It’s almost three o’clock Friday afternoon and the kids will walk in the door very soon. I’m looking forward to having the weekend with them. The boys are easy at this age: independent, self-reliant, self-sufficient. They know how to entertain themselves, dress themselves, feed themselves. They mainly need me for transportation. And TLC.
It’s going to be a change to have a baby in the house again. Can’t quite imagine it. Or I can, then choose not to imagine it as I’ve become comfortable with my independent, self-sufficient boys.
But there are little joys all around me.
Like cinnamon toast. You know, buttered toast with sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on top. Heaven.
And discovering a new author.
And then discovering the author’s backlist. (Aren’t backlists wonderful things?)
The color of leaves in the Fall.
The sun peeking through clouds. The sky’s vivid blue when the clouds blow out.
Having a friend help me plot a book.
Having a friend drop by a meal, or bring freshly baked cookies for the boys.
Knowing it’s Friday. I love Fridays. Of all the days in the week, they’re the most fun.
Jane, Sounds like you have a lot of things to be joyful about today. Hope that you are continuing to take it easy. Have a great weekend with your boys. Hi to your boys.
Fridays mean two days of freedom – from alarm clocks and routine. For me, with a forecast of sunshine, it means driving to the mountains and enjoying the fall colors on the way to the trailhead, then a hike where I will wander away from cars, pavement and people. An escape to nature and freeing my mind to get in tune to the forest and the sounds of birds, insects and the wind passing through the golden leaves of the trees. Can’t wait!
How wonderful for you to be with your increasingly self-reliant but appreciative sons and contemplating the joys of a dear baby’s neediness. Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Jane! Glad to see your spirits have lifted a bit!! Enjoy your weekend with your boys and stay healthy!!
Hey Jane, hope you’re feeling great! Fridays are great. Saturdays are even better – family movie night – maybe your boys can hang out with you in bed for a good flick? I recommend Ironman or Indiana. At any rate, take it easy and be well.
Hi Jane! It sounds like you are feeling a little better. I hope you enjoy the weekend with the boys and LOTS of TLC!!!
I didn’t know you were going to have a baby!!
I love Fridays, too. They’re a cause for celebration around here.
As a retired teacher- but am a very young spry 48 yr. old- I have always lived for Fridays.. I have always fostered and always chuckled when in the summer the store clerks would see me with a ton of kids- all colors- and would say- “I bet you can’t wait for school to start” Then I would always have to tell them that meant I went back to work…But I still love Fridays. Last night my 6 pack- foster kids- went to the prison to see their dad. It was a tough Friday night. They saw him through glass and had not seem him for 3 years. 3 of the kids did not remember him…But, tonight it was Digorno pizza and Sleeping Beauty- You have got to love fairy tales- I know these kids do. By the way, I just finished Just Breathe.. I loved it!! Hey, Jane could you have Amazon carry the Frog book for my Kindle? I need another Jane Porter fix… I hope every day brings you and your wee one better health!!! Enjoy your Saturday too…
Oh man, I love leaves in the fall too. Once they drop, I love to walk through them and listen to them rustle beneath my feet. After a long, hot Alabama summer, the cooler weather is such a delight. Hope you’re doing better!