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Blah & Bah

I’m slightly out of sorts today.  I don’t know why but everything just feels harder.  Like getting off the couch.  And getting a good night sleep.  My back–which hasn’t been a problem at all–started to go wonky on me these past two days and I’m a lot more tired than I remember being with my last pregnancy, but heck, that was ten years ago and who remembers the details of ten years earlier?

I’m definitely wanting to rest more, and maybe it’s because I’m now 27 weeks along or so, but after I eat, all I can think of is sleep.  Must lie down, must close eyes, must just lie very still in quiet dark room…

Which is all very nice when you’re alone but Surfer Ty is still here and I’m not exactly a barrel of fun.  We go out for lunch and then he has to immediately drive me home so I can nap.  I swear, I’m a little old lady.  How can little old ladies have babies?  But no, that’s just panic and I’m not that old and eventually I’ll be more energetic, right?

In the meantime, in my desire to get hip and with it, I asked for a Blackberry Storm phone for Christmas and Ty bought it for me but after just a day and a half with it, I’m planning on returning to the Verizon store this afternoon and asking if they’ll let me return all my contacts to my old cheapie phone and I’ll donate the Blackberry Storm to my eldest son.  He’s thirteen and loves to fiddle with stuff.  I try to fiddle around and I start to have panic attacks because I can’t figure out how to text anyone and I’m hitting all the wrong keys and it’s just annoying.  I hate it when things aren’t familiar.  One more sign of aging…

However, it is sunny today and Surfer Ty is still here and we’re going to our favorite Brazilian restaurant in Seattle tonight for dinner as a family after son Ty’s basketball game.  And nobody should mind that I want to go to bed after dinner as sleeping at night isn’t just for old ladies.  Even kids like to curl up in bed with a favorite blankie…

Tell me what’s on your mind, or what you’re doing this weekend and you’ll be entered in my Blah & Bah contest, a contest with a prize that includes a Starbuck drink card, a $10 B&N gift card, See’s chocolate hearts and lots of JP goodies.  And maybe, just maybe, by hearing about your lives I’ll feel a little less blah and bah.  Contest ends Sunday night midnight and I’ll announce the winner Monday morning.

69 Comments on “Blah & Bah

  1. Hey, I’m first, that’s a first! I’m sitting by a fire working on business stuff after going to my daughters basketball game. It is freezing outside and I so don’t want to go walk the dog. I’d like to nap like you:)
    Rest easy

  2. Hi, Jane:

    Sorry to hear you’re feeling blah, but it is winter after all and winter can be blah by itself. Glad that Ty is with you and the Brazilian restaurant sounds like fun. I have never been to one myself, but we have Fugo de Chao in town. Today I woke up to compose my 25 Random Things About Me on Facebook, then made lunch for my grandsons and just tried our new Dance game for Wii – had to come back in here to rest up. Hope your family dinner pulls you out of the blah zone. Order an alcohol free tropical cocktail, close your eyes and think of Hawaii. That would work for me!!

  3. Oh, ick, I can sympathize. I felt vile throughout my entire pregnancy and wanted to slap everyone who told me that I’d feel better after the first trimester. Never happened! But we know that the end result is worth the crankiness, hormone surges, heartburn, sciatica, etc…Hang in there!

  4. Oh, I hope you feel better soon! I can sympathize. We are so sick of winter here. Plus hubby is still looking for a job. He’s down in the dumps, and it’s making me feel even worse! BUT the sun is out today, so it’s no all bad!

  5. Hi Jane!
    Feeling a little blah myself but from other “old lady” problems. My first mammogram last week didn’t go as easily as I’d hoped and got to repeat last Thursday with an ultrasound. Long story short, get to go back in 6 months to see if a small mass is any different. I’m 38 now, guess these things are gonna start happening now.
    Went to my sons basketball game early this morning after a night shift in the ER. I’m now in bed with my laptop watching “The Breakfast Club”. Sometimes I really miss the 80’s!
    Get plently of rest. Don’t feel a bit guilt about naps!

