You know its a day for chocolate when:
1) You must drive much loved boyfriend to airport at 7 am
2) Your kids are heading off soon to their father’s for the rest of the weekend
3) Your youngest child is getting socks to put on his shoes for father’s house and suddenly screams, ‘Mom! My gecko’s gone.’
I don’t eat as much junk food as I’d like, but by noon today I’d already consumed 1 1/2 donuts and a bar of Hershey’s Milk Chocolate. It’s only four in the afternoon now and I’d eat a cake or a bowl of raw cookie dough if it were here. Good thing neither is here.
Lima Bean, the gecko, is gone.
My son left the screen off the cage a bit last night after feeding him and forgot to make sure it was on tightly before bed. Now Lima Bean could be anywhere. Sadly the house is chilly today. I’ve thought about cranking up the heat but worry the gecko might have crawled into a vent. I can’t bake him. I’m quite fond of him, particularly after our December black out last year.
And boyfriend was lovely. I hated taking him to airport. I am so happy when he’s here. He built a lower level to the treehouse this weekend and then last night we headed to the County Fair and the kids went on the carnival rides while Surfer Ty and I ate disgusting fair food and enjoyed the fair people.
I wish the gecko was back in his cage. Before son Ty went to his dad’s house he begged me to scatter crickets around his room just in case the gecko is in there somewhere and gets hungry. I’d do it, too, if I thought the crickets would stay in his room but they won’t. They’d hop under his door and all over the house. But maybe that’s where the gecko is. All over the house.
If not in our bulldog’s stomach.
O God. I need to lay down.
With more chocolate.
I am leaving a comment!!! I wanted to know if Lima Bean the gecko has been found. Update us with any news.
See you next week!
Lesli, Lima Bean is not home yet. I have searched everywhere, emptied closets, dressers turned over mattresses and beds…I’m sad! He was a great gecko. 🙁
Oh, that makes me sad for you and your boys. I used to have a little lizard, too. I will send positive thoughts that he will turn up soon.