Where’s Jane?

I’ve been asked this so much in the past few days that I feel a little like Waldo in the series, where  is Jane in the movie?

I am in there, briefly, and I’ll tell you where I am, and while it won’t help those of you who’ve already seen the movie, but might for those who have recorded it and can pause and freeze the frame.

During the movie, take the remote and prepare to pause right after hot hunky Robert Buckley/Kyall rescues Heather/Jackie from the pool and walks her to the beach. I am sitting on the beach reading a book, and while my back is to the camera, you’ll see my hair.  It’s long and straight and I’m wearing a bright turquoise swim suit with matching sarong. You’ll actually see me twice. It’s a brief brief appearance, but hey, I was there.  🙂

I continue to get great feedback on both book and film. Flirting with Forty book sales are brisk and the ratings for the movie have been terrific. The Flirting movie enjoyed a very strong premiere and became Lifetime’s 3rd most-watched movie of the year among women 25-54… definitely my demographics!  I understand that the movie should be available for purchase in about 6 months as a DVD, so that will be good for those in Canada or elsewhere who haven’t been able to see it but would like to.  And lastly, I’m still receiving fun photos from fans and friends’ movie parties like Dana Lofton’s below. (Love the matching pj’s!)  If you’ve got pics, send me yours!

Dana Lofton’s 38th Birthday and their Flirting with Forty party!

Tomorrow I tackle the copy edits for Easy On The Eyes, my July ’09 release, and if you haven’t read the sneak peek excerpt yet, it’s here on my website now but won’t be much longer so let me know what you think!  Does this sound like a book you’d want to read?

And just because it’s time to give away some holiday cheer, I’ve got a holiday box with lots of good stuff, including Christmas ornaments, a festive mug, Starbucks drink card, a CD of carols and tons of JP goodies. I’ll draw a winner Thursday night at midnight PST and post on Friday morning. Just comment below by telling me your favorite part of the holidays–or the hardest person on your list to shop for–and you’re in!


  1. My favorite part of Christmas is spending time at sisters house and having that large Christmas dinner.

    Baby sister is the hardest to buy for because if she needs something she will go on and buy it.

  2. Jane-
    I recorded Flirting with Forty the other night and keep talking about it. My husband can’t stand it any longer and wants to sit down and watch it with me. I will now look for you in the movie. Fun!
    I love baking and making homemade gifts with my kids. Today was snowday, I was so excited to have them home from school doing the holiday stuff at home. The most difficult to shop for would be my in-laws. Ugh! Take care!

  3. Next time I watch the movie I am looking just for you in the scene that has your backside in it.

    The hardest person to buy for is my mother. She buys what she wants when she wants something. My husband is also another hard person to find any surprises for.

  4. My favorite part of the holiday is getting the family all together and watching the young ones opening their gifts

  5. Love the pic of the matching pj’s! I can’t wait to watch the movie this weekend with my friends (I had to postpose my party and it has been KILLING me not to watch the movie yet!!!)

    I’m trying to get my shopping done online and I just tried for an hour to order to gift cards for my niece and nephew! I kept getting an error message and after an hour of trying I still have no gift cards…YIKES!!!

  6. The hardest part of the holidays is LOSING THE WEIGHT I gain from the holiday FOOD!!! I read this poster at work just yesterday that said that the average American gains 7 – 10 lbs between Thanksgiving & New Year’s Day!!! MORE INFO THAN I NEEDED!!!! HA!

  7. my favorite part is xmas morning walking into my parents house and smelling the wonderful breakfast, the roaring fire, and all the presents under the tree. even at the age of 38 i get excited still. thank goodness we draw names now, so that makes it easier on all.

  8. My favorite part of the holidays is Christmas Eve. Not only is it my birthday but my sister and I try to honor all the proper Polish traditions and menu that our mom did for us. We always end up balling our heads off when we do the tradition of sharing the communion wafer and wishing each other good things for the next year.

    Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  9. For me the best part is family getting together. People come from all over, including our son who lives in Toronto, so it is very special to have him home and we have crowds over all during his visit and Christmas Day. He went away to college at 18 and hasn’t lived in the same state even since then, so Christmas is extra special for us. I display all 18 photos of him on Santa’s lap, and the whole house is decorated with a special tree of ornaments dated since he was born (and lots of others, too). Christmas cookies are wonderful, too – I make sugar cookies and we decorate them and one sister makes spritz cookies and the whole family brings something good to eat and we exchange one present each and we laugh and sing and eat and play games (not reindeer games, Scene It and trivia games) and watch special movies (Flirting with 40 will be added to the holiday collection and we remember old times and watch the little ones open their toys and think about new times.
    It is all good!

  10. I read the excerpt, of course, the first time you mentioned it on your blog. I loved it and can’t wait for its release!! But did you really doubt that? Oh wait, of course you did. You love your readers and fans so much that you always worry about disappointing us. And the funny thing is, you just never do. I know you could never disappoint me! I watched the movie all three times on the weekend and couldn’t find you but now that I know where to look, I really can’t wait to see it again!! Let’s see if we can go for a record of how many times I can watch the same Lifetime movie and still cry!!

    I am off to start my shopping!! I don’t think I am ever finishing this year!! Have a fabulous day with your copy edits!

  11. I enjoy spending time with family and friends especially when we have our annual festive dinner. We all help with the preparations which are part of the fun. This is something that I look forward to hosting all year. Memorable and a wonderful time.

  12. there are so many things i love about the holidays… here are a few of my favorite things…

    ~being with family & friends
    ~christmas music
    ~christmas lights
    ~decorating (especially the tree)
    ~buying gifts

  13. I love the family focus during the holidays. We get so busy the rest of the time that we don’t spend as much time together, but we all pitch in to get things ready at holiday time! Debbie

  14. My favorite part is how nice everyone is. 🙂

    Hardest person is my dad. He is totally Bah Humbug, hates it when I spend money on him and is very grouchy about the whole thing. Sigh….

  15. Hi Jane!

    My favorite part of the holidays is spending time with my family. We really try to limit our activities during this time and just take it easy and stay home, watch tv/movies, play games and spend time together.

    The hardest person for me to shop for is my mother-in-law who either complains that I bought her the wrong thing or just exchanges the gift. Every year. No kidding. Each Christmas I promise myself I’m going to get her a gift card to Macy’s and let her pick our her own gift but I never do, I’m still searching for the perfect present. 🙂

    p.s. I’ll be watching the movie again this weekend, and will make a point of finding you in the beach scene!

  16. dh is my hardest person to buy for; he usually ends up getting his gift early b/c I hear him say he would like this and then I buy it there on the spot. He then gets what he wants/needs but there is no element of surprise except for some stocking stuffers.

  17. Hi Jane,

    My favorite part of the holiday is just around the corner, every year my husband, our children and I make sugar cookie from scratch. It’s an all day process. We roll out several batches and cut them into shapes, then decorate and bake. We love it; we play holiday music and drink eggnog. It’s such a fun family time for us. It’s tradition we have done for the past 15 years. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

    Hardest person I have to show for, this year anyway is my 15 year old son. I’m just not sure what to get him and he won’t give me any hints.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday.


  18. My favorite part of the holidays is watching the excitement of children. When they see Santa, or all the toys on display at the store. Of course, when I see Christmas Lights, it puts me right back there! I love the baking too.
    Hardest person to shop for is my Sister-in-Law. She returns “everything”, so a gift card is sounding really good for her this year!

  19. I love Christmas trees and Christmas music. My family is scattered across the US so my favorite part of the day is all the phone calls to and from my boys, grand/greatgrandkids, brother.

  20. Good Morning Jane,

    I find myself here at your blog spot every morning. You are my substitute for coffee!!! I must say equally addicting. I am happy to hear that Flirting will be out on DVD. I will make sure to add that one to my collection when it does.

    My favorite part about Christmas??? That is hard, because there is so much about the season that I love! So here goes…

    The Christmas lights on Xmas tress and on the houses, the cheerful Christmas music, baking tons and tons of cookies, all of the picture Christmas cards we get in the mail! Being with friends and family, and most of all… watching my children’s faces when they wake up bright and early and discover what Santa has brought!

