It’s A Blog

Today’s the day the JaneBlog grows up.   No longer just a place where I comment in the privacy of my own home, on my private web page, the JaneBlog becomes part of the larger blog world with comments and RSS feeds,  links, photos and categories.

I’m honestly not sure I’m ready for a grown up blog.  I’ve never wanted comments on my blog, never felt the need to have them as I figured no one needs to know if anyone reads my blog and likes it.  But the blog world seems to like talking to and about itself so I’m going to try leaving the comments on for now and see if I like getting comments.  (Aren’t I a little diva?!?)

I’m still not totally sure what RSS Feeds is but it sounds kind of groovy.  Makes me feel techie and super sexy smart.  I can also include links now but I’m probably not going to do a lot of that for awhile as I’m not that techie smart.   

Over time I will try to list some favorite blogs and websites on the left hand sidebar.  I’ve already listed a couple.  I’m supposed to be a regular contributor to a number of other blogs but they’re lucky if they hear from me twice a year (kind of like some folks attending church…they’ll go Christmas and Easter).  I promise to try better. 

So, if you want to tell me what you think of my new JaneBlog, please do.  If you have ideas or suggestions, please share.  And if you want me to just shut up, well, love, you can keep that thought to yourself.

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