Tule’s 4 RITA Nominees!

I’m in Hawaii for Easter and I woke up at 4:25 am Hawaii time to make sure my son Ty, who was heading to LAX this morning to fly to Oahu, was fine and all checked in.  But instead of a text from Ty, there was a text from Megan Crane, saying:  CJ Carmichael! Go Tule!

I answered:  Hey, it’s only 4:25 am here, and I’m slowly waking up.  What’s going on?

Megan answered:  The RITAS!

Well, I woke up pretty fast, and then Megan texted me again:   Plus Madeline Ash and Heidi Rice.

And then:  Kat Latham.  Twice!

So wow.  Yes, son Ty made it to the airport, but that’s so boring when you get amazing RITA news that tells you 4 Tule authors have  finaled for the RITAs with 5 Tule stories in 2 different categories.

I am beyond excited for them….but I also have to go the airport to get that boy so please help me celebrate these four fantastic authors with their 5 fantastic stories!

CJ Carmichael – A Bramble House ChristmasBrambleHouseChristmas-MEDIUM

Heidi RiceTempting The NightHeidiRice-MEDIUM

Kat LathamOne Night With Her BachelorThree Nights Before ChristmasOneNightWithHerBachelor-MEDIUM


Madeline Ash – Her Secret PrinceMadelineAsh-MEDIUM

Cheers to my lovely author friends!  So thrilled and proud of each of you.

And to celebrate properly (its the only way to celebrate!) I’m giving away a copy of each story to one lucky winner plus lots of Tule reader swag. Want a chance to win all these fantastic reads? Tell me if you’ve read any of these authors before and that’s it! You’re entered to win. Contest ends Tuesday March 29th at midnight PST with the winner announced Wednesday. Good luck and Happy Easter to all Book Girls!


The Tycoon’s Kiss…a made for TV movie?

Two years ago I wrote The Tycoon’s Kissthe second book in my Taming of the Sheenan series.  The Tycoon’s Kiss, is classic Jane Porter romance:  Troy Sheenan, a gorgeous driven tycoon falls for Taylor Harris, the smart, bespectacled small town librarian.

A year ago The Tycoon’s Kiss was one of four Tule stories being considered for a TV film by a reputable Los Angeles producer.  Discussions and film options take a lot of time and very often nothing happens, so I was really delighted when just a couple weeks ago the producer’s team sent Tule an offer to option Tycoon’s Kiss.  The story is  now in pre-production and I promise to share more once I have firm details.



But until then, I wanted to be sure you’d seen the UK cover for the book.  I love the illustrated covers for the series so much!  Which do you prefer, the American photo or the UK illustrated cover?


If you haven’t read the Tycoon’s Kiss yet, you can find it at these online e-retailers:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | GooglePlayKobo

One of the great joys of Tule Publishing is the opportunity to be creative at so many different levels.  Not only do I get to write the stories I know my readers will love, I get to work with talented authors on their stories, and then also take Tule’s terrific catalogue and pitch those stories to Hollywood production companies.  Romance writers know how to write a happy ever after.  Why not try to turn some of those amazing stories into film?

To celebrate the option of The Tycoon’s KissI have a fun giveaway:  a signed print copy of the story, plus delicious Mountain Chocolate, and a JP reader tote bag, and lots of reader swag.  Interested?  Tell me the last book you read and what’s in your TBR that you’re looking forward to reading!  Content ends midnight March 23rd with the winner announced Thursday, March 24th.



Somewhere Out There with Amy Hatvany

AuthorXPhoto.XAmyXHatvanyI met Amy Hatvany at the Tucson book festival number of years ago.  We were on the same panel and I felt like I had met my soul sister.  I loved her from the start and am a fan of her books and her massive heart.  So delighted to have Amy on my blog as she shares about her new release,Somewhere Out There.

Here’s Amy!

As so often happens in my writing life, the idea for Somewhere Out There began in the smallest of ways, after my cousin—a wonderful, single man who has fostered and adopted several children over the years—told me how one of the young boys he was fostering reacted upon seeing a fully stocked pantry in their home. This six-year-old child had never lived in an actual home, instead spending most of his short life sleeping in car with his mother.

