Hump Day

It’s Wednesday, which is the work week hump day but I’m feeling heat that it’s Wednesday and I don’t have enough done. However, the world keeps turning and things keep happening like The More magazine issue with me in it has hit the stands and the photo isn’t as scary as I feared. I have the magazine piece here on my website and as you can see, the photo editors chose a shot where I’m wearing a rashguard (thank you, Jesus) and I appear remarkably calm, confident and strong.

I’m going to draw on that place of strength and confidence because right now the writing is demanding. I’m at the keyboard from 8 am until 10 pm every day now, and sometimes later. The writing isn’t impossible. It’s just slow. I am spending hours on a single page and I have to remind myself to be patient. On the plus side I should hit chapter ten sometime today so progress is being made. I’ve had Lee read the first seven chapters and she says she likes it. Megan Crane read the first two and liked those so I’m just going to keep the faith that everyone else will like it, too.

I’ve been living for days in my pjs. I do get dressed now and then to hit the treadmill and weights in my gym as I leave the house only if my kids have an event like the talent show (my youngest danced like a zombie to Thriller last Friday and I loooooooved it. He was so cute and I was so proud as the boys never had a dance class in his life.) or swim meet or awards ceremony. Both my boys swim and I love swim season even though its still like January here. It’s gray and cold again and I’m praying that New Jersey will have some sun. My muse needs it!

The other night I had a brief conversation with a friend and she was a bit put out that I’m not more available right now and as I hung up I found myself thinking, she doesn’t understand that even for me, especially for me, writing’s hard. I know I write books for a living but I battle. I struggle with the story, the characters, the plot, the pacing, the emotion, all of it. I work and work to make sure the story flows and that dialogue is real and that what’s happening is as honest and true as possible and that doesn’t come with one draft, or two, or three. In my case its an endless relentless write and rewrite and rewrite until I’ve got it the way it needs to be.

Tonight I attend another book club meeting, this time in Renton and it’s my last bookclub meeting until September when I have quite a few more scheduled for the Fall. For those of you who love to read but don’t have time to actually physically attend meetings for discussions, I thought I’d mention Marlynn’s Mama Lit Online Book Club. Their url is and their June selection is, yep, Mrs. Perfect.

Speaking of Mrs. Perfect, Mrs. Perfect is developing quite a fan base, and it’s a different fan base than Flirting with Forty. Women might not like Taylor Young in Mrs. Perfect but they find her fascinating. It’s almost like they love to hate her and then discover they feel sorry for her and then eventually they start rooting for her. For those of you who wonder, no, I didn’t like Taylor in the beginning, either. She wasn’t someone I admired but by the end of her story I loved her because she was trying so hard and that is what I respond to in life. The effort, and the attitude.

Now I’m back to hibernating in my office with my modem unplugged, my phone turned off and my headphones on. Today’s my last day at my desk before jumping on a plane for Newark in the morning. I’ll be speaking to the New Jersey RWA chapter on Saturday (giving my Alpha Hero and Compelling Heroine workshops–my two favorite workshops I do!) and then speaking and signing books in Northvale, NJ at Books & Greetings.

Both events are listed on my event page here and I’d love to see you this weekend if you’re in the area. Meeting my readers is unbelievably cool. It sounds corny bit it’s 100% true–you and your support keep me writing and fighting for the real story and the best possible ending when the writing gets tough. You are amazing, and I thank you, and want to know you, so please continue to comment here, chat on my b-board, email me and just stay in touch!


  1. OH MY GOSH!!!! That photo and article in MORE is amazing! More than amazing… it’s breathtaking! You rock, girl!! Engaged?? Is this new? hehe!!

    I’m cheering for you as you write the next bestseller!!

  2. Jane,

    Can’t wait to see you this weekend here in Jersey. The weather is beautiful and in the 70’s and 80’s. Your article in More is FABULOUS! I need to go buy the magazine so I can keep it with all my other Jane Porter books! Keep up the hard work for your next book because I can’t wait to read it! I will message you my phone number on myspace so that if you have some time and you want company when you are here tomorrow or this weekend, just call!

  3. Hi Jane. The weather is great here on the east coast — except for the little black cloud hanging over me. I have been looking forward so much to your workshops in NJ, and I’m not going to be able to make it there. Totally bummed. I’ve been trying for a few years now to catch both workshops, but no luck. Major bummed. I’ll be whining all day Saturday!

    But you’ll have a blast in Jersey! Those ladies are awesome, and they have the best workshops,and conference ever. Did I mention I’m really bummed?!

    Off to read the MORE article.

  4. Wow, you look stunning in that More article! Fantastic!! Makes me more determined to start exercising 🙂 Have fun in NJ. I hope I can come to one of your East Coast signings once we move to NYC.

  5. Fabulous article, Jane! And gorgeous photo, although I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a bad one of you. 🙂 In all your chaotic scheduling, don’t forget to take a quiet moment and just breathe. 🙂

  6. Hi Jane! Sorry to have missed your Texas tour in April. I hear you were fabulous at all the meetings.
    I picked up Mrs. Perfect in Longview TX over the weekend at a Books a Million. It was the last one on the shelf so I made sure to tell the person at the check out area they needed to order more!
    You told me one time “no rush and no reason to push harder than you’re comfortable”. It’s still on my post it note by my computer. Do these great words work for you today? Isn’t it hard to take your own advice? Miss you. Carol

  7. Hi Jane!

    I stumbled upon the More article the other day while I was getting a pedicure. You do look FABULOUS! Just wanted to tell you to keep on doing what you’re doing to get that book finished. There are a lot of people who can’t wait to read your next novel! Oh, and I also wanted to say that I am one of the people who really liked Taylor in the end. I felt sorry for her and she really stepped up to bat for her family.

    Take care!


  8. Hi Jane,
    Writing in Hawaii sounds great. It is nice to do what you enjoy in such a beautiful place.

    Your contest sounds wonderful, would be nice to win. Thanks for all your wonderful books that you have written. Keep it up…

  9. Hey Jane, You look great !looking forward to reading a new book this summer will need to check out Mrs.Perfect. Thanks for the contest too! Keep up your great writing.

  10. I just turned 40 and my friend (who knows your babysitter) gave me Odd Mom Out (Flirting with 40 was sold out at the store) and as soon as I was done with that I had to go get Mrs. Perfect. I am looking forward to reading Flirting With 40. What great books. I laughed alot. I have not been able to read for a long time and just could not seem to put the books down. Thanks alot. You are an inspiration to us all.

  11. Hi Jane,
    I like your blog, and especially
    the part about your son saying you will be better than his wife.
    You reminded me I must do a Happy
    Board to visualize all the wonderful blessings in my life too. Look forward to your book.

  12. I’ve just discovered your books and blew through Mrs. Perfect and Flirting with Forty in a week! I love your characters so much and relate with them on so many levels. I wondered if you ever consider sequels… I really want to know/see what happens to Mrs. Perfect. I just can’t stop talking about your books.

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