NJ Tonight

On yesterday’s flight from Seattle to Newark I finished UK author Anna Pasternak’s new novel Daisy Dooley Does Divorce and I was sorry when the story ended.  I’ve been reading the book on my tour this past week and have been trying to read very s-l-o-w-l-y to stretch the book out.  Daisy Dooley Does Divorce has just been released and is published by my imprint 5 Spot and it’s a great.  Daisy is an endearing character–spirited and loving and hopeful–and perfectly true to the British chick-lit/mum-lit tradition.

And tonight I get to meet Anna, the author, when we do our New Jersey book signing and I can’t wait to tell her that I’m a huge fan of Daisy Dooley Does Divorce

If you love chick lit, or you read Flirting with Forty and identified with all the crazy emotions of divorce and starting over, you’ll embrace Daisy, too.  I was so happy reading on the flight.  Daisy made the six hours (flight plus delayed departure) disappear in the blink of an eye. 


  1. Jane,

    It was a pleasure to meet you last night at the book signing in Northvale, NJ. I can’t wait to read the new books from you and Anna! Thank you for making the trip East! Meeting you was truly great. Have a safe trip home!

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