Where am I?

It’s nearly nine o’clock at night and I’m sitting in yet another airport waiting for yet another delayed flight.  Until five minutes ago I had a window seat but somehow, miraculously, on an oversold flight someone was able to find a last minute aisle seat in the emergency row.  Praise God and Hallelujah.  I’m an aisle seat girl:  you see, I pee every 25-35 minutes when we’re in the air and people don’t like getting up to let me by that often.  And I will get up that often.  I don’t know why.  But it’s who I am and what I do and I’m not going to be transformed now.

So here I am, at Newark, waiting for my flight to Tampa.  I’m on a show tomorrow morning and it’s going to be an early morning after a late night.  Our plane now won’t touch down in Tampa until close to one in the morning and then I’ve got to wait for my bags before heading to hotel.

For those who wonder:  no, I’m not flying first class (although I wish I was) and yes, the hotels are great when my publisher’s travel agent books the hotels but when I book them (like I did in NY) they’re more budget minded.

I’ll be meeting fellow 5 Spot author Kristin Harmel for dinner and drinks tomorrow night in St. Petersburg.  She’s from St. Petersburg and it’ll be so fun to finally sit down and have a proper chat with her.  Kristin Harmel writes great books and is one of the nicest women I know–and she’s so pretty and talented (Kristin is a very coold journalist who writes for People magazine) she doesn’t have to be nice but is anyway.  Kristin’s next book, The Art of French Kissing, comes out in February and I’ve got an arc of the book in my briefcase.  Kristin now has my editor Karen K and so I was able to beg an early copy while visiting Grand Central Publishing’s office on Tuesday.  I’ve been holding off reading until I get on the plane but as soon as I’m buckled into my seat I’m going to open the book and start reading. 

Now if you don’t read the 5 Spot books yet, you should.   They’re great books, entertaining and empowering fiction.  My good friend Liza Palmer has her next book out in January, and it’s got a killer title, Seeing Me Naked.  So make a early New Year’s Resolution now to read the new 5 Spot book every month.   That way you’ll get Liza in January, Kristin in Feb, (I don’t know who is March yet…I have to investigate), awesome Megan Crane is April and then my book, Alpha Mom, is in May.  2008 is going to be a great year.

Apparently they just announced my flight will be delayed another half hour to an hour.  Maybe it’s time I pulled out The Art of French Kissing now.


  1. Wow Jane!

    What an opportunity to immerse yourself in the thoughts and words of other people. What a gift it is to be able to read, while others do whatever they need to do.
    I am always impressed with how you are willing to support others out there who are dancing in the same genre.
    Keep on writing and blogging.
    Sincerely, Jodie

  2. Jane, Hope that your flight got off ok. I’m sure that you will be your witty self in the morning. Enjoy your book.

  3. I love reading your blogs! They are so funny. Hope you have been traveling safely and I am sure you can’t wait to return home to your boys soon!

  4. Aloha
    I know, your stuck at Newark Airport… but because you were, I was fortunate enough to meet you and have a book signed. Thank You again. I read the book and it was fantastic!
    This is a must read for every woman…
    Hope to see you at the airport again.. without the delays of course 🙂

  5. Pingback: kristen holt legs

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