My cousin’s description of this undernourished child’s reaction to seeing a pantry full of food—”Is this all ours?” the boy asked as he sat down and began to touch the cans of peaches and boxes of rice. “Do we really get to eat it?”—was an image that my heart couldn’t shake, and it was from there that the premise for Somewhere Out There was born.


As I began my research, I learned that a child enters the foster care system every two minutes in the United States, most commonly because of parental abuse or neglect. Of these children, some are adopted, but most spend years bouncing from one foster family to another or living in a state institution, never having a place to truly call home. I thought about what kind of circumstances would lead a mother to sign away her parental rights, giving up her two young daughters to the state because she was unable to care for them. I imagined how different the sisters’ lives might be if one of them was adopted and the other ended up never having a family to call her own. I considered what might happen if the younger sister’s adoptive parents waited more than three decades to tell her that she had an older sister, and how the two sisters find each other, then have to decide whether or not to search out the mother who abandoned them.

How different would these two women be, considering how each of them was raised? Would they connect, simply because they were sisters, or would it easier for both of them to just walk away? And what about their mother? What had she gone through over the years? How did she survive the guilt of abandoning her own children, and what happens when they manage to find her? These are just some of the questions I address in this story, told from all three women’s point of view.

By the time I finished writing, I felt as though I had experienced each woman’s journey firsthand. Somewhere Out There was a joy to create, and I hope that after reading it, you end up feeling the same way.


Thank you, Amy for sharing with us!  Readers, I hope you’ll get your own copy of this book to enjoy.  She has a talent for penning such realistic, flawed characters who steal into your heart and never really let go.  Look for Amy and her new release online:
Amazon | B&N | IndieBound | Amy’s Website

Before you go, I have a special giveaway of some of my favorite women’s fiction novels by my favorite authors and friends for one lucky winner.  Leave a comment and you’ll be entered for a chance to win!  Contest ends Sunday with winner announced Monday.

Michelle Beattie’s New Pirate Release!

20115People who know me, know I love to read historical romance.  It’s my go-to read for pure escapist fun.  And there’s nothing more intriguing than a proper pirate hero.  Wait.  Maybe I should rephrase that, because we all know there’s nothing proper about a pirate.  But this is what I like.  I have a huge soft spot for rebels and outlaws (so much so that I practically married a pirate!), and so when I heard that Michelle Beattie had a new pirate romance out, I was quick to get it.

Michelle’s new release, Her Pirate to Love features strong, passionate characters.   Cale and Grace are stubborn and have trust issues but together, they are simply perfect.

I invited Michelle to stop by for a quick Q&A with us about Her Pirate to Love and am sure you’ll enjoy hearing from this delightful author as much as I did.  Please join me in welcoming this talented Canadian to the Jane Blog.

Michelle, please tell us a little bit about yourself that is not commonly known.

I’m fluent in French.  I have mild scoliosis in my back. My nose is crooked because I broke it when I was a baby.  I’m hate moths and can’t sleep if I know there’s one in my room.  My favourite ice cream is tiger.

What do you love most about being a writer?

Working from home and not having to scrape ice off my windshield every morning in the winter.

When you first started writing, what ambitions did you have for your writing career?  What are your ambitions for your career today? 

At first it was just to see if I could finish a book.  Then once I did that, could I sell it?  My goal was to see my name on the cover of a book, which is why I don’t write under a pseudonym.  My goals today?  Well I’d love to make the New York Times List and win the Romance Writers of America’s Rita Award but ultimately it’s just to have a long-term career where people see my name on a book and buy it because, as a writer, I’ve never disappointed them.

 How many books have you got under your belt now? What’s the journey been like since you became published? Does the thrill ever fade?

Her Pirate to Love is my 7th to be available for purchase but all together 10.  The journey has been one of great joy, much learning and times of utter frustration.  Like most things the first time will always be a little sweeter, but each time I see a cover with my name on it, I’m very proud.


Why did you choose to write about pirates? 