    Hope your holidays are bright and cheerful!!!!



  21. Hi Jane,
    Christmas Eve is my favorite! The kids are so excited and I remember exactly how I felt when I was a kid! I love just sitting next to the tree with Christmas carols playing and having my family close.

  22. Hardest people to shop for are always the men in my life, husband, brothers, father, etc…however, my 2 little men are the easiest to shop for because they are so very helpful letting me know every 2 minutes, “I want this, I want that”!

    My favorite part of Christmas is the family, the decorations, the Christmas music (new Enya Christmas CD playing on my iPod right now) and watching the kids open their presents!

    Merry Christmas Jane!

  23. My favourite part of the holidays is Christmas Eve. An evening of family, friends, singing and remembering what it’s all about.

    The hardest person to buy for is my husband. But, I nailed his present this year and I can’t wait for Christmas. I really want him to open it now. I’m bad that way. I hide the kids gifts not so much so they don’t try to sneak a peek, but so that I don’t keep asking the chilren if they want to open the presents early. LOL

  24. There are so many things I love about the holidays: Writing the holiday cards–all 140 of them–and remembering everyone, putting up the ornaments on the tree and telling the stories behind each ornament, listening to Christmas music, and reading Christmas anthologies.

  25. Jane,
    I just finished watching the movie! I loved it!!! Yes, I did see you in the background. 🙂

    What I love about the holidays is spending time with family and friends. I treasure the special memories which will last a lifetime. Thanks for your friendship and the “Flirting With Forty” movie memories that will truly last a lifetime!

    Mele Kalikimaka! Julie

  26. My favorite time of the holidays is a tradition I started when I blended my family years ago. My three kids (I added twin daughters when I married their dad) and I pick a day, stay in our jammies all day, each of us pick a favorite cookie to bake and watch Christmas movies all day.

    My husband joined us last year but he didn’t get in the spirit. The kids love picking out “their favorite” cookie and I love the tradition.

    It has been eight years and I look forward to it every year. This year it is December 19. Yeay! I can’t wait…

  27. I love having our home festooned with all of the Christmas decorations and all the twinkling lights. The kids’ excitement builds all month long waiting for Santa! Having a warm home with a good husband and two healthy children make my Christmas.

    Ive said before that my father-in-law is the hardest to buy for. I must revise that…….hubby is the hardest to buy for!

  28. Hi, Jane,
    I’m a Christmas nut and I love everything about it! This year we have an almost two year old adding to the excitement and joy! I had two girls, so having a grandbaby boy has been so different, so much fun! We took him to see Santa today and he cried when it was time to get off Santa’s lap! He kept blowing kisses to the jolly old elf as we walked away!

    Debora Hohohosey

  29. Wow now i can find you in the film, yay!!!
    My favorite part is sitting by the decorated tree reading. i remember doing thst in childhood (in a naughahyde bean bag!!) and now as an adult it represents the best most peaceful parts of the season.
    hardest person to shop fo ris my stepdaughter. Shes 24 and buys whatever she wants!!

  30. Hi Jane!

    I’m so happy to hear that there will be a DVD for Flirting With Forty available soon so that I can see it! Perhaps it will end up being aired on a different station in Canada…I can keep my fingers crossed.

    My favourite part of the holidays is being around my six year old niece and nephew, Erika & Ethan, who are twins and very, very excited about Santa’s impending visit!

    Children MAKE Christmas (especially when you’re single!) special so getting to be with them and witnessing their excitement on Christmas Eve when we open gifts with my immediate family (my parents, two sisters & their families) in the German tradition – because my father is German – after eating a very rich European meal first and sipping on wine and/or Bailey’s coffees is the absolute best! I see Erika & Ethan again on Boxing Day after they’ve had their Christmas with their parents and other grandparents on the 25th and it’s really fun to see all the great toys, books and gifts they’ve received and play with them too. Children put the fun in Christmas!

