Nearing The End

The end is in sight.  The end of the book that is.  And I couldn’t be happier.  I’m actually starting to sleep a little better and stress a little less.  I still have 3-4 hard core writing days ahead but I’ve gone back to the beginning twice, made substantial changes, and think the story is working better.  I’m still not satisfied with it yet.  My editor and agent are going to be reading it in the next couple weeks and then I’ll have another go at it and make more revisions but at least it can leave my hands on Thursday.  I’m ready for it to leave my hands.

I’m desperate for it to leave my hands. 

All I have done this summer is write and my kids are anxious to spend time with me and friends want to hang out with me and I want to leave the house and get some fresh air.  Seattle in summer is gorgeous.  Beautiful 78 degree weather day in and day out.  Slight breeze.  The softest of blue skies.  It’s the kind of weather that makes you want to go for walks and drives and leisurely swims.

And best of all, once the manuscript is in, I get to read!  I have so many books stacked next to my bed waiting for me and I can’t wait to dive in. 

Maybe my kids and friends are going to have to wait to see me a little longer after all…


  1. Jane, So glad that you have this story nearly wrapped up. You deserve to have a little break so that you can play and recharge yourself. Here’s to the finish line being in sight and you getting to relax.

  2. Jane,

    Great news! Glad the end is in sight! I know you will be feeling tons better when you can let it leave for a bit and be out and about with those you love!

    Your weather sounds lovely too! I’m in SC and I think it was in the 100s today and the heat index was insane!

    Maybe you can compromise and spend a little time reading and a little time with family and friends 🙂

    Hope the next few days go well for you…sending out good thoughts!!

    Best wishes,

  3. Woohooo!! That is such great news Jane! You will be able to celebrate with hundreds of authors who know exactly what you are going thru at RWA next week and I hope you really enjoy yourself. Your workshops sound amazing!!

    I will be in PA speaking at a conference but I will be cheering for you nonetheless.

  4. Congrat on being so close! I always have books stacked up to read in between school semesters. I never seem to have enough time to get them all read, except my favorite authors of course you are on that list! The weather sounds beautiful there. We have been having perfect weather like that until yesterday and now we are a bit to hot for my liking.

  5. The 21st was my birthday so I am reading this a day later, but it is great to read you are getting towards the end of the writing. Enjoy your well earned free time once it is out of your hands. The weather here is usually great until October, so don’t despair you have missed summer. It only gets better from now on!

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