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For a Sheikh

The Desert Sheikh's MarriageLife being a tad slow, I figure it’s time to spice it up with a fun contest to celebrate the UK re-release of my Harlequin Presents, The Sheikh’s Virgin in the two book anthology, The Desert Sheikh’s Marriage. The Desert Sheikh’s Marriage also features a wonderful story by Sarah Morgan, one of my favorite Harlequin authors so it’s an extra fun collection.

The prize is a signed copy of The Desert Sheikh’s Marriage and a gorgeous handmade jeweled necklace that I thought would be perfect for a sheikh’s bride. I like this necklace so much I’m thinking I need to order another one just for me!

Post a comment below to enter the contest and a winner will be drawn Friday night at midnight PST. I’ll post the winning name on Saturday morning. Do check back and if you’ve won, email me! I’m having to go hunt down the winners and I can’t continue, so please, if you post a comment, and want to win, return to see if you’re the lucky gal.  I’m also running another sheikh contest next week so if you don’t win this week, don’t despair, there’s more fun to come.

On Sunday I read the long ago Oprah Book Club Pick, Fall On Your Knees by Ann-Marie Macdonald, and it was dark and layered with complex characters. I found the book fascinating and read quickly, reminded of William Faulkner, but the ending left me dissatisfied as so many literary novels do.  I know reality is filled with poverty, ignorance, neglect, suffering, loss and abuse. But ending a book with a ‘reality’ ending frustrates me. Generations of suffering…generations of emotional or physical abuse and that’s just the way it is? It pisses me off. I refuse to accept that people don’t get to have more in life, that some people get happiness and love, while others don’t. I want everyone to have a good life, a rich, rewarding life, but lives like that take work. I’ve learned the hard way that rich lives require muscle and determination, hope, strength and optimism. Happiness isn’t impossible. It’s a choice, which makes it possible, but everything in life is a choice.

Yesterday, I needed a boost, something warm and fun to lift my spirits and I read Elizabeth Hoyt’s debut historical romance novel, The Raven Prince, and I only wish I’d read it sooner.  A great book with an interesting hero and a terrific heroine.

I haven’t yet started on a book today as I’ve been trying to write but the words are coming slowly.  Maybe I can take a break soon.  Maybe I can sneak in another book… Amazon did just deliver another box to my doorstep…

48 Comments on “For a Sheikh

  1. I would love to win this prize!!! The necklace is beautiful and I would love a signed copy of the book too! I’m glad you are resting and enjoying some good books! I always love getting those amazon boxes…I just placed an order yesterday:)

    Good luck with the writing.

  2. Jane,

    Hope you and the little surfer are doing well 🙂 We’re still thinking about you and praying for you!! And I agree, happiness is a choice. We choose whether to focus on the positive or the negative and which one we let affect our moods. I know this because I recently changed my own outlook on life several months ago from negative to positive. (After I encountered The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch…the Carnegie Mellon lecture was awesome and so is the book!! There’s a man that could have chosen to give up and didn’t!) Anyways, sending you hugs and positive thoughts to you 🙂 Much love to you 🙂

    Keep thinking positively!!

  3. I agree – beautiful bling!

    Right now, happiness for me would involve not reading the medical sales aid before me, and instead being tucked up in bed with my kitty cats (am I a cliché or what?) and making up the sleep lost to last night’s restlessness.

    Take an extra nap today for me, Jane!

  4. Hi Jane! I’m reading a book right now that I am very surprised to be liking. No offense to the author, I’m just not a fantasy story kind of girl but this one has been so good that it’s hard to put it down. It’s called The Last Mermaid by Shana Abe and it’s wonderful. I think I’ll send it to you when I finish it so you can be swept away too!

  5. Jane,

    So happy that you were writing today!! A bit selfish I am with that but I am okay admitting to it!! I do need a Jane Porter book as I am about to start a new adventure with candles soon and I could use the boost I get from your novels!! I always feel like I can do ANYTHING after reading your books. Hope you are feeling well and remember that you are in my thoughts!!

  6. Jane,

    Take care of you and your special gift. Children are a miracle. I could really use a postive vibe, thanks for keeping me in the right direction.


  7. I understand your frustration with “not-so-happy” endings…I totally agree! Have you read anything by Anne McCaffrey? Her books are fantasy, but there is always a touch of romance and the stories are great! (I also read The Raven Prince and loved it too, by the way!)

  8. Happiness is indeed a choice. Choose to be happy in spite of your circumstances. This world would be a better place if more people lived their lives with that mindset. Life is a gift.
    Enjoy your box of books from Amazon!
    Take care of yourself.
    Jill W.

  9. Hi Jane,

    Congratulations on the new baby. I’m sorry to hear complete bedrest, but think of all the enjoyable things you can do such as reading and writing. I hope you’re feeling better soon.
    P.S. Thanks for becoming my friend over at my space. I recently got my first book published and I have another under consideration. This is so much fun. Looking forward to reading your next book.

    Patricia Riley
    Engaged to a Spanish Billionaire


  10. Wonderful necklace. Enjoy your reading and rest as much as possible. Your health is your prime consideration. Loved reading about your insight. Thanks for this chance.