  6. Although I’m not pregnant, I’ve been feeling rather blah lately too! Maybe it’s the weather this week that did it but now it’s nice outside and all I can think about is my long to do list that’s not getting much shorter! I still have to clean the house as well as grade papers before Monday to be ready for class. Yick, what a weekend. Hope yours is much better than mine and don’t fight the urge to rest – DO IT!
    All my best,

  7. Jane, I can totally relate. Both my pregnancies were hard and I never could understand those people that loved being pregnant and had no issues. Wow, must be nice, huh?
    I am a little stressed right now. I know people are having hard times making ends meet right now. My husband is an RN in ICU and I never would have guessed times would be hard for us. Apparently the medical feild is taking a hit also. He has been called off 2/3 of his 12 hour shifts this week due to no patients. Ugh. Trying to survive off of a 12 hour paycheck and 4 people in your house, not fun! Blah, blah, blah! 🙂

  8. Jane, I have been blah too, but I am not pregnant. 😉 Therefore, you get to lie on the couch, be waited on hand and foot, and told at frequent intervals that you are doing the most important job in the world.

    You’ll have fun at dinner, and then you’ll get to rest some more!

    I don’t know if this will help at all, but I always feel better after I’ve had a pedicure. (Gene Juarez has these really great pedicure chairs that you can lie down in. See? If they served chocolate, there’d never be a reason to leave!)

    We are thinking of you, and hoping that the sunshine feels great!


  9. Jane,
    your not “old”, just pregnant!
    As soon as I get home from work, I “think” about jumping on the tredmill, but instead slip into my comfies, with my soft throw and grab my book.
    This weekend I am needing to finish sewing a tote/diaper bag for my niece, who is due in a few weeks, and then my fav. reading and cooking. But so far today, all I have done is “nothing”!!
    I hear you on the new cell phones. I have the Instinct, like the Iphone and texting is still interesting!! it took me 2 days to figure out how to call out on it!!

  10. Hi Jane,

    I agree with everyone that you should just be gentle with yourself and take those rests when you need to. I had my babies at 33 and 38 and even that was a big difference, so I understand. Not much going on up here in Mill Creek. Had some great “special time” with my 5-year-old daughter this morning while my husband had some guy time with our 15-month-old son. We’re headed out to burgers in Snohomish tonight with a few friends…only our 2nd night out without the kids since we moved here from Colorado last May. We really need to find some babysitters! 🙂 Take care of yourself.


  11. Did all my errands this morning so I can stay inside and keep warm tonight. It’s 20 degrees out here and I think it’s a good night for hot chocolate, movies and popcorn. Totally agreeing with everyone else . . . don’t be so hard on yourself. Rest while you can. You’ll be making up for it once the baby is here. 🙂

  12. I am 49 and definitely having a midlife something. I just got back from flight attendant school. I passed and yep learned how to survive a water landing. I have the next 5 days at home with my husband. Tonight we are spending the night at a fancy casino. I am going to read and he is playing blackjack. I have spent the last month in Minneapolis.. People are nuts who choose to live there. My first working flight is Thursday and I could not believe that my first trip is to Fargo for 29 hours!!

  13. I should be getting some work done… but I don’t feel like it.. instead I’m trying out a couple of recipes…

  14. Jane – you’re more than halfway there – hang in there! My sister is due in 5 weeks with her first which is good because my mom is itching for another grandkid and we are so done.
    My husband has finally mastered his Storm – took a while, but he says he is used to it. I’ve heard the Curve is much more user friendly and less annoying, if you want to stick with a BB (and get all your email and FB junk right to your phone.)
    This weekend is filled with laundry, chauffeuring back and forth to cheer practice (which never ends), and avoiding doing the “25 Random things about Me List” with extremely sarcastic answers because I am very tired of everyones’ mushy gushy responses. Mine would be “I like dark beer” and “I love chick lit especially Jane Porter!”
    Feel better and hope you enjoyed your evening.

