San Fran

It’s been a very cool, very busy, very exciting conference.  With so many friends here and so much to do, it’s been a bit of a rush from this to rush to that, and yet in between the meetings, appointments and workshops I’ve have time to see my Harlequin author friends and my 5 Spot friends and hug all my other friends who are attending conference, too.  To be honest, I forget I have this many friends until I attend something like this and am greeted and hugged all day.  It’s rather nice.

Today, Saturday, is the last official day of conference.  Sunday is just wind up and close down whereas Saturday is workshops, more lunches, and then the big Rita and Golden Heart ceremony.

I’ll have photos and juicy bits to share later but for now to get a low down on the conference and see lots of photos (and I’m in quite a few!) visit my buddy Megan Crane’s site, and look for ‘journal’ in the side bar and that should pull up all the wacky and wonderful fun we’re having including pictures from last night’s Harlequin party which rocked.  I think it’s probably the best party yet. 


  1. I saw the pictures on Megan’s site and Jane… dang… you look HOT!!

    Looks like you are having the time of your life and you needed that after wrestling with Tiana’s story for the last couple months!

    Have a blast and I can’t wait to see all of your pictures! Good luck tonight at the RITA awards!!

  2. Sounds like you are having a great time at the conference, Jane. I hope that you had all went well with your workshops. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you at the RITAs tonight.

  3. I was at the conference, too, and although I know what you look like (unless all the pictures you’ve posted on here are actually of another woman named Jane) I don’t remember seeing you at all. Glad you had a great time!

  4. My third daughter just turned 17 yesterday. She has a 19 year old boyfriend who we like, but, still he is older this is not his friest girlfriend. I am looking forward to her going back to school so she can once again be around more kids closer to her age.She is also at that age, she is not a kid, not a grownup, but, wants to be treated like one. Push and pull everyday, between us. But, I surviced it twice before, I just don’t seem to have the same patience I di before. and of course, they are all different. So I am welcoming the school year.

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