For My Friends & Fans

Where do I start? How do I properly say thank you? You all have made this the best weekend of my year. So many of you have taken time to write me, either here on my blog, or privately, or over at Facebook and MySpace.

I have had hundreds of messages over the weekend, probably up to 400 now, and they’ve been so wonderful and positive and just plain fun to read. I’ve printed off most (yes, I’m that geeky) to stick in the scrapbook I’m going to make so I can remember this wonderful weekend. And please know that I’ve read every single message posted or sent, and have appreciated every wow, every cheer, every congratulatory email and greeting.  One Wow! would have been wonderful, but the sheer number of happy readers and friends writing have made me realize that I am luckier, and more blessed, than any woman has the right to be.

People have asked me, how does it feel to see your life played out as a movie? And I have two reactions: first, the whole movie thing is still completely surreal.  It’s a writer’s dream, and a personal Jane Porter dream, since I once wanted to be an actress and I love, love, love all things to do with stage and film. I originally went to UCLA as a Theatre Arts major so having a film made from a book is a huge fun dazzling thing.

And having ‘my life’ played on a screen? Well, that’s a different reaction because Flirting was a book idea before it became my life.  I got an idea, worked up a plot, interviewed a surfer, pitched the idea back home to agent and editor, and they both loved it. That should have been the end of my personal part in the story. But as it turned out, the things the surfer said, his philosophy on life, his warmth, his friendship and support for me when I was going through such a terrible point in my life, made me fall for him even though I wasn’t supposed to. Soccer moms aren’t supposed to end up with sexy surfers, right? But real life can be better than fiction and that’s the part I want my readers to understand. Real life should be better. It’s up to us to make it better.

One of the best parts of the movie Saturday night was knowing that so many of you got together with girlfriends to watch it. Over twenty-five of you emailed me evites to let me know you were having parties!!  This part makes me kind of teary. We should have time with our girlfriends, and we should be with those we love, and we should laugh, we should celebrate. Let’s each of us have our own red bikini moment–that moment where we discard the gray sweatshirt and say, I matter, I’m beautiful, and I’m not going to hide.

I’m sharing  a few of the photos that readers and friends have sent me from their movie premiere parties. If you have photos I can add to my blog or website, please send them to me privately and I’ll add them as soon as I can. And thank you again. Thank you for being the very best readers and friends a girl could ever ask for. I don’t need anything for Christmas. You already did it. You gave me everything I wanted and everything I hoped for.

Theresa Gault and friends at the Flirting movie premiere party she hosted.


  1. Jane,

    This blog entry made me cry. I am so proud of you and you are right… you have the most amazing fans of any author I’ve seen! I see all their comments out there on cyberspace! They love you because you truly love them.

    I feel so blessed to have you in my life. Congrats on your Dream Come True!

  2. Oh thanks for posting the picture, it was great to share this with my friends. Can’t wait until the movie Odd Mom Out and Mrs. Perfect.

  3. That’s just too cool about all the parties. I just remembered something about the movie: when Jackie was dumping popcorn into a large bowl, I realized it’s the bowl from my everyday dishes. Tracy Porter Octavia Hill — straight from Tarzhay.

    It was a great feel-good movie, tied in nicely with the holidays, and I can only imagine how thrilled you must be.

  4. Jane,

    It’s because you are so amazing that your fans and friends are just so excited to celebrate you!! You are an awesome writer and person and it’s been a privilege to get to know you better!!

    The movie turned out really great and I can’t wait to watch it again and again 🙂

    Much love,

  5. Jane, I went to school with your Aunt Liz (circa 1957!:+)) One of our classmates emailed about your books and your movie. ‘Loved the movie; just ordered your book that begins in our home town, Visalia and ends-up in SF. I know I’ll enjoy it. As a frustrated novelist (my s-p potboiler “Sindrome”), I’m truly in awe of what you’ve accomplished. You’re beautiful and talented and I am sure that your family is very proud of you. ‘Best, Jeanne “V”, Alexandria, VA

  6. Your blog just makes me want to write my own future!
    I havent watched the whole flirting with forty movie, every time its on I have missed it (I am so bad with TV) but I will watch it if its the last thing I do! (I did see part of it one night before having to rush off)
    Hey you are my idol at this point!

