Book Escape

It’s Saturday afternoon and I’ve sat through two water polo games in the rain, stood outside a school classroom while son had an interview for Service Team (no idea what that is), struggled repeatedly to figure out what to eat before I barfed, barfed,  napped in front of the tv while Notre Dame beat Stanford (I was cheering for Stanford) and now I’m awake and trying to figure out what to do with myself so I don’t barf again.

And do you know what came to mind?  Contest!

That’s right.  When I’m bored I give away stuff and I’ve been saving this prize for months, ever since I was in San Fran late July for the RWA Annual Conference and appeared on View From The Bay to talk about my favorite reads for moms this summer.  I had a list of 9 books I was recommending and I’m giving away four of them this weekend and they’re great books:  This Charming Man by Marian Keyes, Love The One You’re With by Emily Giffin, A Hollywood Ending by Robyn Sisman, and The Lost Duke of Wyndham by Julia Quinn.  And to make sure the winner has something yummy to drink while reading fab books, I’m also including a Hawaii Starbucks drink card in the prize, too.

The contest runs from now until Sunday night midnight.  To be entered in the contest, post a comment.  It could be anything–your Sunday plans (go Hawks!), your state of mind, your favorite recipe, your dream vacation, you name it–and you’re entered.  I’ll draw the winner’s name Monday morning and post it below. 

Hope you win and hope I don’t get sick!


  1. Hugs on the morning sickness. It is NO fun at all.

    But for the weekend?

    This morning was spent in the rain watching soccer and now I’m watching my teen go on his first not-date with his not-girlfriend to the real dance.

    He’s super cute in his grown-up clothes…

  2. Hope your morning sickness is gone soon…Hugs!!

    Sunday plans are great…church and then nothing but relaxing!! It’s been a crazy week and next week promises to be crazier! I start training on Monday for a half-marathon (though I am only a walker, it’s going to be intense!) The half-marathon is in April 2009. So, I am taking Sunday to rest 🙂

    Hope your Sunday is nice and calm and peaceful and free of barf 🙂


  3. Poor Jane, hope that you are feeling better. Isn’t morning sickness a sign of a healthy baby?

    Dream vacation would be to go to Greece. Looking forward to making that a reality in the next 2 years.

  4. Thanks for your interesting blogs and congrats on your upcoming arrival!

    My Sunday plans are to re-seed the lawn! Fun, fun, fun!

    Cheers, Shelly

  5. Oh, man, I remember the barfing mornings. And afternoons. It’ll be worth it in the end.

    And my Sunday plans are a trip to beautiful B&B in Niagara Falls. How much more romantic can you get than that?

  6. Congrats on the baby! I feel your pain. First baby – barfed 12X a day; 2nd baby 16 x a day; 3rd baby -lost count and stayed in bed for weeks lost 18 lbs in 12 weeks, lived on propel(which I can’t stand to look at now). But at the end of the day, I’d do it all over again. Babies are sooo precious and a blessing.
    Congrats to you and your family.

  7. Poor Jane – I remember those days of endless constant sickness. My favorite was when helping out at my husband’s company to pass the 9 months, so I took his car out to pick up lunch. I will spare the graphic details, but my honey was not amused. I also seemed to have this problem every time I entered an elevator. I was sufficiently traumatized by these events, but the end result is so tremendously awesome. Hopefully, you will only experience a “standard” 12-13 weeks. Then the placenta takes over the hormone production. Hang tough, you are almost there.

    Tomorrow I have to prepare for a class reunion. Really scary -I need major cosmetic and wardrobe assistance!

  8. yeah on the baby! i soo remember those days…

    sunday plans…spending time w.the family before the hectic week starts.

  9. I know how you feel… I have two boys, and I’m thinking about a third. And all I do when I’m prego is barf, barf, barf. But just remember it’s all worth it in the end.

    One thing I did was keep a newborn diaper on the toilet, so I could see that little reminder of what all of this puke was for….

    By the way, I live in Bellevue. Go ‘Hawks!