  15. this snow is starting to get to me. my friend had complimentary passes to a gym/spa and she asked me to with her so this morning was treadmill, ellipticals, weight training followed by pool, jacuzzi and a nice light lunch. i’m trying to distract myself now so i won’t do laundry, taxes and bills…augh.

  16. Hi Jane! You ARE NOT old!! You’re pregnant. Big difference. And you are lugging around another human being…so cut yourself a break, girl! We still have 16″ of snow, and tonight it’s really windy & drifting, and I am SO sick of winter!! So that is my BLAH….cold, windy, snowy, piled up gray crap & no parking spaces! HA!

  17. I’m feeling a little blah myself today, but I don’t even have the excuse of being pregnant!

    Hopefully Surfer Ty can pull you out of your winter funk!

    We are spending the day on the computer checking out hotels in Victoria for my brother’s wedding in June…and some lazy time at home on a windy day!

  18. Hi Jane. I hope y’all have fun tonight!

    I just sent my husband and son to the movies, to see “Inkheart”. Partially, because my son just started reading the book and is excited to see the movie, and partially because his 13-year old big sister is hosting a sleepover with 3 other girls. You can imagine, there is a lot of giggling and screaming going on!

    So, I am home with the girls and I can indulge in internet surfing and not feel at all guilty!
    That’s my plan until I get tired of it. If I do anything else, I will try to finish the last of the “Twilight” books. Did you read those?

    Tomorrow, we will watch the Superbowl, eat too many snacks, and cheer for the Cardinals…we still don’t like the Steelers after their meet with the Seahawks a few years back.

    Take care of yourself,

  19. Not doing a lot this weekend. Just sitting around watching tv and reading. I can’t wait for summer. I am not a winter person.

  20. Hi Jane! Tonight I’m staying inside and having popcorn and hot chocolate and watching movies!

    Enjoy your evening out and then get some rest! Take care!

  21. Hi Jane,

    Sorry to hear you are feeling blah and bah (as in “humbug”?). I hope you enjoy your “BIG” night out on the town and then get some well-deserved and so needed sleep.

    Not much going on here this weekend…started the day at the gym with my husband, puttered around the house washing and cleaning, and am looking forward to a Netflix movie later tonight in my cozy bed. Probably my most perfect sort of day!!


  22. A sunny day really helps the blahs, and sleeping in is what I love. Normal work hours don’t work for me, so by the end of the week I am sleep deprived and love Saturday morning when no alarm has to be set. Today I got up after 8 feeling fine and excited to see the sunshine. Cold cereal with a banana and sliced almonds and reading the newspaper was delightful. Puttering around the house putting it to order was satisfying, but best of all was a hike this afternoon in the cold air which invigorates and keeps the sweat flow reduced (gross, I know). We are having cobb salad for dinner, a dvd movie cuddling tonight, and one more day to sleep in and kick back. Enjoy your naps now, Jane, and listen to your body – it knows just what you need.

  23. Sorry to hear you are feeling blah Jane! I can remember those days though! Hmmmm – I was in the hospital on bed rest at 24 weeks, so I had help sleeping, and wasn’t aloud to get up! Yikes – I can only imagine how much more tired I would feel if I had been up and around during my pregnancy.

    Glad to hear that Surfer Ty is up for a visit!

    My hubby has been on vacation this last week, so today we took our toddler to the Rainforest Cafe, which was not the best idea as he was TERRIFIED of the gorillas! However, after we left, we let him play on the toys in the mall, and he loved that!

    Now we are getting ready to have a few family members over for the Super Bowl. . . need to finalize the menu and straighten up the toys which somehow ended up all over the house (I seem to remember hearing about a toy war between my hubby and toddler).

    Afterwards, I’m planning on a nice hot bath with something nice smelling, and I’m taking a book with me and locking the door! The guys can watch Cars!!

    🙂 Have a wonderful dinner with your family, and good luck with your phone.


  24. Hope you feel better! Nothing wrong with wanting to sleep. Sometimes that is just what we need to clear our heads and feel better.