  11. Hey, I would love to win just about anything…But, this sounds great!! The school nurse just called me- One of my 6 fosterkids- the kindergartner- ate a Chyrsanthimum at school today. The nurse has called poison control, and she was told this kiddo will be just fine. Also, my cat killed a mouse this morning and it is right by my bedroom door… I am hoping this cat will pick it up for me and take it outside… Hmm I guess I am always the optimist!!

  12. Jewelry and a sheikh! How much better could it get???

    Take care of yourself and take advantage of the bedrest to read. I had foot surgery last February and had two weeks of bedrest. Unfortunately I was so zonked on pain pills, my eyes wouldn’t focus on a printed page. And that, alas, is how I got hooked on Law and Order SVU.

  13. I believe happiness is a choice, too. A conscious choice we have to make every single day. And I love the necklace. And if I win, you will not have to hunt me down at all!

  14. Hey Jane,

    I hope you’re doing well today. My stress level is a little high today, so I’m hoping to get over that soon! I’m going to try anyway..

    Take care,


  15. Hi Jane, I’m emerging from my corner of leafy England to say how great it is to be in a book with you. I loved The Sheikh’s Virgin the first time round and it’s nice to have some desert heat in my life at the moment because the weather here has turned decidedly autumnal. My apple trees have emptied themselves onto the lawn which means long hours making chutney with one hand while writing with the other – you know how it is…
    Stay well,
    love Sarah

  16. You are one strong lady Jane… to keep a good attitude like you do while on bedrest is not an easy feat! I would love to win this contest… I could really use a new good book and a new hot necklace in my life! Take care of yourself and your little peanut!

  17. I read Ann Marie Macdonald’s book as well. She’s a brilliant writer but wow, was it grim. I felt the same way. I wanted to rush out and read something dripping with positive energy and a HEA. Take care of yourself and enjoy the time to read.


  18. Love your books. I tell all of my “volunteering” friends- they must read Mrs Perfect. I’d love to read your sheikh books too!

  19. Gorgeous necklace and awesome-sounding book (yours, not the literary one)!

    Jane, I’m always amazed (though, you’d think by now I would have gotten used to it) by the way you always have the perfect words to say what is in my own heart. I, too, believe that everyone can have a happy life if they choose to. If you focus on all the negative, you’ll be miserable. If you choose to focus on what is going right, and what makes you happy (like reading a romance novel!) then you will be happy. I gave up Oprah picks years ago. 🙂

    Take care of you and the little one!

  20. I was on bedrest with my second child – it is a long stressful time, but as you know, so worth the prize at the end! Try to stay stress-free!

  21. Jane – I was so mesmerized by the necklace on your blog that I visited the Novica website and ordered two gorgeous necklaces from the same designer (Busarin). Thank you for featuring the necklace and referencing the website!

    Take care! ~LeAnne

  22. Hi Jane,
    Hope you’re feeling ok, you have been on my mind.
    I have just finished reading Mrs. Perfect and really enjoyed it. I love your writing style, makes me feel like I’m right there with your characters. Keep writing!

  23. jane….
    what an author you are! cant wait for the new book. i would love a new necklace & book to read. take care of yourself and your little soon to be bundle of joy.

  24. Jane-
    A girl after my own heart. Knowing that there are things to take care of yet being pulled to read a great book instead! I thought I was the only one! Enjoy this time of rest. I too had to do the same thing. You’ll look back at this and treasure this down time. Blessings,

  25. Oooh, I just love a sheikh story. I’d love to be imagining I’m Keira wearing that necklace.
    But if I can’t win Kalen, then I’ll just have to go and buy him:)
    Thanks for another great book.

  26. Hi Jane
    I loved your blog today on I(Heart)Presents. You described for me exactly how I feel about Presents. Thank’s so much.
    Its great to see a re-release of The Sheikh’s Virgin. When it was first published, it very quickly became one of my favourite books. I have re-read it many times, and have always re-fallen into lust with Kalen. He always struck me as a very special hero, in that he was tough, determined, arrogant, and an all-out gorgeous man, that any woman would want in her life. Thanks for him.
    Best Wishes
    xx Karen

  27. Hey Jane: While your contests are so generous and that necklace is exquisite – let’s talk about Jane and baby! First and foremost, stay in bed and off your feet. We all love you Jane and are so looking forward to your May 1st baby!!! Take care of Jane and baby first. Nothing is more important than that, well except the boys. You know what I mean.

  28. Jane,

    Good luck with the baby. I have to tell you that I read the Julia
    Quinn book that you recommended and I loved it. I would also like to recommend a book from that I absolutely loved, Pack The Moon by Anna McPartlin.

  29. I cut up 43 numbers, squeezed them into balls, and put them in a mixing bowl and #42, Cathy F, you are our winner today! So Cathy, please shoot me an email by Monday with your mailing address so we can get this gorgeous necklace and book out in the mail. Everyone else, thanks for playing and look for a contest on Monday which will feature a book signed by Sarah Morgan and me, and scented candles and bath products. Lovely!

  30. I love the necklace because it is soooo much like the one in your story. I was also wondering when the third brother’s story ( the desert kings) will be told. I just finished reading about Sharif and Jesslyn and love it.
    Thanks for writing and bringing such great characters to life.

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