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Cab Man

Waiting for the cab that should arrive in the next 12 minutes to whisk me to SeaTac where I’ll jump on an American Airlines flight for NY.

I’m going to BEA this year and I’m finally starting to feel a bit of excitement. I’ve wanted to attend BEA for the past several years–its such a huge publishing event (THE event people say)–and this year with it in NY I get to see lots of my East Coast writer friends and folks from my publishing house.

But I haven’t been happy excited, just stressed until a minute ago when I sat down with my coffee, signed off my email, and prepared to sign off my computer for the next five days. It’s just always so nerve wracking before I leave that it’s hard to feel pleasure in trips and new things until I’m actually on the plane, squisheed between people who don’t share the armrests and sitting directly behind someone who lowers their seat as far as it can go–and leaves it there for the next 5 and a half hours.

But enough of the pleasures of flying. That’s a treat in and of itself. My schedule goes something like this–tonight after landing drinks with 5 Spot author Caprice Crane. Tomorrow coffee with my agent, lunch with my agent and editor, afternoon a zip by Expecting Models modeling agency to meet Liza, the founder of the agency, in person. Then a dash back to hotel where I’ll change and meet Megan Crane, another 5 Spot author and friend, for a drink before dinner with author Michelle Rowen and Megan before we head to the Grand Central Publishing party. And that’s Thursday.

Friday is more tame. BEA stuff in morning, Friday afternoon taping a brief appearance for Naomi Judd’s cable show on the Hallmark Channel, and then drinks with Carole Matthew, Sarah M, and more. Should be very fun. I’ve never met any of these authors in person but have read their books so it’s cool.

Saturday I sign at BEA, meet with my publicist, have lunch with author Nancy Warren and then Saturday night I’m attending the Harlequin party.

And then there’s Sunday…and the flight home.

Ah! Cab is here. Time to go. And fingers crossed I’ll actually get to use my armrest on the plane today!