Johnny Depp.  Seriously.  Pirates of the Caribbean did it for me, especially the first.

 What keeps the attraction alive for the romance genre for you? 

The happily ever after.  Life is hard.  Not everybody gets what they deserve but I like that in romance novels despite the struggles and pain, happiness is found at the end.

 Please tell us about the premise of your new release. 

The book picks up four years after Cale Hunter was asked to be the notorious captain Sam Steele in his brother’s stead.  Driven by grief from having lost a wife and son many years ago, Cale plunders as Steele while doing his utmost best to forget the man he used to be.  But when he takes Roche Santiago’s ship and finds a pregnant woman aboard, a woman needing his help, he finds the past impossible to keep buried.

Grace also has a bloodied past and doesn’t trust men.  All she wants is freedom.  But the more time she spends with Steele, the more she comes to question if that is, in fact, what she wants most.

But Cale and Grace haven’t heard the last of Santiago and while he wants to see Steele dead, he wants even more than that from Grace.

What sparked the idea for this novel?  Do you draw inspiration from real life for your stories? 

Cale came as a surprise to me.  He hadn’t even entered my head until I was nearing the end of the 3rd book, A Pirate’s Possession, and realized I needed to kill off a major character.  Then, as Aidan was yet too young to be a hero in his own book and I’d just killed off the next heir to the Sam Steele throne, I knew I needed another character to fill the gap and the idea for Cale was born.  Do I draw inspiration from real life?  Sure, to a point.  I’ve lost family as well.  Both my parents and a brother all before I was 31 so I used those emotions to hopefully make Cale’s grief feel a little more real.

What message would you like readers to take away with them once they read this story? 

Sometimes life isn’t only about forgiving others.  Sometimes to find happiness and peace, you also have to learn to forgive yourself.

Will there be more books connected to this one? 

Yes, the series concludes with Aidan’s story, In The Arms of a Pirate, in April.

What’s your writing process?  Do you have a set routine?  Do you work every day?

Once my daughter is off to school, I do the social media thing and then I sit down to write.  I struggle to write with noise or distractions so I typically only write until 3:30.  I’ve tried to treat it like a business and I work Mon-Fri during regular business hours unless I have deadlines.  I like to balance my work with my family so I’m not at my computer 24/7.

Does your main character have any characteristics (personality quirks) that are similar to your own? 

Yes, we’ve both carried guilt for things we can’t change though I’m happy to say we’ve both learned to forgive ourselves.

Do you flesh out all your secondary characters before you start the writing process or do they sort of take life as you write? 

Because this is a series a lot of these characters I’d written in other books but I always have a vague idea who they are before I start though they do surprise me now and then along the way.

What was the best or most fun part about writing this story?  The not-so-great part? 

The best part when I realized the ending (that came to me half way through the novel, it was never planned).  I was so excited!  I thought it was perfect.  The not-so-great part?  Grace’s Irish history.  To try to write in just enough of Ireland’s past so the reader gets why she’s the way she is without turning it into a political saga.

What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t writing? 

Playing golf, reading.  Watching my favourite TV shows:  Black Sails, Murdoch Mysteries, Castle, Heartland, The Voice, Survivor.

How big an impact would you say a book cover plays in the process of a reader’s buying process? 

It’s huge.  If I don’t like the cover I won’t bother reading the blurb.  And sometimes I’ll buy a book, despite it not being my usual genre, if the cover speaks to me.

What’s the riskiest decision you’ve ever made as a writer? 

Firing my agent and continuing with a series the original publisher didn’t want anything more to do with.

 Are there any authors who had a significant influence on you during your journey to becoming published? 

Sandra Brown and Nora Roberts.

 For your personal reading preference, do you prefer ebooks or print books?  What are you reading for pleasure right now? 

Print wins for me every time.  Right now I’m reading Kristan Higgins’ new book.

 What does success mean to you? 

Being happy and surrounded by family and friends.  I’ve always been about making a life and not just a living.  I’m not someone who is driven by money.

What advice would you give aspiring writers today? 

Write what you want, what speaks to you and know that it’s damn hard work but the most fulfilling too.