  10. My Sunday plans. . .spending time with my two kids, husband, goofy dog Gus and ASAF cadets. Two great cadets that need a home to come to, eat homemade cookies and feel like teenagers for a few hours.

  11. My Sunday plan was to enjoy the time off from work BUT I got called in today and am to work again tomorrow because some young girl decided she didn’t like the schedule and stormed out quitting. Apparently she’s done this 3 times now and guess what, even if she wants to come back she is out of luck. One too many times or something like that. I have just started this job a few weeks ago at … Home Care centre for stage 1 and 2 residents and quite enjoy it. The funny thing is I retired last year from working and now am starting again, lol.

  12. My heart is breaking that you feel so sick still! I always focused on the positive things like that little surfer you are carrying:)

    As for my weekend, we took our kids to the NJ Devils Hockey game last night and had a really good time. Today my 4yr old has a bday party for one of his friends. Other than that, no other plans and I am really looking forward to a lazy day!! Tomorrow I am going on my daughter’s field trip with her 4th grade so that should be fun…I don’t always get to do that:) Hope you are feeling better this morning!

  13. I sympathize with you, Jane–eating lots of protein helped me from throwing up all the time in the 1st trimester. Also chewing gum or sucking on lemon drops. I’m 10 days from my due date and can’t wait!!

    xx Kate

  14. Do crackers and sprite help in pregnancy induced nausea? All I can say is, whatever you do, don’t eat popcorn. I know from personal experience that that is the worst thing to barf up. Ugh!

    As for Sunday plans, I need to do some reading for classes I’m taking and give some serious consideration for what I’m going to write my paper (that’s due in two weeks) on.

  15. Jane, I was so thrilled to hear about your pregnancy, and my mom always told me (since I suffered extreme morning sickness) that nausea is a sign your baby is healthy. I once opened my car door at a red light and barfed onto the road, much to the horror of the people next to me. I had no other choice! I’m from Boston, but on a business trip in southern California for two weeks, and missing my own babies terribly. Congratulations on your baby, and here’s hoping your tummy stays put!

  16. Jane,
    Congratulations on the baby!
    Sorry to hear you have been so sick. Drink lots of alkaline water to help with dehydration.

    Greece is on the top of my travel list!

    Take care ~
    Aloha ~ Julie 🙂

  17. Congrats on the baby.

    I spend yesterday in the rain at two pop-warner football games, with the rain the games seem to last forever. I am workin on studying for the start of my mid-terms next week.

    When I was pregant I was sick all the time and it was the prenatal vitamins, once the doctor changed them to a different type, I was a ton better, the original had to much iron for my body and it couldn’t digest it. Might want to check it out.

    Best of Luck!!

  18. Even though you’re feeling grim, hang in there Jane. The months will speed by.

    Fall is settling in around me, wind storms and power outtages, forcing me away from my computer. Probably, a good thing.

    But it’s still a great time of year. Vibrant orange leaves and the last of the summer flowers.

    Enjoy those peaceful moments Jane.


  19. My dream vacation…..time alone on a deserted island with your 4 give away books of course! No interruptions, just read, read, read…….all of whom are fabulous authors.

    Take care of yourself Jane.
    Jill W

  20. Congratulations on your baby! Hope the barfing ends soon.

    Sunday will be wonderful! In the early morning I will go for a long run with my sister. The rest of the day will be spent relaxing at home with my two boys and dog. I will be missing my husband (he is working) and my daughter (away at school. Sunday is the annual Apple festival in our town and that means there will be tons of traffic and tourists! Great for the shops but not so great if you want to try to drive somewhere in town! So we will pretend it is a snow day and hang out at home. We went applepicking at a local orchard Saturday morning so Sunday we will be eating apples and reading all day! Bliss!

  21. Congratulations on the baby. Stay well and take good care of yourself. This weekend we went to the balloon fiesta and then relaxed and read which I love.

  22. i just read “mrs. perfect” and am hooked. i also just discovered your website so thought i’d enter in the fun drawing.

