), take my boys to take photos with Santa, bake treats, sort through gifts I need to wrap (so many Amazon boxes!) and catch up on some very overdue snuggle time with my husband!

  6. My son is volunteering with his school at Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, if the ‘snow’ they are calling for isn’t bad, so we are hauling him around. My husband is still trying to find time to Christmas shop for me and the rest of us will try to get the tree up because somehow Christmas is practically 2 weeks away. Happy Hildays and congrats on the new book!

  7. Your recipe looks delectable. This weekend will be busy with preparations for the holiday.Cooking, baking and hosting.

  8. Doing my holiday cards and starting my baking (although, since the pie crusts and pumpkin pie filling are in the freezer already, I guess I started that over Thanksgiving),

  9. Happy Release day! Can’t wait to try the scones!
    I am hoping to get my tree up, figure out Christmas cards, and find a few presents… around a party tonight that my GS Troop is putting in for other Troops, taking them to an event tomorrow morning… and a small dance performance on Sunday… wish me luck!

  10. Congratulations on the new release. This weekend I have to bake for the kids’ youth group bake sale. If I can I will also make this yummy looking scone recipe. Besides the baking for the bake sale I want to start doing some baking for my family. I also have a ton of wrapping too as well as a package to finish packing and mail out. We have some church activities and shopping to do on Sunday. Then a Boy Scouts Christmas party to get ready for on Monday.

  11. Congrats on the new book release. I loved it. Love the story with Rory and Sadie. So far now plans for the weekend except forecast reports is snow. I hope they are wrong you know how I feel about the white stuff. I need to finish wrapping/bagging a few gifts that I didn’t have the right bag for when I was doing it earlier in the week and my sister gave me the bags since she had so many. Other than that my plans are to do some reading. Hope you have a great Tule ugly sweater today sounds like fun. The scones sound yummy.

  12. My Great-niece in town for a swim meet and I am going to be spending the weekend at the pool. I have not had a chance to see her compete in a few years, so I am thrilled to be in her cheering section this weekend and to spend time with her mom, dad and little sister. Made my week when I found out they were coming.

    1. Youngest has basketball tomorrow morning, we have Scott’s company party tomorrow night, and Johnny has a church youth Christmas party on Sunday.

  13. Congrats on your new release! I’ve always enjoyed your books! I’ll be adding it to my “to read” list on Goodreads. This weekend I’ll be wrapping the kids presents!!

  14. Weekend plans… to put up more decorations, to read and to bake something yummy! Congrats on your release!!! 🙂

  15. week-end plans are to get organised and start getting the contents of the Christmas baskets and hampers ready. the scones will be a welcome and yummy addition. once this is all over, there will be time to read and your new book will be on the list. thanks

  16. I’m having a few friends over to celebrate a birthday. There’s lots to do and we’ll each help out. It should be lots of fun with good food, discussions, and just enjoying each other’s company. BTY – that scone recipe looks great – it will be used for Christmas morning.

  17. No major plans for the weekend. Baking, reading, some cleaning, and not sure what else. The recipe looks good. I LOVED Rory and Sadie’s story. Jane you are amazing and so talented!!

  18. This weekend is my (self-imposed) deadline to mail the presents for the family members who live out of town. I always have a big Tupperware container of frozen ch-chip cookie dough that I have made in advance just in case 1)I have a minute to bake, or 2) need a gift as I run out the door. Yes, I give frozen dough in little buckets.

  19. Congratulations on your new book! This weekend, I’m doing some shopping, not just for gifts, but for some items to hang on the walls of our house. We’re long overdue for some new decor, in anticipation of family coming in for the holidays.

  20. Looking forward to this book … and trying these scones! 🙂 This weekend I’m going to be watch some holiday movies with the hubby, maybe do a little Christmas shopping, and work on getting ready for the holidays. Merry Christmas!

  21. Happy Release Day! Finished the story in the wee hours, when I could not sleep. LOVED it! I am definitely going to re read it! I know that it gave you fits to write it, but it is amazing! The scones sound delicious. I wish I could bake. I have a holiday party tomorrow morning and will spend time my parents this weekend as well.

  22. Congratulations on your latest book, and thanks for what looks like a delicious scone recipe!

    I’m Canadian and probably not eligible for the giveaway, but I’ll share my weekend plans anyway: I’m travelling in Portugal right now and I’m going to go to the beach. So much nicer than the weather at home!

  23. The scones look delicious. I have an easy weekend planned. Going to the gym lots and relaxing after the gym. 🙂

  24. Can’t wait to read the new book!
    I’m going to the movies tonight, xmas shopping on Saturday. I’m not much of a baker but those scones are tempting me…

  25. Looking forward to the print edition
    This weekend is my Christmas Wrapping marathon, 60 gifts for five Nuns in Spokane…it will be fun trying to do it with six kitty helpers

  26. We have snow here in South Carolina, so enjoying the beauty of a snowfall and maybe building a snowman if there is enough with my children. Thanks!!!

  27. Hubs wants to take honey roasted pecans to a Christmas party we’re going to & I’ve never made them before, so I’m going to do a test batch this weekend. Planning on writing Christmas cards & maybe wrap a few presents. Congratulations on your release day! Great prize pack! Merry Christmas!

  28. Congrats on the new book Jane!! My plans include putting my tree up. I stumbled across a couple of Holiday Favorites playlists for Faith Hill & Tim McGraw on spotify, so I’m listening to those getting in the mood. I may start tonight Funny enough, the Bing Crosby song I heard while at the book party at your house is now playing. Such a great time with new friends! ❤️ Happy holidays to you and your family! Much love!!

