Busy Weekend

According to all the advertisements in this weekend’s newspaper, I should be out shopping.  I’d like to be out shopping but I’ve got my Harlequin manuscript to finish by Thursday and then copy edits for Easy On The Eyes due the next week so I’m very much attached to my desk.

To keep me at my desk, I’ve a fully charged iPod with new songs just downloaded (new writing mix kicks off with Beyonce’s brand new If I Were A Boy, then Taylor Swift’s Love Story, before Alicia Keys’ No One and another 13 songs  from there), vanilla scented candles burning everywhere (must not let paper touch open flame…) and little pink and white lights  hung across desk corner.  The candles and music are really my trick though to staying put.  The warmth, scent, glow, and sound lull me into a relaxed, almost meditative state, which lets me sit here from eight to twelve hours without too much resistance.  But then, I know I have to be here to make my deadline and I’m determined to make my deadline so lets make it as pleasant, and even enjoyable, as possible.

I ended up writing most of Thanksgiving day, starting early and going until mid/late afternoon, and only once I finished my chapter did I run over to Lisa’s, enjoy some appetizers and conversation, and then dashed over to Joe’s and met his wife’s new family.  I chatted with them for a bit, had another light bite before returning home to get back to work.  It wasn’t my most festive Thanksgiving but in truth, it was enough.  I would have been with my brothers and sister in California (my mom hosted Thanksgiving in her Palm Desert home) if I didn’t have this book hanging over my head, and next year I’ll just have to make sure I plan ahead, but in hindsight I’m proud that I’ve been as focused as I have been these last two weeks.  After months of not feeling well and not being as productive as I can be, it’s exciting to see the new book come together and I’m very much looking forward to having another Presents out in the next year or so.

But just because I’m not out shopping or decorating for the holidays doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be.  Tell me what you’re doing this weekend and if you’re lucky, I’ve got a fun Flirting with Forty movie party in a box just for you!  Lifetime will be airing the movie all month, so even if you don’t have a party planned, you can still get cozy with the box of snacks and yummies and enjoy the show.  Your party box also includes a Jane Porter water bottle, my new heart candle, and a $10 Starbucks card.  I’m going to be drawing two winners late tonight and announcing then tomorrow, Sunday morning, and then drawing one more winner Sunday night and announcing that winner Monday morning.  So there are three chances in all to win the movie party box with Starbucks card and JP goodies.  You can post again on Sunday if you didn’t win on Saturday.  So share your plans, have a woooooonderful weekend, and know that as I sit here in my little creative cave that I’m sending you much love, good will, and holiday cheer.


  1. I’m not a big black friday shopper! I don’t care for the crowds and nothing makes me more annoyed than dealing with crowds and not finding a great deal! My husband left the day after Thanksgiving for goose hunting and it’s just me and the kiddos! We went to friends for dinner last night and today-I will make them walk with me instead of leaving them home to run by myself. Need to do a return at a store and maybe a movie?? Left overs for dinner even though we are kind of tired of turkey now! Tried to shave my dogs but my clippers went on the fritz so I have half naked dogs I need to finish shaving! hah!

  2. Hmm, I had to work yesterday, which is really quiet, but you get so much accomplished. I always think I do more in that day than I accomplish all week normally.

    My brother showed up last night from Salt Lake unexpectly as a surprise for the holiday with my two nephews, which is awesome. The kids are having a blast together.

    I would love to win the box in a movie prize. I was going to give a flirting with forty party but I was given court side seats for the WAZZU basketball game that night and had a hard time passing them up.

    Happy Holidays!

  3. I’m not out shopping today. I did get up at 5 AM on Friday and head to Office Depot for the 6 AM opening. I did this not for a gift for my son, but at the request of my husband who said he needed a new computer. He was headed to Target for the monitor “deal of the century”. I did all this on blind faith, in that I know his computer is old and slow. When we returned, I started asking a few more questions and turns out he just upgraded his football watching experiences with the new set up plus getting a new computer. Oh well…it does mean the old computer can go to our son, so I guess that’s a plus!! Happy Day!