    Hubby and I went to see Defiance today at the theater, ran errands and had a nice dinner out. Now I’m watching a movie on the Hallmark channel and catching up on email and reading.

  25. Hiya Jane, Well life here for the last week has been very rough. We had an ice storm and lost power for 3 days, we had to pack up our 3 kids and head to hotels. We were just very fortunately that we found a hotel to stay in for 2 nights. The power is back on at our home now but several of our friends and family are still out of power. They are forcasting more snow starting on Monday and I so hope that snow is all we do get.

  26. So you are pregnant and you like to nap… I’m not pregnant and I love to nap…. hmmm what’s my excuse???
    I spent my Saturday night drinking wine and doing paperwork…. the joys of work! 🙂

  27. Ahh…aging! My feet hurt, my eyes feel strained and I’ve had to buy some reading glasses. Over a month ago I had a bunion removed and I have some arch strain from the stupid flat sandal they make you wear for the first couple of weeks. I’m sure (I hope) these “ailments” will all pass and I’ll feel 30 again…yeah right! Enjoy your sleep and your surfer man…

  28. Take good care of yourself. Naps are wonderful. You are doing well and are always so busy. Enjoy this time with Ty and family. We are watching a movie tonight and relaxing.

  29. Hi Jane,

    I was 38 with my last daughter and it was a little bit harder, but hey your not old…although sometimes the doctors make you feel that way because they want to run so many more tests and constantly refer to your age as the reason behind the tests.

    I’m getting excited about RWA in DC this year. This is my hometown..I’m from Maryland, but only 50 miles away so I definitely cannot miss it.

    Have A Great Weekend!

    Kathy 🙂

  30. Hi, Jane! I hadn’t dropped by in awhile and had to see how you were doing. 27 weeks! YAAAY I’m so excited for you! And I don’t think the tech thing isn’t an old age thing. I’m the same. Freak out with too many buttons and options. I think there are tech geeks and those who like it simple! So glad you’re doing well.


  31. Baby Mac is growing like a weed! Taking your energy….go easy on yourself and give you and baby the rest that is needed! Get it while you still can. Soon, we will be looking back and these long days and nights will all be over and then he will keep you awake! Oh the joys of pregnancy and babyhood! In other news, we have been house shopping…quite an adventure though I do not know if it is a good one, or simply a waste of time. I like to be at home doing my recluse things, so, it is tough for me to get out and about and when I do, I have anxiety of leaving the home I am so comfortable in, so at home in. But as our family grows bigger, we need to get into bigger. Often I feel like a zoo animal in a too small space, when what I really need is the wild!
    Hope you are busy being curled up, “in the dark”, leaving the all else behind. Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend full of lots of good rest and of course, good food!

  32. Hi Jane!
    I am having an unually different weekend. I am married to a retired Air Force guy who was the one to be gone a lot either TDY or deployed from home. After being married for 23 years I am home alone this weekend. My dear husband took our two kids skiing for the weekend. And this is the first time that I have been home alone to relax and do as I please. I have watched great movies, ate a big bowl of popcorn and as of this moment I am watched my favorite movie “Flirting with Forthy”. (I DVR’D it) yeah me! Enjoy your sleep! Really! Enjoy it!

  33. I went to my sister’s birthday party tonight. We ate a bunch of awesome food, drank wine, sang Karaoke, danced with the little ones.

    Age has nothing to do with being tired, back issues, while pregnant. If you didn’t have them before, count your blessings! My grandson is 3 months old, and his 28 yr old mommy was tired and miserable when pregnant, this time. With all kinds of physical issues she didn’t have with her 6 yr. old.

    It may be years ago for me, but I remember each successive pregnancy (I had 4) being more of a drain on my body and energy. The last was exhausting, created all kinds of issues with walking, sitting, eating. And I was only 30 then.

    Sleep, snuggle with your blankie. It’s not your age, it’s how many times you’ve been pregnant.

