Flirting Movie’s Hunky Hero

We have a Kai.

Robert Buckley as Kai in Flirting with FortyLast Friday Surfer Ty and I met Lucy Mukerjee, one of the Flirting with Forty film producers, and her partner Shelley in West Hollywood for lunch at the Mondrian Hotel, home of the famous Sky Bar, a cool celeb and wanna-be hang out. Lucy arrived a few minutes late as she’d been on the phone with Sony who is casting the movie and they had news that the role of Kai has been finalized. The actor’s name is Robert Buckley and he’s quite the young hottie on t.v. at the moment, playing Nico’s love interest on Lipstick Jungle.

Now I haven’t watched Lipstick Jungle yet (I did read the book and I loved it…it’s by far my favorite Candace Bushnell novel) but apparently my boys saw a snippet at their dad’s and both immediately knew who I was talking about when I said, “he’s this young guy on Lipstick Jungle”. My 12 year old said, “Oh yeah, he’s probably the one that keeps taking his shirt off.”

It’s funny how kids are so much more aware of who is up and coming on t.v. Jake thinks it’s great that I have a up-and-coming star matched with Heather Locklear. This way I’ll have viewers my age tune in to see Heather, and younger viewers will tune in to watch Robert Buckley walk around shirtless in board shorts and hopefully that will constitute a Lifetime hit.

Speaking of Heather, yesterday when I opened my newest issue of People, there was a half page article about Heather and the recent 411 crisis at her house, and towards the end of the piece it mentioned that Heather will soon be filming Flirting with 40.

It’s kind of cool and odd at the same time to see the movie mentioned in People. It’s cool because it’s People, but it’s odd because it’s not really mine anymore. It’s not my book we’re talking about now, but a movie adaptation that makes a u-turn away from the story I wrote and has taken on a life of its own.

Maybe that’s the cool but odd feeling I get in my stomach. I started with the idea but someone else is finishing it.

I guess my baby’s grown up.

Flirting with Forty in People Magazine


  1. Your boys are right (and funny), he’s the one who’s always taking his shirt off- I’m sure he will look awesome in his bathing suit as Kai!!!

    I’m so excited for you, Jane!

    So awesome to have the movie mentioned in People too!!!

  2. People is big and free exposure like that is also big. I’m so curious what kinds of changes they made to the story.

    It would be a blast to have a big nationwide premier party for the movie!! Your fans could have them all over the country in our homes and take pictures and post them on your board!! They could be Hawaiian themed! ha!! I get so excited!!

  3. Oh My! I love that idea of having parties all around the country and posting the pics!! That would be pretty awesome! I can’t wait to see this movie!

  4. He is the “IT” guy right now! They were just talking about him on my morning radio station this morning. Good casting! And how exciting to see it all coming into fruition! I can’t wait to watch it! 🙂

  5. I saw the picture posted on your blog and thought “That’s Kai!” I hadn’t read the blog title or anything else but he just had that look – pretty close to what I imagined in my head when I read the book. Had no idea who he was though (I haven’t seen Lipstick Jungle) – he just looks like Kai. 🙂

  6. Oh my god Jane. This guy is smoking hot… He’s my kirby (okay not mine but Nico’s) in Lipstick… He’s amazingly sexy. i drool every time He takes it off… Will you meet him in person because I will be sooo jealous.

  7. Ugh speaking of Lipstick. I just realized today was Thursday and I missed the season finale!!! =/ Luckily they have it on-line. jane, you should watch it!

  8. Jane, I’m so excited for you! BTW, what did you end up wearing for your meeting with the producers?? I loved Flirting with Forty…sent it to my sister, who is going through a divorce and she loved it, too. Can’t wait for the movie! I’ve never watched Lipstick Jungle, although the book is on my TBR pile…but Robert Buckley is a cutie.

  9. He’s absolutely gorgeous–never seen him before myself. Though, it could be the photo, but isn’t he kinda young? Especially matched up to Heather Locklear–no offence Heather.

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