  23. Jane,
    Once again my husband and I did the rounds with our childrens soccer, football, and swimming events. For soccer and football, it was Homecoming. I love the festivity and team spirit during this week and the weekend games!

    Hope you feel better soon,

  24. Congrats! I haven’t been here for awhile. I read about you being sick, going to barf so I read a little more and find that there is a reason for the barfing! LOL but congrats on your writing success too! Can hardly wait for the movie on Lifetime

    Take good care of yourself and your little passenger

  25. Jane,

    I’m thinking about you, and hoping that the morning sickness is just about over!

    We watched the Seahawks game this afternoon, and I’m still upset!

    It’ll be a better week, right?

  26. Saturday was fantastic fun watching the Warriors game together with family and friends! Beautiful evening, great food and soft breezes…couldn’t ask for anything more!
    Susan in Honolulu

  27. Just finished Mrs. Perfect! Loved it! Can’t wait to get another one of your books.

    Thank you!

    Hopefully the Seahawks will have a better game next Sunday!

  28. I am so sorry that you are still struggling. Morning (and noon and night) sickness sucks. I’d love to give you platitudes about what worked for me, but not much did (sorry, I know everyone is talking about crackers and suck LOL). I never want to see gingerale or saltines ever again. 😀 On the positive side, babies are awesome and time will go by faster than you can imagine it when you are barfing.

    Take good care of yourself. Am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  29. I went to a grand-niece’s wedding in Oregon this weekend and it was great to see my brother’s family and catch up with all their lives. Our mom has passed on, but we saw her in the faces of our children and one grandchild. How proud she would have been!
    Weddings are the best family celebrations. Someday, Jane, you will be watching your child be married, and the cycle of life will spin.
    Right now you are being “tossed” around, but soon your baby will be in your arms, and all too soon be gone. Silly me; I am being sentimental and sloppy, but watching a women who you used to diaper walk down the aisle does funny things to your mind!

  30. Congrats on being preggo!
    here are some name ideas for baby….
    for boy…Wiley…Nigel…Angus…..can you tell I just watched a british movie..

    for girl…Bailey…Brooke…Hazel…Christian…yes, Christian for a girl, I am so tired of only boys having that name! Be the one Jane, be the one that makes the name Christian belong to girls too!!!!!!!!
    ha ha

    I want to win all that stuff…but if I dont, I will still be back for your next contest.

  31. Congratulations on the news of your new little one! In the pictures from LA you look just as radiant as you did at RWA in San Francisco…. Wishing you good health and much happiness!

  32. I missed the deadline! No internet at home on the weekends. Sigh. Next time.

    I too wish for you a calm stomach with less barfing (a classy well wish if ever I heard one). As I’ve never been pregnant, I can’t directly relate, but I’ve had monstrously bad food poisoning, so I’ll think of that in my efforts to commiserate.

    Have a great week!

  33. Jill Ahlschwede, number 11 poster, you are the winner! Please email me privately with your address and I’ll get these great books and drink card out in the mail.

    And everyone else, never fear, another fun contest will be happening this week!

  34. Jane~
    Would love to see more of your books here in Sonora, Ca. None of the libraries carry them and either do the local stores around here. I was lucky to find Flirting with Forty in Modesto, Ca, which is in the central valley.

  35. Ah, yes, the barfing…I do remember those days. Thank goodness the kid comes out cute at the other end!

    I’m excited about the conference this weekend! See you there!

  36. Congrats!!! I raised 3 although my magic wallet- the one that mysteriously never closes-is still open for them. I have fostered 29 kids- yep I am nuts. Last month I took my 6 pack- 6 foster kids and a cat with a pussy eye to the vet. The kids were great so I bought them blueberry blowpops (my favorite) for the long ride home. I thought it was a great idea until I looked in the rearview mirror and saw the cat on the toddler’s lap. Yep this toddler’s sucker was covered with cat hair, and I wondered has a toddler ever died from a hairball lodged in his throat?
    Gotta love kids!!!

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