  34. I think about taking naps and sleeping a lot too, and I’m not going to get a prize at the end of 40 weeks! You are gestating a whole new person, so of course you’re tired!Do what your body tells you to do, and enjoy every little thing…Deb

  35. Jane,

    Don’t feel bad. I normally pass out by 9:30 at night and I am not pregnant. I am an early bird by nature. I am up at such early hours that my friends actually make fun of me. I am that weirdo mom at the bus stop fully showered, dressed with makeup on while they haven’t even brushed their teeth yet:)

    Not doing much this weekend. My hubby doesn’t feel well so we will just hang out at home. Superbowl is too late here to go to any party and have the kids out on a school night so we normally just watch it here. But my team didn’t make it so it’s really not important for me to watch it. I actually look forward to the movies on tv that night.

    Feel better, Jane!! And just think, pregnancy is not permanent:) You won’t feel like this forever!!

  36. I’ve had the blah and bah’s myself lately – for different reasons than you, but still. I had a migraine on Tuesday and while it’s much better, I’m going on day 6 where my eyes are extremely sensitive to light.

    Hope your blahs and bahs are a thing of the past real soon. 🙂

  37. Hello,

    I am a graduate student in nursing. I also work part-time in an ER. I have to work this afternoon, and then rush home to do homework. I have felt very blahhish myself lately. I think it is the time of year. Everything is brown and gray and all of the excitement of Christmas is over. But Groundhog Day is Monday, and I am hoping for an early spring!


  38. Hi Jane,

    I had the back issues and the sleep issues when I was pregnant with my daughter. The worst? When the back problems start making you LOSE sleep, even when you’re still so gosh darn tired!

    My life is kept from being Blahs-ville thanks to the ton of edits I have left to do before sending my MS back to my editor. Tomorrow. I’m a little stressed (okay, a LOT stressed) and am thinking a trip to Blahs-ville would be a much enjoyed vacation at the moment.


  39. i slept a ton with my second, she came 11 years after the first. i say its your body telling you need the rest now for later :O)

    my weekend has been busy for once with a scrap group, birthday parties, wii fit + super bowl watching.

    hope you start feeling good again soon!

  40. Hi Jane,
    I’m sorry to hear that you are feeling blah. Pregnancy can be so rough sometimes. Make sure to get plenty of rest. I hope you feel better soon.

    My husband and I are having a Superbowl party for a few friends later today. We are going to have a cookout before the game begins. Other than that, this has been a very relaxing weekend for me.

  41. Wanting to stay in my PJs all day and watch the super bowl! Problem is Monday will come regardless and I won’t be ready. :)- We spent the day yesterday on Mt Spokane while my daughter is learning to ski!

  42. I slept almost all of Saturday! I can’t believe it. I was exhausted, I admit, but still…

    And today I am spending a lazy day hanging with the family. My husband is cooking breakfast right now.

    And I know what you mean about the phone. My girls look at me and sigh whenever I ask about something. There is just too much to them these days.

  43. I commented earlier that me and DH where house hounting. We actually found a house, a dream house. So that’s pretty much what’s on my mind all the time now. I can’t wait to move in 🙂

    Take care Jane. I hope you feel better soon!

  44. Hubby and I went to new chick flick New in Town last night. The family will gather tonight to watch the Super Bowl with lots of munchies to eat. We are rooting for the underdogs the Cardinals.

  45. Hey, it’s that Blah & Bah time of year in Seattle … it either falls in Jan, Feb or Mar … but, to me it’s always a good time, cuz you know everything gets better soon after the blah’s hit! So, hang in there Jane (and everyone else) … go by yourself some special jewelry or something to put some shiney-ness back into your life … works great for me! ; ) Cheers!

  46. I am not pregnant but can totally relate to the blahs…But thankfully, the sun always ends to come out and wash them away.

