Short & Promotional

I just wrapped up a radio interview and my media escort is arriving in ten minutes to take me around Seattle for stock signings (aren’t I a diva??) before dropping me back at the house to meet boys bus and then it’s a five thirty book club call in before I whip up dinner.  That’s my day.  Your day could be a tad different.  Your day–if you live in the Pacific Northwest–could include watching me on t.v. this afternoon on Northwest Afternoon.

That’s right.  If you haven’t gotten your fill of Jane Porter yet (and come on, who could ever get sick of promo happy me…) you have one more time to watch me in glossy camera ready action.  I actually did the interview last week on Halloween day but they taped it to air this afternoon.   Northwest Afternoon is an ABC station and I believe it airs from 3-4 pm although I’m only on for a 5-6 minute segment, but as I say to my kids, you get what you get, don’t throw a fit.

And those, my friends, are my pearls of wisdom. 

Sad, isn’t it?

Love from Promo Me


  1. Thanks for writing the book. I saw you on Northwest Afternoon. Perfect timing for me to walk past the tv. Amazing enough I am going through a situation in my community that is making me feel that I do not fit in. My son is wheelchair bound. He is a minority. He feels like an outsider. His siblings feel like outsiders. I feel like an outsider . Sometimes it hurts. I can’t wait to read your book. From the sounds of it it will give me some comfort even if it fiction. Thank you. Take care. Peace and safety. Cheryl in Abbotsford (one hour east of Vancouver) , British Columbia ,Canada.

  2. I saw you on Northwest Afternoon and I can’t wait to read your book. I put it on my Christmas list but I don’t want to wait that long. I also looked it up on the library website and there are about 158 holds on 48 copies or something like that. Now I REALLY want to read it. I am the mother of four boys. Ages 30, 28, 26 and 13. I’m also a grandmother to seven grandchildren. I have a “day-care” in my home with a two year old boy and a one year old girl.You are an inspiration!



  3. Hi Cheryl and Bonnie, welcome to both of you! I’m so glad you enjoyed Northwest Afternoon yesterday and hope you get a chance to read Odd Mom Out. In the meantime, hang out here with us at and come chat over at my Bulletin Board.


  4. Darn it, I missed NWA! I checked the site but couldn’t find a video of it. If one exists, please put it up on your blog or site so those of us who missed it can watch. You’re an inspiration as a writer and a mom. Hang in there!


  5. I live in a neighborhood in NW NJ and I can really relate to Marta’s situation with the mom’s in the school. Most of the mom’s are volunteer happy here and can’t seem to stop fund raising. It doesn’t seem to matter what coast you are on, the back to school packet comes home the first day of school anyway. It’s over the top. The in-fighting to see who will be elected to the position of President of the PTA is just one of the many annual special moments that occur around here. Thanks for writing the book. I can’t wait for the sequel.

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