  4. Jane,

    I am not having a Flirting with Forty party but I am having a Flirting date with my hubby. He just doesn’t know it yet:) That is 16yrs we have been together and we will go down the street for the tree lighting in our town and then have dinner with our kids. I figure then we can cuddle up on the couch with the fireplace on and watch the movie after the kids are in bed.

    This weekend is spent inside since he took me out to dinner on Wed night and then for drinks with my sister. Thursday we hosted the holiday and then went to my other sister’s for dessert (she had pets to feed)with my parents and stayed out late again. My daughter has a nasty cold and her first band/chorus concert this week so I am trying to get her better before that!!

    Can’t wait for the books to come out that you are working so hard on! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  5. Hi Jane and everyone!

    Don’t enter me, I have my awesome movie party box awaiting Flirting with Forty party night. I just wanted to say hi! We are having a mini football party in a couple hours. It’s the Auburn-Alabama rivalry game and we have fans on both sides coming over to watch the game. I’m going to go finish up the food, but I hope you all have a great weeekend! ROLL TIDE! 😉

  6. this weekend I’m planning on taking my grandma to see “Bolt”… ya it’s the new disney movie… im a kid at heart so i love disney movies lol… my grandma wants to see it because she thinks Rhino the hamster reminds her of my younger sister, Demi. I have yet to see the resemblence….lol… I’m also gonna work some more on my book blog (layout and such) thats launching in January. Other then that I really don’t have any other plans… just gonna go with the flow… 🙂 I hope you have a great weekend Jane… sounds like you’re gonna be very busy!

  7. Here in Toronto Ontario we are supposed to have a snowstorm starting Sunday so I’ll have to do some shopping today before it hits. I am behind on my Christmas shopping so I have to get at it.

  8. Hi Jane,

    My parents are staying with me and my husband until tomorrow night when they start home. We did a little shopping yesterday, and tried to get some good deals. I ended up buying a new Ipod for myself and telling my husband that he was giving it to me for Christmas. He seemed happy that he wouldn’t have to pick something out for me himself because I can be a little picky.

    This afternoon I have been doing some cooking and baking; including fudge and magic cookie bars. I am getting ready to start putting Christmas lights on the bushes around the outside of the house and some other decorations. If I don’t get it done this weekend, it might never get done.

    I hope you enjoy the holiday season!

  9. Jane, so glad you got to cover all the bases on Thanksgiving. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, nor any form of it, here in New Zealand so your Black Friday (which here is any Friday that is a 13th of any given month) I was busy shifting my old office furniture out of my office so my new furniture could be installed. And it’s so beautiful! I’m rapt! Unfortunately, the dining room is still full of all the stuff I can’t bring myself to sully the new furniture with ::sigh:: together with my old computer desk which is way too heavy for me to move downstairs without some serious man/muscle power. I know I’ll have to bring some of the bits and pieces still on that desk back in my office, because it is all necessary to me and my writing process, but for now I’m happy to have a pristine office, LOL!

    All the very best!

  10. I have did some shopping online and in the store yesterday and today. Now, I am catching up on laundry and household chores before going back to work on Monday.

  11. We had the whole family here for Thanksgiving, so I should be finishing up with all the cleaning. Instead, I’m eating leftover turkey sandwiches and hoping to finish my NaNoWriMo goal. Good luck getting your book done, too!

  12. Hi Jane,

    Gone are my the days of my early Black Friday shopping trips. I chauffeured my mom shopping yesterday afternoon for an out of town shopping trip. It rained.

    Today I chauffeured my mother to meet her sisters (about an hours drive) for a pre
    Christmas visit. IT rained

    Which turned into a go see the aunts new house she is building and visit family I haven’t seen in years. I got car sick sitting in the back seat. It rained.