    The hardest person in my family to buy for is my Dad. He will never tell you what he wants and he has everything anyway or buys what he wants when he wants it so it’s hard to surprise him with something special. Fortunately, we draw names amongst the adults in my family and this year I got my Mom. She’s easy to buy for! Now if I can just get a job and make some money before the 25th I’ll actually be able to buy some gifts…that would totally rock!!

    I hope you and your family have an extra special and happy holiday season and a very Merry Christmas!

    Love & light,
    Christine xox

  31. My favorite part of the holidays is getting involved with programs that help those less fortunate. This year my group is “adopting” a family for Christmas and I’m really excited to be involved in that. 🙂

  32. Hi Jane! My favorite part of Christmas is decorating the house, putting up the tree, shopping for gifts, and baking tons of Christmas cookies!

    The hardest person to buy for is my daughter. She will never tell me what she wants and if she does want something, she’ll just buy it herself.

  33. Hmm, the hardest person to shop for is my dad, he let’s you know he wants something and than goes out and buys.

    My favorite part of the holiday’s was going to pick a xmas tree with my siblings. The good old fashioned real ones, with the wonderful, smell and the whole experience. There is a little problem though, my daughter first xmas we went to do the whole tradition and she had a asthma attack and know we have a xmas tree that is minus the charlie brown quality and takes an hour to put together. 🙂

    I still won’t change it for the world!

  34. My favorite part of the holidays is of course being with my family. I also LOVE to make cookies and candy for all of my friends, neighbors, and family. My Grandma was a wonderful baker and I wish she were still here to bake with me. I am getting my 4 year old involved in baking this year and she loves it!

  35. My favorite part of the holidays is watching my Grandchildren’s faces light up as they open presents! Nothing can top that! 🙂

    My hardest person to shop for is definately my husband. He always gets the same thing from all of us every year, since he never “wants” anything. We get him what he needs.

  36. My favorite part of the Christmas holiday? Well, it’s a two-parter. First, it’s singing. I sing in my church choir and praise team. This past year, I’ve been on unofficial hiatus as my mother’s long-term illness consumed me and all my time. Thankfully, we’ve come to an end of the life-in-peril health scares and we’re both now able to participate in this year’s Christmas concert; to round things off, I have a big solo with the choir too. It’s very special to me to be able to end the year singing in my Lord’s birth after benefiting so greatly from His blessings this year. Which leads me to the second part – sleeping. With two Christmas Eve services to sing for followed by my best friend’s annual open house party, we spend a great deal of Christmas day celebrating Christ’s birth in our unconscious mind through horizontal meditation and then gorging on a luscious, cholesterol-filled egg, cheese, and sausage casserole. Yummy.

    Hardest person to shop for? My boss and my mother.

  37. My dad is the hardest to buy for.
    My favorite parts of the holidays are the decorations, the music and time spent with family.

  38. My favorite part of the holidays is watching the kids’ faces when they open their gifts Christmas morning. I also like shopping, decorating, and baking cookies. The hardest person to shop for is my Mom. Every time I think I have a good gift idea, I find out she’s already bought it for herself. Also, she does not like surprises. Help! I still need to find one more gift for her, and for the life of me I cannot think of anything else. Other than that, I’m done with my shopping. Yay!

    Happy Holidays everyone!

  39. Hi Jane! My favorite part of the holidays is the music and being with my family.

    The hardest person to buy for is my boss.

  40. You know I have thought a lot about the best part of the holidays is the music. I love the holiday music. O’ Holy Night is my favorite of all time.

  41. I am feeling so festive and generous of spirit that I have decided to draw two winners today. That’s right! Two of you get prize boxes and the two numbers I drew were:

    #2 Quilt Lady


    #41 Deborah

    Please, please send me a private email with your mail address so I can get these out ASAP. Also, several of you who have won prizes in the past have not emailed me with your info and I’m about to give away your prize again, to someone else. But anyway, congrats to our two winners today and I’m going to be doing a weekend contest featuring The Frog Prince, a Frog Prince Christmas ornament, a CD of carols and See’s chocolates this weekend so look out for that!

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