‘Tis Flu Season…

I am down for the count. I woke up at five this morning feeling so very very awful and I know this has nothing to do with being pregnant. Pregnancy isn’t contagious. But right now, I am.

And so with heavy heart and rapidly dwindling tissue supply, I have cancelled both events this weekend: tonight’s Book Signing at Bellevue Barnes & Noble, and tomorrow’s event at Eastside Pi Phi. I am so sorry.

You can be sure I will still be parked in front of my television tomorrow night for the Flirting With Forty movie on Lifetime. Please check local listings for times. (Did you see the new front page article about the movie? Here’s an online article, too.)

And stay healthy everyone… Please.


  1. GET WELL SOON JANE! Sorry to hear that on top of “morning” sickness, you have caught the flu bug….yuck!
    I am so excited about the premiere of the movie tomorrow. I just sent out my mass email reminder to my friends to watch.

  2. Hi Jane,

    Sorry to hear your not feeling well, get lots of rest. I can’t wait for your movie either. I have my daughters pageant at 6 and then I’m going to dash home and plant myself infront of the TV. I so excited for it.

    Feel Better.

  3. Oh, bless your heart! I’m sorry you are sick. Take care of you, and feel better soon. We will all be watching tomorrow night. 🙂

    Hugs, Zara

  4. Big hugs Jane. I had the flu when I was pregnant with my first child. Not fun at all.
    We have all our flu shot this year and hope it by passes my house.

    WE will all be watching the show tomorrow night.
    More hugs and force fluids and chicken soup.

  5. Jane, Sorry to hear that you are feeling so lousy. Drink plenty of fluids and gets lots of rest. Hope that you are feeling better soon.
    Just wanted to share that a local DJ on the radio was excitedly plugging Flirting with Forty on her show today. She can’t wait to see it. She said she was staying in all weekend so that she doesn’t miss it.

  6. Sorry to hear that your sick, on top of having morning sickness. Boy, I can remember that time well, my son who turned 18 this past Oct. I was so sick, didn’t think I was ever going to get out of bed. I laugh about it now! I can’t wait to watch the movie tomorrow evening, I was going to our town christmas parade but I’m staying home. Get well soon.

  7. That is a shame! So sorry you are sick, rest and enjoy the movie tomorrow. Love that cover, I want one of those for myself (sorry hubby!). That is why I love your books and can’t wait for the movie; the fantasy life how when I read or watch, it is me that everything is happening to so I can “experience” it all myself. Whoopie!

  8. Hi Jane–I have been home sick since Wednesday afternoon with a bad cold and I lost my voice. So have been immersed in a world of Nyquil, Puffs and Alka Selzter cold in orange zest. Sending hugs & good vibes. I am so looking forward to watching the movie tomorrow night!!!

  9. Jane,
    I am so sorry to hear that you are ill. Wishing you a speedy recovery this weekend! Can’t wait to watch the movie tonight!! So excited!!

  10. JANE–hope you feel better soon. And you can bet I’ll be parked in front of the TV tonight too–to catch Flirting With Forty!!

    Can’t wait.

    Eat chicken or potato soup. It’ll help.

  11. Good Morning Jane. I am sorry you are feeling so bad. I know exactly what you mean, I have been sick for over week now with a flu myself. It’s not fun! I hope you get better soon and enjoy your evening in front of the TV watching the movie!



  12. Jane,
    Hope the sunshine of your Hawaiian memories help you get through the yuckiness you have been experiencing lately. Tonight after being out in the cold at Port Orchard’s “Festival of Lights and Chimes” we will gather in front of the fireplace by our tv to enjoy and celebrate your movie debut. Mahalo for the Luau recipes…we’ll raise a toast(several)to your latest accomplishment and for your good health. Aloha, Mary J.

  13. Jane,
    Sorry you have the flu, hope your better soon.
    I am so excited to see “Flirting with Forty”!!! I get to watch it early since we have Direct-Tv , will never complain to my husband about having it for all his sports!!

  14. I am so sorry you are not feeling well and on such an important weekend! 🙁 It hardly seems fair that we will be partying without you tonight. We are very excited about the movie premiere.

    I received my candle this week and I thank you so much. Rest up and get better.

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