Christmas Cards

I’ve heard from a number of you that you’ve received the Christmas card I mailed you.  I’ve heard from a few of you who’ve wondered why you didn’t get a card when others have so I thought it best to explain my policy.

I have a very sophisticated, exclusive greeting card system, and this is how it works:  If I have your address, I send you a card.   Conversely, If I don’t have your address, I can’t send you anything because I don’t know where you live.

Pretty good, huh?

And now we’ve straightened that out, I’d like to encourage you to email me with your mail address if you’d like to be added to my Christmas card and event mail list.  That means exactly what it sounds like–at Christmas every year I’ll send you a signed card, and then if I’m on booktour and heading to your neck of the woods, I’ll send you a postcard or event invite and let you know where I’m going to be and when and ask you to join me.  So much fun, such excitement.  Don’t miss out!

So, shoot me a private email with your address and that’s it, we’re now official greeting card buddies, and if you should be speedy and email me your address soon, I’ll still have time to send you a card this year.

What was that?  Do I like mail?  How did you guess!?!  I love mail.  So, if you should want to send me a card, I’d like that very much, too, as checking my mail every day is often the highlight of my day, especially in December when all the holiday cards arrive.  For one, holiday cards are much, much better than bills.  For another, holiday cards make me feel loved and while I’m not good at hugging and I have a few intimacy issues, I really do love opening fun looking envelopes.

But what?  You don’t know where to send me a card?  Heavens!  Let me fix that now.  My address is:

Jane Porter

PO Box 524

Bellevue, WA 98009

And just a last thought–I have about 75 of the Jackie Laurens mini luau cookbooks left.  If you’d like to receive one, and you didn’t get one in a party box or other goodie mailing, send me a note requesting one with your name and address and you’ve got it.  Creating revenue for the post office is one of my favorite things to do.  So send me your requests!  Put me to work as I’m completely serious when I say, I love it when I can make you happy. 


  1. I love receiving x-mas cards in the mail, but they see to become more rare. I receive more on my email and trhough text messaging.

    I love ripping open the envelope and hanging them around some doorway frame.

    happy holiday!

  2. Jane,

    That was the funniest blog you have ever written!! Made my morning and since it’s only 5:55am here on this coast, that’s pretty cool! I received your card and loved it!! Did everyone turn it over and see your pick with the boys? So cute!! It’s already hanging and ready to be seen by anyone who visits!!

    I love mail in December also!! It is just much more fun to receive cards than bills! Hey, the only mail that’s better than cards is actually checks but those are rare.

    I would love the cookbook if you wouldn’t mind? You have my address here in NJ.

    Have a fabulous day!!

  3. Jane!
    I love your Christmas Card! You two look great. The boys on the back is adorable. Be looking for ours and have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. I love getting and sending cards too.
    I used to send lots and lots of cards but rarely got any back. So, I have slimmed my list back to people I know appreciate and enjoy a Christmas card from me.
    As a child i remember the thrill of getting Christmas cards out of the mailbox. That is just one of the things that makes it feel like Christmastime.

    We have Victorian Christmas happening in my home town tonight and Friday night. My daughter (the 17 year old one) will be selling bunches of Mistletoe to raise money for their mass media dept at school. Maybe that can get us in Christmas spirit a bit more.

  5. jane,
    you totally rock! i dont know of anyone else who’s “famous” that does this sort of stuff. thanks for making my day! (i recieved your christmas card)

  6. Jane,
    I got your card! It was the very first one I received, and a new name to add to my list, so it is VERY special. I haven’t done mine yet, but BELIEVE you will be receiving one. Oh, I would love to have the cookbook. I love mail, too, and packages are even better!
    Happy Holidays Everyone

  7. I will send you one as soon as I can get my act together and get them done! I also love receiving holiday cards! I will look forward to seeing yours soon! 🙂


  8. Merry Christmas!!

    I’d love to be on your email list. I am anxious to receive one of your Christmas cards (if it’s not too late) but I am more excited about possibly getting to meet you while on one of your tours. After reading “Flirting with Forty” last summer, you have become one of my favorite authors. .. You, Sophie Kinsella, and Janet Evanovich. Have a blessed holiday!!! Mandy Humphrey

  9. Being with the military all my life, I love receiving mail from friends and family. It makes the distance seem so much closer. It makes you feel special, doesn’t it? I love reading your daily blogs, they make me laugh. Thanks so much! And a cookbook? I’d love one. Cooking is my passion! Happy Holidays!

  10. I loved the Christmas card that you sent out. My co-workers were blown away that you took the time to send the card. My kids were also shocked and thought it was so cool that a “real life author” sent mom a card. My husband was stunned. He wanted to hear the story about Flirting with Forty.

    Thanks again for the great card and taking the time to send them out.

    Happy holidays!

  11. I love receiving Christmas Cards in the mail too. But it seems I seem 3 times as many as I get. But that doesn’t stop me as ever person I send one needs encouragement. So yours is going out this afternoon. I did not receive one yet from you but I have pony express mail so it could be on the way. I know you have my address. Jane Squires HC 72 Box 335 Wasola, Mo. 65773
    Could you please send me one of the mini cookbooks too.
    Have a great day.
    I love keeping my postman busy and he hates all the stuff I get from Authors. I even had to file a complaint as they were not delivering my mail properly so now I am sure to get it.

  12. Jane,

    Thank you for the Christmas card, I recieved mine in the mail yesterday. That’s a great pic of you and Surfer Ty, and the one of you and your boys is just adorable.


  13. Thanks for the Christmas card! I was so surprised to get it 🙂 I am late getting mine out – they are in the shipping process still – lol! Hopefully I will have them when I get home today.

  14. Would love Jackie Laurens Luau Cookbook- probably too late! Just mailed out a Christmas Card to you- hope to be added to your list next year!
    Happy new Year!

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