What can readers expect from you next? 

Well, after Aidan’s book in April?  I’m going back to finish a historical western trilogy.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? 

Just thanks. Thanks for taking the time to read this, to hopefully check out the book.  I’m on social media so maybe I’ll see you there!

www.michellebeattie.com | Twitter | Facebook | Her Pirate to Love


Michelle, thanks so much for sharing with us today!  Readers, if historicals and pirates appeal to your reading tastes, I hope you’ll get your copy of Her Pirate to Love soon!  And before I go, I have a $15 Amazon gift card for one lucky reader!  Leave a comment below and you’ll be entered.  Tell me if you enjoy pirate stories and if you’re not a pirate fan, which is your favorite kind of hero?   Contest ends Sunday, February 14th with the winner announced on Monday the 15th!

Mel Teshco’s Lady In Red

melteshcoHi everyone, today I’m excited to introduce you to talented Australian author, Mel Teshco who is writing for the new Tule’s latest imprint, Eros.  The Eros imprint is all about hot…hot, hot and erotica and Mel’s new Eros release, Lady in Red certainly notches up the heat.

Like many authors, Mel is first and foremost, a dreamer.  She’s also a mother of three gorgeous girls and lives with a semi-patient husband, two fat horses, one crazy Belgian shepherd and three cats who run the house.  Mel claims writing keeps her sane and I am so glad she continues to find the time to do it because her new story has just the right kick of dreaminess and sexy heat to keep readers entertained!

I invited Mel to stop by and talk to us about her new story.  Please help me give her a warm welcome!

Welcome Mel!


Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in the call girl industry? What entices young women into the trade? And why some women love their work while other women feel as if they have no choice?

Ever since the movie Pretty Woman came out, I’ve been fascinated by the culture, and have read some enthralling non-fiction books on the subject. Having said that, the heroine in my story is entirely from my own imagination!

Meet Brandy—Kate Matthews in her ordinary life—the heroine in Lady in Red, releasing Feb 2nd. Brandy loves her job, but billionaire philanthropist and client, Blaine Leo Waymann, threatens everything she’s worked for by tempting her into his own world and putting everything at risk, including her heart.


Brandy hasn’t had an easy childhood. Bullied as a child, and losing everyone she’s ever loved, she’s not about to give into Blaine’s demands. Not without a fight. Not if there’s even a minute possibility she’ll get hurt. Being a call girl gives her the financial security she craves, and no one will take that away from her. Not even when she begins to question her job of choice.

I loved writing this story, so much so that I’m making a series, tentatively titled: VIP Agency, for each of Brandy’s call girl friends. In future stories you’ll also get to know Scarlet, Tiffany and Savannah. And perhaps one other call girl who is not yet introduced into book one. More news on her later…

In the meantime, grab a glass of red (or your liquid of choice) snuggle up on your armchair or under the covers of your bed and please enjoy the Lady in Red.


Thank you, Mel, for sharing with us!  Readers, if you like romances with a lot of heat, do be sure to download a copy of Mel’s Lady In Red! As always, I’ve also got a fun treat for one of you.  Leave a comment for a chance to win a $15 gift card to the e-retailer of your choice (Kobo, Amazon, iBooks, B&N, or Google Plus)!  Contest ends on Tuesday with winner announced on Wednesday.

New Release! The Tycoon’s Forced Bride

It’s here! My new release, The Tycoon’s Forced Bride is now live and available for sale! I’ve been so excited and looking forward to sharing this with you.


Malcolm McKenzie will never forget that night in New York when he put Ava Galvan in a taxi following a heated argument, and the Argentine beauty was involved in an horrific accident—one that ended her career as an acclaimed soloist with the Manhattan Ballet, and impaired her memory and ability to live an independent life.

The Scottish tycoon and philanthropist lives with his guilt, and another consequence:  Ava was pregnant with his child the night of the accident.  Ever since, Malcolm has raised Jack as a single father.

But Ava is stronger now, and Jack wants his mommy to come home.  Malcolm has never stopped wanting her and he’s determined to do whatever it takes to claim Ava—with or without her consent.

