Liza Palmer Rocks

My good friend and fellow 5 Spot author is one cool chick and a huge talent.  I’ve been a fan of her–and her writing–from the moment I met her.  A Pasadena girl, Liza was a big help when I was writing Taylor’s story, Mrs. Perfect, as Taylor is also from Pasadena.  (Although I’ve been told that Taylor is imaginary and Liza is not.)

Everyone here should also know I looooooooved Liza’s  January ’08 release, Seeing Me Naked.  It’s one of my five fav books I’ve read this year and an incredibly satisfying read.  I was flying home from Megan’s wedding last March reading the last chapters of Seeing Me Naked and crying.  Worse, I was in first class and it’s not okay to cry as you read in first class.  It’s just one of those unwritten rules like don’t bump the seat in front of you when you get up to use the bathroom and don’t chat too much with the flight attendant because talking interferes with the attendant’s ability to wait on the demanding male passengers.

Conversations with the Fat GirlAnd now Liza’s got big news.  Her debut novel, Conversations With the Fat Girl, has been optioned by HBO for a new series! Think of it as anti Sex & The City set on the West Coast.  To read all the wonderful details about the deal check out the recent article in Variety magazine,  or just google Liza Palmer HBO and you’ll find tons of good stuff about the option.

This is hugely exciting stuff and Liza is so awesome, and warm, and wonderful (and funny!  She makes me laugh more than anyone else I know) that I’m giving away a signed copy of Conversations to celebrate the deal.

How to win?  Just post a comment here–you can congratulate Liza, or congratulate me for knowing Liza–and tomorrow morning I’ll announce the winner.  The winner also gets a bunch of fun Jane Porter goodies including my summer JP water bottle.

5 Spot authors Megan Crane, Liza Palmer, and Jane Porter.


  1. I had read about both of those books by Liz Palmer and was bummed when I couldn’t find them at my local Borders. I will definitely try and order them now. (Unless of course, I win one!) 🙂 I’m always looking for a new author to add to my list of favorites!! Have a great day, Jane!

  2. Congratulations Liza! I’m always keen to find a (new to me) smart and funny writer! And good on you Jane for excellent friend-
    promoting chops.

  3. Congratulations Liza!! That is fantastic news! And Jane you are to be congratulated for having such great taste in talented friends.

  4. Congrats, Liza! I haven’t read your books yet, but from what Jane says I need to rush out right now and buy one!

  5. I congratulated Liza on her myspace earlier. I wish I knew her personally. I too cried during the last couple of chapters of Seeing Me Naked. Just this past week end I was in Chicago on a girls trip. I did not go on the girls shopping spree b/c I wanted to finish Confessions of a Fat Girl. My friends couldn’t believe it. Needless to say, I stayed in the room and laughed all by myself (much better than shopping in my mind). Congrats for having such a great friend!!!

  6. Congrats Liza! I am definitely going to have go out and grab your books so I can check them out! Jane has awesome taste in books, so I already know I am going to love them!!

    Congrats Jane on always giving us excellent authors to add to our To be read pile 🙂


  7. I…I can’t fit my GIANT HEAD through the door of my apartment anymore!!! Man oh man….Jane – I’m just going to print this post out and like…um…tatoo it to my forehead? Make t-shirts out of it? Show it to everyone from high school? ALL OF THE ABOVE.

    And the truth is…I could say every last same thing about what a joy it’s been knowing you. And that I have to constantly pinch myself that I *get* to call you a friend.


    I’m going to go call that tatto parlor now.

  8. Wow! Thanks for the heads up on Seeing Me Naked and I am definitely on my way to Barnes & Noble after work. And Congratulations to Liza on her HBO series. How exciting for her. Oh yes, she does seem to be hilarious re: her comments on your post. So, do we have here two peas in a pod – you Jane with Lifetime and Liza with HBO. It doesn’t get any better than that or does it?

  9. Sweet! Is Liza doing the happy dance now? I can’t only imagine the excitement that comes with having that sort of thing happen to me. Conratulations, Liza on something so marvelous and fabulous. If Jane counts you as a friend and someone to admire and read, then that’s all it takes for me!

