Heading to Portland

I’m at the Seattle airport waiting to catch my 11 am flight to Portland.  I was supposed to be on the 9 am this morning but begged my publicist to change it so I could see my kids off to school.  I’m at that point where I want to be  mom more than author lady.  The kids like me being mom, too, even if our dinner is a lame macaroni and cheese with steamed broccoli and tuna thrown in.  Instant casserole.  Yum, yum.

It’s raining here in Seattle and supposed to be stormy in Portland, too.  In fact a big storm is predicted to hit the Pacific Northwest tonight and the weather guys are advising us to clean out our gutters and drains to prevent flooding.  My kids are hoping for another power outage.  I’m hoping to not get soaked running in and out of book stores as I do stock signings.

But Portland will have some toasty moments.  My friend Teri Brown who writes for the Young Adult market (and has her first book coming out soon!!) is organizing a dinner for tonight with some of the Portland RWA members.  I hear there are 11 of us meeting up at the Ram’s Head Pub before my signing and I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone.  Tomorrow I’ll speak and then sign books at the Women’s Show in Portland.  My friend Kari has said she’s encouraged her friends to come meet me.  I’m dragging a huge suitcase of fun promo giveaways to the show tomorrow so come say hi, drop Kari’s name or just make small talk and you shall be rewarded with some fun stuff.

They’re boarding my flight.  Two days in Portland, a night at the gorgeous historic Heathman Hotel.  Here we go.


  1. Jane,
    It was wonderful seeing you last night in Portland! I had alot of fun!! I can’t wait to start reading your book. Thanks for the goodies! I’m your friend and fan forever!!

    Much Aloha, Julie 🙂

  2. It was fabulous seeing you. Thanks for the shout out! Stay out of the rain and I will see you next weekend!

  3. It was so nice meeting you on Thursday, and your talk was wonderful! I can’t wait to dive into Odd Mom Out.

    Here’s another easy recipe, that my kids (ages 8 and 5) actually like:

    1 pkg Amy’s Chicken Apple Gouda Sausage, sliced into bite-size pieces (Costco & Trader Joe’s sell them)

    1 lb mushroom caps, sliced

    1 lb whole wheat pasta (rotelli, etc.)

    1 jar Trader Joe’s Alfredo Sauce

    Cook the pasat. Saute the heck out of the mushrooms, with some garlic and butter. Add the sausages and heat until warm. Drain the cooked pasta, and toss with the sauce, mushrooms and sausages. It’s mac-n-cheese that looks sophisticated! :?)

    Hopefully Teri and I will see you up at Emerald City next weekend!

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