    So I can really empathize with you and all the nausea you have been dealing with. I am so glad to be home.
    Tonight I will watch Dr. Who and make Ziti with 6 cheeses. Yum.
    i am also think hard about getting the Christmas tree out and putting it up tonight if I find the energy.

    Like Cindy I will be watching Flirting With Forty with my DH of nearly 25 years next weekend.

    I have seen the commercial for FWF and yes the Chasing Pavements song really makes you take notice of the trailer.

    I am so glad to hear you have accomplished lots of work these past couple of weeks. It makes you feel good.

  13. jane…
    let’s see i helped the parents get the house back in order from turkey day. there were 20 of us this year. today we had famiy day, and hung out inside the house and cozied up and watched the rain fall…making a special dinner tonight and watching a movie w/the dh….

  14. I had a lot of plans this weekend, but they were all derailed by mine 9 year old being sick and throwing up all night and now the other two kids aren’t doing well either. I think we’re going to be doing a lot of movie watching. 🙂

  15. I got up at 3 a.m. yesterday morning, drove to my daughter’s house at 4 so SHE could go shopping. Her fiance was already at Best Buy since 2 on Thanksgiving Day! Crazy boy. So I got the pleasure of being there when my granddaughter woke up in her crib. We spent the morning doing Elmocize. Now THAT is the way to spend Black Friday.

  16. We went out shopping, but just for tires for Hubs’s car. Once that was done…straight back home! We put up some blinds, decorated the fireplace. I worked out today and we’re going to do family movie night this evening, maybe swim a little tomorrow.

    All in all, takin’ it easy this holiday season!

  17. no black friday shopping for me, just some “taking my time for a few christmas decorations etc shopping”. tonight we are having some friends over to watch football.taking it easy tomorrow too.

  18. This weekend was lovely. I spent time with my husband whose work keeps him occupied. We took my son and his wife out to dinner and then watched a movie together back home. Relaxing and enjoyable.

  19. Hi Jane! I had to work today until 5:00PM. After work, I did a little shopping, picked up some fast food on the way home and now plan on relaxing for the rest of the night. Tomorrow I have laundry and other household chores to do. I hope you have a great weekend!

  20. I admit I went Black Friday shopping to help my sister get some of the deals she wanted. It was insane, but she was able to get the things she really needed, so I was glad I could help. I am still suffering a bit of sleep deprivation though!! Other than that, I simply intend to catch up on some rest and reading this weekend!

    Hope you are doing well!
    Much love,

  21. I did a little internet shopping and started the holiday decorating. So far I’ve assembled a lighted reindeer for the lawn and started the tree. My husband and daugher are at a soccer tournament all weekend and my teenager has been working at his retail job. Tomorrow we should all be together and hopefully the house will be clean. 😉

  22. Hi Jane! I plan on reading and relaxing this weekend. I really need to catch up on my sleep! Have a wonderful weekend!

  23. My weekend plans consist of shopping – just locally tomorrow & hopefully early in the day to avoid the crowds. I’m hoping to get in, get what I want and get out quick. After that it will be an exciting day of catching up on laundry so I can return to work on Monday. Glad you were able to get out for a bit of visiting on Thanksgiving.

  24. My family & I head to Downtown Seattle for the Macy’s Christmas Parade on Black Friday. It’s not a spectacular parade, but our kids love it! I tried to do a little shopping, but the lines were just too much for me. Good Luck on finishing up your new book. Can’t wait to read it!

  25. Hope to get some shopping in tomorrow. Friday I was with the inlaws and family and skipped shopping to visit as cousins and aunts dropped by who talked a mile a minute and in that way we caught up with family stories and a little gossip.
    Today was a travel day, but the long haul was painless as we stopped in Toppenish for a “train ride with Santa” and spent time there looking at all the great model railroad layouts and museum displays. It is good to support these kinds of activities that fund museums for all year!
    Tomorrow we drive to the airport early to put our son on the airplane to fly back to the East coast, then we can stop at the mall to finally do a little shopping before going home. I hate to have the weekend close, but it is okay since it won’t be long until Christmas and another visit, and more family fun.