  7. Jane,
    I have been on holiday and I can’t wait to watch the movie! I just re-read “Flirting with Forty” on the airplane and even finished before the flight was over. This is my favorite book! You deserve the best of everything! Congratulations, my friend.
    Much Aloha ~ Julie 🙂

  8. I called one of my girlfriends today at work and was telling her she needed to watch the movie tonight and her response was “I haven’t watched it yet but I recorded it over the weekend.” She was glad to know that she’d made a good call on recording it. 🙂


  10. WOW I loved the movie and even watched it a second time. Didn’t pay attention that you wrote it. I salute you for a job well done and for living your life with gusto. So glad I saw your comment on MySpace. It’s difficult to step out of your comfort zone. I am at that place right now because I have finished the best story I have written and need to send it out and maybe become a published author. Scary!! If you can step out of yours so successfully, I think I should be able to do it too. Thanks and major congrats!! (Marlene Urso from SVR)

  11. Jane,

    You have wonderful fans and friends because of who you are. Your writing touches so many of us personally and that’s what we see. Your blogs are real. Sometimes I can hear your voice when I am reading them. The fondness and respect we have for you is what makes 2 hr trips and car trouble to see you such a trivial little obstacle. I look forward to your signings in NJ every single year!! I watched the movie all three nights and my hubby is amazed at how many times I can cry at the same movie…but it’s not only the book, it’s the fact that it’s you. I am so happy, proud, and of course, tickled pink that I can say not only are you the BEST author but a friend too.

    Hope you are feeling well and enjoy this time!!

  12. Jane, I LOVED the movie! My 22 year old daughter and I popped corn and climbed into my bed and watched every moment of it! We giggled and teared up together!
    She asked me afterwards, ‘how was the book?’ And I said much more wonderful because of the Jane Porter voice and style. She’s not much of a recreational reader, but she asked me if she could borrow it!

    Regarding the red bikini…my dh came in during that scene and remarked happily that ‘Heather still has it!’ I’ve never had it…does a red sweater in three sizes smaller than I used to be count?!

    You’re a wonderful person and writer, Jane, and you deserve all this happiness and more!


  13. Jane,

    It is wonderful to hear that you had such a huge response! You should be proud as all of your fans, friends, and family are of you. Bask in the glory!


  14. Jane, I haven’t had the chance to watch the movie yet but I do have it recorded. My husband leaves on a trip Saturday so no prizes for guessing what I’ll be doing that evening. I’m sure that I’m going to love it. Congratulations you deserve every moment of your sucess!


  15. You are the best Jane!! We all enjoyed the goodies at our Flirting with Forty SpaJama party this weekend! The movie was sweet and well done. I didn’t like the odd way that LIfetime cut to commercial midway through a scene. I’d love to see the movie without the commercials! I loved the book so much that I was hoping not to be disappointed with the movie. I am looking forward to re-reading Flirting.

    So glad you are feeling better! Thanks again for all of the goodies. And Congratulations!!


  16. It’s been a rough several months for you being so sick with your pregnancy, so it really made me unbelievably happy for you after reading your blog this morning and hearing what an outpouring of fan support you have had for the movie!

    Thanks for continuing to open yourself up and write “real” books for women — we couldn’t do it without the support of our girlfriends!

    Merry Christmas!

  17. What a great picture!!!!

    And I am glad so many people have shared their joy with you as you deserve it. Your fans love you!

  18. All I can say is that wonderful things do happen to wonderful people. Jane you are a wonderful person. Your time is now.
    It was a great movie but I have always enjoyed your books for many years.

  19. Ah what an inspiring post again, Jane! I didn’t take any pics, because we were putting together donations to take down to DAWN while watching the movie 🙂

    Dang I can’t believe I missed the cameo. I was looking for you during the beach party scene.

  20. Thanks for posting the scene of you in the movie. I remember it now.
    I bet this all seems sorta unreal to you still. You know the ‘I can’t believe it really happened’ feeling.

  21. This blog really makes me smile, Jane. Thank YOU again for sharing your life and your dreams with us. Your fans and friends will always be in your corner rooting for you.

    Merry Christmas!!

    Love & light,
    Christine xox

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