Sicily’s Volcano: Mt. Etna

Spotlight on: Sicily’s Volcano: Mt. Etna


Jane & Ty on the top of Mt Etna
Jane & Ty on the top of Mt Etna

Village church with Mt Etna in the background.
Village church with Mt Etna in the background.

Son Jake and sister Kathy checking out the valley below and the view of the sea.

Here's a group shot of us near the sign at the volcano's crater.
Here's a group shot of us near the sign at the volcano's crater.

Ty creating a Valentine for Jane with lava rock in the crater.
Ty creating a Valentine for Jane with lava rock in the crater.

MORE TO SEE: See photos from the resort town of Taormina, Sicily!


  1. Great pictures. I love the heart Ty is making. He is so romantic. You’re so lucky to have a man like that.

  2. Magical moments! Thanks for sharing these times of your life with us. Such crystal blue-blue skies, genuine smiles, and lovely architecture…including Ty’s heart.

  3. Thanks for sharing the pictures, Jane. I love the one of the church with Mount Etna in the background. Ty is so romantic and so handsome to boot. He looks different with his shorter haircut, but perhaps even more handsome. Can’t wait to see the wedding pics.

  4. Your DH-2-be is so sweet. Talk about the “awwwwww” factor.
    It’s wonderful that you travel with your family. I LOVE traveling with my kids, my parents and my syblings. We always seem to have a ball.
    Is that snow?
    The church is beautiful.

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