  26. No Black Friday shopping for me. I was just layed off without notice after 9 years 🙁 My Thanksgiving company left and I threw my sweats on, lite a fire and grabbed my comfy blanket and bag of magazines and books. This is my total escape from all the outside.

  27. Love the mood setting with the lights and candles, Jane. Thanksgiving we tried to incorporate healthy dishes, along with traditional. Let’s just say one side of the table–the dieters–loved the new dressing, the other side–rebelled–saying this is one day–we want to eat the good stuff. But even my Mom didn’t like the new stuff-so we’ll have both next year. A real eye opener. Shopping? Minimal.

    I’ll have to try the lights and candles. Need to attach myself to desk as well. Congrats on being so good!

  28. I will be shopping – from my couch, with a pile of catalogs and my checkbook! The crowds make it less than fun to go out right now, but when it settles down, I’ll do some shopping at local independent stores.
    I’m glad that you had a chance to get out a bit on Thanksgiving – really glad you felt well enough!

  29. Well, I have two weeks left of school so I’m still doing homework (two papers due on Wednesday and I’m really struggling on one of them).

    I went to see Four Christmases on Thanksgiving day with a friend of mine. I’ll just say it annoys me when the scenes from the previews are cut from the movies.

    Anyway, glad to hear you’re getting a lot written and that you still had time to spend time with friends. Have a wonderful holiday season. 🙂

  30. #1 and #24 you are the winners from the Saturday contest. (#1 is Monica and #24 is Sandra Walls). Please send me your mail address ASAP so I can get your party box in tomorrow’s mail! And everyone else, I will be drawing one more winner tonight.

  31. Hi Jane,

    I missed this post yesterday, I had to work and it was a busy, busy day. I’m working this whole weekend, so I not going to get much done. I was able to build a nice fire outside Friday night and sit out there with hubby under the stars and enjoy a glass of wine. He know how much I like star gazing so Saturday he went and bought me one of those big telescopes that has all of the stars and constallations programes into it. Other then that it was a pretty eventless weekend. Take care and Happy Holidays.

  32. Congrats to the two winners! I am currently at school suppose to be working on a big marketing project that is due Wednesday and keep finding excuses to do other things! Well I better get to work, hope all had a wonderful holiday!

  33. Congrats to the 2 winners so far!! I am sitting in my bedroom today and crocheting. I have completely ignored the Xmas decorations this weekend and will pay for it in the end but I just can’t face digging them out of the basement and having to carry ALL those boxes up in the miserable weather(yes, we don’t have stairs yet to the basement since we did the addition)so I have to go out the front door down the driveway, in through the garage to the basement in order to get them. Thank Goodness it is not common for me to have to go down there!! Well, I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  34. I’ve spent the long weekend putzing around the house, reading, napping, ordering online. Maybe tomorrow I’ll get out to Sears – my fridge just died.

  35. congrats to the 2 winners! well i haven’t gotten a chance yet to go see “Bolt”… some things came up but I’m hoping to take my grandma tomorrow or tuesday… probably tuesday because it’s a dollar off night 😀 i did get some work done on my blog so that’s good… other then that just been spending time with my family… hope everyone has a great sunday!

  36. My weekend has been full with a capital F. T-day morning was spent being lazy before heading to my boss’ for her usual awesome spread. This is where I also discover heretofore unknown mad skillz on the drums with Rock Band. Friday was the traditional trip to PA to visit grandparents – a long, late day with lots of driving. Saturday was shopping with Mom, using up her birthday gift cards and getting a Christmas tree for our new digs. And then setting it up. How successful was I at this? Well, it tilts. ‘Nuff said.

    Today, Sunday, I played hooky from church and cleaned like a madwoman, drastically overdue maintenance. I’m not going to have a free weekend till Christmas Day, so this was my only chance to get things together. Now, there are new curtains hanging on my kitchen windows (hardware frustratingly installed by moi), and vastly more space now that more moving bins have been emptied.

