I’m alive. Wow. What a flu bug. Nasty nasty stomach bug that I don’t want see in my house again…not for a long, long time. Both boys have had it, too, but now I wait and worry that Surfer Ty, who is visiting at the moment, will be struck down. Let’s all say a little prayer that he escapes. It’s not a bug I’d wish on anyone. Ever.
As you know I had to cancel my book events this weekend as well as my appearance tonight. I have several friends in the area all doing movie parties, too, and I’m keeping myself in the house under lock and key for fear of spreading this thing. I don’t know how long one is contagious for, but better to be safe than sorry. And I’m not really yet functioning on full speed. More like half speed, and maybe half of that.
The great marvelous news is that I did finish my Harlequin Presents book Thursday night, emailed it to my editor in London that evening before bed and then woke up at 5 violently ill, but still, book was gone. I made my deadline and it was one of the most focused, intense writes I’ve done in a long time. I’m sure there will be revisions on it but I won’t complain. I had a really hard time getting the book started, and I jumped back and forth between two different books for a couple weeks, before I hit November 17th, realized a completed book was due by the 4th, and I didn’t even have a complete chapter one. Not even a great scene one for chapter one. So on the 17th of November I got hard core and began writing all day every day with the goal being a chapter a day to meet the deadline. There were days I got a chapter done, and there were days it was a half chapter, but this week I wrote a minimum of 30 pages a day every day to get caught up and book in.
I don’t like writing that much that many days straight. There were no days off, no weekends, no holidays. Even on Thanksgiving I had to write a full chapter before I could leave my computer, but in some way, working hard that is easy because it eliminates all distractions, all activites, all choices but writing. And in our chaotic world, with the entertainment, lifestyle, even shopping choices, having nothing to do but write is rather freeing. Just the story. Just the words. Just the goal.
With that said, it’s so good to have the book done.
Now that I’m not hugging the toilet anymore, I can actually smile a little bit.
I’ve got a blue beach tote bag, a blue beach towel, a JP water bottle, and a signed copy of Flirting to give away. Let me know if you’ve got your tree up, or your shopping started. Just tell me what you’re doing this weekend and you’re entered. I’ll draw a name Sunday night at midnight PST and post it Monday. And before I forget, check back here tomorrow for my blog on the movie.
Jane, it is good to have you back on your feet, just in time for the launch tonight. I’m so incredibly excited for you, and so incredibly bummed that I’m halfway ’round the world today and won’t be at Kelli Estes’s party. Wish you and Ty a great celebration and good health to your sons.
Glad you’re on the downslope of the flu blug. They’re horrible aren’t they? And being pregnant and sick must be a real trial. Glad to hear Surfer Ty’s visiting.
I wish we could get Lifetime up here in Canada – since we don’t I won’t be able to watch your movie tonight. 🙁 Maybe they’ll sell it to the The Movie Network so we’ll be able to watch it up here too.
Oh! Christmas shopping – almost done, and we put the tree and decorations up today.
Jane, Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Sorry to hear that the boys were sick, too. Here’s hoping that Surfer Ty avoids the bug. Wishing you a successful launch night for Flirting.
Haven’t started Christmas shopping and I have no idea when we will put up the tree and decorations. I am in no rush to get started.
Hi Jane….glad you are feeling well. Absolutely loved the Book cannot wait to see the movie!!! I have my tree up put it up last weekend house is decorated and Im about to go shopping with my Mom so I can get back in time for the movie. HOPE you are 100% very soon and KEEP writing those great books…GURL!!! I have a special friend that calls me that and it gives me shivers every time…I thought of your book when he started calling me that….Bast wished and get well soon….!
Ugh! Glad you are feeling better. I’m keeping my boys away from big play dates to avoid germs — at least until after Christmas.
So far, I have one lonely decoration up (wreath) but have completed a ton of internet shopping! Yippeee!
I’ve already programmed my dvr to record the movie tonight – even though I plan on watching it live!
I am busy with fosterkids. They are in the Christmas lights Parade on the Fostercare float for Torrence County. Their bio mom is riding with them. So I will freeze my butt off waiting for them. My husband is sick so he is not going. I am hoping to be home by 10:00 so I can watch your movie tonight. That guy on the previews is SOOO good looking!!!The parade is 70 miles away each way.. UGH!!!
So glad you are recovered and can celebrate finishing your book. Wonderful! I got our trees decorated (one in the living room and a tall, skinny one in the family room where the ceiling is high. I have bought a dated ornament each year since 1975, so they look glorious all lighted up and are full of memories. I have yet to finish the dining area, but the entry looks nice and the bathrooms are clean and have the holiday towels out. Now that the big push of decorating is over, I have to get serious about baking and shopping, but tonight nothing gets done because I will be watching “Flirting” and drinking hot chocolate with frangelica in it. Delightful!