    I am spending the weekend waiting for my father to call. My mother passed away 2 years ago and since then my father has been dating the same lady. On Christmas day, he mentioned to me that they were thinking about getting married and I told him that I could support his decision. Well this pass Monday he called my sister and told her that he was getting married this weekend and not to tell me because he would call in a few days. Of course my sister told me…Well it is now Sunday morning and he still hasn’t called me. I figure that they must have tied-the-knot yesterday. I am trying to figure out how to feel about this. You see, my sister lives in North Carolina and I live in California and my father lives about 45 minutes away from me…so I am thinking that he is feeling bad that he and his girlfiend didn’t invite us. I am sure it was a private ceremony, just the two of them. But shouldn’t he have called??? Oh well, there is always tomorrow 🙂

  47. Too bad about your Black Berry. I’ve been interested in getting one, but I barely use my plain ‘ol cell phone as it is. And who would I text? My friends are admittedly old farts. But I am going to get an IPod. That’s technology I can use. 🙂 This weekend had been pretty good. I’ve printed out my manuscript & I’m mailing it tomorrow to an editor who requested it. And I’ve gotten back into my current WIP – which I had to put aside to read through the other ms. I’ve organized my office (almost done) I’ve started organizing the pantry and I’ve cleaned. So, it hasn’t been too bad.

  48. I am playing catch up this weekend, because we had a winter ice storm this past Monday and kick out power all over the state of KY. We were without power or heat and water until about late Thursday night and the state looks like a war zone. Things are starting to come together now, but there is still people without power. So this weekend I have been cleaning house and doing laundry.

    I hate to here you have the blahs, but that is part of being Pregnate and winter too. So you have a good excuse. If you need a nap take it. It is good for you.

  49. Jane only 13 more weeks to go until the baby comes.
    I promise the time will fly by.
    your birthday is this month isn’t it? Another celebration on the books for you.

    Well this weekend has been busy.Daughter #2 called as school was letting out to ask if a girlfiend could sleep over at the last minute. No junk food in house, so I had to run to store. Later that night she asked me if another friend could come over the next day after friend #1 left. You got to understand all these kiddos including mine have been having meltdowns, due to school,parents, and boyfriends. They had to have a time to rant and chll out. So I got to play hostess which I really loved to do. Next August daughter #2 will be away at college so I am trying to enjoy every day she is with me.

    Saturday… I took my mother clothes and grocery shopping. I can’t remember exactly what else I did except laundry and cooking. Oh yeah, I watered about 60 Red cedar trees that my husband planted a week ago. That is my new job, and we still have 150 more trees to plant. Finished cleaning the kitchen up and settled in to watch Dr. Who on BBC America.
    I love David Tennant he is the best Dr. Who. I hate to see him leave the show.

    Today is Superbowl Sunday! I love to watch the commercials and eat superbowl food.
    I started the day watering those darn trees after I had started a load of laundry. After lunch I washed my dog.
    I have “the ‘ best dog shampoo. It is Crazy Pet Baby Powder scented dog shampoo. I get it from amazon since I can’t find it in any stores around here.
    I finally got to check the blog today and I am posting and checking my email. I haven’t been able to check the email since thursday. Where did the time go.

  50. Hello….feeling blah myself. I am not pregnant but wish we were. Hubby and I have been trying – but no luck. I guess waiting till 37 to try could be the reason. Hopefully soon.

    But on another note I did take our doggie for a “play date” with some some neighbor’s dogs down the street. It is warm here today and I also walked. Now going to put away all my snowmen that are around the house and after that hope to do some reading.

    Hope you get feeling more energetic. Happy Day! Cheers, Michelle

  51. Enjoying our heat wave in MN – from -6 Friday morning to + 46 yesterday. Windows were opened, no jacket, talking to other neighbors who haven’t been outside since November either…

  52. Yesterday, my husband and I went shopping and out to lunch. Today, I visited my parents and we are going to watch a movie tonight.

  53. Just finished “Odd Mom Out”. Loved it! Ms. Perfect is next on the list. Thanks to you I’m not getting much done around home. 🙂

  54. Usual weekend stuff, errands, enjoy the nice weather on Sunday, clear out the driveway, yet again and take the puppy for a nice long walk, we all have cabin fever!