The early reviews have already started coming in and I’m thrilled readers are enjoying the story!

“Reading this during a cold winter day can heat up your blood. The steamy scenes between Colm and Ava can bring even the subzero temperature to sizzling.”  – Marinela Book Review

“5 stars….An inspiring and romantic read.” – Isha Coleman, Rock Book Reivews

I hope you’ll download your own copy of The Tycoon’s Forced Bride for sale at these e-retailers:

Amazon | Barnes&NobleiBooks | GooglePlay | Kobo

Do let me know what you think once you’ve had a chance to read it and if you feel inclined, please leave a review for it online too!

Before I sign off, I am feeling the love and in the mood to celebrate with you!  I’ve got a fun mystery prize for one fabulous reader and I hope that reader is You!  For a chance to win, leave a comment and you’ll be entered to win.  Contest ends Tuesday with the winner announced on Wednesday!

PS: If you’re a KOBO reader, you can get 50% off The Tycoon’s Forced Bride, or any other story for the next few days! Just use this Promo Code at checkout when buying from the KOBO site: JAN1650.

Visalia – My Hometown

I love these shots of my hometown and Visalia’s beloved Fox Theatre! I rode my bike down Main Street every day on my way to ballet.

frog_450x2-138x215What’s your hometown? Do you still live there or have you moved away?  Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of The Frog Prince.  My heroine, Holly Bishop was a Visalia girl too!  Contest ends Tuesday with winner announced Wednesday.


A Chat with Lark O’Neal

LarkONealPhotoI’m a huge fan of  Lark O’Neal and so excited she was able to join me on my blog to talk about her new release, Extreme.  Lark is an inspiration and something of a mentor so please help me welcome Lark to JaneBlog!

Lark, please tell us about the premise of your new release, Extreme.

Extreme kicks off my new series, Going the Distance II: YOLO.  It’s about a group of young backpackers and travelers in exciting locations across the planet.  Up first is Iceland, land of ice and fire, where a volcano causes all kinds of trouble.

Kaitlin Bouvier has been in love with her friend Tyler forever, so when he texts her from Iceland saying he’s in trouble, she’s more than eager to fly to his side and try to rescue him, even though she knows there is no hope.

At the airport, she meets Gabe Walsh, the opposite of Tyler in everyway—but very, very hot. He talks her into going to the Blue Lagoon, and the two discover an extreme attraction. The trouble is, both have a serious passion in life that has nothing to do with falling in love.  Graduate student Gabe is studying volcanoes, while Kaitlin is an Olympic snowboarder—there’s just no way they’ll ever both be on the same Continent, much less the same town.  It’s hopeless—and they agree to just have a fling. A very, very hot fling.

But when the volcano blows, they’re stranded together and discover they just might be soul mates.


What sparked the idea for this novel?  Do you draw inspiration from real life for your stories?

Kaitlin was a minor character in the first Going the Distance series. She’s Tyler’s friend and I loved her rugged athleticism and straightforward attitude. I also went to Iceland last January and it was crazy, amazing—and so dark.  Because it’s cheaper in winter, there were a bunch of young travelers around and I was intrigued by them.  I am a very serious traveler and have been to a lot of places (with more still on the list!!).  Readers loved going to New Zealand in EPIC, and asked for other countries.  Iceland was very high on the list, so it was an easy choice.

Will there be more books connected to this one?

The YOLO series will follow some of the characters readers will meet in this book to England, Venice, Australia—and who knows where else? Next up is Chelsea’s story, FIERCE, out in April.

Why did you choose to write this book?  What keeps the attraction alive for this genre for you?

People have been asking me a lot why I ventured into New Adult, as I have a successful career in women’s fiction and romance (as Barbara O’Neal and Barbara Samuel). Why add a new genre?  A fair question.

The answer is really pretty simple: these books speak to me.  At nineteen, you have autonomy, but not much experience making choices.  Life is huge and decisions can have enormous consequences—both good and bad—and luck plays into it all, too.  Also, love is real and deep and intense—really intense. I love that. It suits my voice.