Hi Jane glad you are better! We have a tree but it is not decoratedm guess thats what I iwll do tonight!! there is a prgram at church tommorrow we are going to, and I am hoping to find agreat desk for my son for Christmas on Craigslist pr somewhere cheap….
Merry Chrsitmas all!
watching your movie of course!
So pleased you are getting back on your feet slowly but surely Jane. You’ve had a few rough patches, so hopefully, this is it.
Well, Christmas-wise, I have been slowly sending gifts off to friends & family, so that I can breathe a sigh of relief and relax when everyone else is rushing about. It is a home-made Christmas this year, so I have been making Christmas Stars and Hearts out of felt – decorations for the tree. When I send them I think they are cute, not sure what the receivers think LOL
Jane, I am so sorry that you are sick. I’m sick, too, but I’ll be in front of the TV tonight!
I am SO excited for you! How thrilling is THIS? Of course, I have been bragging to everyone who would listen that your movie is on, and they should watch it!
I hope that you are feeling much better today, I’m so glad the book’s done, and yaaaay that Surfer Ty is there, too!
Hi Jane,
So glad to here you are among the not quite so sick.
i have had my tree and decorations up for about a week now.
This morning I took my daughter to the High School to take the SAT.
Came home and my husband and I took down the big above ground pool the girls haven’t used in two years. I can hardly move I am so sore, but I am glad that thing is gone.
It was my idea to take it down. I didn’t realize it would turn into an all day project.
I am running now to finish up so I can watch FWF in a little under two hours.
First weekend in a long time that I don’t have a ton of homework so I’m relaxing watching TV (my DVR is set for Flirting with Forty, even though I plan to watch it “live”), reading and writing.
Hi, Jane, glad you’ve recovered from that nasty bug! Lordy, stomach flu is pure hell!
I’m 3/4s done with my Christmas shopping. Mailed 3 boxes to my daughter, sil, and grand-daughter in Alaska…the house is all decorated as of last weekend. I’m trying to clear a path in my home office before I head for the bedroom to watch ‘Flirting with Forty.’ My other daughter is making the popcorn and joining me. We kicked dh out to the living room so he’ll have to watch the SciFi channel in there because we wanted to see the movie on the big screen tv!!
Jane, if you have any peppermint tea, it’s wonderful for uncomfortable tummies!
Hugs, Debora
Hi Jane! I’m so sorry to hear you were sick. I’m glad you’re feeling better! Congrats on finishing your book! Great job!
I’m just about finished with my Christmas shopping. I still have to put up my tree. I’ll be watching Flirting With Forty tonight! Stay well!!
My shopping is all done, my tree is up and there’s only a half hour until the movie starts. Can’t wait!
Glad to hear that you are feeling better! Congrats on the movie release! I’m getting ready to watch it in a half an hour. I can’t wait to watch it. My tree is up, but I’m just getting started on the shopping.
I am so excited about the movie! I loved your book soooo much! It is such a great story and even better knowing it is based on real people’s lives! Your insight into the feelings (many) women have and the unique ways women experience life was really fantastic!
glad to hear your feeling better! just got back from my moms side family christmas and now going to watch flirting with forty! !
Sorry to hear that you had the flu. But good to know you’re feeling better. This weekend I’m Christmas shopping and writing. The tree is up and next weekend I’m baking cookies. I’m looking forward to the movie tomorrow night. I’ll be curled up on the sofa with my two dogs. Yey!
Hi Jane,
So glad to hear that you are feeling better. I have to work again this weekend and in between that I have my daughter pageant, putting the tree up and putting lights on the house. Hope you have a great weekend.
Enjoyed our writing chapter’s Christmas party in Port Orchard this afternoon, and the chatter is that everyone is so excited to see The Movie tonight! Your soldiering through the 30 pages a day is inspiring–congratulations on meeting the deadline!
I dvr’d the movie and just realized it wasn’t the HD version. I hope it comes back on again so I can re-dvr it. Robert Buckley’s pecs NEED to be in HD quality. What was I thinking?
Glad you’re on the mend. We’ve been passing it back and forth for three weeks now. Must go Lysol every surface.
Hi Jane. I had the same flu bug over here on the east coast. Yuck!! but I did manage to see the movie tonight and it was awesome!!!! Now I need a signed copy of the book to put under my tree and I will be set for the holidays!!
Just finished watching Flirting With Forty – EXCELLENT!!!!!
So glad you’re feeling better – but take it easy.
I am glad you’re feeling better. Just in time to watch the movie premiere! I watched the movie tonight and it was AWESOME!
Congrats on the success of the movie and thanks for the Movie Party Box! 🙂
I just finished wating the movie.
You did good.