  29. Congratulations on the release of MIRACLE ON CHANCE AVENUE. I read the blurb on Amazon and it sounds enjoyable. The scone recipe sounds delicious and will be part of our Christmas brunch.
    This weekend’s plans may change. We got some unexpected snow today and I’m not sure of the impact yet. From 8:30 to 4 on Saturday I have a conference on Children’s Mental Health. We will go to church afterwards. We are Red Cross disaster volunteers and with this unexpected cold weather moving in we could get fire calls tonight and through the weekend. I certainly hope not. It breaks my heart when people lose everything and it is worse during the holidays. Sunday there is nothing scheduled so it will be a day to spend on cleaning and straightening up so we can put up our tree. We have so many volunteer commitments I am never home. By the end of next week we should be finished with everything we need to do except for fire calls.

  30. We are delivering all the toys I’ve bought for Toys For Tots to a TV station in town then I can finally get the family room ready for Christmas.

  31. congrats to you Jane! plans are to relax a bit, do a bit of reading, do a bit of shopping, and laugh as much as i can. happy weekend to you!

  32. I am going over to check in on a friend’s cat that I am looking after, meeting friends for coffee and doing some baking

  33. Wednesday it was 70 degrees- today it is snowing! So I will be playing with y dog friends in the snow…I live in Atlanta…..

  34. This weekend I am going to finish up a couple of Christmas presents I have been crocheting & then spend some time figuring out what cookies I need to make.

  35. Cleaning. My mom comes next Thursday for a week so I need to get her room ready. I need to get all my presents ready to mail next week. I think u need a mug that says, Marietta Forever!

  36. My husband and I are going to a Christmas party with a potential new company for him as CFO. I will be out buying a fancy dress while he plays with his new four-wheeler.

  37. Since the weather is good we plan to take a walk to BelSquare and do a little shopping (walking means no hassles with the parking garage) then we are going to decorate the tree and have dinner at home and the go to a Holiday concert.We will Skype with our son Sunday morning and in the afternoon some Christmas cookie baking, more decorating and listening to carols. Busy times but have your new book on my Kindle so will steal some time to read it, too!).

  38. Congrats on the new release Jane. I plan on putting up my tree, baking and wrapping up my gift buying. I love scones and will be trying this recipe. Thanks for the recipe. Happy Holidays.

  39. I’m located in the north part of Atlanta and we got snowed in this weekend. About 7-8 inches here. The most I’ve ever seen in this area since I’ve lived here. It’s a good time to make your scones and read one of your great books! I’ll be spending lots of time on the couch in front of the fireplace and reading this weekend. Might do some baking too.

  40. I love the cover. Light snow in VA…will wrap gifts this weekend. Thank you for the great looking recipe, will definitely try it. I always ran a cafeteria too with three boys and a husband…looks good on the resume. Congrats on the release! Don’t know how you do it all — Miracle Worker?

  41. Hopefully finishing my Chrimas shopping and making some candles for gifts Just download your new book, so I will be reading tomorrow:)

  42. Congrats on the new book and our plans are after hubby gets his hair cut he is going to stores with my list and doing the shopping. I will be by the phone as I am severely disabled and not able to go shopping if he has any questions at all so far 13 calls. Then tomorrow we go to church and then coming home to pick up our 2 pups and we are having out Christmas pic taken. Then it’s time to go back home and that is our plans. Gotta go the phone is ringing again!

  43. Today I’m resting & catching up on email. I’ve spent the last 3 days helping my ex-sister-in-law. She had a knee replacement in November, but fell a week ago – yesterday she had a 2nd surgery which showed the needed repairs from the fall – so it was a full day of sitting in different spots around the hospital – got home about midnight. Lesson: take care of you joints! Tomorrow I have to get back into Christmas.

  44. Talked with my sister, who just found out she has a malignant node after her lumpectomy … visited my bro-in-law in hospital awaiting triple bypass tomorrow after his recent heart attack … visiting my badminton partner in hospital after his brain tumor was removed (and hasn’t heard yet if biopsy showed benign or not) … worked 6 hours straight printing my Christmas newsletter poem, sticking copies inside Christmas cards, writing personal comments (and then mailed/dropped them off the following day) … Christmas shopped … visited neighbors … and hopefully I can squeeze in some grocery shopping today too.

  45. Going to fly to Southern CA with my adult daughter for a Mother/Daughter luncheon my SIL has every year and this is our first time going. Cousins and friends will be there.

    Mothers are all older [60s-70s] so are daughters and granddaughters. We are excited!

  46. Congratulations on your new release. I love your Christmas books.I wound up staying home this weekend. It was so frigid cold and wet I stayed inside put up Christmas decorations and binge watched season 2 of The Crown. I did some word find puzzles for my brain exercises.Pulled out my Pride and Prejudiced Adult coloring book and colored for relaxation 🙂 My husband had been called into work on Saturday so I was alone with my dogs. I then spent that evening reading a Christmas book on my Kindle.

  47. Rest and relax this weekend! Spent a weekend over in Cayucos and then a week with my niece while her folks were celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary in Tahoe. I was ready for my bed! But I did have dinner with my mom on Sunday night at Red Lobster in Visalia. And we faced the crowds at Walmart afterward! LOL All in all a great weekend.

  48. Thank you so much for your good wishes, great energy, and social media shout outs! I’m so grateful for the reviews and the emails you’ve sent me to share your thoughts. My heart is thankful and full of love for all of you!
    The winner for the giveaway for Miracle on Chance Avenue is #15 Donna Panzardo! Look for the prize in the mail soon, Donna and thank you, everyone for your wonderful support of my book.
    Much love,
    Jane xoxoxo

    1. Yeah, Thank you Jane. I’m sure you have my address but if you don’t let me know and I’ll send it again. And I still haven’t wrapped/bagged those few christmas gifts. I keep putting it off. But when I get home today I’m going to get it taken care of.

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