I am so lucky, which makes me so happy.
I am so lucky to have the friends I do that it makes me cry. I know it’s sappy and I’m being mushy, but when I was a little girl I wanted to grow up and be beautiful and happy one day. It’s the thing I used to wish for on stars and on dark nights when I leaned on my windowsill and stared up at the moon. Dear God, when I grow up, please let me be beautiful and happy.
God made me work for my prayers but my prayers have been answered. Never mind that it took nearly thirty years. Patience is a virtue, yes?
Only a funny thing happend on the way to beauty & happy. I discovered beauty isn’t what’s important. It’s love that’s important. And if you love others, they’ll love you back and that love will you make you beautiful and happy.
I have never had so many people I care so much about. I have never had such abundance of hope and love and joy. And it scares me a bit because I can’t pray for more of anything. When I pray now its just to say thank you. Thank you for the love. Thank you for the gifts of the spirit. Thank you for the blessings in my life.
I am a very lucky girl. I am a very happy girl. And the best part of all this luck and happiness is that I learned how to do it, learned how to get it, learned how to feel it because I haven’t always been this way, haven’t always felt this way. I thought luck and love and happiness was reserved for other people. But that’s not true. It’s a gift we have to grab for, it’s a gift we have to want, and it’s a gift we have to give ourselves—each day, every day, over and over.
Love, love, love. Open arms, open eyes, open heart.
Don’t be afraid. Live big. Love hard. Be happy.
Jane~So glad to see that things are good in your world. You deserve so much happiness and love. May you continued to be blessed with that which makes you smile.
I loved reading this Jane and I agree with you 100%. You are a very lucky woman and love IS all there is. Beauty fades and money isn’t everything because we all know that it can’t buy real happiness. The only thing we can take with us when we go is the love that we shared with others while we were here. Love well and prosper! xx
You totally deserve love and happiness. You are an awesome person and you spread love and happiness to others. I find that if you focus on the positive and you spread the love and happiness, often it comes back to you. It doesn’t mean there won’t be hard times, it just means that you have the support system to deal with those times. Also, I think you have found true beauty…not the outward appearances that are so deceiving but the beauty of the inner soul! Thanks for always being a source of love and happiness 🙂
Much love & happiness to you!!
Jane, it’s Monday morning in my world, and this is a perfect Monday morning post. Like you, I’ve discovered that I CAN be happy. I work at it but it does happen!
This was a happy and beautiful post–have a divine, perfect and lovely day, Jane.
Love, Lesli
I have always envied others who seemed to have it all; beauty and happiness, children and wealth. Your books have given me insight into realizing things are not always what they seem, and it is evident from this post that in “real life” your insights are personal and you have finally arrived at a good place.
ENJOY!! Thank you for reminding us we all hold the ability to be happy and loved in our own hands. It is easier to choose to believe it isn’t our fault, things are out of our hands, but I for one want to take the power and make it happen for me.
Thank you for sharing you joy. We all are happy for you well-earned giddiness. Sometimes we are afraid to “sing out” because it is too good to be true and it is bad luck – but we make that , too, don’t we?? So No Fear!
This start of the week, at the start of the last month of the summer, is a great time to start making it happen for ourselves.
Ditto! And by the way, I’m so glad I have you in my life dear friend!
So glad I got to share in the hugs in San Fran! You are definitely full of love and beauty…all your prayers came true. I’m so lucky to count you as a friend, because I couldn’t ask for more inspiration than you give by just being you!