Hey Janie – glad to hear you are up and around again. We’ll send out “healthy” vibes for Ty – so you just enjoy your time with him kiddo. :o)
Hey, just got done watching the movie and – WOW. They did a pretty dang good job – but your book was better…..LOL
Christmas decorations are up, bought a tree today, but since there is no snow it just doesn’t seem like the holidays. We’re doin the ‘snow dance’ here in Utah.
Thanks for being one of the bright spots of the holiday. Take care of yourself and your boys sweetie.
peace out
ps – my daughter’s boyfriend says heather locklear is pretty but quote, – “jane is dang cuter” (brought up your site) – I think Ty will agree – wink.
OMG hun! Just watched the movie! It was awesome!! I sooooo want that hero! The actor is a mega hunk LOL Hmmmm wonder if I can ditch my hubby and be flirting with 50-something. Might find a hunk of 27 for myself LOL
Glad to hear you’re feeling better and super glad to hear you got the book done! Can’t wait to read it!
Now question for ya….once you’ve seen the movie…how do YOU like how they adapted your book to the movie? Did they stay close and do YOUR story justice?
Oh….and I am done Christmas shopping. Outside decorations are done…will do inside tomorrow as well as get the cards done. Just be glad NJRW didnt ask you to talk to us this month…today we got a bit of snow! LOL
Your pal in NJ….Mo
Hi Jane,
So glad your feeling better! The Nasty flu is being passed around down here in Cali too.
After waiting all day for your movie I finally saw it!!! I LOVED it!!! It made me laugh, smile and cry. Brought back my own memories after my divorice, some really good ones 🙂
My tree is up, house all decorated, all that’s left is the baking. This is the upside to being layed off!
Jane, those flu’s go around here one to another too! Keep taking care!!!
We need to get the new angel for the tree! Each year we add another angel ornament to the tree in memory of my mom. Last year I was going through a tough illness and my hubby and son surprised me with an a new angel ornament. My daughter asked if she could do it this year! So she’s getting it and we put up the tree next week! We hope to venture out tomorrow to finish up shopping for the two children. We do just one exchange each, but I love to sneak in a book too for them! They give me hints all the time!
My tree’s up and decorated. I’ve got maybe half my shopping done. I’m searching high and low for the perfect gift for my little granddaughter. I’ve been sick too and had to miss my husband’s fancy office party tonight, but you know what? There was this absolutely awesome movie on the Lifetime network and it was such fun! I wasn’t familiar with Robert Buckley but wowsa! I’ll be anxious to read your take on the film. Did I read somewhere you were in a scene? I looked but didn’t see you.
Congrats on the movie debut!
Bought a few gifts but had to be back in time for your movie! I loved it, watching it again now.
Hi Jane,
Well, I’m a long time reader, first time poster. Currently watching Flirting with Forty – love it!
Anyhow, I’m watching the movie with my husband. We are excited to be celebrating our first Christmas as a married couple. We got married (as of November 13th) on Waimanalo Beach in Oahu. We spent nine days in Waikiki and it was AMAZING.
Our tree is up and the stockings are hung. They were actually hung the day after Thanksgiving. My husband and I are both from WA, and transplanted to Southern CA a couple years ago. We are actually missing the Western WA weather right now, but just booked our flights to go back up for Christmas and New Years.
We gotta get back to the movie!
Jane! I hope you are feeling better. 🙂 I’m watching the movie now, and it is great so far! Not 100% following the book (which is better, but the book is ALWAYS better than the movie), but they did do a great job of getting the main points so far!
🙂 This was the big thing for me today (and a bit of Christmas shopping) . . . Oh – and ordered my X-Mas cards at Costco.
Tomorrow – plans are up in the air, but sleeping in is on the list.
Glad to hear you met your book deadline! Oops – the movie is back on – gotta run!
~ Wendi
I’m at my in-laws this weekend… putting shelf liner in the new cabinets and cleaning the refridgerator.
Jane, I came home from a Christmas party of the rich and famous where I didn’t know anyone of course. I poured myself a glass of wine and turned on the TV- and there’s a movie version of your book!!!!! You’ve made a lovely evening for me. Thanks. My tree is up, my shopping isn’t started. Hope to see you again soon.
Loved the movie! Heather L. was a little “twitchy” for me but really she did great and “Kyle” was super! You must be so proud! Your story and your words made into a movie. I can’t wait until “Odd Mom Out” and “Mrs. Perfect” are done, too.
yeah u r better!! amen. let’s see i did some christmas shopping, errands, and we went and got our christmas tree. this year we got a small one, since our little one just started to walk, so we will put it up on a table in the front window..then we had banana splits and watched your movie!! now i am going to read the book again..have a great weekend w. your family.
Yay, Jane! I just watched your movie! Loved it! 🙂 Congrats again!!
I hope you and the kids feel better soon. You poor guys. Big hugs!
