Pink Ribbon Run in London

For my Harlequin readers around the world, or those who are passionate supporters of breast cancer research as I am, I thought you might enjoy hearing that the Harlequin Mills & Boon editors and staff in London are participating in a 5k run supporting Breast Cancer.  The goal is to have one hundred staff members, friends and family join in the run on September 7th.  Why 100?  Because it’s Mills & Boons’ 100th birthday this year and just makes the event more special.

A number of the Harlequin Romance and Presents authors have made donations to the event and I just made a donation, too.  As most of you know my amazing former mother-in-law, Jackie Gaskins, fought breast cancer successfully twice before cancer claimed her life 18 months ago.  Mrs. Perfect was dedicated to Jackie and I even named the character Jackie in Flirting with Forty after her.  Jackie Gaskins was an incredibly vivacious woman–sunny, loving, optimistic up until the end.  Best of all, she was the ultimate grandmother, the kind that baked cookies for the boys, played cards for hours, loved board games and movies and just sitting around talking.  My boys can’t talk about her without tearing up.  They don’t like me to mention her because it hurts too much.  I don’t blame them.  It does hurt too much.

Let’s fund more research for breast cancer.  Let’s find that cure, too.  I don’t want any more children to grow up with out a mom, grandchildren without a mother, or husbands and family without a wive or daughter or sister.

If any of you would like to make a donation to support the Mills & Boon editorial team, visit the online donation page set up.  The page accepts credit card donations so you can donate from anywhere in the world, or better yet, if you happen to be in, or around, London on the 7th, why don’t you run?  If you do, let me know and I’ll support you, too!


  1. I am donating to the 3 Day Walk for the Cure that takes place in Seattle 9/12 – 14th, as I have since a co-worker has “walked the walk” and collected pledges.
    Wherever it is, whichever the organization, give to find a cure for breast cancer so that we and our grandmothers /mothers /daughters /aunts /sisters /cousins, nieces and girlfriends will not have to suffer from this disease!!

  2. I’m donating to the Seattle/Bellevue walk as well. My daughter’s dear friend Tracy was just diagonised with breast cancer (she’s 33) and we’re donating $$ as well for a wig as she has lovely dark brown hair. Her friends recently had a fund raiser in West Seattle and raised over $2600 for their Bellevue walk coming up soon.

    Jane, I remember mentioning Jackie and how brave and dear she was to you and your family. I’ll donate to M&B as well!

  3. I run a fundraiser for the breast cancer foundation at the Romance Writers of Australia Conference each year. Mills and Boon Australia are extrenely generous supporters of the event and I know Jane will never say it, but an extremely generous donation from our very own Jane really made the silent auction this year.
    You’re a star Jane!
    Carol Marinellix

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