    I had planned to write this weekend, to clean things up for a submission, but Mice and Men have nothing on me for plans gone awry. But I’m here now, my eucalyptus candle lit, my set up consisting of my personal tea pot with matching cup and saucer with Vanilla Carmel tea all geared up and ready to go – and posting on your site instead! 🙂

    Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful to have met you and to have found your blog with all your fun contests and thoughtful insights and encouragements.

    P.S. Oh yeah, I set the DVR for FLIRTING WITH FORTY today too. I’ll be at a Messiah concert Saturday night, but will be cozying down with the kitties and enjoying the film for as a late night treat. Congratulations!!

  37. Wow, Jane! I have all those sounds on my Ipod too- I love “If I Were A Boy”!

    I was so excited reading my magazines this week…they ALL had full page ads for Flirting W/Forty! All of my friends love the trailer I sent them and they can’t wait to see the movie! I know it is going to be awesome and I can’t wait!

    I had a busy weekend. We went to a soccer practice, I went shopping twice, put up my christmas tree and outdoor decorations and had our family portraits done (and Christmas cards too)!

    Have a great night!

  38. This weekend was fun. My family of six went to my parents house, two hours away. We watched Fred Clause (hilarious), put up their Christmas tree and stayed inside to enjoy family with board games and memories. When we got home today, we dumped our stuff and went to the tree farm. We put up our tree, all four boys put up their Christmas trees in their rooms and we made home made chinese. It was a full fun weekend of just family, no friends, just family. Even our teenager had fun!!!

  39. I only shop online on Balck Friday and I did…….then made it to themall late Saturday dfor essential girl gifts..OPi nail polish, Vera Bradley bags, etc for my stepdaughters. Today it was cooking Thanksgiving for our kids and wanna be sons=in-law..and back to work in themroning!!
    Glad you are uyp and around Jane!!

  40. Congratulations on the win Monica and Sandra .
    I did get my Christmas tree up this afternoon. It lookes like the closet I keep all the decorations in exploded all over.

  41. well lets see the rest of the weekend was filled w.shopping and getting all the xmas decorations down, but i have yet to put them up! my excuse is its november, so that will buy me one more day…now i am getting ready for the long work week….

  42. no black Friday shopping for me…learned my lesson last year! I am so glad you are busy writting again, I can’t get enough of your books. I am just finishing Flirting with 40 and working on The Frog Prince. I can’t wait for the movie coming up on Lifetime!!! 🙂

  43. Well Let’s see, besides still battling this mess I have with my mouth from the oral surgery I had a couple of weeks ago… and a cold I am trying to catch, I have spent all of the rest of my weekend reading Twilight and putting up all 5 Christmas tree’s that we have in the house. Most of them are decorated, I still have 2 to go!!! But have to make a trip to the store to grab ribbon and some extra ornaments before they can be finished! I know it sounds crazy to have that many Christmas tree’s in the house, it really is! Last year was the first year I have done this, but you should see what the house looks like when I am through! It’s like a department store! My mind transforms itself to a different time and place when the house is all lit up with Christmas cheer! So that my dear is what I have been busy with this weekend! Good luck with your deadlines!



  44. I don’t know if I can still put my name in the hat.

    but my plans this weekend was to get caught up with The Cleaner and Dexter – now all caught up… and be able to program my DVR for FWF!

    Alas… still can’t program my DVR for FWF… it just isn’t coming up yet. 🙁

  45. I did housework b/c I had worked before the weekend and then work Monday also. So I washed clothes, straightened/picked up and did dishes. I cooked supper tonight and went for coffee this afternoon.

  46. Karen B (I think you’re number #34) you are the winner for the Sunday contest. Shoot me a private email with your address so I can send you your prize! Congrats to all three from the weekend contest and give me those addresses soon soon!



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