Pesky Email

My email is my lifeline.  It’s closer to me than my cell phone.  I shouldn’t say I practically live on it, but I’m pretty sure I couldn’t live without it.  Unfortunately, it’s not working the way it should right now and I’m missing more emails than I’m getting and the problem is, I don’t know what I’m missing.

If you’ve written to me in the past couple weeks and haven’t heard from me, let me know by commenting to me below.  Or if I was to have joined your Kirkland Book Group this coming Wednesday, comment below, too, as I don’t know where I’m supposed to go Wednesday night and am wondering how to find you.

With the exception of email, things are going very well.  I had a touch of a bug and spent a couple days in bed and used the time to read, read, read.  In the past week I’ve read far more than I’ve written and loved it.   I have to stop reading soon though as I’ll need to save a few good books for my trip to California next week.  I’m heading to Orange County on Monday via Amtrak and from Seattle it’s a two day trip each way.  Surfer Ty’s keeping me company and we’ll play lots of cards and watch some movies and when he’s playing games I’ll read.    If you’re in or around Orange County on Thursday, September 25th come see me at one of my two events, all the details are over on my event page and I’d love for you to join me.   While in LA and Orange County, I’ll also be seeing my sister Kathy and her daughter, Ty’s mom and dad and aunt, my writer friends Megan Crane and Liza Palmer and writer/director Christine Fugate ( who is brilliant beyond belief and put the Laguna Beach Books signing together for me.   Christine inspired one of the characters in Tiana’s book and has been such a great support for me.

For a movie update, the rough cut of the Flirting with 40 film has been sent out to the press.  I hear its wonderful and I’ll be getting a sneak peek soon (probably when I’m in LA).   Everyone worked so hard on that film and I’m so grateful for Sony, Lifetime and Lucy Mukerjee’s dedication and vision.

As many of you know, Odd Mom Out and Mrs. Perfect have also been optioned together and are currently getting some serious looks by big name actresses, directors and producers.  I’ve no idea who will eventually tackle it–there is a lot of story between the two books–and how it will come together but I’m not worried.  The fact that it’s getting this much interest is gratifying.  Besides, this is probably my favorite part of creativity–the point where anything and everything could happen.


  1. Wow! This is the first time I have heard about Mrs. Perfect and Odd Mom Out being done!! I can’t wait! Congratulations!! Travel safely and have a great time!!

  2. Jane,
    All your news was great! I can’t wait until Flirty is out in December. Also have fun on your trip. You deserve all the great karma coming your way. Stand in the middle of it and smile 😉

  3. Hi Jane,
    I’ve e-mailed about your trip to Newport. And I commented in your last post! Did you visit Newport? Because I didn’t hear from you. I moved to VA recently so if you’re ever down this way please let me know and I can set up a book signing for you. If you want to send me some promo I can get that out to several bookstores as well. Please e-mail me. Thanks.

    Mel K.
    Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

  4. Wow, Jane – that’s so exciting about Mrs. Perfect and Odd Mom Out (which I got from you at Nationals and read last week when I was sick – loved it, possibly more than Mrs. Perfect, but still not as much as Flirting! 😀 ). I hope that some of our Canadian stations will option them because we don’t seem to get a lot of Lifetime movies up here (I know because my kids have done background work in a few of them and we haven’t been able to see them).

    I’m looking forward to seeing you at ECWC next month.

  5. Jane,

    Hooray! on the movie deals re: MRS. PERFECT and ODD MOM OUT. You deserve every bit of success. Only our very own Jane Porter could come up with such an oddball character like Marta, or a snooty suburbanite like Taylor Young, and have us rooting for each of them as they turn our heads and hearts inside out.

    But I’m sure I’m not alone in predicting that no matter who they sign, the movie(s) will never be as good as the books. Ending each one of your women’s fiction novels leaves me with that special “Ahhh, that was so perfect …” moment. Your stories provide such a depth of emotion and the satisfaction of a wonderful read – as well as the disappointment of knowing I’ll have to wait awhile until your next book.

    Those feelings are very difficult to translate into the “big screen”.

    Anyway, congratulations, and enjoy the ride, because you deserve it!



  6. Neat – a train trip. I love to take the train and went to California on the Daylight a couple of years ago. It is so relaxing, it is like you are in another world. You can look out at the quiet towns passing by and the open spaces and sometimes even see wildlife. I love the area between Oregon and Redding – lots of tunnels and waterfalls and beautiful scenery. When you get tired of the scenery or when it gets dark, you can pick up your books and read, and be so comfortable. ENJOY!
    Looking forward to the “40” movie and your next books and can’t wait to hear about the other 2 books being filmed – maybe in Bellevue. Wouldn’t it be neat if us fans could be extras?

  7. I sent you a message, but through MySpace. I have always wanted to take AmTrak–it sounds so fun. More relaxed than a plane. Have a great time in Orange County!

  8. Jane, I sent you an email in response to yours of last week, don’t know if you got it. I’ll try to call you sometime in the next few weeks. We have school vacation coming up.

  9. Great news all around Jane. Missed you at the PNBA conference. I was hoping you would be thre again this year.

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