  55. I’ll see your Blah and raise you an Eh. I spent this afternoon at Borders sequestered in a corner with my laptop banging out back cover copy for an assignment. Frustrating as the MS isn’t final, so there’s a bit of winging it to it. But I know I worked hard and think I’ve gotten some good stuff. Plus, we are finally out of January – big step there. Nothing but good times ahead…

    Feel better! Enjoy the sun!

  56. Jane, hope you feel better soon. It’ll all be worth it when the little guy gets here!
    I am just reading away this Sun. as my husband watches the Superbowl.

  57. Oh Jane, I hope you feel better soon. I remember that uncomfortable hard feeling with both of my girls. I hope you were able to enjoy yourself this weekend.

    I had a girls night out last night for a friend’s 30th and I had a few too many Mai Tais. Today I went to my nieces party with the girls and I just finished watching the Superbowl with my hubby. We had some great drinks and snacks and now I am stuffed and ready to go to bed!!!

    Sending many hugs your way and I hope you feel better son:)

  58. Hi Jane!
    I’m a total “newbie” and totally hooked on your books! I have 2 little yorkies, one was in the hospital for 3 nights with a severe case of pancreatits (poor little guy). He came home Thurs night so my weekend has consisted of taking care my little guys, finishing “Odd Mom Out” and starting “Mrs. Perfect”, then I have to wait for “Easy on the Eyes”! I’m just so grateful for your books; it made the time I needed to be at home, sooo much better!!
    I’m such a newbie, I had no idea you were pregnant, congratulations! Don’t EVER let the words “I’m old” come out of your mouth!!! That’s my motto!! You’re pregnant, feeling the way we all feel being pregnant and remember, it’s OK to allow yourself to nap. You know you’ll need to get all the naps in now as you won’t be getting much sleep once your little sweetie comes!
    Hope you enjoyed your dinner out!
    I CAN’T wait for your next book!!!
    Sorry, I didn’t mean for this to be so long…Big Blah & Bah for me!!

  59. Good morning and happy Monday everyone! The kids are off to school and I’m still trying to wake up, but poster #5, Jennifer, you are the winner of the Blah & Bah contest. Send me your mail address and I’ll get all the fun stuff out in the next mail! Congratulations!

    Jane Porter

  60. Hi Jane! Hope all is great! Love to check in. Can’t wait for the new book! Only a few more months! 🙂 Have a great Feb. I love Valentines Day too!

  61. Jane- I’m usually a day late for the contests so I figured since I can actually relate–I’d post. Yeasterday I changed my facebook to read: Shelbi is-in need of something…a housekeeper…a vacation…a nap…anything…someone throw me a bone here. 🙂 And I got quite the replys that I wasn’t alone 🙂 I’m 22 weeks prego with baby boy #3, and my body is freaking out…I thought that by 3 we were old hands but my tummy and legs are doing things they’ve never done before 🙂 Hubby stayed home this mornig and I got extra sleep and little make out 🙂 that I’m usually way to tired for, and I walked down the stairs as my GAP maternity order arrived…by blah day for now is a little better. But there are still weeks left of seattle gloom, prego days, and laundry. Thank goodness I’m a woman or this all might just kills me. Good luck with your pregnancy. And I envy that your boobs are only a 38D mine popped out before people even knew I was prego and I was wearing my after baby bras at 12 weeks…40D YUCK!!! I love small boobs and I can’t wait for the years to pass when they can stay that way.

    Chasing the Blahs together!!- Shelbi

  62. My friend and I are cochairing a fundraiser for the victims of the flooding that took place in the Snoqualmie Valley in both Nov and Jan. All proceeds go to Encompass the the Snoqualmie Food Bank. Today we got a donation check from a company for $1000.00. We are so excited with the generousity of the community. There are so many needs and now that it is out of the media, many have forgotten. We are excited with this opportunity. I will keep you posted with the total. The event is this Valentine’s Day. Link to the Heart – a golf tournament with burgers and auction to follow!

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