I wrote the first one, Random, in a few weeks. It arrived whole and insisted it had to be written—and I was off.  Here it is, three years later, and I’ve written six of them.

You’ve got to take a trip suddenly, with just twenty minutes to pack and you don’t know how long you’ll be gone.  What 5 things would you absolutely have to take with you – besides clothing?


Book in case of iPad failure (I once broke a Kindle as I got on the plane in Denver to fly to the UK and was desperate by the time I landed. Nine. Hours. With. No. Book.) Good English teabags.

Notebook and pen (of course).

A tiny tin of watercolors and paintbrush.

What’s your astrological sign?  Do you read your horoscopes or is it all malarkey in your opinion?

I’m a Gemini, with a Taurus moon and Aquarius rising.  That means I’m a restless rebel and easily bored, but also rooted in things like growing gardens and cooking meals to make a home.  I love to travel, but I love to come back.  I’m a very loyal friend and a big talker.  And there was probably no other possible career for me but writing.  I’m just too odd to make anything else work.

Is it malarkey? Maybe. Maybe not.

How may fans contact you? 

Lots of ways! Larkoneal @gmail.com  larkoneal.com https://www.facebook.com/LarkONealAuthor

You can also find me on Instagram.

Thanks for having me, Jane!  xoxox


Lark, it’s been such a pleasure to chat with you and I am so looking forward to reading Extreme!  Readers, do check out Lark’s new release and if you read it, drop Lark an email and let her know what you think of it.  Authors always like to hear from readers and I know Lark would love to hear from you.

Look for Extreme at these online retailers:
Amazon | iBooks | Kobo | GooglePlay

Meanwhile, I have a festive holiday themed giveaway for one of you, a box jam packed with treats and fantastic reads by three of my favorite authors, along with a couple signed books by me, too!  Don’t miss this special prize box and you can enter the giveaway by leaving a comment for Lark below.  The winner will be drawn late on Christmas day, and the winner announced on December 26th.  Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend.  Much love to you!

Q&A with A Special Guest!

IMG_3583Today I’m introducing you to a rather special guest who has been one of my long-term readers, and through our shared loved of books and stories, we’ve also become friends.  It thrills me to share that Denise Stout is now also a debut author!  Denise’s story, Christmas Miracle on Oyster Bay is one of the stories featured in the Then Comes Winter anthology and I couldn’t be happier for her.

Please join in giving a warm welcome to Denise Stout!

  1. You came to publishing in a non-traditional path by entering a writing contest, what made you decide to enter?

I’ve been writing for several years. A friend suggested entering judged writing contests would give me good feedback on my writing strengths and weaknesses and point me in the right direction toward a better finished story. I saw a contest on a book blog, and it had several things which interested me: it was a judged contest, they wanted the story to be an Austenesque romance, and there was a chance to be published if I placed high enough.


Then comes Winter with bluster and snow,
that brings to our cheeks the ruddy glow…” 
—Gertrude Tooley Buckingham
If you long for a toasty snuggle on a cold winter’s night, this compilation of original short stories inspired by the magic of the holiday season—and more than a nod to Jane Austen—is fancied as a sublime wintertime treat. 
On the heels of the summer anthology, Sun-kissed: Effusions of Summer, and in concert with some of Meryton Press’s most popular authors, this romantic anthology introduces more promising writers.
With a robust mix of contemporary and Regency musings, Then Comes Winter rekindles passionate fires with equal wonder, wit, and romance.

  1. Are you a fan of Jane Austen?

I do consider myself to be a Janeite, though I read all romance–contemporary, regency, cozy mysteries, etc… I write contemporary romance. I love all of the works by Austen and felt there was a good chance I could pull it off without making it fanfiction. It has a subtle feel of Pride and Predjudice, but it’s a contemporary romance–someone not familiar with Austen would still enjoy it because it’s a standalone romance.

  1. Do you have future writing plans?

I have a few stories fighting to get out. I’m working on the characters and plotting a little, but I’m more of a pantser when it comes to writing. I’m looking forward to possibly writing a series based in the town setting from my story.

