Severe Weather

I’m at Dallas-Ft Worth Airport seven and a half hours early.  It’s ten am now and my flight isn’t until 6 something tonight but the storm has pretty much shut down my day of stock signings.  I did make the ABC station for my appearance on “Good Morning Texas” but that was a nail biter.  The power was out in chunks of the city, snarling traffic, and the flying orange cones and swirling debris from the construction sites made it rather hazardous driving.  My media escort seemed a little white-knuckled and frankly, I’m a trooper, but I’m not about to run across a massive plaza in a little dress and delicate high heels as rain comes down in blinding sheets and winds knock couches off buildings.

I’m serious.

Across the street from the studio a couch went flying off the building and it was a little too Dorothy from Kansas for me.  We get rain in Seattle but this wasn’t rain.  This is flying furniture.

My media escort hoped if I got to the airport early I could catch an earlier flight home.  Not a chance.  Flights aren’t being allowed to land at DFW right now,  some heading to Oklahoma while the morning Alaska flight from Seattle was turned around and sent to Denver.

I’m rather glad my flight isn’t until 6 pm tonight.  I might actually have a chance of making that flight.  The 8 am flight to Seattle this morning won’t leave now until 3 pm.  The 3 pm might or might not leave until this evening.  Therefore 6 pm tonight sounds good.

I’m currently parked in the Continental Airlines board room, answering emails and writing essays for various online sites on my laptop.  It’s warm here.  It’s dry.   There is lots of free coffee, tea and juice.   I’m good.

Frankly, as long as I get out tonight, I’m great.

My boys want me home.  I want to be with them.  And if the plane can’t fly me out tonight, maybe the wind can.  I’ll just jump on the next gust that took the couch and sail to Seattle.


  1. Your blogs make me laugh and cry at the same time. I know how desperately you love and miss your boys right now and want to get home to them… hence the tears… but the flying couch references make me laugh out loud!!! Be safe! Lots of love from sunny Montana


  2. Hi, Jane!

    Just wanted to say maybe take this as a blessing in disguise & enjoy your down time–you have your laptop and you can communicate with the “outside” world and you are warm & dry, and there is coffee–that is all important, coffee!!

    I have been thinking about you & following your adventures on your book tour. I just got back from my long bday weekend in Salem & Boston and now I am at home still in my pjs with a second cup of coffee–my day for down time. Everything will be fine. Have a safe trip home.

    Yr fan & pal, Lesli

  3. Hope you have a good book to read – lol. I had a terrible time getting to work – lots of wrecks. Had a great time yesterday – was good to see you. Take care. Linda from McKinney

  4. Geez…I sure hope what you experienced this morning isn’t headed our way! We had our share of thunderstorms last night; we were even under a tornado watch for most of the evening. “Dorothy from Kansas” had nothing on us last night.
    From tornado alley….

  5. Okay, Jane, I’m a total idiot. I’ve been checking on your site, going back to an old blog post I’d read (RX and chocolate), but it seemed as though you never posted again. Then for some reason I clicked through to your blog from someone else’s site and what do you know? You actually have posted and I’m just not bright enough to hit the “refresh” button”! Anyway, love reading your blog and I’m commenting on this Dallas post because I was in Dallas on the 15th as well. I flew in to Love Field and got bounced all over the place, so I know you must have been frustrated over the delay. Take care – I’ll be checking in!

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