  10. Well, of course, I want to win–so here is my comment. So congratulations, Liza. I confess I have not read your books, but I am going to now because I value Jane’s opinion so much and I am always looking for more books to read.

  11. I picked up Conversations with a Fat Girl at the library because it sounded interesting. I haven’t started reading it yet.

  12. Congrats Liza! How wonderful that is to hear…Sounds like a great book and show to watch! Can’t wait. I have already started to read Megan Crane and now I will be starting Liza’s books! Because as always, if you say it’s good, I have to believe you:)

  13. I am going to download Seeing Me Naked on my Kindle when I get home. Jane, I loved Mrs. Perfect–after I read the review in USA Today.

  14. Liza, congratulations! I’ve read both books and totally loved them. Very very cool news! I’m very happy for you. 🙂

  15. Jane,
    Good things happen to good people, and good friends – how fabulous!
    Haven’t read Liza’s books yet but will add them to my “read next” list, because you say so (and your’s isn’t in print yet).
    I like the idea of a “West Coast” viewpoint on the single girl in the city, with humor, too. No wonder HBO bitt!

  16. Cathy, our very first person to comment on this blog, is the winner of Liza’s book. I asked Surfer Ty, who just arrived from Hawaii for the next week, to pick a number between one and twenty four and he picked one, which is you. Yay! Cathy, send me your address privately and we’ll get the book and goodies in the mail.
    And everyone else, if you haven’t gotten goodies from me in awhile and want some JP freebies like bookmarks, pens, Mrs Perfect compact mirror, etc, send me a private email with your address and I’ll make sure you get some fun stuff, too, as a thank you for participating.


  17. Thanks for letting us know. I’ve read all of your books, Jane, and am looking for another great author while I wait for your new book to come out next summer.

  18. congrats on HBO optioning the book;
    I’d love to read it and see if any of my conversations were the same.

  19. Liza,

    I have said over and over again that Seeing Me Naked is one of my favorite all time books. I loved it and I really enjoyed Conversations, too. I shared on Facebook that I read that book while sunning myself on our trampoline in the backyard!!! Congrats to you!


  20. Yay! I was able to find both books today so I know that I am going to have an enjoyable weekend of reading 🙂 It sucks though that my copy of Conversations was a bit gnarled up but it was the only one in the store and I didn’t want to wait to read it!! I am so impatient!! Since Jane said it was such a good read I knew I had to check it out ASAP 🙂

    Jane, did you get a title for your new book yet? Hope you enjoy your time with Ty 🙂

  21. Hi Jane and Liza!

    Liza, congratulations on the wonderful books.
    Jane, congratulations on being Jane! You are such a sweet person. So glad to see you again in San Francisco.


  22. Wow! I’m so thrilled to have won! Like I said in my email to Jane, 8/8/08 must be my lucky day! Thanks again to Jane for being so sweet and lovely! Also to Liza..I can’t wait to read both of your books!
    Cathy 🙂

  23. Congratulations, Cathy!!!!!

    Thank you everyone.

    My head is literally resting by the side of this keyboard…so giant I can’t even lift it anymore —thanks to Jane and all of her Fancy Talk.

    It’s so lovely…this is all so lovely. Thank you so much.

  24. I LOVED Seeing Me Naked. I read it a few weeks ago and it was one of those books that just really touched me. It’s a great story. I haven’t read her first book yet, but I’ll have to check out the show too:)

  25. Cathy!!

    Your book is signed, sealed and delivered.

    Let me know when you receive it…I’ve had the post office make off with a few of my parcels…or…maybe…it was because I put the wrong postage on it… but I like to think it’s the post office being drawn to my books – unable to help themselves. Sigh.

    Back to the Olympics!!!!

  26. I absolutely loved Conversations With the Fat Girl! It rocked! Thank you for the recommendation! Next up for reading is definitely Seeing Me Naked!!

    I posted my review of Conversations on my blog 🙂

    Grats on the option from HBO 🙂

    Thanks again Jane for the awesome recommendation!

  27. I won a book by Jane Porter & a Mia Bella candle,(from Kari Anderson who was sponsering the contest)and loved both. Now Kari is a friend on Facebook.
    Nice photo of you 3, hooray for making new friends and best wishes for all of you!
    I love to read new books as well as make new friends and win contests! LOL!

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