  1. Share something most people don’t know about you.

I’ve appeared in two different commercials for cleaning products. I earned my SAG credentials on the first one which ran nationally on cable. I bought my dining room furniture with that money. The second commercial was on HGTV, and I appeared with the star of one of their shows. It was filmed in my kitchen. I received a lot of free product for that commercial.

  1. Do you have a special place or time to write?

I write when the kids are at school, because I’m usually too busy after school. My dining room table has become my desk. When my husband found out I was writing–I kept it a secret for a while–he bought me a laptop. I left the office for the dining room. It’s less distracting, but it still has a window.

  1. What do you use for inspiration?

I love to listen to music when I write or mentally plot. Top 40, Country, sometimes Hard Rock or Old School Rap. 80s music. While I like quietude, I can’t stand complete silence. I need something in the background, even if it’s just white noise. Music is a great solace.

  1. Do you collect anything odd?

I love hearts. When I was a kid, if my brothers and I had something alike, my mom marked each item with a unique symbol–mine was a heart. You’ll probably find at least one heart in most of the rooms in my house, except for my boys’ rooms. A wooden bowl, a heart shaped stone, milagros, nothing too 80s cheesy or kitschy (I got rid of those), some are subtle like the iron scroll on the light above my kitchen sink or obvious like a pillow made from a vintage quilt. I buy them with purpose now.

  1. Favorite thing to wear?

Bracelets. So easy to change out, different styles to dress up or down, fun way to accessorize, easy on the budget, and because they’re fluid, I have less problems with allergic reactions to unknown materials.

Denise Stout dreamed about writing from a very early age, guided along the way by some special teachers who took interest in her writing and encouraged her to pursue her words in print. She loves to write stories about strong women who strive for the best in life, sometimes faltering, but who always have the fortitude to pick themselves back up again while finding love along the way.
A frequent contributor to FindSubscriptionBoxes.com, she also reviews books, movies, and products. When not driving carpools, watching her boys play sports from the sidelines, volunteering or other activities, she loves to read. And write. Or watch Jane Austen adaptations. Denise lives in the Baltimore area with her husband and three sons.

Find Denise on Twitter: @denisestoutauth or Email her at: denisestoutauthor@gmail.com

Thank you, Denise for sharing with us and huge congrats on your debut release!

I’m so excited for you and readers, I hope you’ll show Denise some love too and get your copy of Then Comes Winter soon.  And I’m always happy to share some love with you, too, so here’s a fun giveaway for you!  Leave a comment and you’ll be entered to win a box of holiday reads and festive treats, including a signed copy of my Kidnapped Christmas Bride, and Denise’s story anthology, Then Comes Winter.  The giveaway closes Friday and the winner will be announced  Saturday.  Good luck!


Recommending Awesome November Reads!

This Thanksgiving, Ty and I are in Louisiana with the boys and we’re touring historic plantations, overnighting at one of the most haunted buildings in the US (the Myrtles Plantation!), and spending a few days in New Orleans enjoying the French Quarter.  In between sight-seeing, I’m also looking forward to doing a lot of reading and have loaded my kindle with some great books!

First on my list is Put A Ring On It by Beth Kendrick.  Some of you may recall reading previously on my blog that I met Beth a number of  years ago at a tea hosted by John Charles, former RWA Librarian of the Year.  I remember reading one of Beth’s womens fiction stories and becoming an instant fan, loving her fresh, fun voice and flirty writing style.  As always, I’m thrilled every time she has a new book out so this month and available in stores today, November 3rd, is Beth’s new book, Put A Ring On It, which I cannot wait to read!

The author of New Uses for Old Boyfriends returns to the Delaware beach town of Black Dog Bay, where one woman learns to put passion before practicality…
Brighton Smith doesn’t do outrageous. As an insurance actuary, she’s trained to assess risk and avoid bad investments. But when her fiancé calls to confess he’s married someone else on a whim (“I looked at her and I just knew!”), she snaps…
That night, at a local bar, Jake Sorensen—hot, rich, and way out of her league—buys Brighton a cocktail. At midnight, she kisses him. And by dawn, they’re exchanging vows at a drive-through chapel.
Brighton knows Jake is a bad bet, but she doesn’t care. After a lifetime of playing it safe, she’s finally having fun. Until the whirlwind romance gives way to painful reality…and Brighton finds out the truth about why a guy like Jake married a girl like her. With her heart on the line and the odds stacked against them, Brighton must decide whether to cut her losses or take a leap of faith that this love affair is one in a million.