Glad you are feeling better. I to had deadlines to meet this week and managed to pull them off and was sick as well. I did get my tree up and the house decorated too. This weekend, I have a girlfriend visiting from out of state and we are having a great visit. We just finished watching your movie! Excellent! Love it totally. Way ta go Jane! Thanks for inspiring me.
Hi Jane! I just got home from watching the movie with Shelli… loved it! Sorry to hear that you’ve been down with the flu but here’s to getting better soon!
Hi Jane –
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for sharing your story. I absolutely loved the movie and, now that I know it is based loosely on your own experience, I am DEFINITELY going to read your book! I’m 38, divorced four years ago after my husband had an affair and FINALLY pursuing my dream of being a veterinarian at Ross University on the island of St. Kitts in the West Indies. I actually had a date with a guy 16 years my junior when I was home in Texas on my August break. We had a blast and are still talking. We are planning on seeing each other when I’m home for my Christmas break in a week. Of course my friends think I’m nuts and have given me a LOT of grief about it. Thanks for helping me to NOT question my sanity and just enjoy the relationship!
this weekend I’m “planning” on putting up the christmas decorations (finally!)… we still have our thanksgiving decorations up and we really need to get those down. Other then that just working on my book blog layout and relaxing.
This weekend I watched your movie…loved the happy ending.
So glad your flu is getting out of the house, if slowly.
We won’t be doing much this weekend for Christmas, that comes later.
Glad to see you are on the other side of this bug!! I have picked up a nasty little cold that is driving me crazy…hoping to kick it soon!!
I had my tree up the week before Thanksgiving this year because one of my best friends was coming over to take pictures for us for our Christmas card. I have almost all of my shopping done…a few people left, but it won’t take long to finish that up 🙂
And I am really getting psyched about Christmas. Listening to Trans Siberian Orchestra and other Christmas CDs!
Hope you continue to feel better!!
Take care,
Hi Jane! Glad you’re feeling better! Congratulations on the movie! I loved every minute of it!
I’m almost done with my Christmas shopping. I still have to get my tree up and the house decorated.
Hope you continue to feel better!
Jane, I am glad to hear you are starting to feel better!
This weekend I have been cleaning and organizing and have made many trips to the local Goodwill to donate my clutter! 🙂 Our tree is up and my two little girls have to have it lit every second they are awake. 🙂 My shopping is pretty much done which is great since I hate dealing with the ridiculous crowds.
Take care of yourself!
Glad you are feeling better. And yes… I have four of the five tree’s we put out, up and decorated. I would say I have about half of my shopping done! I am glad to hear that you got your book finished and out. Maybe if I’d spent a little less time shopping and decorating this last week, I would have more accomplished on the manuscript I am currently working on. Christmas is always such a hard time for me to get writing done.
Send well wishes your way.
So glad you’re feeling better, Jane.
I have the movie set to record since I won’t be able to watch until Monday.
All holiday shopping is done. No tree this year, but the fireplace is all decorated and the stockings are hung.
We had our movie party last night! Yay, so much fun! Everyone was impressed with the job they did on the movie. I loved it, but still not quite as much as the book. The casting, I thought was excellent! I have all my decorations up now, but I still have a few gifts to buy. Then, I’m done (I hope). 😉
Hi Jane. I am glad you are feeling better. I watched the movie and it was wonderful!!
I am all done with my Christmas shopping! Yea!! I made a promise to myself I would not wait till last minute this year, as I always do.
I just got the tree up a couple days ago and am starting to do all of our cookie baking.
I am happy to hear you are writing again…can’t wait to read another one of your books!
Wow, congratulations on getting your book done! It’s amazing how you can just put your mind to it and write a chapter a day…
Hope you’re feeling better.
I am glad you are feeling better and hope your boys are feeling good too. I was so excited about the movie, that was my Christmas gift. I watched it with my son Alex (he is in the same class with your little Ty). I wasn’t sure about the love scenes if he was going to ask anything, but since you watched the movie with your sons, I felt safe.
Loved the book more than the movie, but I think the movie is the ultimate visual essense a book can become. I was thinking about all women you are talking to through your book and movie and it’s your life story. It is art imitating life for so many of your readers, even Heather Locklear, who was left by her husband for her best friend. Your success is just this: you are telling our stories, we can see ourselves in your books.
My favorite part was when Jackie is setting the tree stand and letting her daughter know that you don’t go replacing the old things just because there are new ones out there.
I went to Barnes & Noble on Friday knowing that you were not going to be there, but the plan was to get one more Jane Porter book. The Frog Prince is a great read, looking forward to Odd Mom Out and Mrs.Perfect. Thank you so much for such a wonderful experience.
Audrey, #34, you are the winner of the signed copy of Flirting, the beach tote, the beach towel and all the goodies. Since you’re new to posting here, you have to email me privately and send me your mail address so I can get you the prize. If you want the copy of Flirting personalized to someone special, just let me know in the email. Congrats!!