Update From Fresno

I’m halfway through the California book tour with five events behind me and two events, one party and several days of media stuff and stock signings to go. 

All the events have been valuable and each is a bit different.  My favorite part of the three days in LA was being able to see my sister, my readers, my friends, and Ty’s mom and aunt.  Megan Crane out did herself by lending support at every LA event.  I was on a panel with her Wednesday and then she trekked across town on Thursday and Friday to make sure I always had one person in the audience. 

Fellow 5 Spot author Liza Palmer joined Megan Friday night in Pasadena as did my former student Bianca, writers from Los Angeles Romance Writers of America, Jeanie the founder of SoloMama.com and a number of women from the group.

The Visalia Borders event wasn’t as successful as events in the past–we sold 30+ books not 50 or 75 or even 100 as I once did–but those that came were amazing and supportive and I couldn’t ask for a better welcome home.  The Visalia Times-Delta did a nice write up on me and my event, the only problem being they listed the book signing as a Sunday gig instead of Saturday.  Fortunately I left a lot of signed books in case anyone dropped by today.

Today was spent in Fresno, with the Fig Garden Book Store event kicking off at noon.  I had my biggest turn out yet and the biggest number of sales since the launch party in Bellevue.  Thanks in large part to Fresno friends Kelly, Jessica and Ana (okay, and my mom and her friends from Avenal High School’s reunion who were in town helped out a lot, too) we sold over 50 copies of Odd Mom Out and probably 15 each of Flirting and Frog.  It was really cool to see so many old friends attend, along with former students Faith Ruperto from IHM and Jinkies from St. Helen’s in Fresno. 

My grandmother Lyles attended today’s signing, too, with a seat to my left so she could observe everything.  Surfer Ty stood by the door and my mom introduced him to virtually everyone and there were a lot of people to meet. 

Apparently there was a good review of Odd Mom Out in the Seattle Sunday paper today.  I’d love to read the review but am jumping off line to go to bed as tomorrow I have an early morning taping at the public tv station here in Fresno before heading to San Francisco where I’ve doing a live appearance on View From The Bay tomorrow afternoon.  Tomorrow’s my first day without actual events since last Wednesday but it’s going to be busy with driving and trying to sound intelligent on tv. 

So to recap book tour so far:

hotels are awesome

rental car luxury

events are satisfactory to excellent

friends are terrific

and Ty as travel companion…the best 


  1. The best part is listening to Jane talk about why she writes and why she chooses the stories she chooses. You should all try to see her if you can– she’s so inspiring!

  2. Glad everything is going better!!! Sorry I missed your interview today, but I’m sure Kari will fill me in!!!

  3. Hope that the interview went well, and from the sounds of those that saw it, I do believe that it did. Here’s hoping that smoother sailing is in store for you.

  4. I am such a ham. I had a blast on View From The Bay. I’ll be posting a blog about it soon but in short…it was just cool. I loved meeting Spencer as I was a big fan of his on his Good Morning America Days and it was terrific being able to chat with him and Janelle (sp?) on their own show in SF.

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