Look for Beth’s new release at one of these online retailers:
Amazon | Indie Bound | Barnes & Noble

Next, I’m really looking forward to reading The Edge of Lost by Kristina McMorris.


From New York Times bestselling author Kristina McMorris comes an ambitious and heartrending story of immigrants, deception, and second chances.
On a cold night in October 1937, searchlights cut through the darkness around Alcatraz. A prison guard’s only daughter–one of the youngest civilians who lives on the island–has gone missing. Tending the warden’s greenhouse, convicted bank robber Tommy Capello waits anxiously. Only he knows the truth about the little girl’s whereabouts, and that both of their lives depend on the search’s outcome.
Almost two decades earlier and thousands of miles away, a young boy named Shanley Keagan ekes out a living as an aspiring vaudevillian in Dublin pubs. Talented and shrewd, Shan dreams of shedding his dingy existence and finding his real father in America. The chance finally comes to cross the Atlantic, but when tragedy strikes, Shan must summon all his ingenuity to forge a new life in a volatile and foreign world.
Skillfully weaving these two stories, Kristina McMorris delivers a compelling novel that moves from Ireland to New York to San Francisco Bay. As her finely crafted characters discover the true nature of loyalty, sacrifice, and betrayal, they are forced to confront the lies we tell–and believe–in order to survive.

Look for The Edge of Lost here: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

I’ve always been a huge historical romance fan and Elizabeth Hoyt is one of my all time favorite authors so I’m especially looking forward to reading her new release, Sweetest Scoundrel.

Prim, proper, and thrifty, Eve Dinwoody is all business when it comes to protecting her brother’s investment. But when she agrees to control the purse strings of London’s premier pleasure garden, Harte’s Folly, she finds herself butting heads with an infuriating scoundrel who can’t be controlled.

Bawdy and bold, Asa Makepeace doesn’t have time for a penny-pinching prude like Eve. As the garden’s larger-than-life owner, he’s already dealing with self-centered sopranos and temperamental tenors. He’s not about to let an aristocratic woman boss him around . . . no matter how enticing she is.
In spite of her lack of theatrical experience-and her fiery clashes with Asa-Eve is determined to turn Harte’s Folly into a smashing success. But the harder she tries to manage the stubborn rake, the harder it is to ignore his seductive charm and raw magnetism. There’s no denying the smoldering fire between them-and trying to put it out would be the greatest folly of all . . .

You’ll find Elizabeth‘s release available for download here: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Another favorite author I always love reading is Kelly Hunter and she’s got the perfect story for the holidays in  A Bad Boy For Christmas!


How can he protect his family when he no longer knows what family is?
Cutter Jackson’s perfect world is crumbling. A new-found half-brother, a father short on answers, and a woman who challenges his every word will do that to a man. He’s losing his authority, his morality and his restraint with every breath. And there’s still Christmas and New Year to navigate.
Street-savvy Mia Blake isn’t looking for a place in the family Cutter loves so much. As for the lust that sparks between them, Mia’s more than happy to fan those flames and drive them both a little nuts. She can handle it. She can handle him right up until the moment Cutter decides he wants more than a holiday fling…

Look for Kelly’s new release here: Amazon | iBooks

I’m such an avid book girl and always looking for great reads and there’s nothing I love more than talking about books.  Have you added any good books to your TBR lately?  Can you recommend a great holiday read for me?  Share with me and one of you will win a signed print copy of my Taming of the Sheenans anthology (which includes the first three stories in the Taming of the Sheenan), a $5 Starbucks drink card, a festive ornament and some great reader swag.   Giveaway closes Dec 1st with the winner announced Dec 2nd!